33 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Monopoly is not played on a cartesian plane. It's played on a directed circular graph. Therefore, it is inappropriate to use the Euclidean distance metric to compare the distances between places on the board. We must instead use minimum path lengths. Example: If we used Euclidean distance, then you would have to agree that the distance between, say, Go and Jail is equal to the distance between the Short Line and the Pennsylvania Railroad. Clearly, this is not the intention. In your example, the "nearest railroad" would be the railroad square having the shortest path from wherever you stand. With the game board representing a directed graph, there are no "backwards" paths. Thus, the distance from the pink Chance square to the Reading railroad is not 2. It's 38.
  2. Jul 2024
    1. one of the things i suggested in a short history of progress is that 00:30:18 one of our problems even though we're very clever as a species we're not wise

      for - key insight - progress trap - A Short History of Progress - we are clever but NOT wise!

      key insight - progress trap - A Short History of Progress - we are clever but NOT wise! - In other words - Intelligence is FAR DIFFERENT than wisdom

      new memes - We have an abundance of intelligence and a dearth of wisdom - A little knowledge is dangerous, a lot of knowledge is even more dangerous

  3. May 2024
    1. the real answer doesn't lie there because all they can do is to go on associating groups of gene expression with particular proteins or particular diseases or whatever and with 00:28:39 the tiniest associations and um that creates all sorts of problems and biomedical sense it creates all sorts of ethical problems

      for - problem with gene therapy - Very little association between genes and disease - very complex associations

  4. Mar 2024
    1. The function body can be any compound command, not just a group command ( {} ). Use a sub-shell: is_hello_world() ( shopt -s nocasematch [[ "$1" =~ "hello world" ]] )
    2. foo () {...} just looks so natural, you never think that the braces aren't part of the function syntax, rather than the mostly commonly used compound command.
  5. Nov 2023
    1. the average person when they meet a stranger and start a conversation with him they accurately 00:10:44 understand what's going on in that person's head 20% of the time with friends and family it goes up to 35% of the time some people are pretty good they're 55% of the time and some people are zero% of the time but think they're 00:10:57 100% of the time we're often strangers to each other
      • for: statistic - how little we know each other

      • statistic: how little we know each other

        • the average person when they meet a stranger and start a conversation with him they accurately understand what's going on in that person's head 20% of the time
        • with friends and family it goes up to 35% of the time
        • some people are pretty good they're 55% of the time
        • some people are zero% of the time but think they're 100% of the time
        • we're often strangers to each other
  6. Oct 2023
  7. Aug 2023
    1. https://alexandrianpl.org/comfort-cabinet/

      A library has repurposed their library card catalogs as a comfort cabinet to provide their community with necessities like toothbrushes, combs, band aids, socks, etc.

  8. Jul 2023
    1. The concept of the purity of science should be abandoned.
      • for: progress trap, abstraction
        • comment
          • we do not recognize the power of abstraction
          • through it, we begin to construct Indra's Net of Jewels, one jewel (idea) at a time
          • but each jewel (idea) that we construct is just a little knowledge, and as Dan observes, a little knowledge, compared to the endless knowledge reflected in any jewel is dangerous.
          • this then, is our dangerous predicament - we base technology on incomplete jewels of Indra's net
          • as we know from mathematics, when the finite meets the infinite, it can never win
  9. Jul 2022
    1. it falls within TACE

      Does it? Most jQuery is served minified. Even if not, the "full fat" version is not especially readable.

      There are bad reasons to despise jQuery (e.g. because it's old). But there are good reasons, too (because it's bloated and just not very good).

  10. May 2022
  11. Apr 2022
    1. could a few carefully-placed lines of jQuery

      Look, jQuery is not lightweight.* It's how we got into this mess.

      * Does it require half a gigabyte of dev dependencies and regular dependencies to create a Hello, World application? No, but it's still not lightweight.

  12. Feb 2022
    1. only jquery

      It would be nice if people would stop saying this—and saying it like this—as if it's a badge of honor. jQuery is a fuckin' beast. 10 years ago, the reason that the browser was being brought to a crawl on any given pages often came down to the fact that it was using jQuery. jQuery is the reason that bloated frameworks became normalized and brought us to where we are today. So, enough already with this just-a-little-jQuery stuff.

  13. Jan 2022
  14. Oct 2021
    1. Arguments for little prior instrumentation.

      too much structure can blind researcher (risk, overlook/misrepresent) Prior prep is usually without a real context ( Single case...

  15. Aug 2021
  16. Mar 2021
  17. Aug 2020
  18. Oct 2019
    1. Each year the winner is crowned with great fanfare at Eastwood Shopping Centre, which is owned by Yuhu Group, the company founded by billionaire property developer and political donor Huang Xiangmo.

      A suggestive paragraph that may have had currency at the time you put together the story - but really, pretty much irrelevant.

      With all this unnecessary detail - it's no wonder you never got round to the teeny weeny task of counterbalancing the grand crusade of George Simon to put an end to to the event, with the fact that it failed. Spectacularly!

      And if you had just a bit more time, you probably would have been able to also include there was another similar attempt prior to his, from one of his factional colleagues, that was also punted by council.

  19. Aug 2019
    1. LittlcGrowisconsidered.onec:themostinfiuennal(mi:sz“inthoQiouxnation

      Little Crow (Sioux Chief) = extremely influential



  20. Sep 2018
  21. Aug 2018
  22. sps.nus.edu.sg sps.nus.edu.sg
    1. ΔQ=√(∂Q∂x)2(Δx)2+(∂Q∂y)2(Δy)2+(∂Q∂z)2(Δz)2+..

      ? please explain :o

  23. Apr 2018
    1. How doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day From every opening flower!
      • In this poem by Watts some lessons are if you work, hard eventually everythg willl pay off like the little busy bee. For example “improve each shining hour” this show how the bee work hard to get what he needed. I feel like this line represents that.
  24. Mar 2017
    1. Rounders, the ball comes my way, I give it a big wallop and then run round, sort of.

      Responsibilty to be a witness to my context.

  25. Jun 2016
  26. Aug 2015