- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Remington Quie- Riter Typewriter 1955
"students who use typewriters get up to 38% better grades."
"gives book reports and themes a professional look"
gendered sales technique - "girls particularly appreciate" the easy change ribbon system...
Cothran, Ann, and George E. Mason. “The Typewriter: Time-Tested Tool for Teaching Reading and Writing.” The Elementary School Journal 78, no. 3 (1978): 171–73. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1001415
No new results here, but a modest overview and literature review of research on typewriters in classrooms.
In this experimentagain the pupils who could type werefound to have made more gains in lan-guage usage and spelling than the nontyp-ers.
M. W. Tate's 1934 typewriter studies showed student gains in language usage and spelling. Now that computers have automatic spell-checkers and students less frequently use dictionaries or study spelling in particular, does spelling ability in modern classrooms keep pace with numbers from earlier in the century when more emphasis was put on that portion of writing pedagogy?
One must wonder if the early use of typewriters to teach reading and writing research matches that of modern day use of computers and tablets in the same classrooms?
One large study by Ben D. Woodand Frank N. Freeman in 1932 paved theway for acceptance in elementary schools.The study included 14,947 children ofelementary-school age in an experimenton the effect of the typewriter on class-room performance (3). The children whohad typing instruction actually spent onlyan hour or two a week at the typewriter,yet at the end of the first year they out-performed the nontyping pupils in read-ing.
In articles published in theearly 1890's William A. Mowry and FrankPalmer both advocated the use of typing inthe secondary-school curriculum
- William A. Mowry
- literature reviews
- typewriters in classrooms
- 1932
- writing pedagogy
- spelling pedagogy
- computers in classrooms
- References
- spelling
- typewriter history
- typewriters
- read
- open questions
- education
- typewriters vs. computers
- Frank N. Freeman
- reading pedagogy
- Frank Palmer
- Ben D. Wood
- Mar 2023
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
- Apr 2022
the development of intelligent thinking is fundamentally a social process
great quote
How can social annotation practices take advantage of these sorts of active learning processes? What might be done in a flipped classroom setting to get students to use social annotation on a text prior to a lecture and have the questions and ideas from these sessions brought into the lecture space for discussion, argument, and expansion?
Researchdemonstrates that students who engage in active learning acquire a deeperunderstanding of the material, score higher on exams, and are less likely to failor drop out.
Active learning is a pedagogical structure whereby a teacher presents a problem to a group of students and has them (usually in smaller groups) collectively work on the solutions together. By talking and arguing amongst themselves they actively learn together not only how to approach problems, but to come up with their own solutions. Teachers can then show the correct answer, discuss why it was right and explain how the alternate approaches may have gone wrong. Research indicates that this approach helps provide a deeper understanding of the materials presented this way, that students score higher on exams and are less likely to either fail or drop out of these courses.
Active learning sounds very similar to the sorts of approaches found in flipped classrooms. Is the overlap between the two approaches the same, or are there parts of the Venn diagrams of the two that differ, and, if so, how do they differ? Which portions are more beneficial?
Does this sort of active learning approach also help to guard against "group think" as the result of comparing solutions from various groups? How might this be applied to democracy? Would separate versions of committees that then convene to compare notes and come up with solutions improve the quality of solutions?
- Sep 2019
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Find one of the best manufacturers of portable sinks to get portable sinks for classrooms. MONSAM Portable Sinks offer a wide range of portable sinks for the science lab workstations. Visit their website, to order one for your science lab.
- Mar 2019
www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com
mobile learning technologies for 21st century classrooms This undated article discusses mobile learning in classrooms in a nonspecific way. One of the sources is Marc Prensky, whose work has been called into question by multiple authors. The type of information provided by this article seems rather basic and a function of common sense. A few apps are discussed. rating 1/5
- Jan 2018
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
active learning and technology engagement.
- Feb 2017
www.eab.com www.eab.com
Campus Design Toolkit
- Jan 2016
www.cea-ace.ca www.cea-ace.ca
Digital technology has evolved quickly from personal computers and networks to participatory social, academic, and political Web 2.0 environments with a new vocabulary and new temporal and spatial interactions.
resulting from characteristics of participatory cultures as outlined by Henry Jenkins (Jenkins, Purushotma, Weigel & Clinton (2009), in their book Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century, outline the features of a participatory culture.) e.g. low barriers to artistic expression or civic engagement, informal membership, members feel socially connected
- Sep 2015
slack-files.com slack-files.com
These mundane exchanges takea variety of forms, such as labor services, access to information, in-cluding help in finding jobs or housing and knowledge about dealingwith government agencies, and various forms of material assistancebesides money such as sheltering visitors.
Examples of Funds of knowledge. In the classrooms that I study, these could be shared norms of interaction, historical views of schooling and classrooms, etc.