7,947 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Barlow and colleagues describe a role for the Na+/K+ pump in sleep/wake regulation. They discovered this role starting with a forward genetic screen in which they tested a biased sample of virus insertion fish lines for sleep phenotypes. They found an insertion in a gene they named dreammist, which is homologous to the gene FXYD1 encoding single membrane-pass modifiers of Na/K pumps. They go on to show that genetic manipulations of either FXYD1 or the Na/K pump also reduce sleep. They use pharmacology and sleep deprivation experiments to provide further evidence that the NA/K pump regulates intracellular sodium and rebound sleep. This study provides additional evidence for the important role of membrane excitability in sleep regulation (prior studies have implicated K+ channel subunits as well as a sodium leak ion channel).

      The study is well done and convincing with regard to its major conclusions. I had some minor comments/questions, which they properly addressed in their revision and rebuttal.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper presents a valuable contribution to ongoing methods for understanding and modeling structure via latent variable models for neural and behavioral data. Building on the PS-VAE model of Whiteway et al. (2021), which posited a division of latent variables into unsupervised (i.e., useful for reconstruction) and supervised (useful for predicting selected labeled features) variables, the authors propose an additional set of "constrained subspace" latent variables that are regularized toward a prespecified prior via a Cauchy-Schwarz divergence previously proposed.

      The authors contend that the added CS latents aid in capturing both patterns of covariance across the data and individual-specific features that are of particular benefit in multi-animal experiments, all without requiring additional labels. They substantiate these claims with a series of computational experiments demonstrating that their CS-VAE outperforms the PS-VAE in several tasks, particularly that of capturing differences between individuals, consistency in behavioral phenotyping, and predicting correlations with neural data.

      Strengths of the present work include an extensive and rigorous set of validation experiments that will be of interest to those analyzing behavioral video. Weaknesses include a lack of discussion of key theoretical ideas motivating the design of the model, including the choice of a Cauchy-Schwarz divergence, the specific form of the prior, and arguments for sorts of information the CS latents might capture and why. In addition, the model makes use of a moderate number of key hyperparameters whose effect on training outcomes are not extensively analyzed. As a result, the model may be difficult for less experienced users to apply to their own data. Finally, as with many similar VAE approaches, the lack of a ground truth against which to validate means that much of evidence provided for the model is necessarily subjective, and its appeal lies in the degree to which the discovered latent spaces appear interpretable in particular applications.

      In all, this work is a valuable contribution that is likely to have appeal to those interested in applying latent space methods, particularly to multi-animal video data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The contribution of glial cells to the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is of substantial interest and the investigators have contributed significantly to this emerging field via prior publications. In the present study, authors use a SOD1G93A mouse model to elucidate the role of astrocyte ephrinB2 signaling in ALS disease progression. Erythropoietin-producing human hepatocellular receptors (Ephs) and the Eph receptor-interacting proteins (ephrins) signaling is an important mediator of signaling between neurons and non-neuronal cells in the nervous system. Recent evidence suggests that dysregulated Eph-ephrin signaling in the mature CNS is a feature of neurodegenerative diseases. In the ALS model, upregulated Eph4A expression in motor neurons has been linked to disease pathogenesis. In the present study, authors extend previous findings to a new class of ephrinB2 ligands. Urban et al. hypothesize that upregulated ephrinB2 signaling contributes to disease pathogenesis in ALS mice. The authors successfully test this hypothesis and their results generally support their conclusion.

      Major strengths of this work include a robust study design, a well-defined translational model, and complementary biochemical and experimental methods such that correlated findings are followed up by interventional studies. Authors show that ephrinB2 ligand expression is progressively upregulated in the ventral horn of the cervical and lumbar spinal cord through pre-symptomatic to end stages of the disease. This novel association was also observed in lumbar spinal cord samples from post-mortem samples of human ALS donors with a SOD1 mutation. Further, they use a lentiviral approach to drive knock-down of ephrinB2 in the central cervical region of SOD1G93A mice at the pre-symptomatic stage. Interestingly, in spite of using a non-specific promoter, authors note that the lentiviral expression was preferentially driven in astrocytes.

      Since respiratory compromise is a leading cause of morbidity in the ALS population, the authors proceed to characterize the impact of ephrinB2 knockdown on diaphragm muscle output. In mice approaching the end stage of the disease, electrophysiological recordings from the diaphragm muscle show that animals in the knock-down group exhibited a ~60% larger amplitude. This functional preservation of diaphragm function was also accompanied by the preservation of diaphragm neuromuscular innervation. However, it must be noted that this cervical ephrinB2 knockdown approach had no impact on disease onset, disease duration, or animal survival. Furthermore, there was no impact of ephrinB2 knockdown on forelimb or hindlimb function.

      The major limitation of the manuscript as currently written is the conclusion that the preservation of diaphragm output following ephrinB2 knockdown in SOD1 mice is mediated primarily (if not entirely) by astrocytes. The authors present convincing evidence that a reduction in ephrinB2 is observed in local astrocytes (~56% transduction) following the intraspinal injection of the lentivirus. However, the proportion of cell types assessed for transduction with the lentivirus in the spinal cord was limited to neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocyte lineage cells. Microglia comprise a large proportion of the glial population in the spinal grey matter and have been shown to associate closely with respiratory motor pools. This cell type, amongst the many others that comprise the ventral gray matter, have not been investigated in this study. Thus, the primary conclusion that astrocytes drive ephrinB2-mediated pathogenesis in ALS mice is largely correlative. Further, it is interesting to note that no other functional outcomes were improved in this study. The C3-C5 region of the spinal cord consists of many motor pools that innervate forelimb muscles. CMAP recordings conducted at the diaphragm are a reflection of intact motor pools. This type of assessment of neuromuscular health is hard to re-capitulate in the kind of forelimb task that is being employed to test motor function (grip strength). Thus, it would be interesting to see if CMAP recordings of forelimb muscles would capture the kind of motor function preservation observed in the diaphragm muscle.

      On a similar note, the functional impact of increased CMAP amplitude has not been presented. An increase in CMAP amplitude does not necessarily translate to improved breathing function or overall ventilation. Thus, the impact of this improvement in motor output should be clearly presented to the reader. Further, to the best of my knowledge, expression of Eph (or EphB) receptors has not been explicitly shown at the phrenic motor pool. It is thus speculative at best that the mechanism that the authors suggest in preserving diaphragm function is in fact mediated through Eph-EphrinB2 signaling at the phrenic motor pool. This aspect of the study would warrant a deeper discussion. Lastly, although authors include both male and female animals in this investigation, they do not have sufficient power to evaluate sex differences. Thus, this presents another exciting future of investigation, given that ALS has a slightly higher preponderance in males as compared to females.

      In summary, this study by Urban et al. provides a valuable framework for Eph-Ephrin signaling mechanisms imposing pathological changes in an ALS mouse model. The role of glial cells in ALS pathology is a very exciting and upcoming field of investigation. The current study proposes a novel astrocyte-mediated mechanism for the propagation of disease that may eventually help to identify potential therapeutic targets.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study connects prior findings on MicroRNA15/16 and Malat1 to demonstrate a functional interaction that is consequential for T cell activation and cell fate.

      The study uses mice (Malat1scr/scr) with a precise genetic modification of Malat1 to specifically excise the sites of interaction with the microRNA, but sparing all other sequences, and mice with T-cell specific deletion of miR-15/16. The effects of genetic modification on in vivo T-cell responses are detected using specific mutations and shown to be T-cell intrinsic.

      It is not known where in the cell the consequential interactions between MicroRNA15/16 and Malat1 take place. The authors depict in the graphical abstract Malat1 to be a nuclear lncRNA. Malat 1 is very abundant, but it is unclear if it can shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm. As the authors discuss future work defining where in the cell the relevant interactions take place will be important.

      In addition to showing physiological phenotypic effects, the mouse models prove to be very helpful when the effects measured are small and sometimes hard to quantitate in the context of considerable variation between biological replicates (for example the results in Figure 4D).

      The impact of the genetic modification on the CD28-IL2- Bcl2 axis is quantitatively small at the level of expression of individual proteins and there are likely to be additional components to this circuitry.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper purports to unveil a mechanism controlling telomere length through SUMO modifications controlling interactions between PCNA unloader Elg1 and the CST complex that functions at telomeres. This is an extremely interesting mechanism to understand, and this paper indeed reveals some interesting genetic results, leading to a compelling model, with potential impact on the field. Overall, however, the data do not provide sufficient support for the claims. The model may be correct but it is not yet convincingly demonstrated.

      The current version addressed some of the issues regarding language describing conclusions and more experimental detail has been provided. However, the authors have not provided new data supporting the model, so the overall evaluation is that the work remains inconclusive.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The pear psylla Cacopsylla chinensis has two morphologically different forms, winter- and summer-forms depending on the temperatures. The authors provided solid data showing that the cold sensor CcTRPM is responsible for switching summer- to winter forms, which is in turn regulated by the miRNA miR-252. This finding is interesting and novel.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study examines the role of the Locus Coeruleus (LC)/noradrenergic (NA) system in extinction in male and female rats. The behavioural task involves three phases i) training on a discriminative procedure in which operant responding was rewarded only during the presentation of a stimulus ii) extinction iii) testing for the expression of extinction at both short (1 day) or long (7 days) delays. Targeting LC/NA cells with optogenetic in TH::Cre rats, the authors found that photoexcitation during extinction led to an increase in the expression of extinguished responding at both short and long delays. By contrast, photo inhibition was found to be without an effect.

      1. In such discrimination training, Pavlovian (CS-Food) and instrumental (LeverPress-Food) contingencies are intermixed. It would therefore be very interesting if the authors provided evidence of other behavioural responses (e.g. magazine visits) during extinction training and tests.<br /> 2. In Figure 1, the authors show the behavioural data of the different groups of control animals which were later collapsed in a single control group. It would be very nice if the authors could provide the data for each step of the discrimination training.<br /> 3. Inspection of Figures 2C & 2D shows that responding in control animals is about the same at test 2 as at the end of extinction training. Therefore, could the authors provide evidence for spontaneous recovery in control animals? This is of importance given that the main conclusion of the authors is that LC stimulation during extinction training led to an increased expression of extinction memory as expressed by reduced spontaneous recovery.<br /> 4. Current evidence suggests that there are differences in LC/NA system functioning between males and females. Could the authors provide details about the allocation of male and female animals in each group?<br /> 5. The histology section in both experiments looks a bit unsatisfying. Could the authors provide more details about the number of counted cells and also their distribution along the antero-posterior extent of the LC. Could the authors also take into account the sex in such an analysis?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work aggregates data across 5 openly available stopping studies (3 at 7 tesla and 2 at 3 tesla) to evaluate activity patterns across the common contrasts of Failed Stop (FS) > Go, FS > stop success (SS), and SS > Go. Previous work has implicated a set of regions that tend to be positively active in one or more of these contrasts, including the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus, preSMA, and multiple basal ganglia structures. However, the authors argue that upon closer examination, many previous papers have not found subcortical structures to be more active on SS than FS trials, bringing into question whether they play an essential role in (successful) inhibition. In order to evaluate this with more data and power, the authors aggregate across five datasets and find many areas that are *more* active for FS than SS, specifically bilateral preSMA, caudate, GPE, thalamus, and VTA, and unilateral M1, GPi, putamen, SN, and STN. They argue that this brings into question the role of these areas in inhibition, based upon the assumption that areas involved in inhibition should be more active on successful stop than failed stop trials, not the opposite as they observed.

      As an empirical result, I believe that the results are robust, but this work does not attempt a new theoretical synthesis of the neuro-cognitive mechanisms of stopping. Specifically, if these many areas are more active on failed stop than successful stop trials, and (at least some of) these areas are situated in pathways that are traditionally assumed to instantiate response inhibition like the hyperdirect pathway, then what function are these areas/pathways involved in? I believe that this work would make a larger impact if the author endeavored to synthesize these results into some kind of theoretical framework for how stopping is instantiated in the brain, even if that framework may be preliminary.

      I also have one main concern about the analysis. The authors use the mean method for computing SSRT, but this has been shown to be more susceptible to distortion from RT slowing (Verbruggen, Chambers & Logan, 2013 Psych Sci), and goes against the consensus recommendation of using the integration with replacement method (Verbruggen et al., 2019). Therefore, I would strongly recommend replacing all mean SSRT estimates with estimates using the integration with replacement method.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This report by Hur et al. examines simultaneous activity in the cerebellum and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) to determine how activity in these regions is coordinated during social behavior. To accomplish this, the authors developed a recording device named the E-scope, which combines a head-mounted mini-scope for in vivo Ca2+ imaging with an extracellular recording probe (in the manuscript they use a 32-channel silicon probe). Using the E-scope, the authors find subpopulations of cerebellar neurons with social-interaction-related activity changes. The activity pattern is predominantly decreased firing in PCs and increases in DNs, which is the expected reciprocal relationship between these populations. They also find social-interaction-related activity in the ACC. The authors nicely show the absence of locomotion onset and offset activity in PCs and DNs ruling out that is movement driven. Analysis showed high correlations between cerebellar and ACC populations (namely, Soc+ACC and Soc+DN cells). The finding of correlated activity is interesting because non-motor functions of the cerebellum are relatively little explored. However, the causal relationship is far from established with the methods used, leaving it unclear if these two brain regions are similarly engaged by the behavior or if they form a pathway/loop. Overall, the data are presented clearly, and the manuscript is well written, however, the biological insight gained is rather limited.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The study provides a valuable contribution by demonstrating the use of an allocentric spatial reference frame in the perception of the location of a dimly lit target in the dark. While the evidence presented in support of the authors' claims is solid and convincing, it would be beneficial for the study to address potential limitations, such as its ecological validity.

      Strengths:<br /> Unlike previous research where observers were stationary during a visual-spatial perception task, this recent study expanded upon prior findings by incorporating bodily movements for the observers. This study is a valuable addition to the literature as it not only discovered that the intrinsic bias is grounded on the home base, but also identified several key characteristics through a series of follow-up experiments. The findings suggest that this "allocentric" spatial coding decays over time, requires attentional resources, can be based solely on vestibular signals, and is most effective in the horizontal direction. In general, this study is interesting, clearly presented, well-thought-out and executed. The results confirmed the conclusions and the study's comprehensive approach offers valuable insights into the nature of intrinsic bias in spatial perception.

      The counter-intuitive results presented in the manuscript are intriguing and add to the study's overall appeal. Moreover, the manuscript draws an interesting parallel between human spatial navigation and that of desert ants. This comparison helps to underscore the importance of understanding spatial coding mechanisms across different species and highlights potential avenues for future research.

      One aspect I particularly valued about this study was the authors' thorough description of the experimental methods. This level of detail not only highlights the rigor of the research but also enhances the reproducibility of the study, making it more accessible for future researchers.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While the current study provides valuable insights into the nature of intrinsic bias in spatial perception, there is a concern regarding its ecological validity. The experimental design involved stringent precautions, such as a very dark room and a small target, to minimize the presence of depth cues. This is in contrast to the real world, where depth information is readily available from the ground and surrounding objects, aiding in our perception of space and depth. As a result, it is unclear to what extent this "allocentric" intrinsic bias is involved in our everyday spatial perception. To provide more context for the general audience, it would be beneficial for the authors to address this issue in their discussion.

