- May 2023
app.supernormal.com app.supernormal.com
The system worked in a way that it disappeared, Jeremy D.right like Viranga P.there's. A concept in design. I think Steve Jobs borrowed it from a German designer of design. That's really good disappears. Right. That design. That. Is well done is obvious. Where if you're trying to reach for a doorknob, it's where it's supposed Jeremy D.to be Viranga P.and you reach it and you don't even think about the fact that the doorknob Jeremy D.was where Viranga P.it's supposed to be. I think hypothesis like that. I think. The design is good so that. You don't really have to think about the platform. The platform kind of disappears into the background, which is what you want from. I think a student's perspective, I think it shouldn't matter. Because if that was what was happening with I think perusal is the platform itself was getting Jeremy D.in the way Viranga P.I think. Good design should disappear.
Hypothesis as an example of "good design disappears." Compare to Perusall overengineered.
It's way too sophisticated for its own good. Maybe. Right. It's trying to be AI ish in the sense like it's trying to detect. If a particular comment is worthy of two points or three points, and a lot of that system is based on that. So if student makes a comment, it marks it as one. Instead of two. And you get a lot of emails about why was this Mark. And that's not the point. I Jeremy D.think Viranga P.the point of social. Is you're getting them to just have conversations. Encouraging conversations. Not necessarily to judge if that comment was good or Jeremy D.bad. Viranga P.It's just get it done. And we expect the fact that you're in the room having a conversation will help you realize, oh, this is useful. When I have a question, I can ask it here, and somebody else may have the same question. And we can have a discussion around it. And that social part. It's Social constructivism. Is helpful. Right. So people realize that they learn from other people.
Critique of Perusall as about right or wrong versus the social construction of knowledge.
- Aug 2022
- Jun 2022
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
- Apr 2022
Local file Local file
The bookitself participates in the history it recounts: it has a title page, table of contents,footnotes, a bibliography and an index to assist the reader, while the digitalcopy enables the reader to search for individual words and phrases as well asto copy-and-paste without disfiguring a material object.
Some scholars study annotations as part of material culture. Are they leaving out too much by solely studying those physically left in the books about which they were made, or should we instead also be looking at other sources like commonplace books, notebooks, note cards, digital spaces like e-readers that allow annotation, social media where texts are discussed, or even digital marginalia in services like Hypothes.is or Perusall?
Some of these forms of annotation allow a digital version of cut and paste which doesn't cause damage to the original text, which should be thought of as a good thing though it may separate the annotations from the original physical object.
- Feb 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.
Apparently Persuall was embarrassed about their pro-surveillance capitalism stance and perhaps not so much for its lack of kindness and care for the basic humanity of students.
Sad that they haven't explained or apologized for their misstep.
Additional context: https://twitter.com/search?q=(%40perusall)%20until%3A2022-02-23%20since%3A2022-02-21&src=typed_query
Original tweet thread archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20220222025045/https://twitter.com/perusall/status/1495945680002719751
- Sep 2020
cft.vanderbilt.edu cft.vanderbilt.edu
Teaching with Perusall and Social Annotation – Highlights from a Conversation
Article on Perusall in Vanderbilt
- Feb 2018
app.perusall.com app.perusall.comPerusall1