33 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Francis Bacon once remarked, “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”

      Good Quote.

    2. It means you’re likely to parrot an opinion that isn’t yours as if you had done the work.


    1. Attachment theory hypothesizes that early caregiver relationships establish social–emotional developmental foundations

      It's crazy how the roots of almost every problem of ours can be found in how we were treat as children.

    1. One common pattern is that people think they're getting stuck on esoteric, complex issues. But when you dig down it turns out they're having a hard time with basic notation and terminology.

      Common problem with learning math.

    2. I can't replace note taking with Anki – it's too slow, and for many things a poor use of my long-term memory.

      Why not this?: Idea -> Note-taking -> (Filter) -> Anki

      How to optimise for: * Time * Memory

      And what are the opportunity costs?

    3. Instead of getting out Anki, I will quickly make a mental (or paper) note of what I want to Ankify. I then enter it into Anki later. This requires some discipline; it's one reason I prefer to set a small quota, so that I merely have to enter a few questions later, rather than dozens.

      How to integrate fleeting notes with Anki via Obsidian.

    4. Put another way: to really internalize a process, it's not enough just to review Anki cards. You need to carry out the process, in context. And you need to solve real problems with it.

      Theory will only take you so far.

      -Oppenheimer (2023)

    5. The act of constructing an Anki card is itself nearly always a form of elaborative encoding

      The same happens when you make atomic notes in Roam or Obsidian, where you can link things. Non-linear note-taking

    6. orphan questions

      Kind of similar to Obsidian's orphan links: files with no links.

    7. The world isn't divided up into neatly separated components, and I believe it's good to collide very different types of questions. One moment Anki is asking me a question about the temperature chicken should be cooked to. The next: a question about the JavaScript API. Is this mixing doing me any real good? I'm not sure.

      I think context-switching helps a lot as it makes it more challenging to retrieve, thus making stronger neural connections

    8. These are goals which, for me, are intellectually appealing, but which I'm not emotionally invested in.

      Learning requires an emotional connection

    9. This entire process took a few days of my time, spread over a few weeks. That's a lot of work.

      How can you put in that much amount of effort and time as a student, where you have schooldays and homework to deal with.

      But there are benefits. Suppose a student HAS to study for exams, but doesn't want to spend a lot of time studying (since exams depend on rote learning and retrieval), he/she can use Anki. The time spent should be worth it. There may be some opportunity costs though, like doing some other social activity or creative work rather than putting questions into Anki. This requires motivation, dedication and perhaps sense of progress.

    10. Of course, instead of using Anki I could have taken conventional notes, using a similar process to build up an understanding of the paper. But using Anki gave me confidence I would retain much of the understanding over the long term.

      Short term memory vs Long-term memory

      One easy example that comes to my mind is studying for exams vs studying for changing worldview

    11. I began reading it quickly, almost skimming

      Superficial Reading.

      For better reading tactics, refer to Mortimer's How To Read A Book

    12. I occasionally wonder what the impact would be of memorizing a good book in its entirety; I wouldn't be surprised if it greatly influenced my own language and writing.

      may be equivalent of training a generative AI?

    13. and over the years I made multiple attempts to use it, each time quickly giving up.

      Yes, using Anki may seem a bit clunky at first, but with appropriate add-ons and efficient entry system, the experience gets better.

      Personally, I used Anki before moving onto Obsidian's Spaced Repetition plugin. I am reading this article as an effort to get back on Anki. Why? It is very, very robust. If only I can integrate it with my Obsidian...

    14. I review my Anki cards while walking to get my morning coffee, while waiting in line, on transit, and so on.

      It requires a bit of commitment and habit-making. One has to develop that "muscle-memory" to review cards while in a less cognitive-effort demanding situation.

      But this muscle-memory of pulling out ones mobile phone seems a bit contradictory to Cal Newport's philosophy of Digital Minimalism. Of course, since the use case is very specific, it can be passed as a necessary thing to do and thus, be harmless.

    15. Anki in all parts of my life

      Some more use cases: * memorising a recipe and amount of ingredients * memorising chemical reactions * learning new words from different languages


    16. ad hoc

      created or done for a particular purpose as necessary.

    1. In my personal memory practice, nearly all the benefit has come from learning how to: better digest material; make better questions and answers; better connect the memory system to my life and creative work

      we need: * critical thinking * better analytical skills

  2. Mar 2024
  3. Jan 2024
    1. Time spent in rabbit holes on cognitive science is thrilling, but there’s always a niggle of guilt about the “wasted time”. Time spent productively is tangible and satisfying, but there’s a small part of me that feels missing. The war between these two sides has been going on for the better part of a year, especially because no matter how much I experiment with different time-management strategies, I can’t seem to reconcile both sides in a way that feels consistently balanced.

      internal conflict: guilt vs passion

    2. There’s a point where it’s time to start shifting away from exploring and toward exploiting. Eventually, you have to hunker down on a few key things and dive deep. This is where curiosity can become a silent killer.

      rough truth about curiosity

    3. Letting kids engage in unstructured play, letting them solve their own problems, and emphasizing learning from a young age naturally builds a curious mindset. Curiosity even circumvents the need for a growth mindset.

      in the modern age, the answers to the problems are given in the back of the books or just one Google search away. This ease of access gives the kids too much slack that they stop being curious

    1. Mood is more objective than objects (41) because it primes how we see the world.

      interesting... but mood is different from the mind, isn't it?

    2. And through this logic, the fastest way to understand someone is to explore what primes their mood.

      the representation of the self.

    3. Whenever we want to improve ourselves, we like to focus on what we can do and what we can acquire. We focus on actions and objects while disregarding "mood" because it seems frivolous.

      nothing is ever "useless"

    4. music taste doesn't come from arbitrary preferences, and trying to change someone's music taste is harder than convincing my grandparents that ketchup on dumplings might be a good idea.


    1. Finally, parents who are educated by the system are not educated to think. So, parents don't ask. Did you know that most parents choose school based on how close the school is (easy and convenient) and how much the fee is (cheap). So, no one cares a dam about education.

      sad reality we live in...

    2. India has a better and rich educational history but destroyed by colonialism

      perhaps that is why we don't see people "stand out" now.

    1. Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you've got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read.

      that's inspiring af