      The current findings on the "allocentric" coding scheme raise some intriguing questions as to why such a mechanism would be developed and how it could be beneficial. The finding that the "allocentric" coding scheme results in less accurate object localization and requires attentional resources seems counterintuitive and raises questions about its usefulness. However, this observation presents an opportunity for the manuscript to discuss the potential evolutionary advantages or trade-offs associated with this coding mechanism.

      The manuscript lacks a thorough description of the data analysis process, particularly regarding the fitting of the intrinsic bias curve (e.g., the blue and gray dashed curve in Figure 3c) and the calculation of the horizontal separation between the curves. It would be beneficial for the authors to provide more detailed information on the specific function and parameters used in the fitting process and the formula used for the separation calculation to ensure the transparency and reproducibility of the study's results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work aims at answering whether activity in the primate visual cortex is modulated by locomotion, as was reported for the mouse visual cortex. The finding that the activity in the mouse visual cortex is modulated by running has changed the concept of primary sensory cortical areas. However, it was an open question whether this modulation generalizes to primates.

      To answer this fundamental question the authors established a novel paradigm in which a head-fixed marmoset was able to run on a treadmill while watching a visual stimulus on a display. In addition, eye movements and running speed were monitored continuously and extracellular neuronal activity in the primary visual cortex was recorded using high-channel-count electrode arrays. This paradigm uniquely permitted investigation of whether locomotion modulates sensory-evoked activity in the visual cortex of a marmoset. Moreover, to directly compare the responses in the marmoset visual cortex to responses in the mouse visual cortex the authors made use of a publicly-available mouse dataset from the Allen Institute. In this dataset, the mouse was also running on a treadmill and observing a set of visual stimuli on a display. The authors took extra care to have the marmoset and mouse paradigms as comparable as possible.

      To characterize the visually driven activity the authors present a series of moving gratings and estimate receptive fields with sparse noise. To estimate the gain modulation by running the authors split the dataset into epochs of running and non-running which allowed them to estimate the visually evoked firing rates in both behavioral states.

      Strengths:<br /> The novel paradigm of head-fixed marmosets running on a treadmill while being presented with a visual stimulus is unique and ideally tailored to answering the question that the authors aimed to answer. Moreover, the authors took extra care to ensure that the paradigm in the marmoset matched as closely as possible to the conditions in the mouse experiments such that the results can be directly compared. To directly compare their data the authors re-analyzed publicly available data from the visual cortex of mice recorded at the Allen Institute. Such a direct comparison, and reuse of existing datasets, is another strong aspect of the work. Finally, the presented new marmoset dataset appears to be of high quality, the comparison between the mouse and marmoset visual cortex is well done and the results and interpretation are straightforward.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While the presented results are clear and support the main conclusion of the authors, additional analysis and experimental details could have further strengthened and clarified some aspects of the results. For example, it is known that the locomotion gain modulation varies with layer in the mouse visual cortex, with neurons in the infragranular layers expressing a diversity of modulations (Erisken et al. 2014 Current Biology). However, for the marmoset dataset, it was not reported from which cortical layer the neurons are from, leaving this point unanswered.

      Nonetheless, the aim of comparing the locomotion-induced modulation of activity in primate and mouse primary visual cortex was convincingly achieved by the authors. The results shown in the figures support the conclusion that locomotion modulates the activity in primate and mouse visual cortex differently. While mice show a profound gain increase, neurons in the primate visual cortex show little modulation or even a reduction in response strength.

      This work will have a strong impact on the field of visual neuroscience but also on neuroscience in general. It revives the debate of whether results obtained in the mouse model system can be simply generalized to other mammalian model systems, such as non-human primates. Based on the presented results, the comparison between the mouse and primate visual cortex is not as straightforward as previously assumed. This will likely trigger more comparative studies between mice and primates in the future, which is important and absolutely needed to advance our understanding of the mammalian brain.

      Moreover, the reported finding that neurons in the primary visual cortex of marmosets do not increase their activity during running is intriguing, as it makes you wonder why neurons in the mouse visual cortex do so. The authors discuss a few ideas in the paper which can be addressed in future experiments. In this regard, it is worth noting that the authors report an interesting difference between the foveal and peripheral parts of the visual cortex in marmoset. It will be interesting to investigate these differences in more detail in future studies. Likewise, while running might be an important behavioral state for mice, other behavioral states might be more relevant for marmosets and do modulate the activity of the primate visual cortex more profoundly. Future work could leverage the opportunities that the marmoset model system offers to reveal new insights about behavioral-related modulation in the primate brain.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, multiple biophysical techniques were employed to investigate the activation mechanism of BTK, a multi-domain non-receptor protein kinase. Previous studies have elucidated the inhibitory effects of the SH3 and SH2 domains on the kinase and the potential activation mechanism involving the membrane-bound PIP3 inducing transient dimerization of the PH-TH domain, which binds to lipids.

      The primary focus of the present study was on three new constructs: a full-length BTK construct, a construct where the PH-TH domain is connected to the kinase domain, and a construct featuring a kinase domain with a phosphomimetic at the autophosphorylation site Y551. The authors aimed to provide new insights into the autoinhibition and allosteric control of BTK.

      The study reports that SAXS analysis of the full-length BTK protein construct, along with cryoEM visualization of the PH-TH domain, supports a model in which the N-terminal PH-TH domain exists in a conformational ensemble surrounding a compact/autoinhibited SH3-SH2-kinase core. This finding is interesting because it contradicts previous models proposing that each globular domain is tightly packed within the core.

      Furthermore, the authors present a model for an inhibitory interaction between the N-lobe of the kinase and the PH-TH domain. This model is based on a study using a tethered complex with a longer tether than a previously reported construct where the PH-TH domain was tightly attached to the kinase domain (ref 5). The authors argue that the new structure is relevant. However, this assertion requires further explanation and discussion, particularly considering that the functional assays used to assess the impact of mutating residues within the PH-TH/kinase domain contradict the results of the previous study (ref 5).

      Additionally, the study presents the structure of the kinase domain with swapped activation loops in a dimeric form, representing a previously unseen structure along the trans-phosphorylation pathway. This structure holds potential relevance. To better understand its significance, employing a structure/function approach like the one described for the PH-TH/kinase domain interface would be beneficial.

      Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of the activation mechanism of BTK and sheds light on the autoinhibition and allosteric control of this protein kinase. It presents new structural insights and proposes novel models that challenge previous understandings. However, further investigation and discussion would significantly strengthen the study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Nishikawa et al. addresses time-dependent changes in the electron transfer energetics in the photosynthetic reaction center from Blastochloris viridis, whose time-dependent structural changes upon light illumination were recently demonstrated by time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) using X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) (Dods et al., Nature, 2021). Based on the redox potential Em values of bacteriopheophytin in the electron transfer active branch (BL) by solving the linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the authors found that Em(HL) values in the charge-separated 5-ps structure obtained by XFEL are not clearly changed, suggesting that the P+HL- state is not stabilized owing to protein reorganization. Furthermore, chlorin ring deformation upon HL- formation, which was expected from their QM/MM calculation, is not recognized in the 5-ps XFEL structure. Then the authors concluded that the structural changes in the XFEL structures are not related to the actual time course of charge separation. They argued that their calculated changes in Em and chlorin ring deformations using the XEFL structures may reflect the experimental errors rather than the real structural changes; they mentioned this problem is due to the fact that the XFEL structures were obtained at not high resolutions (mostly at 2.8 Å). I consider that their systematic calculations may suggest a useful theoretical interpretation of the XFEL study. However, the present manuscript insists as a whole negatively that the experimental errors may hamper to provide the actual structural changes relevant to the electron transfer events. My concerns are the following two points:<br /> Is the premise of the authors for the electron transfer energetics obviously valid?<br /> Could the authors find any positive aspect(s) in the XFEL study?

      The authors' argument is certainly due to their premise "Em(HL) is expected to be exclusively higher in the 5-ps and 20-ps structures than in the other XFEL structures due to the stabilization of the [PLPM]•+HL•- state by protein reorganization" as noted in the Results and Discussion (p. 12, lines 180-182); however, it is unknown whether this premise can be applied to the ps-timescale electron transfer events. The above premise is surely based on the Marcus theory, as the authors also noted in the Introduction "The anionic state formation induces not only reorganization of the protein environment (ref. 5: Marcus and Sutin, 1985) but also out-of-plane distortion of the chlorin ring (ref. 6: two of the authors, Saito and Ishikita, co-authored, 2012)"; however, it is unknown whether protein reorganization can follow the ps-timescale electron transfer events. Indeed, Dods et al. mentioned in the Nature paper (2021) "The primary electron-transfer step from SP (special pair PLPM) to BPhL (HL) occurs in 2.8 {plus minus} 0.2 ps across a distance of 10 Å by means of a two-step hopping mechanism via the monomeric BChL molecule and is more rapid than conventional Marcus theory". It was also mentioned, "By contrast, the 9 Å electron-transfer step from BPhL to QA has a single exponential decay time of 230 {plus minus} 30 ps, which is consistent with conventional Marcus theory". As for the primary electron-transfer step from PLPM to HL, Wang et al. (2007, Science 316, 747; cited as ref. 8 in the Nature paper 2021) reported, by monitoring tryptophan absorbance changes in various reaction centers in which the driving forces (namely, the Em gaps between PLPM and HL) are different, that the protein relaxation kinetics is independent of the charge separation kinetics on the picosecond timescale. On the other hand, in the EPR study cited by the authors as ref. 7 (Muh et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 13066), although the authors described "two distinct conformations of HL- were reported in spectroscopic studies" (p. 3, lines 44-45), it should be noted that conformation of HL- was formed by 1 or 45 s illumination prior to freezing, and hence the second-order reorganized conformations may differ from picosecond-order conformations observed by the XFEL study (Nature, 2021) and/or the transient absorption spectroscopy (Science, 2007).

      Therefore, I consider there is a possibility that the authors' findings may reflect not experimental errors but the actual ps-timescale phenomena presented by the first-time XFEL study on the timescale of the primary charge-separation reactions of photosynthesis. Thus I would like to suggest that the authors reconsider the premise for the electron transfer energetics on the picosecond timescale.

      In any case, to discuss the experimental errors in the XFEL study, it is better to calculate the Em(QA) changes in the 300-ps and 8-us XFEL structures, which showed distinctive structural changes even at the 2.8 Å resolution as discussed by Dods et al. Then, if the Em(QA) values are changed as expected from theoretical calculations, such calculated results may suggest a useful theoretical interpretation of the XFEL study as a positive aspect. If the Em(QA) values are not higher in the 300-ps and 8-us structures than in the other structures, it may be argued that the experimental errors would be so large that the XFEL structures are irrelevant to the electron transfer events expected from theoretical calculations.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is an interesting study with high-quality imaging and quantitative data. The authors devise a robust quantitative parameter that is easily applicable to any experimental system. The drug screen data can potentially be helpful to the wider community studying nucleolar architecture and the effects of chemotherapy drugs. Additionally, the authors find Treacle phosphorylation as a potential link between CDK9 inhibition, rDNA transcription, and nucleolar stress. Therefore I think this would be of broad interest to researchers studying transcription, CDKs, nucleolus, and chemotherapy drug mechanisms. However, the study has several weaknesses in its current form as outlined below.

      1. Overall the study seems to suffer from a lack of focus. At first, it feels like a descriptive study aimed at characterizing the effect of chemotherapy drugs on the nucleolar state. But then the authors dive into the mechanism of CDK inhibition and then suddenly switch to studying biophysical properties of nucleolus using NPM1. Figure 6 does not enhance the story in any way; on the contrary, the findings from Fig. 6 are inconclusive and therefore could lead to some confusion.

      2. The justification for pursuing CDK inhibitors is not clear. Some of the top hits in the screen were mTOR, PI3K, HSP90, Topoisomerases, but the authors fail to properly justify why they chose CDKi over other inhibitors.

      3. In addition to poor justification, it seems like a very superficial attempt at deciphering the mechanism of CDK9i-mediated nucleolar stress. I think the most interesting part of the study is the link between CDK9, Pol I transcription, and nucleolar stress. But the data presented is not entirely convincing. There are several important controls missing as detailed below.

      4. The authors did not test if inhibition of CDK7 and/or CDK12 also induces nucleolar stress. CDK7 and CDK12 are also major kinases of RNAPII CTD, just like CDK9. Importantly, there are well-established inhibitors against both these kinases. It is not clear from the text whether these inhibitors were included in the screen library.

      5. In Figure 4E, the authors show that Pol I is reduced in nucleolus/on rDNA. The authors should include an orthogonal method like chromatin fractionation and/or ChIP

      6. In Fig. 5D, in vitro kinase lacks important controls. The authors should include S to A mutants of Treacle S1299A/S1301A to demonstrate that CDK9 phosphorylates these two residues specifically.

      7. To support their model, the authors should test if overexpression of Treacle mutants S1299A/S1301A can partially phenocopy the nucleolar stress seen upon CDK9 inhibition. This would considerably strengthen the author's claim that reduced Treacle phosphorylation leads to Pol I disassociation from rDNA and consequently leads to nucleolar stress.

      8. Additionally, it would be interesting if S1299D/S1301D mutants could partially rescue CDK9 inhibition.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper illustrates that PSCs can model myogenesis in vitro by mimicking the in vivo development of the somite and dermomyotome. The advantages of this 3D system include (1) better structural distinctions, (2) the persistence of progenitors, and (3) the spatial distribution (e.g. migration, confinement) of progenitors. The finding is important with the implication in disease modeling. Indeed the authors tried DMD model although it suffered the lack of deeper characterization.

      The differentiation protocol is based on a current understanding of myogenesis and compelling. They characterized the organoids in depth (e.g. many time points and immunofluorescence). The evidence is solid, and can be improved more by rigorous analyses and descriptions as described below.

      Major comments:

      1. Consistency between different cell lines.<br /> I see the authors used a few different PSC lines. Since organoid efficiency differ between lines, it is important to note the consistency between lines.

      2. Heterogeneity among each organoid<br /> Let's say authors get 10 organoids in one well. Are they similar to each other? Does each organoid possess similar composition of cells? To determine the heterogeneity, the authors could try either FACS or multiple sectioning of each organoid.

      3. Consistency of Ach current between organoids.<br /> Related to comment 2, are the currents consistent between each organoid? How many organoids were recorded in the figures? Also, please comment if the current differ between young and aged organoids.

      4. Communication between neural cells and muscle?<br /> The authors did scRNAseq, but have not gone deep analysis. I would recommend doing Receptor-ligand mapping and address if neural cells and muscle are interacting.

      5. More characterization of DMD organoids.<br /> One of the key applications of muscle organoids is disease model. They have generated DMD muscle organoids, but rarely characterized except for currents. I recommend conducting immunofluorescence of DMA organoids to confirm structure change. Very intriguing to see scRNAseq of DMD organoids and align with disease etiology.

      6. More characterization of engraft.<br /> Authors could measure the size of myotube between mice and human. Does PAX7+ Sattelite cell exist in engraft? To exclude cell fusion events make up the observation, I recommend to engraft in GFP+ immunodeficient mice. Could the authors comment how long engraft survive.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is the first comprehensive study aimed at assessing the impact of landscape modification on the prevalence of P. knowlesi malaria in non-human primates in Southeast Asia. This is a very important and timely topic both in terms of developing a better understanding of zoonotic disease spillover and the impact of human modification of landscape on disease prevalence.

