- May 2024
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
building instructors' confidence and interest. Although most students want remote attendance options and although many instructors will accommodate their students, instructors may not be interested in teaching courses that are designated as HyFlex. Anecdotally, from conversations with instructors and based on personal experience, teaching two audiences simultaneously is challenging, especially without the sufficient technology. It requires greater cognitive bandwidth to manage two audiences at once, plus the ability to engage with them or facilitate engagement between them. Finally, many instructors do not want to lose in-person engagement, which is what they are most familiar and comfortable with, and some have expressed that they are fearful of a situation in which most of their students move online in a HyFlex format.
facilitation challenges, labor load, loss of in-person students
greater technological competency than do conventional classrooms and are costly due to additional requisite technologies and programming.
cost of technology, technical literacy
- Apr 2023
example.com example.com
Links and resources from the second half of the chat and Q&A:
- TAG Feedback Protocol via https://learninginhand.com/blog/feedbackchat
- Robin DeRosa's OER pedagogical endeavor
- Annotation Rubrics
- Faculty Focus Live - A Hyflex Course: Bridging the Gap Between Online and In-person Students
- Bringing Theories to Practice: Universal Design Principles and the Use of Social Annotation to Support Neurodiverse Students by Christian Aguiar, Fatma Elshobokshy, and Amanda Huron
- Compass Points rubric
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/KkgXkJZXa0E" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Aug 2022
idstuff.blogspot.com idstuff.blogspot.com
But, let's turn our attention to HyFlex for a moment.
Great points here! How many of our experiments with hybrid online-F2F experiences failed fundamentally because of bad design? "No boundaries" is not a design, and "all things to all people" is not inclusion.
- Apr 2022
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
But as we’ve learned through our pandemic experiences,different modalities can be blended together in much richer, theoretically grounded waysthat challenge and expand those frameworks and approaches to teaching
blurring lines
“Professors need to be independent of the AV team. They should be able to walk into aclassroom, connect the technology, and start teaching
seamless technology
Poor deployment or use of any of these or many other elements of hybrid learning technologycan quickly derail the best hybrid learning plans and contribute to suboptimal studentexperiences and outcomes
in practice it’s muchharder than we may give due credit to procure, deploy, and use the basic elements oftechnology needed to facilitate successful and meaningful hybrid learning experiences
technology needs are foundational
sunynp-my.sharepoint.com sunynp-my.sharepoint.com
HyFlex courses can be deceptively difficult to do well.
ctl.columbia.edu ctl.columbia.edu
A typical HyFlex set-up for lecture classes, in which information flows primarily from the instructor to students, entails two cameras and distributed microphones, as illustrated in Figure 2 and 3.
- Mar 2022
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
- Feb 2022
- Jan 2022
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
For this pilot, we needed students to come to class in order to fully test RLP as a modality. If a student missed class, the absence was treated the same way that absences in residential courses were treated -- students could review the class slides and ask the instructional team questions about the content or borrow notes from a classmate. Live class sessions were recorded, however students were not provided access to the recordings except if an online student experienced technical issues that caused them to miss part of class
Though providing flexibility in where students attend class, this impedes on the flexibility of time. How many students couldn't "afford" the cost of synchronous class sessions, or suffered because they were denied access to asynchronous learning opportunities?
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
- Nov 2021
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
The past few months have seen the growing appeal of an evolving system that has various names, including “blended synchronous” learning, “synchromodal” learning and “HyFlex” learning. In this style of learning, instructors blend in-person and online elements, aiming to integrate the best of asynchronous and synchronous instruction. In this format, students who seek an in-person classroom experience interact with remote students who prefer that same real-time experience, but from a distance.
- Jul 2021
ctl.columbia.edu ctl.columbia.edu
Know your classroom and set-up early
Technology is really driving, or at least limiting the pedagogy which is unfortunate. If faculty aren't extremely confident with and knowledgeable about fairly sophisticated classroom equipment, there is little space for them to stretch their pedagogical muscles.
Help students succeed in your version of a hybrid/HyFlex course
- Communicate expectations
- Presence - office hours, check-ins, feedback
ctl.columbia.edu ctl.columbia.edu
- Oct 2020
www.codlearningtech.org www.codlearningtech.org
but they should be engaging, because this leads to students beingmore motivated to learn and succeed.The possibilities of how students interact with content and with each other are greatly expanded in a hybrid course; just having themread articles online and then meet to discuss themin-class, for example, takes no real advantage of a class format that can otherwise be a transformative experience.
This article, published by the College of DuPage, gives an introduction to hybrid learning environments. The authors outline the benefits of hybrid learning, how to utilize time wisely, the student experience (both in person and online), and how to structure and plan hybrid courses.
Rating: 6/10
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
15 Fall Scenarios
The authors, Edward J. Maloney and Joshua Kim, wrote a total of 15 articles describing various scenarios for the university learning environment during COVID-19. This article summarizes each of these more detailed plans including "normal" and moving the Fall term to the Spring. They also describe various learning models including HyFlex, modularity, virtual, and remote.
Rating: 7/10
sunynp-my.sharepoint.com sunynp-my.sharepoint.com
HyFlex courses can be deceptively difficult to do well. The technology and the curriculum must align, and the technology needs to work consistently for everyone, which requires testing and possibly new installations or upgrades. The learning must be equivalent for all students, guaranteeing that no student is at a disadvantage due to the learning pathway chosen. Instructors must be comfortable and effective with asynchronous teaching; those who are not can easily underestimate the amount of effort and interaction necessary to engage with online students.
This article was published by EDUCAUSE, a well respected non-profit organization whose mission is "to advance higher education through the use of information technology." The article provides a well rounded view of the HyFlex asynchronous learning environment. The author discusses what HyFlex is, its significance, the downsides, where asynchronous learning is going, and the implications for teaching and learning.
Rating: 6/10
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Finally, the best HyFlex classrooms have someone assisting the faculty member.
This is the understatement of the year. Faculty members will require extensive training and LOTS of assistance. This assistance SHOULD NOT come from student assistants, graduate students (who are likely to be heavily undertrained), or other "free" sources.
It’s important to note that the goal of HyFlex is two make both the online and in-person experiences equal.
There are some pieces of this that immediately make me think that this model is more of a sort of "separate, but equal" sort of modality. Significant resources will need to go toward the equality piece and even then it is likely to fall short from a social perspective.
These assistants could also be work-study students who are assigned a particular classroom (or digital space) or they might be volunteers from class who are given credit for assisting in the delivery of the course.
And of course, the first pivot (even in the same paragraph!) is exactly to these "free" or cheap sources which are likely to be overlooked and undertrained.
If a school is going to do this they need to take it seriously and actually give it professional resources.