- Oct 2024
www.dailymaverick.co.za www.dailymaverick.co.za
for - polycrisis - organized crime - Daily Maverick article - organized crime - Cape Town - How the state colludes with SA’s underworld in hidden web of organised crime – an expert view - Victoria O’Regan - 2024, Oct 18 - book - Man Alone: Mandela’s Top Cop – Exposing South Africa’s Ceaseless Sabotage - Daily Maverick journalist Caryn Dolley - 2024 - https://viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/https://shop.dailymaverick.co.za/product/man-alone-mandelas-top-cop-exposing-south-africas-ceaseless-sabotage/?_gl=11mkyl5s_gcl_auODI2MTMxODEuMTcyNjI0MDAwMg.._gaNzQ5NDM3NzE0LjE3MjMxODY0NzY._ga_Y7XD5FHQVG*MTcyOTM1MjgwOS4xLjAuMTcyOTM1MjgxOS41MC4wLjkyNTE5MDk2OA..
summary - This article revolves around the research of South African crime reporter Caryn Dolley on the organized web of crime in South Africa - She discusses the nexus of - trans-national drug cartels - local Cape Town gangs - South African state collusion with gangs - in her new book: Man Alone: Mandela's Top Cop - Exposing South Africa's Ceaseless Sabotage - It illustrates how on-the-ground efforts to fight crime are failing because they do not effectively address this criminal nexus - The book follows the life of retired top police investigator Andre Lincoln whose expose paints the deep level of criminal activity spanning government, trans-national criminal networks and local gangs - Such organized crime takes a huge toll on society and is an important contributor to the polycrisis. - Non-linear approaches are necessary to tackle this systemic problem - One possibility is a trans-national citizen-led effort
- polycrisis - organized crime
- Daily Maverick article - organized crime - Cape Town - How the state colludes with SA’s underworld in hidden web of organised crime – an expert view - Victoria O’Regan - 2024, Oct 18
- book - Man Alone: Mandela’s Top Cop – Exposing South Africa’s Ceaseless Sabotage - Daily Maverick journalist Caryn Dolley - 2024
- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- William McKinley
- manifest destiny
- power over
- Philippine-American War
- empire
- Dan Allosso Book Club 2024-09-28
- imperialism
- The White Man's Burden
- Boxer Rebellion
- Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria
- white supremacy
- colonialism
- mission of civilisation
- Spanish-American War
- Benjamin Tillman
- jingoism
- Mark Twain
- Henry Labouchère
- Rudyard Kipling
- white power
- Aug 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Vanessa Andreott
for - book - Hospicing modernity - author - Vanessa Andreotti - Dean of education - U of Victoria
- Sep 2022
victorianweb.org victorianweb.org
Found via Mark Bernstein: https://www.markbernstein.org/NeoVictorian.html
- May 2022
voyagela.com voyagela.com
Website: www.VICTORYASTROLOGY.COM<br /> Phone: 323-632-3217<br /> Email: victoriakray@gmail.com<br /> Instagram: VICTORYASTROLOGY
- Jun 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
VicGovDH. (2021, June 8). Reported yesterday: 1 new local case, 0 new cases acquired overseas. Got symptoms? Get tested. - 19,533 vaccine doses administered—28,485 test results received More later: Https://t.co/lIUrl0ZEco #COVID19VicData #COVID19Vic https://t.co/wc5BUgm6OK [Tweet]. @VicGovDH. https://twitter.com/VicGovDH/status/1402398048232349698
- Mar 2021
www.mollymielke.com www.mollymielke.com
As the Victoria and Albert Museum present in A History of Computer Art,
- Oct 2020
twitter.com twitter.comTwitter1
Paul Edbrooke MP on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 21, 2020, from https://twitter.com/paul4frankston/status/1317362188097519616
- Sep 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Peter Slattery on Twitter: “Are you, or is anyone you know, researching how COVID-19 has affected behaviour and behavioural drivers in Victoria and Australia, in particular behaviours that related to topics such as ‘active transport’, ‘service provision’, ‘working from home’ and ‘car usage’?” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 23, 2020, from https://twitter.com/peterslattery1/status/1274874801174179840
- Jun 2018
milectura.ml milectura.ml
11 Tuyos, oh Señor, son la grandeza, el poder, la gloria, la victoria y la majestad. Todo lo que hay en los cielos y en la tierra es tuyo, oh Señor, y este es tu reino. Te adoramos como el que está por sobre todas las cosas. 1 Crónicas 29:11
Oración. Lo reconozco, así es Señor, pero revelame transformandome en que modo no es así en mi vida práctica, para que te honre también donde me hace falta.
Atributos: Señor, Grande, Poderoso, Glorioso, Victorioso, Majestuoso. Poseedor de todo, Rey. Digno de adoración, Altísimo y Soberano.
Aplicación. Los atributos que más afectan mi vida ahora, que vacilo, son Poder y Victoria. Quiero cambiar, confio en tu Poder. Quiero vencer, confio en tu Victoria. Señor, en mi no hay poder, está en Tí, Señor, en mí no hay victoria, pero tu eres mi Señor, y eres Victorioso. Caminaré en tu voluntad, y veré como vences en mi vida. Haré todo por la fe en tu nombre Poderoso, y disfrutaré lo que tienes en tu mano para mí. Gracias Jesús!
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Vic-toria, the reigning sovereign of the most mighty, intelligent people of this or any other age
I would personally wager that she was one of the greatest female rulers of all time (maybe only ousted by Russia's Catherine the Great), and monitored an extraordinary era of Britain's history that many, even today, reminisce and romanticize over.
If you're going to chose any one woman to demonstrate how good of leaders they can be, you're not going to get much better than the Britain's beloved matriarch. So good example, Palmer.
It does beg the question, though: Is she really such a good example if Palmer is advocating for greater female involvement in the church? Are an imperiastic queen and a hypothetical female priestess inherently compatible?
- Apr 2016
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
Is War Civilized?
Along side the Dawn of the Golden Age this is a must read 2wice and annotate work. It begs the question of international law and aggression and the spilling over of armed pretext aggression unto the majority non-fanatical civilian population. I'm Half way through and it can only lead to a critical browsing of contemporary works in history and theory during my life time to catch up with the situation after my stupid drug bum phase is over.
Very well stated