      This study uses the meta-analysis approach to incorporate the existing data sources into a new and completely independent study that answers novel research questions linked to geospatial data analysis. The challenge, however, is that neither the sampling design of previous studies nor their geospatial accuracy are intended for spatially-explicit assessments of landscape impact. On the one hand, the data collection scheme in existing studies was intentionally opportunistic and does not represent a full range of landscape conditions that would allow for inferring the linkages between landscape parameters and P. knowlesi prevalence in NHP across the region as a whole. On the other hand, the absolute majority of existing studies did not have locational precision in reporting results and thus sweeping assumptions about the landscape representation had to be made for the modeling experiment. Finally, the landscape characterization was oversimplified in this study, making it difficult to extract meaningful relationships between the NHP/human intersection on the landscape and the consequences for P. knowlesi malaria transmission and prevalence.

      Despite many study limitations, the authors point to the critical importance of understanding vector dynamics in fragmented forested landscapes as the likely primary driver in enhanced malaria transmission. This is an important conclusion particularly when taken together with the emerging evidence of substantially different mosquito biting behaviors than previously reported across various geographic regions.

      Another important component of this study is its recognition and focus on the value of geospatial analysis and the availability of geospatial data for understanding complex human/environment interactions to enable monitoring and forecasting potential for zoonotic disease spillover into human populations. More multi-disciplinary focus on disease modeling is of crucial importance for current and future goals of eliminating existing and preventing novel disease outbreaks.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the study conducted by Verdikt et al, the authors employed mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) and in vitro differentiation techniques to demonstrate that exposure to cannabis, specifically Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), could potentially influence early embryonic development. Δ9-THC was found to augment the proliferation of naïve mouse ESCs, but not formative Epiblast-like Cells (EpiLCs). This enhanced proliferation relies on binding to the CB1 receptor. Moreover, Δ9-THC exposure was noted to boost glycolytic rates and anabolic capabilities in mESCs. The metabolic adaptations brought on by Δ9-THC exposure persisted during differentiation into Primordial Germ Cell-Like Cells (PGCLCs), even when direct exposure ceased, and correlated with a shift in their transcriptional profile. This study provides the first comprehensive molecular assessment of the effects of Δ9-THC exposure on mouse ESCs and their early derivatives. The manuscript underscores the potential ramifications of cannabis exposure on early embryonic development and pluripotent stem cells. However, it is important to note the limitations of this study: firstly, all experiments were conducted in vitro, and secondly, the study lacks analogous experiments in human models.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript entitled 'Unveiling the Domain-Specific and RAS Isoform-Specific Details of BRAF Regulation', the authors conduct a series of in vitro experiments using N-terminal and C-terminal BRAF fragments (SPR, HDX-MS, pull-down assays) to interrogate BRAF domain-specific autoinhibitory interactions and engagement by H- and KRAS GTPases. Of the three RAF isoforms, BRAF contains an extended N-terminal domain that has yet to be detected in X-ray and cryoEM reconstructions but has been proposed to interact with the KRAS hypervariable region. The investigators probe binding interactions between 4 N-terminal (NT) BRAF fragments (containing one more NT domain (BRS, RBD, and CRD)), with full-length bacterial expressed HRAS, KRAS as well as two BRAF C-terminal kinase fragments to tease out the underlying contribution of domain-specific binding events. They find, consistent with previous studies, that the BRAF BSR domain may negatively regulate RAS binding and propose that the presence of the BSR domain in BRAF provides an additional layer of autoinhibitory constraints that mediate BRAF activity in a RAS-isoform-specific manner. One of the fragments studied contains an oncogenic mutation in the kinase domain (BRAF-KDD594G). The investigators find that this mutant shows reduced interactions with an N-terminal regulatory fragment and postulate that this oncogenic BRAF mutant may promote BRAF activation by weakening autoinhibitory interactions between the N- and C-terminus.

      While this manuscript sheds light on B-RAF specific autoinhibitory interactions and the identification and partial characterization of an oncogenic kinase domain (KD) mutant, several concerns exist with the vitro binding studies as they are performed using tagged-isolated bacterial expressed fragments, 'dimerized' RAS constructs, lack of relevant citations, controls, comparisons and data/error analysis. Detailed concerns are listed below.

      1. Bacterial-expressed truncated BRAF constructs are used to dissect the role of individual domains in BRAF autoinhibition. Concerns exist regarding the possibility that bacterial expression of isolated domains or regions of BRAF could miss important posttranslational modifications, intra-molecular interactions, or conformational changes that may occur in the context of the full-length protein in mammalian cells. This concern is not addressed in the manuscript.

      2. The experiments employ BRAF NT constructs that retain an MBP tag and RAS proteins with a GST tag. Have the investigators conducted control experiments to verify that the tags do not induce or perturb native interactions?

      3. The investigators state that the GST tag on the RAS constructs was used to promote RAS dimerization, as RAS dimerization is proposed to be key for RAF activation. However, recent findings argue against the role of RAS dimers in RAF dimerization and activation (Simanshu et al, Mol. Cell 2023). Moreover, while GST can dimerize, it is unclear whether this promotes RAS dimerization as suggested. In methods for the OpenSPR experiments probing NT BRAF:RAS interactions, it is stated that "monomeric KRAS was flowed...". This terminology is a bit confusing. How was the monomeric state of KRAS determined and what was the rationale behind the experiment? Is there a difference in binding interactions between "monomeric vs dimeric KRAS"?

      4. The investigators determine binding affinities between GST-HRAS and NT BRAF domains (NT2 7.5 {plus minus} 3.5; NT3 22 {plus minus} 11 nM) by SPR, and propose that the BRS domain has an inhibitory role HRAS interactions with the RAF NT. However, it is unclear whether these differences are statistically meaningful given the error.

      5. It is unclear why NT1 (BSR+RBD+CRD) was not included in the HDX experiments, which makes it challenging to directly compare and determine specific contributions of each domain in the presence of HRAS. Including NT1 in the experimental design could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the interplay between the domains and their respective roles in the HRAS-BRAF interaction. Further, excluding certain domains from the constructs, such as the BSR or CRD, may overlook potential domain-domain interactions and their influence on the conformational changes induced by HRAS binding.

      6. The authors perform pulldown experiments with BRAF constructs (NT1: BSR+RBD+CRD, NT2: BSR+RBD, NT3: RBD+CRD, NT4: RBD alone), in which biotinylated BRAF-KD was captured on streptavidin beads and probed for bound His/MBP-tagged BRAF NTs. Western blot results suggest that only NT1 and NT3 bind to the KD (Figure 5). However, performing a pulldown experiment with an additional construct, CRD alone, it would help to determine whether the CRD alone is sufficient for the interaction or if the presence of the RBD is required for higher affinity binding. This additional experiment would strengthen the authors' arguments and provide further insights into the mechanism of BRAF autoinhibition.

      7. While the investigators state that their findings indicate that H- and KRAS differentially interact with BRAF, most of the experiments are focused on HRAS, with only a subset on KRAS. As SPR & pull-down experiments are only conducted on NT1 and NT2, evidence for RAS isoform-specific interactions is weak. It is unclear why parallel experiments were not conducted with KRAS using BRAF NT3 & NT4 constructs.

      8. The investigators do not cite the AlphaFold prediction of full-length BRAF (AF-P15056-F1) or the known X-ray structure of the BRAF BRS domain. Hence, it is unclear how Alpha-Fold is used to gain new structural information, and whether it was used to predict the structure of the N-terminal regulatory or the full-length protein.

      9. In HDX-MS experiments, it is unclear how the authors determine whether small differences in deuterium uptake observed for some of the peptide fragments are statistically significant, and why for some of the labeling reaction times the investigators state " {plus minus} HRAS only" for only 3 time points?

      10. The investigators find that KRAS binds NT1 in SPR experiments, whereas HRAS does not. However, the pull-down assays show NT1 binding to both KRAS and HRAS. SI Fig 5 attributes this to slow association, yet both SPR (on/off rates) and equilibrium binding measurements are conducted. This data should be able to 'tease' out differences in association.

      11. The model in Figure 7B highlights BSR interactions with KRAS, however, BSR interactions with the KRAS HVR (proximal to the membrane) are not shown, as supported by Terrell et al. (2019).

      12. The investigators state that 'These findings demonstrate that HRAS binding to BRAF directly relieves BRAF autoinhibition by disrupting the NT1-KD interaction, providing the first in vitro evidence of RAS-mediated relief of RAF autoinhibition, the central dogma of RAS-RAF regulation. However, in Tran et al (2005) JBC, they report pull-down experiments using N-and C-terminal fragments of BRAF and state that 'BRAF also contains an N-terminal autoinhibitory domain and that the interaction of this domain with the catalytic domain was inhibited by binding to active HRAS'. This reference is not cited.

      13. In Fig 2, panels A and C, it is unclear what the grey dotted line in is each plot.

      14. In Fig 3, error analysis is not provided for panel E.

      15. How was RAS GMPPNP loading verified?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Fuentes et al. provide a detailed and thoughtful commentary on the evolutionary and behavioral implications of complex behaviors associated with a small-brained hominin, Homo naledi. Within the Rising Star Cave of South Africa, Berger et al. 2023a,b proposed evidence that Homo naledi intentionally buried their dead through complex mortuary practices and engaged in symbolic expression by engraving the cave walls in cross-hatching motifs. Two burials were identified in the Rising Star cave subsystems: Feature 1 in the Dinaledi Chamber and a feature in the Hill Antechamber. The engravings are located in the Hill Antechamber near the passageway leading into the Dinaledi chamber. The authors aimed to provide evidence for burials by (1) testing sediment samples for mineral composition from within and outside the burial feature; (2) demonstrating an interruption in the stratigraphy indicative of a "bowl-shaped" feature; (3) evaluating the anatomical coherence of the skeletal remains; (4) demonstrate matrix-supported positioning of skeletal elements; and (5) determine the compatibility of non-articulated material with decomposition and subsequent collapse. Berger et al. 2023b evaluated the engravings through high resolution photography, cross-polarization, and 3D photogrammetry. Neither article involved radiometric dating of materials. While the review by Fuentes et al. highlights important assumptions about the relationship between hominin brain size, cognition, and complex behaviors, the evidence presented by Berger et al. 2023a,b does not support the claim that Homo naledi engaged in burial practices or symbolic expression through wall engravings.

      The major weaknesses for Berger et al. 2023a are as follows:

      1) The mineral composition from sediment sampled from within Dinaledi Feature 1 is not different compared to the surrounding sediment, which is one rationale proposed by the authors that would lead to the conclusion of a burial pit. An effort to replicate the multivariate statistical analysis using the data provided in SI Table 1 by this reviewer failed, and thus, the results are not replicable.

      2) The authors failed to provide clear visualizations or analysis that showed an unambiguous interruption in the stratigraphy surrounding the Dinaledi Feature 1.

      3) Attempts 1 and 2 were applied solely to Dinaledi Feature 1, not the Hill Antechamber Feature.

      4) Skeletal cohesion does suggest that the bodies were likely covered or protected by external environment. However, given the geological context, there is minimal opportunity for scavengers or other agents to scatter the skeletal remains within such an isolated location. Thus, this alone cannot solely support intentional burials as this line of evidence is subject to equifinality.

      5) Similar to the preceding statement, evidence for matrix-supported elements was inconclusive at best. There was no mention of sedimentary rate or expectations for how quickly sediments would naturally bury the remains of whole bodies in the chamber compared with the rate of decomposition of buried remains.

      The major weaknesses for Berger et al. 2023b are as follows:

      6) While this is incredibly difficult to accomplish, dating rock art or other cave wall engravings is the only method to ensure that the etchings were created during the time of Homo naledi. Unfortunately, this was not attempted. Instead, the authors state that "This description is intended to document the discovery and provide spatial and contextual information prior to any further analyses that may require invasive sampling." Yet, the authors assign a date to the engravings in the title of the paper. Here, the authors are generating interpretations before analyses are attempted.

      7) The engravings are indeed very interesting and are likely anthropogenic in origin. However, the argument that these engravings were created by Homo naledi is based on the bold assumption that "No physical or cultural evidence of any other hominin population occurs within this part of the cave system, and there is no evidence that recent humans or earlier hominins ever entered any adjacent area of the cave until surveys by human cave explorers during the last 40 years." (page 6). To assume that no other individual entered the cave system from the time of Homo naledi until 40 years ago is an unrealistic and faulty assumption. This reviewer does not discount that the engravings could have been made by Homo naledi, but the evidence must be sufficient to support this statement or provide other alternatives as working hypotheses.

      As a discipline, paleoanthropology aims to understand the evolutionary history of the hominin clade through fossil remains, material culture, and, most recently, ancient DNA. The methods and approaches that we as paleoanthropologists use to understand the past often bridge both the humanities and the hard sciences to create a unique understanding of our shared history. We are only limited by the conditions in which time and attrition has erased pieces of our collective story from the earth. Thus, it is our responsibility to ensure that our interpretations of the past are supported by measurable and testable means, to the best of our ability, and that hypotheses are not presented as conclusions.

      Unfortunately, this is not the case for Berger et al. 2023a,b. The work presented by the authors is imprudent and incomplete and does not meet the requirements set forth by our discipline. While it is important that scholars publish their work in a dutiful timeline, it is arguably more critical for scholars to take the necessary time to ensure the integrity and resolution of the work. The consequences for rushing publications with such a significant unsubstantiated find will likely result in perilous ramifications, as it is more difficult to correct an idea than to introduce one.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Patterns scored into or painted on durable media have long been considered important markers of the cognitive capabilities of hominins. More specifically, the association of such markers with Homo sapiens has been used to argue that our evolutionary success was in part shaped by our unique ability to code, store and convey information through abstract conventions.

      That singularity of association has been cast into doubt in the last decade with finds of designs apparently painted or carved by Neanderthals, and potentially by even earlier hominins. Even allowing for these developments, however, extending the capability to generate putatively abstract designs to a relatively small-brained hominin like Homo naledi is contentious. The evidential bar for such claims is necessarily high, and I don't believe that it has been cleared here.

      The central issue is that the engravings themselves are not dated. As the authors themselves note, the minimum age constraint provided by U/Th on flowstone does not necessarily relate to the last occupation of the Dinaledi cave system, as the earlier ESR age on teeth does not necessarily document first use of the cave. The authors state that "At present we have no evidence limiting the time period across which H. naledi was active in the cave system". On those grounds though, assigning the age range of presently dated material within the cave system to the engravings - as the current title unambiguously does - is not justifiable.

      Because we don't know when they were made, the association between the engravings and Homo naledi rests on the assertion that no humans entered and made alterations to the cave system between its last occupation by Homo naledi, and its recent scientific recording. This is argued on page 6 with the statement that "No physical or cultural evidence of any other hominin population occurs within this part of the cave system".

      There is an important contrast between the quotes I have referred to in the last two paragraphs. In the earlier quote, the absence of evidence for Homo naledi in the cave system >335 ka and <241 ka is not considered evidence for their absence before or after these ages. Just because we have no evidence that Homo naledi was in the cave at 200 ka doesn't mean they weren't there, which is an argument I think most archaeologists would accept. When it comes to other kinds of humans, though - per the latter quote - the opposite approach is taken. Specifically, the present lack of physical evidence of more recent humans in the cave is considered evidence that no such humans visited the cave until its exploration by cavers 40 years ago. I don't think many archaeologists would consider that argument compelling. I can see why the authors would be drawn to make that assertion, but an absence of evidence cannot be used to argue in one way for use of the cave by Homo naledi and in another way for use of the cave by all other humans.

