- Aug 2024
freedomhouse.org freedomhouse.org
Putin has adopted what Snyder calls the “politics of eternity,” a fear-based mindset that envisions a future of perpetual threats.
- Apr 2024
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Worth, Robert F. “Clash of the Patriarchs.” The Atlantic, April 10, 2024. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/05/russia-ukraine-orthodox-christian-church-bartholomew-kirill/677837/.
A fantastic overview of the history, recent changes and a potential schism in the Orthodox Church with respect to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
Orthodox priests are more vulnerable to bribery than their Roman Catholic peers, Gregorios explained, because they are allowed to marry, and many have large families to provide for.
Putin’s decision to restore Orthodoxy to its old public role was a shrewd one, whatever his personal religious feelings. The Russian empire had collapsed, but its outlines could still be seen in the Russian Orthodox religious sphere, which extended beyond Russia’s borders and as far afield as Mount Athos and even Jerusalem. For a ruler seeking to revive his country’s lost status, the Church was a superb way to spread propaganda and influence.
- Timothy Ware
- Revolution of Dignity (Ukraine)
- St. Panteleimon Monestary
- Wagner Group
- empires
- third Rome
- Vladimir Putin
- Monastery of Simonopetra
- Cyril Hovorun
- Feast of Saint Andrew
- Patriarch Bartholomew
- Constantine
- Russian Orthodox Church (Ukrainian Orthodox Church)
- spheres of influence
- Sinfonia
- Ioannis Lambriniadis (Elpidophoros of America)
- read
- propaganda
- families
- References
- Orthodox priests
- The Great Schism
- schisms
- Patriarch Kirill
- monks and liquor
- Yevgeny Prigozhin
- Athos
- Russia
- Oleksandr Drabynko
- bribery
- Viktor Yanukovych
- Igor Cheremnykh
- Orthodox Church
- Orthodox Church of Ukraine
- Ecumenical Patriarchate
- power over
- Andrei Tkachev
- Phanar
- Nov 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die beiden Pipelines Nord Stream 1 und 2 sollten pro Jahr 110 Milliarden Kubikmeter Erdgas aus Russland nach Europa transportieren Für ihr neues Buch hat Marion van Renterghem rekonstruiert, wie die russische Führung unter Putin die Abhängigkeit Europas und vor allem Deutschlands von russischen Gas systematisch ausgebaut und ausgenutzt hat, bis mit der Fertigstellung der Pipelines durch die Ostsee die Invasion der Ukraine für Russland zu einem kalkulierbaren Risiko wurde. https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/marion-van-renterghem-poutine-a-tisse-un-reseau-de-gazoducs-sur-tout-le-continent-europeen-pour-le-pieger-20231026_NRMNZHWJ45ASPM7FNJN3GAF2FU/?redirected=1
- Mar 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Stora delar av den rasideologiska miljön uppfattar Vladimir Putins politiska projekt som en motvikt till EU, liberalism eller ”globalism”. Därför har nyhetssajter och organisationer i miljön knutit band till Ryssland och spridit den ryska regimens narrativ.
- Mar 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Each highlighted statement expresses political talking points aligned to induce trump-like support.
Trump introduced new marketing and strategy, formulated using concepts and metrics mastered by Reality TV and Hollywood and then paired with advertising propaganda and "selling" techniques to create a "Brand". This is after-all Donald Trump, this is what he does, has done and is the only way he has found to make money. Trump built the "brand" (just barely) while teetering on self destruction.
His charismatic persona became "the glue" that allowed creative narratives to stick to certain types of people in-spite of risk. Trump learned OTJ how to capture a specific type of audience.
The mistake people make about Trump is assuming his audience to be "Joe Six-Pack", redneck's with limited education! This assumption does not have merit on its own.<br /> * There is a common "follower" theme among his audience that is exploited by those who: * Bought the "licensing rights" to the master-class Trump "how-to" course.
- Trump licensed how-to
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Reality TV
- Trump
- Prosperity Preachers
- Vladimir Putin
- Manipulation
- Snake-oil salesmen
- PR
- Politics
- Professional Wrestling
- Used Car salesman
- Putin-Trump
- Mafia
- Creation of Brand
- Trump Audience
- Savvy Strongman
- Multi-Level-Marketing
- Modern day Politician
- BS
- Mar 2021
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Looi, Mun-Keat. ‘The Covid-19 Yearbook: World Leaders Edition’. BMJ 371 (16 December 2020): m4728. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4728.