75 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. 在设置没有问题的情况下,就可以正常上网了,但有时候网络也不是那么尽如人意,如果网络出现了问题,应该怎么排查呢?首先需要知道自己面临的是什么问题,一般会有这样几种情况:断网了网络非常非常慢网络不稳定


    1. 那要怎么比较两个 IP 地址是否在同一个网络呢?需要将两个 IP 地址与各自的子网掩码分别进行运算(运算规则:二进制下,若 IP 和掩码都为 1 ,运算结果为 1,否则为 0),比较各自得出的结果,完全一致才叫同一个网段。比如说 和 192.168. 2.1/24,很显然这不是同一个网络,虽然只有一个数字不同那也不是同一个网络。

      问题:要怎么比较两个 IP 地址是否在同一个网络呢?

      IP 地址与子网掩码分别进行逻辑与运算。

    1. 以太网交换机主要工作在 OSI 参考模型的第二层

      这里的【第二层】指的是 数据链路层。 OSI 参考模型是从底部网上数的。

  2. Nov 2022
    1. 更准确的世界观。它使他们能够从不同的集群中提取信息,从而消除错误。Philip Tetlock 的研究表明,拥有开放网络的人比拥有封闭网络的人更善于预测。能够控制信息共享的时间。虽然他们可能不是第一个听到信息的人,但他们可能是第一个向另一个集群介绍信息的人。因此,他们可以利用先手优势。能够充当团队之间的翻译/连接器。他们可以通过充当中介并将两个通常不会碰面的可以互相帮助的人或组织联系起来来创造价值。更多突破性的想法。凯洛格管理学院领导力和组织变革教授布赖恩·乌兹 (Brian Uzzi)进行了一项具有里程碑意义的研究,他深入研究了历史上数以千万计的学术研究。他通过他们收到的引用次数(来自其他研究论文的链接)和他们引用的其他论文来比较他们的结果。一个迷人的模式出现了。表现最好的研究有 90% 的常规参考文献和 10% 的非典型参考文献(即,来自其他领域)。随着时间的推移和跨领域,这条规则一直保持不变。拥有开放网络的人更容易创造出非典型的组合。
    2. Most people spend their careers in closed networks; networks of people who already know each other. People often stay in the same industry, the same religion, and the same political party. In a closed network, it’s easier to get things done because you’ve built up trust, and you know all the shorthand terms and unspoken rules. It’s comfortable because the group converges on the same ways of seeing the world that confirm your own.


  3. Aug 2022
    1. 钱包是什么?反直觉和反常识的是,数字钱包并不装钱,而是装密钥(私钥和公钥)的容器,是用来帮助用户存储、转移、结算、交易和管理数字资产的工具,而用户的数字资产实际存放在区块链地址指向的分布式账本里。

      钱包是进入 Web3 的入口。 但反直觉和反常识的是,钱包装的不是钱,而是装密钥的容器。(私钥和公钥)

    2. 问题中蕴含着这样的底层逻辑--原生的区块链网络中缺失了“人”及“人际网络”的表达--不可转让社交身份的原生组件及由此构建的社交网络图谱,社会经济价值缺失了承载的主体,以至于Web3赋能实体经济的相关应用难以创建和落地实施。


    3. 区块链发展至今,从基础设施层、组件层、扩展层、激励层、治理层、到应用接入层,目前正在不断扩展和完善。这个发展过程有一个显著的特点,那就是跟原生网络--可信计算网络特性紧密相关的应用首先得以发展。


    1. 流行社交媒体过去几年的演变事实上是去社交化:最早的社交媒体是博客平台,彼此的关联性不高;然后 Facebook 诞生了,它突出了朋友社交联系,然而在过去十几年的发展中它逐渐演变成了广告机器——每位北美用户每季度能为社交巨人带来逾 50 美元的收入。但这个广告机器最近被 TikTok 打败了,TikTok 是基于成瘾算法的推荐,而不是朋友关系,它的广告机器更强大。Facebook 正在向 TikTok 学习,这意味着我们所熟知的社交网络的终结。新的社交网络正在前方。

    1. The following command connects an already-running my-nginx container to an already-existing my-net network


  4. Dec 2021
  5. Nov 2021
  6. Apr 2021
    1. Decentraland是由以太坊区块链提供支持的去中心化虚拟现实平台,在Decentraland世界中,用户可以创建、体验和货币化他们所建造的东西和所拥有的东西。在Decentraland共享的虚拟世界中,用户可以购买被称为“parcels”的土地,这些土地记录在区块链支持的分类帐本中,土地本身以及在其之上构建的虚拟财产也是不可替代的数字资产或NFTs,存储在以太坊智能合约中。土地所有者控制在其土地上发布的内容,该内容被编码为智能合约,此内容可以是从场景和图像到游戏和应用程序的任何内容,用户可以以类似于现实世界中的方式探索,旅行和访问场所,该平台也是允许用户进行交互的点对点网络。

  7. Feb 2021
    1. we believe that today’s environment is an ideal launching ground for the next group of billion-dollar consumer companies: vertical social networks. Ten years ago, it seemed impossible for a gaming-only network to be worth a billion dollars — now, we have two! (Twitch and Discord).