      A second problem is with what Homo naledi might have made engravings. The authors state that "The lines appear to have been made by repeatedly and carefully passing a pointed or sharp lithic fragment or tool into the grooves". The authors then describe one rock with superficial similarities to a flake from the more recent site of Blombos to suggest that sharp-edge stones with which to make the engravings were available to Homo naledi. Blombos is considered relevant here presumably because it has evidence for Middle Stone Age engravings. The authors do not, however, demonstrate any usewear on that stone object such as might be expected if it was used to carve dolomite. Given that it is presented as the only such find in the cave system so far, this seems important.

      My greater concern is that the authors did not compare the profile morphology of the Dinaledi engravings with the extensive literature on the morphology of scored lines caused by sharp-edge stone implements (e.g., Braun et al. 2016, Pante et al. 2017). I appreciate that the research group is reticent to undertake any invasive work until necessary, but non-destructive techniques could have been used to produce profiles with which to test the proposition that the engravings were made with a sharp edge stone.

      One thing I noticed in this respect is that the engravings seem very wide, both in absolute terms and relative to their depth. The data I collected from the Middle Stone Age engraved ochre from Klein Kliphuis suggested average line widths typically around 0.1-0.2 mm (Mackay and Welz 2008). The engraved lines at Dinaledi appear to be much wider, perhaps 2-5 mm. This doesn't discount the possibility that the engravings in the Dinaledi system were carved with a sharp edge stone - the range of outcomes for such engravings in soft rock can be quite variable (Hodgskiss 2010) - only that detailed analysis should precede rather than follow any assertion about their mode of formation.

      None of this is to say that the arguments mounted here are wrong. It should be considered possible that Homo naledi made the engravings in the Dinaledi cave system. The problem is that other explanations are not precluded.

      As an example, the western end of the Dinaledi subsystem has a particular geometry to the intersection of its passages, with three dominant orientations, one vertical (which is to say, north-south), and two diagonal (Figure 1). The major lines on Panel A have one repeated vertical orientation and two repeated diagonal orientations (Figure 16), particularly in the upper area not impacted by stromatolites. The lines in both the cave system and engravings in Panel A appear to intersect at similar angles. Several of the cave features appear, superficially at least, to be replicated. In fact, scaled, rotated, and super-imposed, Figure 16 is a plausible 'mud map' of the western end of the Dinaledi system carved incrementally by people exploring the caves. A figure showing this is included here:

      Of course, there are problems with this suggestion. The choice of the upper part of Panel A is selective, the similarity is superficial, and the scales are not necessarily comparable. (Note, btw, that all of those caveats hold equally well for the comparison the authors make between the unmodified rock from Dinaledi and the flake from Blombos in Figure 19). However, the point is that such a 'mud map hypothesis' is, as with the arguments mounted in this paper, both plausible and hard to prove.

      Having read this paper a few times, I am intrigued by the engravings in the Dinaledi system and look forward to learning more about them as this research unfolds. Based on the evidence presently available, however, I feel that we have no robust grounds for asserting when these engravings were made, by whom they were made, or for what reason they were made.


      • Braun, D. R., et al. (2016). "Cut marks on bone surfaces: influences on variation in the form of traces of ancient behaviour." Interface Focus 6: 20160006.

      • Hodgskiss, T. (2010). "Identifying grinding, scoring and rubbing use-wear on experimental ochre pieces." Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 3344-3358.

      • Mackay, A. & A. Welz (2008). "Engraved ochre from a Middle Stone Age context at Klein Kliphuis in the Western Cape of South Africa." Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 1521-1532.

      • Pante, M. C., et al. (2017). "A new high-resolution 3-D quantitative method for identifying bone surface modifications with implications for the Early Stone Age archaeological record." J Hum Evol 102: 1-11.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study (Berger et al.), geological and fossil data from the Rising Star Cave System in South Africa are presented to provide evidence for intentional burials of Homo naledi individuals. The authors focus on describing and interpreting what they refer to as "delimited burial features." These features include two located on the floor of the Dinaledi Chamber (referred to as 'Dinaledi Features' 1 and 2) and one from the floor of the Hill Antechamber.

      'Dinaledi Feature 1' consists of a collection of 108 skeletal elements recovered from sub-unit 3b deposits. These remains are believed to primarily represent the remains of a single adult individual, along with at least one additional juvenile individual. Although additional anatomical elements associated with 'Dinaledi Feature 1' are mentioned, they are not described as they remain unexcavated. The study states that the spatial arrangement of the skeletal remains is indicative of the primary burial of a fleshed body. On the other hand, 'Dinaledi Feature 2' is not extensively discussed, and its complete extent was not thoroughly investigated.

      Regarding the Hill Antechamber feature, it was divided into three separate plaster jackets for removal from the excavation. Through micro-CT and medical CT scans of these plaster jackets, a total of 90 skeletal elements and 51 dental elements were identified. From these data, three individuals were identified, along with a fourth individual described as significantly younger. Individuals 1 and 2 are classified as juveniles.

      I feel that there is a significant amount of missing information in the study presented here, which fails to convince me that the human remains described represent primary burials, i.e. singular events where the bodies are placed in their final resting places. Insufficient evidence is provided to differentiate between natural processes and intentional funerary practices. In my opinion, the study should include a section that distinguishes between taphonomic changes and deliberate human modifications of the remains and their context, as well as reconstruct the sequence and timeline of events surrounding death and deposition. A deliberate burial involves a complex series of changes, including decomposition of soft tissues, disruption of articulations between bones, and the sequence of skeletonization. While the geological information is detailed, the archaeothanatological reasoning (see below) is largely absent and, when presented, it lacks clarity and unambiguousness.

      My main concern is that the study does not apply or cite the basic principles of archaeothanatology, which combines taphonomy, anatomy, and knowledge of human decomposition to interpret the arrangement of human bones within the Dinaledi Chamber and the Hill Antechamber. Archaeothanatology has been developed since the 1970s (see Duday et al., 1990; Boulestin and Duday, 2005; Duday and Guillon, 2006) and has been widely used by archaeologists and osteologists to reconstruct various aspects such as the original treatment of the body, associated mortuary practices, the sequence of body decomposition, and the factors influencing changes in the skeleton within the burial.

      Specifically, the study lacks a description of the relative sequence of joint disarticulation during decomposition and the spatial displacement of bones. A detailed assessment of the anatomical relationships of bones, both articulated and disarticulated, as well as the direction and extent of bone displacement, is missing. For instance, while it is mentioned that "many elements are in articulation or sequential anatomical position," a comprehensive list of these articulated elements and their classification (as labile or not) is not provided.

      Furthermore, the patterns described are not illustrated in sufficient detail. If Homo naledi was deliberately buried, it would be crucial to present illustrations depicting the individuals in their burial positions, as well as the representation and proportions of the larger and smaller anatomical elements for each individual. While Figure 2B provides an overall view of 'Dinaledi Feature 1,' it is challenging to determine the relationships of bones, whether articulated or disarticulated, in Figures 2C or 2D. Such information is essential to determine whether the bones are in a primary or secondary position, differentiate between collective and multiple burials, ascertain the body's stage of decomposition at the time of burial, identify postmortem and post-depositional manipulation of the body and grave (e.g., intentional removal of bodies/body parts), and establish whether burial occurred immediately after death or was delayed.

      Moreover, the study does not address bone displacements within secondary voids created after the decomposition of soft tissues, nor does it provide assessments of the position of bones within or outside of the original body volume. Factors such as variations in soft tissue volume between individuals of different sizes/corpulence, and the progressive filling (i.e., sediment continually fills newly formed voids) or delayed filling (causing the 'flattening' of the ribcage and 'hyper-flexed' burials, for instance) of secondary open spaces with sediment over time should also be discussed.

      In conclusion, while I acknowledge the importance of investigating potential deliberate burials in Homo naledi, I do not think that in its present form, the evidence presented in this study is as robust as it should be.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors have addressed most of the concerns. Yet, I still think the authors should at least mention in the article the residues involved in the intra-pore lipid binding pockets for further experimental validation (not only for those residues involve in disease). This is important because the lipid-like density information usually does not come integrated into the PDB structures, so it is not easily accessible for non-structural biologists. The structural data seems solid, and the MD data supports the notion that the GJC is in a putative close state.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The Xerces Blue is an iconic species, now extinct, that is a symbol for invertebrate conservation. Using genomic sequencing of century-old specimens of the Xerces Blue and its closest living relatives, the authors hypothesize about possible genetic indicators of the species' demise. Although the limited range and habitat destruction are the most likely culprits, it is possible that some natural reasons have been brewing to bring this species closer to extinction.

      The importance of this study is in its generality and applicability to any other invertebrate species. The authors find that low effective population size, high inbreeding (for tens of thousands of years), and higher fraction of deleterious alleles characterize the Xerces colonies prior to extinction. These signatures can be captured from comparative genomic analysis of any target species to evaluate its population health.

      It should be noted that it remains unclear if these genomic signatures are indeed predictive of extinction, or populations can bounce back given certain conditions and increase their genetic diversity somehow.

      Methods are detailed and explained well, and the study could be replicated. I think this is a solid piece of work. Interested researchers can apply these methods to their chosen species and eventually, we will assemble datasets to study extinction process in many species to learn some general rules.

      Several small questions/suggestions:

      1) The authors reference a study concluding that Shijimiaeoides is Glaucopsyche. Their tree shows the same, confirming previous publications. And yet they still use Shijimiaeoides, which is confusing. Why not use Glaucopsyche for all these blues?

      2) Plebejus argus is a species much more distant from P. melissa than Plebejus anna (anna and melissa are really very close to each other), and yet their tree shows the opposite. What is the problem? Misidentification? Errors in phylogenetic analyses?

      3) Wouldn't it be nicer to show the underside of butterfly pictures that reveals the differences between xerces and others? Now, they all look blue and like one species, no real difference.

      4) The authors stated that one of five xerces specimens failed to sequence, and yet they show 5 specimens in the tree. Was the extra specimen taken from GenBank?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Accumulating data suggests that the presence of immune cell infiltrates in the meninges of the multiple sclerosis brain contributes to the tissue damage in the underlying cortical grey matter by the release of inflammatory and cytotoxic factors that diffuse into the brain parenchyma. However, little is known about the identity and direct and indirect effects of these mediators at a molecular level. This study addresses the vital link between an adaptive immune response in the CSF space and the molecular mechanisms of tissue damage that drive clinical progression. In this short report the authors use a spatial transcriptomics approach using Visium Gene Expression technology from 10x Genomics, to identify gene expression signatures in the meninges and the underlying brain parenchyma, and their interrelationship, in the PLP-induced EAE model of MS in the SJL mouse. MRI imaging using a high field strength (11.7T) scanner was used to identify areas of meningeal infiltration for further study. They report, as might be expected, the upregulation of genes associated with the complement cascade, immune cell infiltration, antigen presentation, and astrocyte activation. Pathway analysis revealed the presence of TNF, JAK-STAT and NFkB signaling, amongst others, close to sites of meningeal inflammation in the EAE animals, although the spatial resolution is insufficient to indicate whether this is in the meninges, grey matter, or both.

      UMAP clustering illuminated a major distinct cluster of upregulated genes in the meninges and smaller clusters associated with the grey matter parenchyma underlying the infiltrates. The meningeal cluster contained genes associated with immune cell functions and interactions, cytokine production, and action. The parenchymal clusters included genes and pathways related to glial activation, but also adaptive/B-cell mediated immunity and antigen presentation. This again suggests a technical inability to resolve fully between the compartments as immune cells do not penetrate the pial surface in this model or in MS. Finally, a trajectory analysis based on distance from the meningeal gene cluster successfully demonstrated descending and ascending gradients of gene expression, in particular a decline in pathway enrichment for immune processes with distance from the meninges.

      Although these results confirm what we already know about processes involved in the meninges in MS and its models and gradients of pathology in sub-pial regions, this is the first to use spatial transcriptomics to demonstrate such gradients at a molecular level in an animal model that demonstrates lymphoid like tissue development in the meninges and associated grey matter pathology. The mouse EAE model being used here does reproduce many, although not all, of the pathological features of MS and the ability to look at longer time points has been exploited well. However, this particular spatial transcriptomics technique cannot resolve at a cellular level and therefore there is a lot of overlap between gene expression signatures in the meninges and the underlying grey matter parenchyma.

      The short nature of this report means that the results are presented and discussed in a vague way, without enough molecular detail to reveal much information about molecular pathogenetic mechanisms.

      The trajectory analysis is a good way to explore gradients within the tissues and the authors are to be applauded for using this approach. However, the trajectory analysis does not tell us much if you only choose 2 genes that you think might be involved in the pathogenetic processes going on in the grey matter. It might be more useful to choose some genes involved in pathogenetic processes that we already know are involved in the tissue damage in the underlying grey matter in MS, for which there is already a lot of literature, or genes that respond to molecules we know are increased in MS CSF, although the animal models may be very different. Why were C3 and B2m chosen here?

      Strengths:<br /> - The mouse model does exhibit many of the features of the compartmentalized immune response seen in MS, including the presence of meningeal immune cell infiltrates in the central sulcus and over the surface of the cortex, with the presence of FDC's HEVs PNAd+ vessels and CXCL13 expression, indicating the formation of lymphoid like cell aggregates. In addition, disruption of the glia limitans is seen, as in MS. Increased microglial reactivity is also present at the pial surface.<br /> - Spatial transcriptomics is the best approach to studying gradients in gene expression in both white matter and grey matter and their relationship between compartments.<br /> - It would be useful to have more discussion of how the upregulated pathways in the two compartments fit with what we know about the cellular changes occurring in both, for which presumably there is prior information from the group's previous publications.

      Limitations:<br /> - EAE in the mouse is not MS and may be far removed when one considers molecular mechanisms, especially as MS is not a simple anti-myelin protein autoimmune condition. Therefore, this study could be following gene trajectories that do not exist in MS. This needs a significant amount of discussion in the manuscript if the authors suggest that it is mimicking MS.<br /> - The model does not have the cortical subpial demyelination typical of MS and it is unknown whether neuronal loss occurs in this model, which is the main feature of cytokine-mediated neurodegeneration in MS. If it does not then a whole set of genes will be missing that are involved in the neuronal response to inflammatory stimuli that may be cytotoxic.<br /> - Visium technology does not get down to single cell level and does not appear to allow resolution of the border between the meninges and the underlying grey matter.<br /> - Neuronal loss in the MS cortex is independent of demyelination and therefore not related to remyelination failure. There does not appear to be any cortical grey matter demyelination in these animals, so it is difficult to relate any of the gene changes seen here to demyelination.<br /> - No mention of how the ascending and descending patterns of gene expression may be due to the gradient of microglial activation that underlies meningeal inflammation, which is a big omission.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors succeed in generalizing the pre-alignment procedure for their cell identification method to allow it to work effectively on data with only small subsets of cells labeled. They convincingly show that their extension accurately identifies head angle, based on finding auto fluorescent tissue and looking for a symmetric l/r axis. They demonstrate that the method works to identify known subsets of neurons with varying accuracy depending on the nature of underlying atlas data. Their approach should be a useful one for researchers wishing to identify subsets of head neurons in C. elegans, for example in whole brain recording, and the ideas might be useful elsewhere.

