- Dec 2023
Glossary of some important musical terms
- source:nikolsky-glossary
- tonicity
- modes-tritonic
- texture-voluminousness
- form
- register
- instrumentation
- texture
- modes-diatonic
- rhythm
- tempo
- rhythm-class
- AOEs
- tonality
- modes-hexatonic
- double-note
- heterophony
- modes-tetratonic
- articulation
- interval-class
- mode-khasmatonal
- tonal-gravity
- harmony
- pitch-class
- meter
- modal-harmony
- multitony
- modes-octatonic
- monophony
- modes-heptatonic
- modes
- mode-rhythmic
- hypermode
- modes-pentatonic
- monody
- consonance
- modes-monotonic
- texture-polyphony
- phrase-climax
- melodic-inclination
- melodic-intonation
- dynamics
- texture-part-vs-voice
- phrase
- diatonic-modes
- mode-hemiolic
- mesotony
- melody
- consonance-melodic
- mode-timbral
- dissonance-melodic
- modality
- diatony
- tone-class
- dissonance-harmonic
- phrase-cadence
- mode-ekmelic
- phrasing
- dissonance
- motif
Subliminal dissonance or "consonance"? Two views of jazz meter
drive.google.com drive.google.com
The South African Blue Notes, Bebop, Mbaqanga, Apartheid, and he Exiling of a Musical Imagination
Blurring the barline: metric displacement in the piano solos of herbie hancock Waters, Keith 1996
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Double-time 2003
- Sep 2023
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
We should only write on one side of these papers so that in searching through them, we do not have to take out a paper in order to read it. This doubles the space, but not entirely (since we would not write on both sides of all the slips). This consideration is not unimportant as the arrangement of boxes can, after some decades, become so large that it cannot be easily be used from one’s chair. In order to counteract this tendency, I recommend taking normal paper and not card stock.
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
As for meter, Arom adds that “it is in fact the most elementary manifestationof rhythm,” 17 made of identical durations with regular stress patterns.
“The pulse, as it has just been defined, is notrhythm. Rhythm is created by a succession of sound events with contrastingfeatures. This contrast may be generated by accents, timbres and durations.”15This is how these three components operate:
Accents: Contrast is created by means of highlighting certain elements of the music, either regularly or irregularly. When timbre or duration are not at play, accents are the only rhythmic criteria. Timbre: Contrast is produced by hearing/playing different tone colors in turn, either regularly or irregularly. When accents or duration are not at play, timbre is the only rhythmic criterion. Duration: Contrast is produced by the succession of unequal time val- ues. When accents or timbre are not at play, durations are the only rhythmic criteria. 16 As for meter, Arom adds that “it is in fact the most elementary manifestation of rhythm,” 17 made of identical durations with regular stress patterns. Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff suggest other definitions of the accent, of which they see three types:
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Shepherd’s music also contain American jazz elements, including as bebop linesin his improvisations and his approach to harmonic progressions reminiscent of Keith Jarrett’s.His experiments with irregular meter connect with West African music practices. Theseattributes preclude a simple reading of the artists’ work ‘South African’ in a singular sense,and rather reminds us that the notion of a ‘South African’ jazz is in a continuing dialogue othermusic practices – whether this is with American jazz (which has historically powerfullyinformed South African jazz and continues to do so) or musics from other places or genres
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Music theorists have long been aware that different levels of beat are often simultaneously available to the listener. Harald Krebs (1999) uses the term “metrical layers” to describe this phenomenon. In the normal case, metrical layers nest neatly insideone another; they are metrically consonant with each other. This occurs, for example, in Pachelbel’s Canonas the prevailing note-values are repeatedly halved. Figure 3.1 shows this nesting relationship between layers. There is no need for a separate micropulse layer because the layers are metrically consonant: both eighth notes and quarter notes can be expressed as groupings of sixteenth notes.
