- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:03:51 By getting people used to DEBT being SAVINGS, they can focus on the REAL things that matter
56:12 When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
5:35 Rename Debt clock as savings clock Use of COHERENT Words instead of INCOHERENT Words
- When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
- Coherent Words
- Rename Debt clock as savings clock
- By getting people used to DEBT being SAVINGS, they can focus on the REAL things that matter
- Community Treasury Deficit increases community members savings and spending power
- Mar 2024
www.pcmag.com www.pcmag.com
Some apps, such as Credit Karma and Credit Sesame, suggest users open a new savings account that's affiliated with the app (but usually run by a bank) to help them put money toward savings. Simplifi doesn't offer any affiliated bank accounts, but it will do the bookkeeping for you if you want to set and contribute to savings goals.
If you’re saving for several different expenses, it’s worth checking with your financial institution to see if they offer savings accounts with customized buckets. This way, you only have one account to keep track of, but you’re still using the sinking fund strategy to save for specific future expenses.
www.businessinsider.com www.businessinsider.com
www.businessinsider.com www.businessinsider.com
Savings buckets help you save for different goals Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction.
www.nerdwallet.com www.nerdwallet.com
banks offer customers the ability to customize savings buckets within their accounts
- Dec 2023
www.iea.org www.iea.org
A public discussion on the benefits of energy savings by European citizens
IEA advice on energy crisis
- Aug 2023
areomagazine.com areomagazine.com
Americans are increasingly experiencing economic insecurity. According to a recent survey by Bankrate, 6 out of every 10 of us don’t even have $500 in the bank.
- for: precarity, inequality, United States - poverty, no savings, financial crisis
- quote
- stats
- 6 out of every 10 American interviewed said they did not have $500 savings in the bank
- source
- Bankrate 6 survey
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
to get rid of monopoly rent you have to return basic key uh infrastructure to the public domain where it was before 1980 so that uh basic needs can be supplied at low prices not uh creating monopoly for uh the one percent uh and i guess i'm saying you have to realize that finance has used as well 00:25:12 to take over the economy and this has to be reversed uh because uh once you have uh wealth taking the form of uh claims uh loans and claims on other people's debt we'll count you up compound interest any rate of interest is a doubling time and compound interest is always going to grow faster than the economy's real growth and the only way to prevent this isn't 00:25:37 simply to lower the interest rate which you've done today 0.1 uh the only solution is to wipe out the overall debts that are stopping economic growth and these debts are the savings of the one percent the good thing about cancelling debts is you cancel the savings of the one percent and as long as you leave these savings in place there's not going to be a solution
!- Michael Hudson : reverse privatization and wipe out debt - returning the public infrastructure sold off to companies after 1980 back to the public to get rid of monopolies who gouge the public - cancel all debt so that the savings of the 1% cannot continue compound growth trajectory
- Oct 2022
Asset limits (or savings penalties) are designed sothat only the most vulnerable can access public benefit programs. However, in practice,they discourage low-income households from having a checking or savings account andbuilding a savings cushion. Relaxed asset limits increase low-income household savingsand mainstream financial market participation.
Is there evidence for this? Other confounding factors that prevent people from opening accounts?
- Sep 2022
Indicative of howclose many Americans are to poverty, a recent study by the Federal ReserveBank found that 37 percent of Americans do not have enough savings put asideto protect them from a $400 emergency.20
- Federal Reserve Bank, “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2019” (Washington DC: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2020).
- May 2021
publications.aap.org publications.aap.org
Zhou, F., Shefer, A., Wenger, J., Messonnier, M., Wang, L. Y., Lopez, A., Moore, M., Murphy, T. V., Cortese, M., & Rodewald, L. (2014). Economic Evaluation of the Routine Childhood Immunization Program in the United States, 2009. Pediatrics, 133(4), 577–585. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2013-0698
- Jul 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Granja, J., Makridis, C., Yannelis, C., & Zwick, E. (2020). Did the Paycheck Protection Program Hit the Target? (Working Paper No. 27095; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27095
- Aug 2018
smartcitylab.eu smartcitylab.eu
Main focus areas of the cluster are:1. ICT in different actions and processes of the cities2. ICT and other technologies in developing healthcare and social welfare in an efficient and cost effective way3. Energy saving in building and maintaining different buildings