      The authors also strive to give some general insights on what makes a good atlas. It is interesting and valuable to see (at least for this specific set of neurons) that 5-10 ideal examples are sufficient. However, some critical details would help in understanding how far their insights generalize. I believe the set of neurons in each atlas version are matched to the known set of cells in the sparse neuronal marker, however this critical detail isn't explicitly stated anywhere I can see. In addition, it is stated that some neuron positions are missing in the neuropal data and replaced with the (single) position available from the open worm atlas. It should be stated how many neurons are missing and replaced in this way (providing weaker information). It also is not explicitly stated that the putative identities for the uncertain cells (designated with Greek letters) are used to sample the neuropal data. Large numbers of openworm single positions or if uncertain cells are misidentified forcing alignment against the positions of nearby but different cells would both handicap the neuropal atlas relative to the matched florescence atlas. This is an important question since sufficient performance from an ideal neuropal atlas (subsampled) would avoid the need for building custom atlases per strain.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript presents a comprehensive investigation into the role of condensin complexes in telomere segregation in fission yeast. The authors employ chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis to demonstrate the enrichment of condensin at telomeres during anaphase. They then use condensin conditional mutants to confirm that this complex plays a crucial role in sister telomere disjunction as well as the unclustering of telomeric regions from the preceding Rabl configuration. Interestingly, they show that condensin's role in telomere disjunction is unlikely related to catenation removal but rather related to the organization of telomeres in cis and/or the elimination of structural constraints or proteins that hinder separation.

      The authors also investigate the regulation of condensin localization to telomeres and reveal the involvement of the shelterin subunit Taz1 in promoting condensin's association with telomeres while demonstrating that the chromatin remodeler Mit1 prevents excessive loading of condensin onto telomeres. Finally, they show that cohesin acts as a negative regulator of telomere separation, counteracting the positive effects of condensin.

      Overall, the manuscript is well-executed, and the authors provide sufficient supporting evidence for their claims. There are a couple of aspects that arise from this study that when fully elucidated will lead to a mechanistic understanding of important biological processes. For instance, the exact mechanism by which Taz1 affects condensin loading or the mechanistic link between cohesin and condensin, especially in the context of their opposing roles, are exciting prospects for the future and it is possible that future work within the context of telomeres might provide valuable insights into this question.

      Another crucial point emphasized by the manuscript is that the role of condensin in telomere segregation extends beyond facilitating catenation removal.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of Dengue is largely driven by cross-reactive antibodies that target the DENV fusion loop or pre-membrane protein. Screening polyclonal sera for antibodies that bind to these cross-reactive epitopes could increase the successful implementation of a safe DENV vaccine that does not lead to ADE. However, there are few reliable tools to rapidly assess the polyclonal sera for epitope targets and ADE potential. Here the authors develop a live viral tool to rapidly screen polyclonal sera for binding to fusion loop and pre-membrane epitopes. The authors performed a deep mutational scan for viable viruses with mutations in the fusion loop (FL). The authors identified two mutations functionally tolerable in insect C6/36 cells, but lead to defective replication in mammalian Vero cells. These mutant viruses, D2-FL and D2-FLM, were tested for epitope presentation with a panel of monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal sera. The D2-FL and D2-FLM viruses were not neutralized by FL-specific monoclonal antibodies demonstrating that the FL epitope has been ablated. However, neutralization data with polyclonal sera is contradictory to the claim that cross-reactive antibody responses targeting the pre-membrane and the FL epitopes wane over time.

      Overall the central conclusion that the engineered viruses can predict epitopes targeted by antibodies is supported by the data and the D2-FL and D2-FLM viruses represent a valuable tool to the DENV research community.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the present study, Masson et al. provide an elegant and profound demonstration of utilization of systems genetics data to fuel discovery of actionable therapeutics. The strengths of the study are many: generation of a novel skeletal muscle genetics proteomic dataset which is paired with measures of glucose metabolism in mice, systematic utilization of these data to yield potential therapeutic molecules which target insulin resistance, cross-referencing library screens from connectivity map with an independent validation platform for muscle glucose uptake and preclinical data supporting a new mechanism for thiostrepton in alleviating muscle insulin resistance. Future studies evaluating similar integrations of omics data from genetic diversity with compound screens, as well as detailed characterization of mechanisms such as thiostrepton on muscle fibers will further inform some remaining questions. In general, the thorough nature of this study not only provides strong support for the conclusions made but additionally offers a new framework for analysis of systems-based data. I had made several comments on the prior submission, all of which have been fully addressed and incorporated.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study is carefully designed and well executed, including a comprehensive suite of endpoint measures and large sample sizes that give confidence in the results. I have a few general comments and suggestions that the authors might find helpful.

      1) I found it difficult to fully grasp the experimental design, including the length of light treatment in the three different experiments (which appears to extend from 2 weeks up to 8 weeks). A graphical description of the experimental design along a timeline would be very helpful to the reader. I suggest adding the respective sample sizes to such a graphic, because this information is currently also difficult to keep track of.

      2) The authors use a lot of terminology that is second nature to a chronobiologist but may be difficult for the general reader to keep track of. For example, what is the difference between "photoinducibility" and "photosensitivity"? Similarly, "vernal" and "autumnal" should be briefly explained at the outset, or maybe simply say "spring equinox" and "fall equinox."

      3) What was the rationale for using only male birds in this study? The authors may want to include a brief discussion on whether the expected results for females might be similar to or different from what they found in males, and why.

      4) The authors used the Bonferroni correction method to account for multiple hypothesis testing of measures of testes mass, body mass, fat score, vimentin immunoreactivity and qPCR analyses in Study 1. I don't think Bonferroni is ever appropriate for biological data: these methods assume that all variables are independent of each other, an assumption that is almost never warranted in biology. In fact, the data show clear relationships between these endpoint measures. Alternatively, one might use Benjamini-Hochberg's FDR correction or various methods for calculating the corrected alpha level.

      5) The graphical interpretations of the results shown in Figure 1n and Figure 3e, along with the hypothesized working model shown in Figure S5, might best be combined into a single figure that becomes part of the Discussion. As is, I do not think these interpretative graphics (which are well done and super helpful!) are appropriate for the Results section.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors applied existing ReadZS and the SpliZ methods, previously developed to analyze RNA process in scRNA-seq data, to Visium data to study spatial splicing and RNA processing events in tissues by Moran's I. The authors showed several example genes in mouse brain and kidney, whose processing are spatially regulated, such as Rps24, Myl6, Gng13.

      The paper touches on an important question in RNA biology about how RNA processing is regulated spatially. Both experimental and computational challenges remain to address it. Despite some potentially interesting findings, most claims remain to be validated by orthogonal methods such as RNA FISH and simulations. In addition, the percentage of spatial processing events (splicing in 0.8-2.2% of detected genes, i.e. 8-17 genes and RNA processing in 1.1-5.5% of detected genomic windows, i.e. 57-161 windows) discovered is low. Does it suggest that most of RNA processing events were not spatially regulated across the tissue? Or does it question the assumption of treating spatial transcriptomics data similar to scRNA-seq data? The unique features for ST data, such as mixture of neighboring cells, different capture biases and much smaller number of spots (pseudo cells here), may have significant effects on the power of scRNA-seq based methods, but it is not discussed in the manuscript. The lack of careful evaluation and low discovery rates could limit application of the approach to other tissues and subcellular data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Touray, et al. provides a significant new twist to our understanding of how antigenic variation may be regulated in T. brucei. Key aspects of antigenic variation are the mutually exclusive expression of a single antigen per cell and the periodic switching from expression of one antigen isoform to another. In this manuscript, the authors show, as they have previously shown, that depletion of the nuclear phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphatase (PIP5Pase) results in a loss of mutually exclusive VSG expression. Furthermore, using ChIP-seq, the authors show that the repressor/activator protein 1 (RAP1) binds to regions upstream and downstream of VSG genes located in transcriptionally repressed expression sites and that this binding is lost in the absence of a functional PIP5Pase. Importantly, the authors decided to further investigate this link between PIP5Pase and RAP1, a protein that has previously been implicated in antigenic variation in T. brucei, and found that inactivation of PIP5Pase results in the accumulation of PI(3,4,5)P3 bound to the RAP1 N-terminus and that this binding impairs the ability of RAP1 to bind DNA. Based on these observations, the authors suggest that the levels of PI(3,4,5)P3 may determine the cellular function of RAP1, either by binding upstream of VSG genes and repressing their function, or by not binding DNA and allowing the simultaneous expression of multiple VSG genes in a single parasite.

      While I find most of the data presented in this manuscript compelling, there are aspects of Figure 1 that are not clear to me. Based on Figure 1F, the authors claim that transient inactivation of PIP5Pase results in a switch from the expression of one VSG isoform to another. However, I am not exactly sure what the authors are showing in this panel, nor do the data in Figure 1F seem to be consistent with those shown in Figure 1C. Based on Figure 1F, a transient inactivation of PIP5Pase appears to result in an almost exclusive switch to a VSG located in BES12. However, based on Figure 1E, the VSG transcripts most commonly found after a transient inactivation of PIP5Pase are those from the previously active VSG (BES1) and VSGs located on chr 1 and 6 (I believe). The small font and the low resolution make it impossible to infer the location of the expressed VSG genes, nor to confirm that ALL VSG genes located in expression sites are activated, as the authors claim. Also, I was not able to access the raw ChIP-seq and RNA-seq reads. Thus, could not evaluate the quality of the sequencing data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors develop SPRAWL (Subcellular Patterning Ranked Analysis With Labels), a statistical framework to identify cell-type specific subcellular RNA localization from multiplexed imaging datasets. The tool is able to assign to each gene and in each annotated cell type, a score (with a p-value) that measures:<br /> - Peripheral/central localization of RNAs within the cell, based on a previous segmentation step defining cell boundaries and the centroid coordinate.<br /> - Radial/punctuate localization of RNAs within the cell

      The method is applied to three multiplexed imaging datasets, identifying defined and cell-type specific patterns for several transcripts.

      In the second part of the manuscript, the authors couple SPRAWL with ReadZS, a computational tool developed by the same group and recently published (Meyer et al, 2022). Starting from single-cell datasets, ReadZS is able to quantify 3'UTR length in each cell type. The authors find a subset of genes showing a positive, or negative correlation between the predicted localization and the predicted 3'UTR length across cell types.

      Strengths:<br /> As the authors state in the introduction, the study of subcellular RNA localization, with the characterization of organizational principles and of molecular regulation mechanisms, is extremely relevant. The authors develop a strategy to detect statistically significant and non-random patterns of RNA sub-cellular localization in MERFISH and SeqFISH+ datasets, i.e. emerging platforms producing spatially resolved maps of hundreds of transcripts with cellular resolution.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the method and the presented results have strengths in principle, the main weakness of the paper is that these strengths are not directly demonstrated. That is, insufficient validations are performed to show the biological significance of the results and to fully support the key claims in the manuscript by the data presented.

      In particular, the authors imply that their tool is unique and not comparable to any other method. Therefore there is no comparison of SPRAWL with any other method. For example, a comparison could be made with Baysor (Petukhov, V et al. Nat Biotechnol. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-021-01044-w). According to the authors, this method is able to identify "small molecular neighbourhoods with stereotypical transcriptional composition" and provides a "General approach for statistical labeling of spatial data".

      The authors claim that SPRAWL is able to identify spatial patterns of localization and generated relevant hypotheses to be tested, yet the manuscript contains little proof that the results have biological significance (for example association of RNAs with specific subcellular compartments) and there is no experimental validation for the results obtained applying this method.

      The correlation between localization scores and 3'UTR length across cell types for certain genes is also not experimentally validated: results are based on inference from single-cell or imaging data, with no complementary experimental validation.

      It is therefore very difficult to assess the biological relevance of the results produced by SPRAWL.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Ma et al, "Two RNA-binding proteins mediate the sorting of miR223 from mitochondria into exosomes" examines the contribution of two RNA-binding proteins on the exosomal loading of miR223. The authors conclude that YBX1 and YBAP1 work in tandem to traffic and load miR223 into the exosome. The manuscript is interesting and potentially impactful. It proposes the following scenario regarding the exosomal loading of miR223: (1) YBAP1 sequesters miR223 in the mitochondria, (2) YBAP1 then transfers miR223 to YBX1, and (3) YBX1 then delivers miR223 into the early endosome for eventual secretion within an exosome. While the authors propose plausible explanations for this phenomenon, they do not specifically test them and no mechanism by which miR223 is shuttled between YBAP1 and YBX1, and the exosome is shown. Thus, the paper is missing critical mechanistic experiments that could have readily tested the speculative conclusions that it makes.

