- Oct 2024
support.apple.com support.apple.com
There are several ways to tell time with your Apple Watch.
Holy shit...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Book - Society of the Spectacle - 1967 - Guy Debord - Advertising - critique
Summary - This is a youtube that presents the work of French Marxist theorist Guy Debord and his important book "The society of the spectacle" that critically examines the power of mass media to shape our reality and transform us - from an active participant to - a passive spectator (hence the "spectacle" and consumer - When mass media fabricates images that become the aspirations for large swaths or the population,<br /> - it can implant market ideology that channels their future consumerist behaviour to conform with elitist hidden agenda - The idea emerged from a group of leftist scholars and activists called the Situationist International that dissolved in 1972 but - the idea is quite relevant to describing global capitalism and information systems in modernity
to - Wikipedia - Situationist International - https://hyp.is/L4ObqISEEe-gJpNANP04Mw/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situationist_International
the false reality governed by images facilitates the work of the cap capitalist system the system gives you the illusion of having Free Will and choosing what you consume but in reality everything has already been decided for you
for - society of the spectacle - insight - quote - illusion and free will
society of the spectacle - insight - quote - illusion and free will - The false reality governed by images - facilitates the work of the capitalist system - The system gives you the illusion of having Free Will and choosing what you consume - but in reality everything has already been decided for you
the new subtlety added by the B is the creation of the spectacle by the market economy or by capitalism and here lies the main difference of his critique so what's the objective of the spectacle the spectacle aims to produce the same passive and predictable individual everywhere a spectator this new being is a passive consumer instead of an active participant in society
for - question - the society of the spectacle - is it just another critique of capitalism?
question - the society of the spectacle - is it just another critique of capitalism? - In short, no. It adds something new. - The new subtlety added by the creation of the spectacle by the market economy or by capitalism is that - the spectacle aims to produce the same passive and predictable individual everywhere - ** A SPECTATOR!" - This new being is - a passive consumer instead of - an active participant in society - The Spectator - sacrifices his authenticity to fit in society and - isn't a decision maker in his life anymore - The spectator is a passive human being who just awaits orders to execute (and consume)
commoditized Instagram Netflix Tik Tok apple and Nike are all common Global references that shape our behavior and identity
for - the society of the spectacle - global brands
the rulers are no longer Kings presidents or prime ministers but the market economy for the B this is the first time that the ruler is an economic agent instead of a political one
for - adjacency - the largest companies in the world have more capital than many countries - the society of the spectacle - lobby industry
adjacency - between - the largest multi-national companies in the world have more capital than many countries - the society of the spectacle - adjacency relationship - It is a well publicized fact that the world's largest multi-national companies have more capital than many countries - This fact is a prime example of the conclusions of the society of the spectacle, - Governments are coopted to serve the needs of the multi-nationals through corporate lobbyists - In fact, multi-national corporations are called "multi-national" precisely because they are so large that they exceed the boundaries of nation states, they are LARGER than nation states - Advertising, movies and products all flow trans-nationally across political boundaries - Military weapons developed by the military industrial complex and sold to nation states make modern warefare between them exponentially more harmful - In the end, the elites within such corporations benefit from the most from the consumption - The diversion is towards maximizing their profits at the expense of all else: - people - the environment - life on earth
it's a new mode of living and perceiving the world
for - adjacency - the society of the spectacle - internet society of modernity - Deep Humanity - BEing journey - to discover the society of the spectacle
Being journey - to discover the society of the spectacle - Modernity, so steeped in social media and the internet is INDEED a new mode of living and perceiving the world - To discover the extend to which we have socially normalized a social pathology, we can introduce BEing journeys that help us explore how a life that is freed from the social norm feels like
term spectacle refers to
for - definition - the spectacle - context - the society of the spectacle - cacooning - the spectacle - social media - the spectacle
definition - the spectacle - context - the society of the spectacle - A society where images presented by mass media / mass entertainment not only dominate - but replaces real experiences with a superficial reality that is - focused on appearances designed primarily to distract people from reality - This ultimately disconnects them from - themselves and - those around them
comment - How much does our interaction with virtual reality of - written symbols - audio - video - two dimensional images - derived from our screens both large and small affect our direct experience of life? - When people are distracted by such manufactured entertainment, they have less time to devote to important issues and connecting with real people - We can sit for hours in social isolation, ignoring our bodies need for exercise and our emotional need for real social connection - We can ignore the real crisis going on in the world and instead numb ourselves out with contrived entertainment
the Society of the spectacle is a society of secrecy and diversion
for - insight - society of the spectacle - secrecy and diversion is inherent to it
insight - society of the spectacle - secrecy and diversion is inherent to it - it's a society where things happen normally like in any other society but - where we don't know who is pulling the strings - Its main objective is - to divert people's attention by - hiding the real and - promoting the Irrelevant
- society of the spectacle - insight - quote - illusion and free will
- definition - the spectacle - context - the society of the spectacle
- question - the society of the spectacle - is it just another critique of capitalism?