      垂类社交网络很有可能成为社交产业中的下一批独角兽。以 Twitch 和 Discord 这两个专攻游戏相关内容的平台为例,人们在 10 年前还认为这类平台难以取得成功,但如今它们的估值都已经达到了几十亿美金。

    1. Gather Town是一种视频会议解决方案,它的特点是积极引入虚拟空间和虚拟形象。在Gather Town中,您可以编辑任何虚拟空间,以类似于真实世界的方式解释“连接”的概念,不仅可以轻松访问,而且可以大大改善用户体验。

    1. “Communities and dedicated spaces for people to talk about what’s happening will be at the forefront,” he told Co.Design in late 2020. “These community spaces will be safe and have a multitude of controls. Successful social media services will be those where people feel safe, comfortable, heard, and connected within their communities.”


    1. Nextdoor’s feed-ranking algorithm feels less aggressively optimized than those of larger networks. There’s no such thing as “followers,” so there’s little incentive for users to post clickbait or engagement bait. The network’s intimate scope, with each user identified by their real first name, last initial, and neighborhood of residence, can make using Nextdoor feel less like a game of influence and more like, well, actually talking to your neighbors. It’s hard to go viral when your audience is limited to your immediate area.

      Nextdoor的feed-ranking算法不如那些大型网络的优化那么积极。没有所谓的“followers”, 所以用户很少有动机发布点击诱饵或参与诱饵。这个网络的亲密范围——每个用户通过他们的真实姓名、姓氏首字母和居住区域来确定——使得使用 Nextdoor 不再像是一个影响力的游戏,而更像是实际上与你的邻居交谈。如果你的听众只局限于你所在的区域,那么很难进行病毒式传播。

    2. Nextdoor has gradually evolved into something bigger and more consequential than just a digital bulletin board: In many communities, the platform has begun to step into roles once filled by America’s local newspapers. “Anecdotally, Nextdoor has gone from being kind of sub-Facebook to actually being the main platform you hear people discussing as a vector for local news and events and discussions,” says Emily Bell, director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University.

      Nextdoor逐渐演变成一个更大、更重要的东西,而不仅仅是一个数字公告牌。在许多社区,这个平台已经开始进入曾经由美国当地报纸充当的角色。"从轶事上看,Nextdoor有趣的是,Nextdoor 已经从一个类似于 Facebook 的子平台,变成了人们讨论的主要平台,成为当地新闻、事件和讨论的载体。"哥伦比亚大学Tow数字新闻中心主任Emily Bell说。

    1. Anyone who is serious about mitigating the damage done to humankind by the social web should, of course, consider quitting Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and any other algorithmically distorted informational environments that manipulate people. But we need to adopt a broader view of what it will take to fix the brokenness of the social web. That will require challenging the logic of today’s platforms—and first and foremost challenging the very concept of megascale as a way that humans gather. If megascale is what gives Facebook its power, and what makes it dangerous, collective action against the web as it is today is necessary for change. The web’s existing logic tells us that social platforms are free in exchange for a feast of user data; that major networks are necessarily global and centralized; that moderators make the rules. None of that need be the case. We need people who dismantle these notions by building alternatives. And we need enough people to care about these other alternatives to break the spell of venture capital and mass attention that fuels megascale and creates fatalism about the web as it is now.


  8. Jun 2019
    1. 如何理解JavaScript语言是基于对象的,而不是面向对象的?
      1. 可以根据需要创建自己的对象
      2. 以原型对象为基础的继承机制
      3. 没有正式的类的概念
      4. 没有提供以类为基础的抽象,继承,重载等典型功能
      5. 弱类型的
    2. JavaScript语言有何特点
      1. 脚本语言
      2. 基于对象
      3. 简单性
      4. 安全性
      5. 动态性
      6. 跨平台性



  9. Dec 2016
    1. Either each layer is a homeomorphism, or the layer’s weight matrix has determinant 0. If it is a homemorphism, AAA is still surrounded by BBB, and a line can’t separate them. But suppose it has a determinant of 0: then the dataset gets collapsed on some axis. Since we’re dealing with something homeomorphic to the original dataset, AAA is surrounded by BBB, and collapsing on any axis means we will have some points of AAA and BBB mix and become impossible to distinguish between.


    2. A linear transformation by the “weight” matrix WWW A translation by the vector bbb Point-wise application of tanh.


  10. Oct 2016
    1. 反向传播只是在个别错误上进行梯度下降。通过比较对神经网络预期输出的预测,而后计算相对于神经网络的权重的误差梯度。然后得出了权值空间中减小误差的方向。


    2. 为了采用反向传播(见下文),神经网络必须使用可微的激活函数。
    1. 每层的数学理解:用线性变换跟随着非线性变化,将输入空间投向另一个空间。


    1. Topology of tanh Layers Each layer stretches and squishes space, but it never cuts, breaks, or folds it. Intuitively, we can see that it preserves topological properties. For example, a set will be connected afterwards if it was before (and vice versa). Transformations like this, which don’t affect topology, are called homeomorphisms. Formally, they are bijections that are continuous functions both ways. Theorem: Layers with NNN inputs and NNN outputs are homeomorphisms, if the weight matrix, WWW, is non-singular. (Though one needs to be careful about domain and range.) Proof: Let’s consider this step by step: Let’s assume WWW has a non-zero determinant. Then it is a bijective linear function with a linear inverse. Linear functions are continuous. So, multiplying by WWW is a homeomorphism. Translations are homeomorphisms tanh (and sigmoid and softplus but not ReLU) are continuous functions with continuous inverses. They are bijections if we are careful about the domain and range we consider. Applying them pointwise is a homemorphism Thus, if WWW has a non-zero determinant, our layer is a homeomorphism. ∎ This result continues to hold if we compose arbitrarily many of these layers together.

      拓扑学 连续性与sigmoid函数