      Comments:<br /> 1. The major limitation of this paper is that it fails to explore the mechanism of any of the major changes it describes. For example, the authors propose that miR223 shuttles from mitochondrially localized YBAP1 to P-body-associated YBX1 to the exosome. This needs to be tested directly and could be easily addressed by showing a transfer of miR223 from YBAP1 to YBX1 to the exosome.<br /> 2. If YBAP1 retains miR223 in mitochondria, what is the trigger for YBAP1 to release it and pass it off to YBX1? The authors speculate in their discussion that sequestration of mito-miR223 plays a "role in some structural or regulatory process, perhaps essential for mitochondrial homeostasis, controlled by the selective extraction of unwanted miRNA into RNA granules and further by secretion in exosomes...". This is readily testable by altering mitochondria dynamics and/or integrity.<br /> 3. Much of the miRNA RT-PCR analysis is presented as a ratio of exosomal/cellular. This particular analysis assumes that cellular miRNA is unaffected by treatments. For example, Figure 1a shows that the presence of exosomal miR223 is significantly reduced when YBX1 is knocked out. This analysis does not consider the possibility that YBX1-KO alters (up or down-regulates) intracellular miR223 levels. Should that be the case, the ratiometric analysis is greatly skewed by intracellular miRNA changes. It would be better to not only show the intracellular levels of the miRs but also normalize the miRNA levels to the total amount of RNA isolated or an irrelevant/unchanged miRNA.<br /> 4. In figure 1, the authors show that in YBX1-KO cells, miR223 levels are decreased in the exosome. They further suggest this is because YBX1 binds with high affinity to miR223. This binding is compared to miR190 which the authors state is not enriched in the exosome. However, no data showing that miR190 is not present in the exosome is shown. A figure showing the amount of cellular and exosomal miR223 and 190 should be shown together on the same graph.<br /> 5. Figure 2 Supplement 1 - As to determine the nucleotides responsible for interacting with YBX1, the authors made several mutations within the miR223 sequence. However, no explanation is given regarding the mutant sequences used or what the ratios mean. Mutant sequences need to be included. How do the authors conclude that UCAGU is important when the locations of the mutations are unclear? Also, the interpretation of this data would benefit from a binding affinity curve as shown in Fig 2C.<br /> 6. While the binding of miR223mut to YBX1 is reduced, there is still significant binding. Does this mean that the 5nt binding motif is not exact? Do the authors know if there are multiple nucleotide possibilities at these positions that could facilitate binding? Perhaps confirming binding "in vivo" via RIP assay would further solidify the UCAGU motif as critical for binding to YBX1.<br /> 7. Figures 2g, h - It would be nice to show that miR190mut also packages in the cell-free system. This would confirm that the sequence is responsible. Also, to confirm that the sorting of miR223 is YBX1-dependent, a cell-free reaction using cytosol and membranes from YBX1 KO cells is needed.<br /> 8. In Figure 3a, the authors show that miR223 is mitochondrially localized. Does the sequence of miR223 (WT or Mut) matter for localization? Does it matter for shuttling between YBAP1 and YBX1?<br /> 9. Supplement 3c - Is it strange that miR190 is not localized to any particular compartment? Is miR190 present ubiquitously and equally among all intracellular compartments?<br /> 10. Figure 3h - Why would the miR223 levels increase if you remove mitochondria? Does CCCP also cause miR223 upregulation? I would have thought miR223 would just be mis-localized to the cytosol.<br /> 11. Figure 3i - What is the meaning of "Urd" in the figure label? This isn't mentioned anywhere.<br /> 12. Figure 3j - The data is presented as a ratio of EV/cell. Again, this inaccurately represents the amount of miR223 in the EV. This issue is apparent when looking at Figures 3h and 3j. In 3h, CCCP causes an upregulation of intracellular miR223. As such, the presumed decrease in EV miR233 after CCCP (3j) could be an artifact due to increased levels of intracellular miR223. Both intracellular and EV levels of miRs need to be shown.<br /> 13. In Figure 4, the authors show that when overexpressed, YBX1 will pulldown YBAP1. Can the authors comment as to why none of the earlier purifications show this finding (Figure 1 for example)? Even more curious is that when YBAP1 is purified, YBX1 does not co-purify (Figure 4 supplement 1a, b).<br /> 14. Figure 4f, g - The text associated with these figures is very confusing, as is the labeling for the input. Also, what is "miR223 Fold change" in this regard? Seeing as your IgG should not have IP'd anything, normalizing to IgG can amplify noise. As such, RIP assays are typically presented as % input or fold enrichment.<br /> 15. Figure 4h - The authors show binding between miR223 and YBAP1 however it is not clear how significant this binding is. There is more than a 30-fold difference in binding affinity between miR223 and YBX1 than between miR223 and YBAP1. Even more, when comparing the EMSAs and fraction bound from figures 1 and 2 to those of Figure 4h, the binding between miR223 and YBAP1 more closely resembles that of miR190 and YBX1, which the authors state is a non-binder of YBX1. The authors will need to reconcile these discrepancies.<br /> 16. Can the authors present the Kd values for EMSA data?<br /> 17. Figure 5 - Does YBAP1-KO affect mitochondrial protein integrity or numbers?<br /> 18. Figure 6a - Are the authors using YBAP1 as their mitochondrial marker? Please include TOM20 and/or 22.<br /> 19. Figure 6b - Rab5 is an early endosome marker and may not fully represent the organelles that become MVBs. Co-localization at this point does not suggest that associating proteins will be present in the exosome, and it is possible that the authors are looking at the precursor of a recycling endosome. Even more, exosome loading does not occur at the early endosome, but instead at the MVB. Perhaps looking at markers of the late endosome such as Rab7 or ideally markers of the MVB such as M6P or CD63 would help draw an association between YBX1, YBAP1, and the exosome. Also, If the authors want to make the claim that interactions at the early endosome leads to secretion as an exosome, the authors should show that isolated EVs from Rab5Q79L-expressing cells contain miR223.<br /> 20. The mentioning of P-bodies is interesting but at no time is an association addressed. This is therefore an overly speculative conclusion. Either show an association or leave this out of the manuscript.<br /> 21. In lines 55-58, the authors make the comment "However, many of these studies used sedimentation at ~100,000 g to collect EVs, which may also collect RNP particles not enclosed within membranes which complicates the interpretation of these data." Do RNPs not dissolve when secreted? Can the authors give a reference for this statement?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors tested TTFields' effect on TNT formation in two mesothelioma cell lines, MSTO-211H and VMAT. The MSTO-211H is a biphasic cell line with epithelioid and sarcomatoid features while VMAT only has sarcomatoid morphology. They treated their cell lines at 150 or 200 kHz either unidirectionally or bidirectionally. The experiments took place within 72 hours of plating, after which the cells will become confluent on coverslips and their TNT formation drops.

      Under these experimental conditions, they found: (i) Unidirectional is more effective than bidirectional TTFields in reducing TNT formation, (ii) TNT formation was markedly reduced after 48 hours of treatment in MSTO-211H but not VMAT cells, (iii) no difference in actin polymerization or actin filament bundling after one hour of TTFields treatment, (iv) reduced TNT formation when TTFields were combined with cisplatin but not with both cisplatin and pemetrexed, (v) analysis TNT cargo transport using markers of gondolas and mitochondria did not show changes in transport velocity, and (vi) in vivo spatial transcriptomic analysis revealed EMT markers and immunogenic markers.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      I've read the manuscript by Shin et al with great interest. The authors describe the identification of O-GlcNAcylation of DNMT1 and the impact this modification has on the maintenance activity of DNMT1 genome-wide and that modification of S878 leads to enzyme inhibition.<br /> The manuscript is written in a clear and understandable way making it easy for the reader to understand the logic as well as the steps of the experimental approach.

      The authors identify O-GlcNAcylation of DNMT1 in a number of different cell lines by combining inhibition studies and WB and further on they identify the modification sites with LC/MS, predictions, and mutational studies. I really like the experimental approach, which while being straightforward (albeit technically challenging), is powerful and well-controlled in this case to unequivocally prove the modification of DNMT1 and identify the site. However, mutation of the two identified modification sites does not remove all the O-GlcNAcylation signal associated with DNMT1, thus possibly not all the possible sites were identified. While this is not a criticism of this manuscript, it would be interesting to know what other sites are modified and the enzymatic/biological effects associated.

      Also, the authors isolate the modified DNMT1 from cells using immunoprecipitation, which is indeed useful to study the changes in catalytic activity but does not provide any information if the cellular localisation of modified DNMT1 changes. Subsequently, the authors checked the impact of high glucose diet on the genome-wide DNA methylation patterns. The observed effects (Fig 4A) are very strong, almost as strong as observed with Aza treatment and therefore I wonder if LINE/IAP or other elements are getting activated (as observed with genome-wide demethylation with Aza). Do the authors see any changes in cell phenotype, slower/faster proliferation, or increased apoptosis due to the activation of mobile elements (not only ROS)? Another point is that the S878A mutant seems not to be able to fully maintain the DNA methylation (Fig 4A). Does O-GlcNAcylation recruit any additional interactors? Given that the authors immunoprecipitated DNMT1 and use it for activity assay, it is possible, that the modification attracts an additional protein factor that could in turn inhibit DNMT1 activity (as observed). Therefore, the observed kinetic effect could be indirect, while still interesting and important, the mechanism of inhibition would be different.

      DNA methylation clock can be used to estimate the biological age of a tissue/cells. While not directly in the line of the manuscript, I was wondering if the DNA methylation changes in the high glucose diet would affect the methylation sites used for the DNAme clock. Meaning, would the cells/tissue epigenetically age faster when in high glucose media, and if the Ala mutant could provide resistance to that?

      In discussion, the authors write that this is the first investigation of O-GlcNAcylation in relation to DNA methylation, while this is true for DNMTs, TET enzymes, that oxidise 5mC and trigger active DNA demethylation have been shown before to also be modified.

      A nice and rigorous study, with important observations and connections to biological effects. It would be nice to prove that the effects are direct and not associated with other factors that could be recruited by the modification and impact the activity of DNMT1. I find it a bit surprising that phosphorylation of the target serine does not impact DNMT1 activity as well.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Fuzzell et al. conducted a mixed-method study looking into the possible impact of COVID-19 on clinician perceptions of cervical cancer screening. The authors examined how the pandemic-related staffing changes might have affected the screening and abnormal results follow-up during the period October 2021 through July 2022.

      They found that 80% of the clinicians experienced decreased screening during the start of the pandemic and that ≈67% reported a return to pre-pandemic levels. The general barriers for not returning to pre-pandemic levels were staffing shortages and problems with structural systems for tracking overdue patients and those in need of follow-up after abnormal screening tests.


      There is a high focus on the consequences and the need for action to prevent the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on cervical cancer screening. Some of the actions mentioned by the authors could be the use of HPV self-sampling kits, and it is interesting to be provided knowledge on the clinicians' views on HPV self-sampling. Both are of high interest to the general population in the US. Throughout the discussion, the authors and their claims are supported by other studies.


      The lack of a National representative sample, where 63% of the responding clinicians were practicing in the Northeast, affects the possibility of generalization of the results found in the study. The overrepresentation of white females is not addressed in the discussion. This composition could have affected the results, especially when the authors report a need to look at higher salaries and better childcare to maintain adequate staffing.

      The conclusions are mostly supported by the data, however, some aspects of the data analysis need to be clarified.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors sought to elucidate regulators of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) quality control in the germline. To this end, the authors used Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism and 3.1kb mtDNA deletion mutation uaDf5 that is stably transmitted across generations. The key data presented were the heteroplasmy level of mtDNA, specifically the molar ratio of mutant vs. wildtype (WT) mtDNA molecules, at different ages. The authors specifically focused on the role of programmed cell death (PCD) signaling and a few well-known aging pathways in C. elegans. The data showed that attenuation of PCD has the general effect of increasing the steady-state mutant-to-WT ratio, while increasing PCD does not reduce this ratio. The data also showed that this mutant-to-WT ratio increases with age, an effect that is transmitted to progenies, and that perturbations to well-known insulin signaling and CLK-1 aging pathways affect the rate of this increase, where a longer lifespan is correlated with a slower increase. Finally, the data demonstrated an intergenerational reduction in mutant-to-WT ratio and that the degree of this reduction has a nonlinear ultrasensitive-like dependence on the ratio.

      A strength of the study is the comprehensive exploration of the role of key molecules of the PCD machinery in mtDNA quality control in the germline. Also, the data on the effects of age and aging pathways on the maintenance of mtDNA quality in the germline, as well as on intergenerational mtDNA quality control, are extremely interesting and have the potential to trigger transformative studies that connect mtDNA purifying selection and aging.

      A major weakness of the study is that the key findings are predominantly based on data of the mutant-to-WT mtDNA ratio. But, a higher mutant-to-WT ratio does not necessarily equate to an increase/accumulation of mutant mtDNA in the cell population, since the same increase can also be caused by a decrease in WT mtDNA. No data for copy numbers of WT and mutant mtDNA or their proxies were analyzed. As a consequence, some of the major findings, such as the non-canonical/non-apoptotic role of PCD machinery in mediating mitochondrial purifying selection and the accumulation of mutant mtDNA with age, cannot be uniquely concluded from the data. Alternative explanations could be given to explain the observed trends of mutant-to-WT ratios.

      Another weakness is that the connection between the two pathways in this study: PCD and aging, in regulating mtDNA quality control was not more deeply explored. The study did not delve into how the interplay of aging and PCD if any, affects mtDNA quality control in the germline.

      Finally, as the authors noted, the important role of stochasticity in purifying selection against pathogenic mtDNA is established. Yet, this aspect of purifying selection is not explored in this study (e.g., how such stochasticity is working with PCD in mtDNA quality control in the germline), nor it is accounted for in the analysis of the data and the discussion of the observation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, Hänisch and colleagues investigate the relationship between neurotransmitter transporter and receptor's spatial heterogeneity and well-studied functional and structural brain gradients in the human brain. They calculate the spatial similarity between the distribution of the neurotransmitter transporters and receptors for each parcel, thus obtaining a new brain distribution comprising a similarity index of all neurotransmitters mapped to each brain area. They employ a nonlinear dimensionality reduction on this neurotransmitter similarity map to reveal three spatial gradients for cortical and subcortical levels, respectively. Based on this, they characterize their significance by comparing them with functional fMRI meta-analytic activations, MRI microstructure, architectural contextualization, MRI-based structural and functional connectivity, and gray matter atrophy-derived disease maps.

      The claim of the work is broad, and the motivation is general, but the data presented is specific and biologically diverse. The neurotransmitter system operates at different pre- and post-synaptic synaptic levels, and the general assumption that transporters are equivalent to receptors lacks appropriate discussion for supporting this claim. The motivations of the work are very broad, and the analysis used is sufficient for the general claims, but the data presented is specific and biologically diverse.

      Besides these conceptual issues, I find this work interesting as it jointly characterizes the cortical and subcortical PET neurotransmitter's distribution maps and their structural and functional meaning for the first time. In essence, the study presents several arguments to consider the organization of the characterized maps as an additional layer of brain organization. The results are convincing and clearly presented. Although this is a correlative study using unconnected datasets, I appreciate the use of multiple brain maps. I also appreciate that the authors made the data and code available for reproducibility. The data and analysis used in the current draft enable a powerful set of tools for hypothesis testing in the human brain's natural distribution of neurotransmitters beyond the usual pharmacological intervention strategy traditionally used in neurotransmitters' brain mapping area.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Yadav et al have performed a careful systematic review and meta-analysis of mental health disorder prevalence ratios in PCOS to estimate the mental health-related excess economic burden associated with this common endocrine disorder. Using random effect modelling of prevalence ratios from quality-assessed, peer-reviewed publications, they determine the excess PCOS-related prevalence and healthcare costs associated with anxiety, depression, and eating disorders to be greater than $4 billion USD per year. In conjunction with previously reported direct economic burden estimates for PCOS, they determine that PCOS healthcare costs exceed $15 billion USD per year (in the US alone) and that mental health disorder-related costs account for nearly one-third of these costs. The findings of this paper will be impactful for a broad field of clinical and bench scientists investigating PCOS, endocrinologists, general practitioners, health economists, and policymakers. The findings of this paper demonstrate the significant contribution that mental health-related pathology makes to the total economic burden associated with PCOS and present a strong case for additional research and policy investment into this underfunded area.

      The important findings and claims presented in this paper are mostly clearly presented and well supported by strong evidence and careful analysis. However, some additional clarity and rationalisation of referenced healthcare cost input to the model would strengthen the conclusions.

      Strengths:<br /> This paper clearly describes the inclusion criteria and characteristics of the included studies. The papers included were quality assessed using a well-regarded assessment tool and only those with high-quality information were included in subsequent meta-analyses. Publication bias was assessed by multiple methods and data were interpreted accordingly.

      The authors combine their mental health-related findings with previously reported economic burden estimates for specific PCOS-related care and treatment to provide a comprehensive estimation of PCOS-related healthcare costs in the US. They discuss these findings in relation to healthcare-related costs reported for other prevalent disorders and make a compelling case for prioritising research and investment into PCOS.

      An important observation made by the authors is the relatively small contribution to PCOS economic burden made by diagnostic evaluation, supporting quality diagnosis and evaluation as a cost-effective measure to improve PCOS patient treatment.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The systematic review includes data from some studies where PCOS is self-reported. While self-reported PCOS information has been found to be largely sensitive and specific, it would be of interest to know if prevalence ratios of mental health-related were impacted by self-reporting. Likewise, the screening vs self-reported nature of the mental health disorders is not clear from the information included in the characteristics table.

      Calculated prevalence ratios were compared with prevalence values for the general population to determine the excess prevalence. However, the source of these general population statistics (i.e., whether these figures come from the control data in the included studies or other sources) is not clear. The estimated costs for anxiety-, depression- and eating disorder-related care are accessed in published papers and used to calculate the excess costs. Conclusions would be strengthened by a defence of these figures, particularly for anxiety where the source paper is from 1999. An inflation tool is used to adjust the figure, but this does not take into account changes in treatment or practice since this estimate was made. The accuracy of these estimated figures is central to the final conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Gavagan et al. investigated the role of the scaffolding protein, Axin, in the cross-pathway inhibition of GSK3b. The authors utilize reconstituted Axin, b-catenin, GSK3b, and protein kinase A to test 2 models. In the first model, the formation of the complex consisting of Axin, b-catenin, and GSK3b overcomes inhibitory phosphorylation of serine 9 of GSK3b. In the second model, the binding of Axin to GSK3b inhibits serine 9 phosphorylation through allosteric effects.