- adjacency - the society of the spectacle - internet society of modernity
- social media - the spectacle - a form of diversion
- Book - Society of the Spectacle - 1967 - Guy Debord
- cacooning - the spectacle - a form of diversion
- Deep Humanity - BEing journey - to discover the society of the spectacle
- insight - society of the spectacle - secrecy and diversion is inherent to it
- Advertising - critique
- adjacency - the largest companies in the world have more capital than many countries - the society of the spectacle - lobby industry
- to - Wikipedia - Situationist International
- he society of the spectacle - global brands
drlindaellis.net drlindaellis.net
for - from youtube - society of the spectacle - A Brief Look at the Juvenal’s “Bread & Circuses”
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
for - from - youtube - the society of the spectacle
from - youtube - the society of the spectacle - https://hyp.is/aJX4NoRsEe-7c5M0eZf09w/www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jXDJhi6_c
the spectacle
for - definition - the spectacle - Situationist International - adjacency - the spectacle - manufacturing consent
definition - the spectacle - Sittuationist International - A unified critique offered by the Situationist International of advanced capitalism - The critique was concerned with the insidious use of mass media and entertainment to subvert individual expression through lived experience by - substituting it with mass media images as proxies to directly lived experiences - which leads to mass consumption of commodities produced by advanced captalism - creates far-reaching passive second-hand alienation that harms both the individual and society
adjacency - between - the spectacle - manufacturing consent - adjacency relationship - The spectacle is closely related to Noam Chomsky's work on manufacturing consent
for - book - The Society of the Spectacle - definition - recuperation - from - youtube - The Society of the Spectacle - politics - Marxist group - Situationist International
definition - recuperation - A technique of the spectacle whereby - Official culture is considered a "rigged game" - Conservative powers forbid subversive ideas to have direct access to public discourse - Subversive ideas must first - get trivialized - get sterilized - before they are safely incorporated back within mainstream society - where they lose their agential power and - they can be exploited to add new flavors and bolster the status quo dominant ideas of the rigged game
from - youtube - The Society of the Spectacle - https://hyp.is/K2b2OIR5Ee-khSfaPJUKWg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jXDJhi6_c
- Sep 2024
technoblabbing in their glitterdomes
- Aug 2024
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
A few months ago, if you Googled, “How many rocks should I eat per day,” on Google, the answer was you should eat one to two rocks per day. And it came from an Onion article from many, many years ago that was a bit on lobbyist capture. It was like, “America’s geologists say you should eat one, two rocks per day, or a small pebble,” or something that got captured by a fracking blog. It was just aggregated. The Onion article was aggregated by a fracking blog, and that fracking blog got tossed into the AI feature at the top of Google’s search results. That’s a technological issue.
This is the point in the episode where "I'm screaming" would have been so violently true of me to remark that I pulled over.
For you see... I remember hearing very passively about the rocks thing and being amused - as someone who has eaten locally-sourced gravel every day of my life and grown so much better for it - but I not heard that it was the fucking Onion.
