- Jan 2023
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High-level view of the 3 different types of heterogeneity (clinical, methodological, statistical). I used these definitions as the basis for some Anki cards
- Feb 2022
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- infection
- vaccine
- heterogeneity
- lang:en
- viral evolution
- variant
- antigenic escape
- immune escape
- immunity
- is:report
- COVID-19
- transmissibility
- surveillance
- severity
- antiviral drug resistance
- therapeutic
- UK
- vaccination
- testing
- protection
- prediction
- scenario
- waning immunity
- vaccine efficacy
- Dec 2021
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
Usually it is more fruitful to look for formulations of problems that relate heterogeneous things with each other.
A great quote, but this is likely a nebulous statement to those with out the experience of practice. Definitely worth expanding on this idea to give it more detail.
- Jul 2021
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- Dec 2019
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A single transformant may have a mutation at a low level that will eventually sweep through the population
How does transforming a pure plasmid (miniprep) produce a mixed population?
- Is a single colony on the transformation plate not really clonal due to evolution occurring in growth from the single founder cell?
- And also the outgrowth steo prior to plating is introducing additional variation that differentiates different colonies
- Hence adding these two statements together, picking 3 colonies from a plate streaked from a glycerol stock (derived from a clonal population) has lower variability than 3 colonies picked from a fresh transformation?
Does this make any suggestion of using one or the other method for generating independent biological replicates?
- Sep 2019
- Aug 2019
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Here, we show how three phenomena—Simpson’s paradox, context-dependence, and nonlinear averaging—can lead to erroneous conclusions about population parameters and species interactions when samples contain heterogeneous mixtures of populations or communities.
These issues can be overcome by measuring and accounting for spatial heterogeneity at very small scales
- May 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
in most cases, the molecular mechanisms that underlie heterogeneity are not defined