      Previous literature has established that the phosphorylation of serine 9 of GSK3b inhibits its kinase activity. To provide a quantitative measure of inhibition, the authors determine the binding affinity and catalytic efficiency of GSK3b in comparison to GSK3b phosphoS9 towards b-catenin. Interestingly, the data demonstrate a 200-fold decrease in Kcat/Km and 7 fold increase in Km. It is unclear why serine 9 mutation to alanine increases the rate of B-catenin phosphorylation more than the GSK unphosphorylated protein in figure S10. Next, the authors tested if the addition of Axin could overcome this inhibition. Although the addition of Axin decreases the Km, thereby producing a 20-fold increase in catalytic efficiency, the addition of Axin does not rescue the catalytic turnover of the phosphorylated GSK3b. Hence, the authors propose that Axin does not rescue the kinase activity of GSK3b from the inhibitory effects of serine 9 phosphorylation.

      Next, the authors test if Axin protects GSK3b from phosphorylation by the upstream kinase PKA. Excitingly, the data show a decrease in binding affinity and catalytic efficiency of PKA with GSK3b phosphoS9 in comparison to GSK3b. The binding of Axin inhibits GSK3b serine 9 phosphorylation by PKA but does not inhibit the phosphorylation of other PKA substrates such as Creb. The authors demonstrate that a fragment of Axin, residues 384-518, behaves similarly to the full-length Axin to shield GSK3b from phosphorylation. However, it is unclear how this fragment may bind in the destruction complex and if Axin has allosteric effects on GSK3b.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The aim of this work is to introduce a new pipeline for mapping the human auditory pathway using structural and diffusional MRI, and to examine the brain structural development of children with profound congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) at both the acoustic processing level and the speech perception level. The authors use this pipeline to investigate the structural development of the auditory-language network for profound SNHL children with normal peripheral structure and those with inner ear malformations and/or cochlear nerve deficiency (IEM&CND). The authors successfully developed a new pipeline for reconstructing the human auditory pathway and used it to investigate the structural development of the auditory-language network in children with profound SNHL. They segmented the subcortical auditory nuclei using super-resolution track density imaging (TDI) maps and T1-weighted images and tracked the auditory and language pathways using probabilistic tractography. The authors found that the language pathway was more sensitive to peripheral auditory condition than the central auditory pathway, highlighting the importance of early intervention for profound SNHL children to provide timely speech inputs. The authors also proposed a comprehensive pre-surgical evaluation extending from the cochlea to the auditory-language network, which has promising clinical potential.

      The major strengths of this work are the use of a new pipeline for mapping the human auditory pathway, the inclusion of children with profound SNHL with and without IEM&CND, and the finding that the language pathway is more sensitive to peripheral auditory condition than the central auditory pathway. However, a limitation of this study is the small sample size, which may limit the generalizability of the findings.

      The results support the conclusions that the language pathway is more sensitive to peripheral auditory condition than the central auditory pathway, highlighting the importance of early intervention for profound SNHL children to provide timely speech inputs.

      This work has the potential to have a significant impact on the field by providing new insights into the structural development of the auditory-language network in children with profound SNHL. The methods and data presented in this work may be useful to the community in developing comprehensive pre-surgical evaluation for children with profound SNHL extending from the cochlea to the auditory-language network.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper by Rodbarg et al describes an interesting study on the role of beta noradrenergic receptors in action-related activity in the premotor cortex of behaving rats. This work is precious because even if the action of neuromodulatory systems in the cortex is thought to be critical for cognition, there is very little data to actually substantiate the theories. The study is well conducted and the paper is well written. I think, however, that the paper could benefit from several modifications since I can see 3 major issues:

      Both from a theoretical and from a practical point of view, the emphasis on 'cue-related' activity and the potential influence of NA on sensory processing is problematic. First, recent studies in rodents and primates have clearly demonstrated that LC activation is more closely related to actions than to stimulus processing (see Poe et al, 2020 for review). Second, the analysis of neural activity around cue onset should be examined with spikes aligned on the action, since M2 is a motor region and raster plots suggest that activity is strongly related to action (I'll be more specific below).

      The distinction between neural activity and behavior or cognition is not always clear. I understand that spike count can be related to motor preparation or decision, but it should not be taken for granted that neuronal activity is action planning. The analysis should be clarified and the relation between neural activity, behavior, and potential hidden cognitive operations should be explicated more clearly.<br /> The sex difference is interesting, but at the moment it seems anecdotal. From a theoretical point of view, is there any ecological/ biological reason for a sex dependency of noradrenergic modulation of the cortex? Is there any background literature on sex differences in motor functions in rats, or in terms of NA action? If not, why does it matter (how does it change the way we should interpret the data?) From a practical point of view, is there a functional sex difference in absence of treatment, or is it that the drug has a distinct effect on males vs females? This has very distinct consequences, I think.

      These issues could be clarified both in the introduction and in the discussion, but the authors might have a different view on what is theoretically relevant here. In the result section, however, I think that both the lack of specificity in the description of behavior and cognitive operation and the confusion between 'sensory' and 'motor' functions make it very difficult to figure out what is going on in these experiments, both at a behavioral and at a neurophysiological level.

      First, the description of the behavior in the task is clearly not sufficient, which makes the interpretation of the measures very difficult. One possible interpretation of the effects of the drug is a decrease in motivation, for instance, due to a decrease in reward sensitivity or an increase in sensitivity to effort. But there are others. More importantly, none of these measures can be used to tease apart action preparation from action execution, even though the study is supposed to be about the former.<br /> Also, but this is less critical: In Figures 2C and D, it looks like there is a bimodal distribution for the effect of propranolol in females. Is there something similar in the neuronal effects of the drug? And in the distribution of receptors? Can it be accounted for by hormonal cycles/ anything else?

      The description of neural activity is also very superficial.<br /> In general, it is not clear how spike count measures have been extracted. For example, legend and figure C are not clear, is the (long) period of cue presentation included in the 'decision time'?? "Cues were presented at a variable interval 200-700ms after initiation and until animals left the well, 'Well Exit'. The time from cue onset to well exit was identified as the decision time (yellow)." Yet on the figure only the period after cue presentation is in yellow. This is critical because, given the duration of the cue, the animals are probably capable of deciding (to exit the well) before the cue turns off. Indeed, as shown in fig 2D, the animals can decide within about 500 ms. So to what extent is the 'cue response' actually a 'decision response'? When looking at figure 3A, there is clearly a pattern on the raster, a line going from top left to bottom right. If the trials are sorted chronologically, something is happening over time. If, as I suspect, trials are sorted by ascending response time, this raster is showing that what authors are calling a 'response to cues' is actually a response around action. Basically, if propranolol slows down reaction time, the spikes will be delayed from cue onset only because they remain locked to the action. Then the whole analysis and interpretation need to be reconsidered. But it might be for the best: as I mentioned earlier, recent work on LC activity has clearly emphasized its influence on motor rather than sensory processing (Poe et al, 2020).

      Fig 2D-F: it is hard to believe that the increase in firing rate induced by propranolol in females is not significant. Presumably, because the range of the median firing rate is so high in the first place, distribution (2E) really indicates an increase in firing. Maybe some other test? e.g paired t.test, or standardized values (z.score) to get rid of variability in firing across neurons?

      Along those lines, would it be worth looking for effects on specific populations (interneurons) which are sometimes characterized by thinner spikes and higher mean firing rates? Given the distribution of beta receptors RNA on interneurons, one would actually expect an effect of propranolol on the firing rate irrespective of task events. Or what is it that prevents the influence of propranolol on interneurons from changing the firing rate? In any case, one of the strengths of this study is the localization of beta receptors on specific neuronal populations in the cortex, so I think that the authors should really try to build on it and find something related to the neurophysiological effects. Otherwise, one cannot exclude the possibility that the behavioral effects are not related to the influence of the drug on these receptors in that region.

      The conclusion that neuronal discrimination decreases because the proportion of neurons showing no effect increases is confusing (negative results, basically). It would be clearer if they were reporting the number of neurons that do show an effect, and presumably that this number shows a significant decrease.<br /> Figs 3F-I: a good proportion of neurons (at least 20%) show a significant encoding before cue onset. How is it possible? This raises the issue of noise level/ null hypothesis for this kind of repeated analysis. How did the author correct for multiple comparison issues?<br /> The description of the action-related activity is globally confusing. Again, how can the authors discriminate between activity related to planning vs action itself? What is significant and what is not, in males vs females? What is being measured here? For example, a very unclear statement on line 238: "Propranolol primarily disrupted active inhibition of irrelevant action selection in M2 activity, reducing the ability to maintain action plan representation in M2, delaying lever press responses (Figure 4L, 4M)." What is 'active inhibition? What is an irrelevant action plan? What is selection? All of that should be defined using objective behavioral criteria and tested formally.<br /> Also, the description of the classifier analysis should be more thorough. Referencing the toolbox is not sufficient to understand what has been done.<br /> Measuring Beta adrenoceptors is a great idea, and the results are interesting, especially the difference between neuron types. But again, how does that fit with neurophysiological results? Note, that since this is RNA measures, it should not be phrased as 'receptors' but 'receptors RNA' throughout. One possible interpretation of these anatomical results that cannot be reconciled with physiology is that protein expression at the membrane shows a distinct pattern.

      In conclusion, I think that this is a very interesting study and that the results are potentially relevant for a wide audience. But the paper would clearly benefit from revisions. If the authors could clearly identify a significant relationship between the action of NA on beta receptors on specific cortical neurons, at a physiological and behavioral level, that would be a seminal study. At the moment, the evidence is not convincing enough but the data suggest that it is the case.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is a very interesting and compelling paper reporting a method for analyzing the features of action potential conduction in cortical and spinal neurons in vitro using high-density CMOS micro-electrode arrays. The authors report the performances of their detection algorithm allowing them to reconstruct the functional map of single-branching axons. In particular, they compare the functional conduction maps of cortical and spinal axons, and they show that spinal axons display larger spike signals in their distal part compared to cortical axons, but a lower number of branches. In addition, they reveal that spinal axons display a higher conduction velocity compared to cortical ones.

      This study is particularly interesting as it constitutes a compelling methodological report of action potential propagation up to 5-8 mm in single axons in vitro.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      There are data to suggest that intratumour mutational heterogeneity (ITH; the proportion of all mutations that are found only within cancer subclones) is associated with worse therapeutic outcomes. Specifically, patients with more mutations (and thus neoantigens) mostly expressed by subclones (high ITH) have poorer responses to checkpoint immunotherapy. The authors set out to explore the mechanisms underlying this by studying 2 dimensions of neoantigen biology: firstly, distribution (clonal vs subclonal) and secondly, immunogenicity (weak vs strong binding to MHC class I). Using a panel of lung cancer cell lines modified to express individual or dual neoantigens in order to model clonal and subclonal expression, elegant studies show that clonal co-expression with a "strong" neoantigen can boost the immunogenicity of a "weak" neoantigen and result in tumour control. Mechanistically, this is related to engulfment of both neoantigens by cross presenting type 1 conventional dendritic cells and the associated enhanced activation state of this cell type. This is an interesting and potentially important finding that may be related to mechanisms of epitope spreading as immune responses diverge from targeting more to less immunogenic epitopes. Overall, the study is thought-provoking, informative in relation to how neoantigen immunogenicity is shaped and may have practical relevance.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Zhou et al. use publicly available GTEx data of 18 metabolic tissues from 310 individuals to explore gene expression correlation patterns within-tissue and across-tissues. They detect signatures of known metabolic signaling biology, such as ADIPOQ's role in fatty acid metabolism in adipose tissue. They also emphasize that their approach can help generate new hypotheses, such as the colon playing an important role in circadian clock maintenance. To aid researchers in querying their own genes of interest in metabolic tissues, they have developed an easy-to-use webtool (GD-CAT).

      This study makes reasonable conclusions from its data, and the webtool would be useful to researchers focused on metabolic signaling. However, some misconceptions need to be corrected, as well as greater clarification of the methodology used.


      GTEx is a very powerful resource for many areas of biomedicine, and this study represents a valid use of gene co-expression network methodology. The authors do a good job of providing examples confirming known signaling biology as well as the potential to discover promising signatures of novel biology for follow-up and future studies. The webtool, GD-CAT, is easy to use and allows researchers with genes and tissues of interest to perform the same analyses in the same GTEx data.


      A key weakness of the paper is that this study does not involve genetic correlations, which is used in the title and throughout the manuscript, but rather gene co-expression networks. The authors do mention the classic limitation that correlation does not imply causation, but this caveat is even more important given that these are not genetic correlations. Given that the goal of their study aligns closely with multi-tissue WGCNA, which is not a new idea (e.g., Talukdar et al. 2016; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2016.02.002), it is surprising that the authors only use WGCNA for its robust correlation estimation (bicor), but not its latent factor/module estimation, which could potentially capture cross-tissue signaling patterns. It is possible that the biological signals of interest would be drowned out by all the other variation in the data but given that this is a conventional step in WGCNA, it is a weakness that the authors do not use it or discuss it.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study aims to describe a physical interaction between the kinase DYRK1A and the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex proteins (TSC1, TSC2, TBC1D7). Furthermore, this study aims to demonstrate that DYRK1A, upon interaction with the TSC proteins regulates mTORC1 activity and cell size. Additionally, this study identifies T1462 on TSC2 as a phosphorylation target of DYRK1A. Finally, the authors demonstrate the role of DYRK1A on cell size using human, mouse, and Drosophila cells.

      This study, as it stands, requires further experimentation to support the conclusions on the role of DYRK1A on TSC interaction and subsequently on mTORC1 regulation. Weaknesses include, 1) The lack of an additional assessment of cell growth/size (eg. protein content, proliferation), 2) the limited data on the requirement of DYRK1A for TSC complex stability and function, and 3) the limited perturbations on the mTORC1 pathway upon DYRK1A deletion/overexpression. Finally, this study would benefit from identifying under which nutrient conditions DYRK1A interacts with the TS complex to regulate mTORC1.

      The interaction described here is highly impactful to the field of mTORC1-regulated cell growth and uncovers a previously unrecognized TSC-associated interacting protein. Further characterization of the role that DYRK1A plays in regulating mTORC1 activation and the upstream signals that stimulate this interaction will be extremely important for multiple diseases that exhibit mTORC1 hyper-activation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript starts with a demonstration of pantoate binding to ASBTnm using a thermostability assay and ITC, and follows with structure determinations of ASBTnm with or without pantoate. The structure of ASBTnm in the presence of pantoate pinpoints the binding site of pantoate to the "crossover" region formed by partially unwinded helices TMs 4 and 9. Binding of pantoate induces modest movements of side chain and backbone atoms at the crossover region that are consistent with providing coordination of the substrate. The structures also show movement of TM1 that opens the substrate binding site to the cytosol and mobility of loops between the TMs. MD simulations of the ASBT structure embedded in lipid bilayer suggests a stabilizing effect of the two sodium ions that are known to co-transport with the substrate. Binding study on pantoate analogs further demonstrates the specificity of pantoate as a substrate.

      The weakness of the manuscript includes a lack of transport assay for pantoate and a lack of demonstration that the observed conformational changes in TM1 and the loops are relevant to the binding or transport of pantoate.

      Overall, the structural, functional and computational studies are solid and rigorous, and the conclusions are well justified. In addition, the authors discussed the significance of the current study in a broader perspective relevant to recent structures of mammalian BASS members.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is an excellent paper that uses structural work to determine the precise role of one of the few invariant proteins on the surface of the African trypanosome. This protein, ISG65, was recently determined to be a complement receptor and specifically a receptor of C3, whose binding to ISG65 led to resistance to complement-mediated lysis. But the molecular mechanism that underlies resistance was unknown.