Metrical Dissonance
Meter and Grouping in African Music: A View from Music Theory
Meter and Grouping in African Music: A View from Music Theory Temperley, D. 2000
docdrop.org docdrop.orgRMJ1
The Overview Treatment of Odd Meters in The History of Jazz
The Overview Treatment of Odd Meters in The History of Jazz Suwannakit, S 2014
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Metric Considerations
docdrop.org docdrop.orgJazz1
- May 2023
www.mendeley.com www.mendeley.com
Meter and Grouping in African Music: A View from Music Theory
www.mendeley.com www.mendeley.com
His experiments with irregular meter connect with West African music practices.
- Dec 2021
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
The Good-Morrow has a basic iambic pentameter template, that is, there are five regular beats and ten syllables in each line except for the last line of each stanza which has twelve, so count as hexameters.
But there are odd exceptions here and there - some lines with an extra beat for example (11 syllables), others with trochees, spondees and anapaests, which alter rhythm and so bring added interest for the reader.
John Donne was famous for not completely yielding to the formality of poetry that was high valued during his time.
Source: Owlcation https://owlcation.com/humanities/Analysis-of-Poem-The-Good-Morrow-by-John-Donne
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
The first line of the stanza can be said with either 10 or 11 syllables, due to varying pronunciations of the word 'fire'. The rest are 11 syllables each. This stanza follows the rhyming pattern of its predecessors
The syllables in this stanza alternate between 10 and 11 for the lines that alternate rhymes (10-11-10-11), and the final rhyming couplet has 11 syllables in each line.
Each line in this stanza has 11 syllables. The final word in the first 4 lines (which alternate rhymes) has two syllables, while the rhyming couplet at the end of the stanza rhymes the final two words together.
- Sep 2021
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
Every 9th line in every stanza breaks the pattern and does not contain 10 syllables. They are all different amounts except for the second and forth stanza, which contain 6.
In this stanza the 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th line break meter.
In this stanza the 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 9th lines break the meter.
The first lines of the third and fourth paragraph have eleven syllables, in contrast to the rest of the poem which only has ten. In this stanza, the 3, 5,8 and 9th lines break the meter.
This line contains 12 syllables, and is the only 10th line that breaks the meter. The 6, 8, and 9 lines in this stanza break the meter.
With a few exceptions, most of the lines in the poem contain 10 syllables, and follow the iambic pentameter. In this stanza the 7th and 9th line break the meter.
Recording of Aubade done by the author, Phillip Larkin.
The stanzas in the poem are all ten lines with the following rhyme scheme, ABABCCDEED
The rhyme is forced here as the pronunciation of anywhere and here do not rhyme
The rhyme scheme breaks here, remorse and because do not rhyme
- Nov 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
I lay on the floor in the front parlour watching her door
This part stands out due to it's almost verse-like rhyme and meter structure.
I lay on the floor / in the front parlor / watching her door.
It emphasizes the narrator's obsession with the girl and highlights the absurdity of the daily routine, as well as the playful nature of childhood romance.
- Jun 2020
www.ft.com www.ft.com
Ahuja, A. (2020, June 16). The two-metre rule and other imperfect Covid-19 risk calculations | Free to read. https://www.ft.com/content/30adbfa1-178f-47e2-97a8-bd41ca590999
- Oct 2018
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
As virtuous men pass mildly away
- / - / - / - /<br> As virtuous men pass mildly away,
Iambic Tetrameter- This meter is consistent (as well as the Rhyme Scheme ABAB) throughout the poem in order to covey the message to Anne More that Donne's love for her is constant and never changing; this is used in order to comfort the upset More.
- Jan 2018
ategroup.com ategroup.com
The Valence static charge meter is useful for measuring electrostatic charges. Our static charge meters are lightweight, accurate, and more. The V 300 is ideal for measuring electrostatic charges in plastic, paper, packaging, textile, food, pharmaceutical, electronic, and other industries.
- Jul 2014
na4.salesforce.com na4.salesforce.com
This will need to be switched to Brea. The calls will be routed to them starting on 8/1/14.
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
"a metrical foot of one long syllable and three short syllables in any order."