21 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. Feb 2024
  3. Feb 2023
    1. The biggest issue for me is that medium makes me feel like a cash cow. The way it wants me to pay every step of the way, the way it hijacks copy/paste to insert its own marketing. The account it wants me to create. The trackers it inserts everywhere. You missed the step of making something great that people actually feel good about paying for. The grassroots "for users by users" community feel that other platforms still manage to tap into. A site you'd be proud to be part of and happy to pay for. The problem with an X-views paywall is: you annoy me so much that even if there's good content behind it I'm long gone before I ever find out because you've already pushed me away. It just has this "all about the money" feel that I deeply hate.Also, not every author is out to make money. My personal blog is not monetized at all. It's more my way of outreach for my day job in tech. And I'd never want to put my readers through this experience. Free content should be exempt.The other points like the quality of content dropping because you recommend the wrong stuff, yeah they dropped the value proposition even more. But they weren't the real problem.

      The real problems with Medium

  4. Sep 2022
  5. Apr 2022
  6. Oct 2021
    1. “A startup is an organization that scales. A creator is an individual that scales,”

      .creator economy

    2. Samir predicts that the next phase of the creator economy will focus on developing deep relationships with audiences.

      .creator economy

  7. Apr 2020
    1. Learn Piano – The Complete Guide This is the ultimate guide for beginners and intermediates to learn piano. This guide teaches you how to play the piano from the very basics to advanced music concepts. This Guide is divided into 7 Parts starting with Introduction to Piano and then moving on the concepts like Hand Positions, Reading Music, Scales, Chords and creating a practice program to master the instrument.
    1. The Lyric Hyphenator is a free online linguistics program that automatically hyphenates English words into syllables. It is great for use with music notation software like Finale. The resulting text can simply be pasted into the program and automatically lined up with the musical score. This is great for choir directors who can simply and easily paste code into their music writing programs. This prevents the need from paying for expensive module in programs like CakeWalk. The hyphen notation allows each syllable to be easily and quickly paired with its corresponding note.It is also a great tool for English teachers and students.
  8. Dec 2019
    1. Paradise Lost.

      By citing Adam's question to God in John Milton's Paradise Lost, Mary Shelley makes Milton's epic the most important intertext of Frankenstein. In Book II, the Creature hears the poem read aloud, and begins to think of himself as either Adam or Satan.

  9. Sep 2018
    1. Monolith Encounter 3

      The Monolith's act as stages throughout the movie of human development/evolution. And every monolith up until this point has seemed to be the human as a creator of technology and being able to use it, but it's at this point that the monolith represents a transition into a type of 'superhuman' as shown in the rebirth scene. No longer are humans evolving by creating something, but by improving themselves. This seems especially poignant when HAL's disconnection is considered as well. David had to 'unplug' HAL in order to get to this next step. He had to, in essence, kill the very thing that had led humans to this point of evolution.

  10. Apr 2018
    1. Atthecruxofthisbook,underlyingeachcontributionandinformingthecollectiveenterprise,liesasharedconcernwiththearticulationofhistoricalsignificanceanditsproduction.

      The history of an object is very important when considering the culture of it. Knowing the history and production will connect to many ideas and thoughts of the creator.

  11. May 2017
  12. Sep 2016
    1. Pan Gu

      According to the Chinese Pan Gu created the Earth.

    2. Pan Gu

      Pan Gu was the creator of the universe according to Chinese origin story.

    3. Within this yin and yang was Pan Gu

      Pan Gu was the creator of the universe according to the Chinese story.

    4. Pan Gu stood in the middle, his head touching the sky, his feet planted on Earth

      The Chinese believe that Pan Gu is the creator of the universe.

  13. Jun 2016
    1. The fact that we joke about it documents an acceptance of a culture of abuse online. It helps normalize online harassment campaigns and treat the empowerment of abusers as inevitable, rather than solvable.
    1. The money is an investment for opportunity. You paid for a live audience and the hope that this entertainer will make your dreams—whatever they are—come true and nobody is going to stop you, not even the artist themselves.
    1. ublinCore and REACH (Record Export for Art and CulturalHeritage) prefer the terms ‘creator’ and ‘maker’ to the moretraditional ‘author’ (Baca, 1998). T

      Dublin Core and Reach prefer "creator and maker" to "author"