- Feb 2024
www.hrdive.com www.hrdive.com
Among 11,300 roles at large firms, companies increased the share of workers without a bachelor’s degree by about 3.5 percentage points. At the same time, this shift only applied to the 3.6% of roles that dropped a requirement during that time period, which means the net effect is a change of .14 percentage points in incremental hiring of candidates without degrees.
Degree is still advantageous.
- Jan 2024
it doesn't matter how good it is they just refuse to look at it you know i had argument daniel dennett two three years ago we were at a conference and and i said you know what about a public debate
for - adjacency - Rupert Sheldrake - Daniel Dennett - Michael Levin
adjacency - between - Rupert Sheldrake - Daniel Dennett - Michael Levin - adjacency statement - 6 degrees of separation between - Rupert Sheldrake - Daniel Dennett - Michael Levin - Rupert met Daniel and challenged him to a debate, which Daniel flatly refused. - Daniel has coauthored paper with Michael Levin - Michael's ideas adopted from William James's definition of intelligence parallels Sheldrake's ideas of future to past trajectory of mental causation
- Jun 2023
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
microcredentials need not be an alternative to college, but rather as a way to introduce or augment existing academic programs
Degrees are NOT dead. This will very possibly increase the value of degrees.
- May 2023
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
Solfège and scale degree identification - 2
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
Solfège and scale degree identification 1
- Jan 2023
networkcultures.org networkcultures.org
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SixDegrees.com, http://sixdegrees.com/ which was promising but then went nowhere somehow? It's still around but it looks like only an empty shell. Weird how many 'popular' dotcom sites were bought and then shut down/torn down soon afterwards.
Apparently not related to the current https://www.sixdegrees.org/, which adds a charitable twist to it and looks independently interesting.
- Oct 2022
www.scotthyoung.com www.scotthyoung.com
Having an MIT degree is probably more valuable than having an MIT education.
- May 2022
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Angela Merkel,
Interessant zur Geschichte des 1,5°-Ziels. Angela Merkel und andere haben davor schon 2° favorisiert
- Feb 2022
www.thedriftmag.com www.thedriftmag.com
Suddenly, degrees aren’t worth anything. Isn’t that true?
It is becoming to be true.
- Mar 2021
osf.io osf.io
Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A., Adem, M., Adriaans, J., Alvarez-Benjumea, A., Andersen, H. K., Auer, D., Azevedo, F., Bahnsen, O., Balzer, D., Bauer, G., Bauer, P. C., Baumann, M., Baute, S., Benoit, V., Bernauer, J., Berning, C., Berthold, A., … Nguyen, H. H. V. (2021). Observing Many Researchers using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Data Analysis. MetaArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/cd5j9
- immigration
- garden of forking paths
- behavioural science
- analytical flexibility
- economics
- social policy
- political science
- researcher variability
- is:preprint
- researcher degrees of freedom
- lang:en
- crowdsourcing
- sociology
- noise
- psychology
- reseach
- crowd sourced replication initiative
- scientific method
- meta-science
- Jan 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Stevenson Betsey {@BetseyStevenson} (2020, Aug, 13) Hmmm....these two decisions seem connected somehow. Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/BetseyStevenson/status/1293693723633647617
dailyfreepress.com dailyfreepress.com
Yang. A. (2020) Boston University instates policy to issue degrees to students after death, starting this Fall. The Daily Free Press. Retrieved from: https://dailyfreepress.com/2020/08/12/boston-university-to-issue-degrees-to-students-after-death-starting-this-fall/
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
We all know that real business logic does not belong in the presentation layer, but what about simple presentation-oriented things like coloring alternate rows in table or marking the selected option in a <select> dropdown? It seems equally wrong to ask the controller/business logic code to compute these down to simple booleans in order to reduce the logic in the presentation template. This route just lead to polluting the business layer code with presentation-oriented logic.
Templates with logic versus "logic-less" templates is a hotly debated point among template language designer and users. Dust straddles the divide by adopting a "less logic" stance.
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
Optionality — Degrees of Freedom over Forecasting
tech.ebayinc.com tech.ebayinc.com
Full-of-logic, logic-less, and less-logic solutions
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
McPhetres, Jonathon. ‘Preregistration Is for Planning’, 1 June 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cj5mh.
- Aug 2019
hewlett.org hewlett.org
Research. As zero-textbook-cost degrees are implemented across the country, research could be conducted to analyze the impact of degree establishment on student access and success, as well as on faculty pedagogical practice. Metrics related to access and success might include credit loads, withdrawal rates, persistence rates, pass rates, and actual cost savings.
Zero-textbook cost degrees is still a long way off as far as India goes. Our students are now extremely proficient in the use of the internet and open sources. However, compared to open access resources use of standardised textbooks in traditionnal classrooms is definitely better as teachers has a personal connect with the student. This is particularly necessary as students are becoming victims of PUBG and other such addctive games leading to either suicide or other behavioural problems. We do not need a plethora of zombie students in our schools and colleges!
- Feb 2017
www.csicop.org www.csicop.org
Conspiracy theorists have connected a lot of dots.
Campbell: "The second difference I shall remark is, that moral evidence admits degrees, demonstration doth not" (913).
- Jan 2017
psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu
IF you look at the stresses the shear stresses gets bigger to 45 degrees then gets smaller after 45 degrees. So why doesn't it follow the angle with seemingly the most stress. See Page: Why 30 degrees instead of 45 degrees Fracture Angle with sigma 1 Nature wants the minimum normal stress possible with the maximum shear stress possible and at 45 degrees we aren't in that sweet spot were the normal stress is as relatively small as possible and the shear spot is as relatively high as can been and this is at about 60 degrees this is why the faults will crack in the same orientation in nature.
- Jul 2016
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The phrase “diploma mills” came into popular usage during the era.
- Apr 2015
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
There are probably other characteristics or dimensions of educational media that might also be identified, but three key characteristics or dimensions are particularly important: broadcast vs communicative synchronous (live) vs asynchronous (recorded) single vs rich media
- degrees of freedom, which people enjoy or lack depending on the technological solutions used for specific tasks (compare a computer game environment and online banking environment)
see Evgeniy Morozov, To Save Everything Click Here, chapter 6.
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
Comparison of "good" things. Of two "good" things, which is the better? This entails a consideration of degree -- the lore of "less or more."
"good" by degree