- Jun 2024
www.mcsweeneys.net www.mcsweeneys.net
This is the last piece of information you will have
- May 2024
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
I'm sick of this recurring advice. Instead I should keep a wiki and comment my code better. Don't assume that everything applies to everyone.
Absolutely decimated.
- Apr 2024
davekarpf.substack.com davekarpf.substack.com
Don’t treat televised spectacle like a deposition. It will go badly for you in all the very predictable ways.
- Nov 2023
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Google Maps will allow you to create a shared list that lets you and your friends vote on certain destinations using emoji. Lists can be shared with friends through text or other messaging apps.
Really really pushing "collaborative" out of its meaningful definition here, folks. Voting is cute, but it does not actually belong within the navigation software.
- Oct 2023
knowyourmeme.com knowyourmeme.compauljac31
"do yall got laptops,"
holler.country holler.country
Enjoys long walks anywhere but the beach.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal this, sorry.
- May 2023
soatok.blog soatok.blog
Melon Husk
No no no...
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
When I questioned an FCC spokesperson about the accuracy the agency's warning by pointing out that I wasn’t aware of any security experts saying juice jacking is a real threat, they asked if I had spoken to every cyber expert.
- Nov 2022
theconvivialsociety.substack.com theconvivialsociety.substack.com
I do think, however, that we need to consider the pattern Citton and Crary have, each in their own way, identified. I would describe the pattern this way: We inhabit a techno-social environment manufactured to fracture our attention. The interests served by this environment in turn pathologize the resultant inattention. These same interests devise and enforce new techniques to discipline the inattentive subject.
a problem whose centrality was directly related to the emergence of a social, urban, psychic, and industrial field increasingly saturated with sensory input. Inattention, especially within the context of new forms of large-scale industrialized production, began to be treated as a danger and a serious problem, even though it was the very modernized arrangements of labour that produced inattention.
- Sep 2022
davidblue.wtf davidblue.wtf
David Blue 0716YYYY-153953
Here's the beginning of my true falling out with the Obsidian community.
- Aug 2022
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Import notes on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch You can import Evernote Export files (.enex files) to Notes on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Each .enex file can include one or many notes. When you import an .enex file, each note from Evernote will be converted to a new note in Notes. Before you import to your Notes app, send yourself the .enex file via email or save it to iCloud Drive from your computer. Use Mail Open Mail and tap the email with the file that you want to import to Notes. Touch and hold the file, tap Share, then tap Notes. After your file downloads, you get a confirmation message. Tap Import Notes. Use the Files app Open the Files app and go to the file that you want to import to Notes. Touch and hold the file, tap Share, then tap Notes. After your file downloads, you get a confirmation message. Tap Import Notes. When you open the Notes app and select your iCloud notes, a new folder appears called Imported Notes. If you're not using Notes with iCloud, the new folder appears in the On My Device notes.
Stumbling across obscure/obscured shit like this in these operating systems used to be legitimately fun but uh... Well, it's been a while.
It works ridiculously well though! As in, the import process can handle far too many notes far too quickly for the device's actual ability to index them lol.
- Mar 2019
www.bopsecrets.org www.bopsecrets.org
The spectacle is not a collection of images; it is a social relation between people that is mediated by images.
- Oct 2017
Un système qui n’est pas sans rappeler le régime français des intermittents du spectacle, dans lequel une sorte de “revenu de base”, calculé sur la base des revenus antérieurs, assure une sorte de plancher minimal de revenu. On peut d’ailleurs imaginer que ce revenu de base ne serait par versé tous les mois, mais seulement les mois où les revenus sont nettement plus bas. En Belgique, la coopérative SMart offre des services aux indépendants qui vont dans ce sens.
- Jul 2016
journals-openedition-org.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr journals-openedition-org.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr
un régime spectaculaire, fonctionnant sur une coupure scénique et une convergence des regards vers un espace-temps attentionnel unique
société du spectacle