      Here, through cryoEM studies, the authors reveal the interaction interface (two actually) between ISG65 and C3, and based on this, make inferences regarding downstream events in the complement cascade. Specifically, they suggest that ISG65 preferably binds the converted C3b (rather than the soluble C3). Moreover, while conversion to a C3bB complex is not blocked, the ability to bind complement receptors 1 and 3 is likely blocked.

      Of course, all this is work on proteins in isolation and the remaining question is - can this in fact happen on the membrane? The VSG-coated membrane is supposed to be incredibly dense (packed at the limits of physical density) and so it is unclear whether the interactions that are implied by the structural work can actually happen on the membrane of a live trypanosome. This is not necessarily a ding but it should be addressed in the manuscript perhaps as a caveat.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study Hui Dong et al. identified and characterized two transporters of the monocarboxylate family, which they called Apcimplexan monocarboxylate 1 and 2 (AMC1/2) that the authors suggest are involved in the trafficking of metabolites in the non-photosynthetic plastid (apicoplast) of Toxoplasma gondii (the parasitic agent of human toxoplasmosis) to maintain parasite survival. To do so they first identified novel apicoplast transporters by conducting proximity-dependent protein labeling (TurboID), using the sole known apicoplast transporter (TgAPT) as a bait. They chose two out of the three MFS transporters identified by their screen based and protein sequence similarity and confirmed apicoplast localisation. They generated inducible knock down parasite strains for both AMC1 and AMC2, and confirmed that both transporters are essential for parasite intracellular survival, replication, and for the proper activity of key apicoplast pathways requiring pyruvate as carbon sources (FASII and MEP/DOXP). Then they show that deletion of each protein induces a loss of the apicoplast, more marked for AMC2 and affects its morphology both at its four surrounding membranes level and accumulation of material in the apicoplast stroma. This study is very timely, as the apicoplast holds several important metabolic functions (FASII, IPP, LPA, Heme, Fe-S clusters...), which have been revealed and studied in depth but no further respective transporter have been identified thus far. hence, new studies that could reveal how the apicoplast can acquire and deliver all the key metabolites it deals with, will have strong impact for the parasitology community as well as for the plastid evolution communities. The current study is well initiated with appropriate approaches to identify two new putatively important apicoplast transporters, and showing how essential those are for parasite intracellular development and survival. However, in its current state, this is all the study provides at this point (i.e. essential apicoplast transporters disrupting apicoplast integrity, and indirectly its major functions, FASII and IPP, as any essential apicoplast protein disruption does). The study fails to deliver further message or function regarding AMC1 and 2, and thus validate their study. Currently, the manuscript just describes how AMC1/2 deletion impacts parasite survival without answering the key question about them: what do they transport? The authors yet have to perform key experiments that would reveal their metabolic function. I would thus recommend the authors work further and determine the function of AMC1 and 2.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors investigate the role of CRB3 in the formation of the primary cilium both in a mouse model and in human cells. They confirm in a conditional knock-out (KO) mouse model that Crb3 is necessary for the formation of the primary cilium in mammary and renal epithelial tissues and the new-born mice exhibit classical traits of ciliopathies. In the mouse mammary gland, the absence of Crb3 induces hyperplasia and tumorigenesis and in the human mammary tumor cells MCF10A the knock-down (KD) of CBR3 impairs ciliogenesis and the formation of a lumen in 3D-cultures with less apoptosis and spindle orientation defects during cell division.

      To determine the subcellular localization of CRB3 the authors have expressed exogenously a GFP-CRB3 in MCF10A and found that this tagged protein localizes in cell-cell junctions and around pericentrin, a centrosome marker while endogenous CRB3 localizes at the basal body. To dissect the molecular role of CRB3 the authors have performed proteomic analyses after a pull-down assay with the exogenous tagged-CRB3 and found that CRB3 interacts with Rab11 and is present in the endosomal recycling pathway. CRB3 KD also decreases the interactions between components of the gamma-TuRC. In addition, the authors showed that CRB3 interacts with a tagged-Rab11 by its extracellular domain and that CRB3 promotes the interaction between Rab11 and CEP290 while CRB3 KD decreased the co-localization of GCP6 with Rab11 and gamma-Tub.

      Finally, the authors showed that CRB3 depletion cannot activate the Hh pathway as opposed to the Wnt pathway.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors aimed to understand how epistasis influences the genetic architecture of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of steroid hormone receptor. An ordinal regression model was developed in this study to analyze a published deep mutational scanning dataset that consists of all combinatorial amino acid variants across four positions (i.e. 160,000 variants). This published dataset measured the binding of each variant to the estrogen receptor response element (ERE, sequence: AGGTCA) as well as the steroid receptor response element (SRE, sequence: AGAACA). This model has major strengths of being reference free and able to account for global nonlinearity in the genotype-phenotype relationship. Thorough analyses of the modelling results have performed, which provided convincing results to support the importance of epistasis in promoting evolution of protein functions. This conclusion is impactful because many previous studies have shown that epistasis constrains evolution. However, the model in this study requires transformation of continuous functional data into categorical form, which would reduce precision in estimating the genetic architecture. Besides, generalizability of the findings in this study is unclear. These limitations, which are acknowledged by the authors, are minor and should not affect the conclusion of this study. The novelty of this study will likely stimulate new ideas in the field. The model will also likely be utilized by other groups in the community.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      N6-methyladenosine (m6A), the most abundant mRNA modification, is deposited by the m6A methyltransferase complexes (MTC). While MTC in mammals/flies/plants consists of at least six subunits, yeast MTC was known to contain only three proteins. Ensinck, Maman, et al. revisited this question using a proteomic approach and uncovered three new yeast MTC components, Kar4/Ygl036w/Dyn2. By applying sequence and structure comparisons, they identified Kar4, Ygl036w, Slz1 as homologs of the mammalian METTL14, VIRMA. ZC3H13, respectively. While these proteins are essential for m6A deposition, the dynein light chain protein, Dyn2, is not involved in mRNA methylation. Interestingly, while mammalian and fly MTCs are configured as MAC (METTL3 and METTL14) and MACOM (other subunits) complexes, yeast MTC subunits appear to have different configurations. Finally, Kar4 has a different role as transcription regulator in mating, which is not mediated by other MTC members. These data establish fundamental framework for the yeast MTC and also provide novel insights for those studying m6A deposition.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Harding et al have analysed 75 sedaDNA samples from Store Vidarvatn in Iceland. They have also revised the age-depth model of earlier pollen, macrofossil, and sedaDNA studies from Torfdalsvatn (Iceland), and they review sedaDNA studies for first detection of Betulaceae and Salicaceae in Iceland and surrounding areas. Their Store Vidarvatn data are potentially very interesting, with 53 taxa detected in 73 of the samples, but only results on two taxa are presented. Their revised age-depth model cast new light on earlier studies from Torfdalsvatn, which allows a more precise comparison to the other studies. The main result from both sedaDNA and the review is that Salicaceae arrives before Betulaceae in Iceland and the surrounding area. This is a well-known fact from pollen, macrofossil, and sedaDNA studies (Fredskild 1991 Nordic J Bot, Birks & Birks QSR 2014, Alsos et al. 2009, 2016, 2022) and as expected as the northernmost Salix reach the Polar Desert zone (zone A, 1-3{degree sign}C July temperature) whereas the northernmost Betula rarely goes beyond the Southern Tundra (zone D, 8-9{degree sign}C July temperature, Walker et al. 2005 J. Veg. Sci., Elven et al. 2011 http://panarcticflora.org/ ).

      My major concern is their conclusion that lag in shrubification may be expected based on the observations that there is a time gap between deglaciation and the arrival of Salicaceae and between the arrival of Salicaceae and Betulaceae. A "lag" in biological terms is defined as the time from when a site becomes environmentally suitable for a species until the species establish at the site (Alexander et al. 2018 Glob. Change Biol.). The climate requirement for Salicaceae highly depends on species. In the three northernmost zones (A-C), it appears as a dwarf shrub, and it only appears as a shrub in the Southern Tundra (D) and Shrub Tundra (E) zone, and further south it is commonly trees. Thus, Salicaceae cannot be used to distinguish between the shrub tundra and more northern other zones, and therefore cannot be used as an indicator for arctic shrubification. Betulaceae, on the other hand, rarely reach zone C, and are common in zone D and further south. Thus, if we assume that the first Betulaceae to arrive in Iceland is Betula nana, this is a good indicator of the expansion of shrub tundra. Thus, if they could estimate when the climate became suitable for B. nana, they would have a good indicator of colonisation lags, which can provide some valuable information about time lags in shrub expansion (especially to islands). They could use either independent proxy or information from the other species recorded in sedaDNA to reconstruct minimum July temperature (see e.g. Parducci et al. 2012a+b Science, Alsos et al. 2020 QSR).

      The study gives a nice summary of current knowledge and the new sedaDNA data generated are valuable for anyone interested in the post-glacial colonisation of Iceland. Unfortunately, neither raw nor final data are given. Providing the raw data would allow re-analysing with a more extensive reference library, and providing final data used in their publication will for sure interest many botanists and palaeoecologist, especially as 73 samples provide high time resolution compared to most other sedaDNA studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Joshi et al. investigated the use of dantrolene, an RyR stabilizing drug, in improving contractile function and slowing pathological progression of pressure-overload heart failure. In a guinea pig model, they found that dantrolene treatment reduced cytosolic Ca2+ levels, improved contractility, reduced the incidence of arrhythmias, reduced fibrosis, and slowed the progression of heart failure. Importantly, delaying treatment until 3 weeks after aortic banding (when heart failure was already established) also resulted in improvements in function and decreased arrhythmogenesis. While some of the mechanistic details remain to be worked out, the data suggest that improving intracellular Ca2+ handling can break the vicious cycle of sympathetic activation, ROS production, and further deterioration of cardiac function.

      The functional ECG and echo data are convincing, and very clearly demonstrate the positive effects of dantrolene in heart failure. This is important because dantrolene is already FDA-approved to treat malignant hyperthermia and muscle spasms, so repurposing this drug as a heart failure therapeutic might have a straightforward path to clinical implementation. This also highlights the non-specific nature of dantrolene to interact with RyR1, and therefore, potential side effects. However, this does not detract from the main proof-of-concept demonstrated here.

      The guinea pig model employed here is also a strength, as the guinea pig has intracellular Ca2+ handling and ionic currents that are much more similar to human (vs. a murine model, for example).

      One weakness is the exclusion of female animals from the study. The authors report more heterogeneity in the progression of HF in the female guinea pig model, however it will be very important to determine effects of dantrolene in the female heart, as there are considerable known sex differences in intracellular Ca2+ handling and contractility. Therefore, it is possible that dantrolene could have sex-dependent effects.

      The title and parts of the discussion of the manuscript focus on 'repolarization reserve'. This term is often used in the realm of safety pharmacology, and 'reserve' refers to the fact that blocking a single K+ channel (for example) may not impact action potential duration because there may be enough other K+ currents to ensure proper repolarization. The repolarization reserve refers to this overall balance of depolarizing and repolarizing currents and potential redundancies to ensure proper repolarization. Although the present study clearly demonstrates QT shortening with dantrolene (thus, there must be a change in the balance of depolarizing and repolarizing currents), the study does not definitively demonstrate changes in any membrane currents. While this may seem like a minor point of terminology, it may mislead readers as to the main focus of the study, which is not at all on ionic currents, but on functional outcomes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      I am not qualified to judge the narrow claim that certain units of the long calls are isochronous at various levels of the pulse hierarchy. I will assume that the modelling was done properly. I can however say that the broad claims that (i) this constitutes evidence for recursion in non-human primates, (ii) this sheds light on the evolution of recursion and/or language in humans are, when not made trivially true by a semantic shift, unsupported by the narrow claims. In addition, this paper contains errors in the interpretation of previous literature.

      The main difficulty when making claims about recursion is to understand precisely what is meant by "recursion" (arguably a broader problem with the literature that the authors engage with). The authors offer some characterization of the concept which is vague enough that it can include anything from "celestial and planetary movement to the splitting of tree branches and river deltas, and the morphology of bacteria colonies". With this appropriately broad understanding, the authors are able to show "recursion" in orangutans' long calls. But they are, in fact, able to find it everywhere. The sound of a plucked guitar string, which is a sum of self-similar periodic patterns, count as recursive under their definition as well.

      One can only pick one's definition of recursion, within the context of the question of interest: evolution of language in humans. One must try to name a property which is somewhat specific to human language, and not a ubiquitous feature of the universe we live in, like self-similarity. Only after having carved out a sufficiently distinctive feature of human language, can we start the work of trying to find it in a related species and tracing its evolutionary history. When linguists speak of recursion, they speak of in principle unbounded nested structure (as in e.g. "the doctor's mother's mother's mother's mother ..."). The author seems to acknowledge this in the first line of the introduction: "the capacity to *iterate* a signal within a self-similar signal" (emphasis added). In formal language theory, which provides a formal and precise definition of one notion of recursivity appropriate for human language, unbounded iteration makes a critical difference: bounded "nested structures" are regular (can be parsed and generated using finite-state machines), unbounded ones are (often) context-free (require more sophisticated automaton). The hierarchy of pulses and sub-pulses only has a fixed amount of layers, moreover the same in all productions; it does not "iterate".

      Another point is that the authors don't show that the constraints that govern the shape of orangutans long calls are due to cognitive processes. Any oscillating system will, by definition, exhibit isochrony. For instance, human trills produce isochronouns or near isochronous pulses. No cognitive process is needed to explain this; this is merely the physics of the articulators. Do we know that the rhythm of the pulses and sub-pulses in orangutans is dictated by cognition as opposed to the physics of the articulators?

      Even granting the authors' unjustified conclusion that wild orangutans have "recursive" structures and that these are the result of cognition, the conclusions drawn by the authors are too often fantastic leaps of induction. Here is a cherry-picked list of some of the far-fetched conclusions:

      - "our findings indicate that ancient vocal patterns organized across nested structural strata were likely present in ancestral hominids". Does finding "vocal patterns organized across nested structural strata" in wild orangutans suggest that the same were present in ancestral hominids?<br /> - "given that isochrony universally governs music and that recursion is a feature of music, findings (sic.) suggest a possible evolutionary link between great ape loud calls and vocal music". Isochrony is also a feature of the noise produced by cicadas. Does this suggest an evolutionary link between vocal music and the noise of cicadas?

      Finally, some passages also reveal quite glaring misunderstandings of the cited literature. For instance:

      - "Therefore, the search for recursion can be made in the absence of meaning-base operations, such as Merge, and more generally, semantics and syntax". It is precisely Chomsky's (disputable) opinion that the main operation that govern syntax, Merge, has nothing to do with semantics. The latter is dealt within a putative conceptual-intentional performance system (in Chomsky's terminology), which is governed by different operations.<br /> - "Namely, experimental stimuli have consisted of artificial recursive signal sequences organized along a single temporal scale (though not structurally linear), similarly with how Merge and syntax operate". The minimalist view advocated by Chomsky assumes that mapping a hierarchichal structure to a linear order (a process called linearizarion) is part of the articulatory-perceptual system. This system is likewise not governed by Merge and is not part of "syntax" as conceived by the Chomskyan minimalists.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      With a much higher spatiotemporal resolution of ground dynamics than any previous study, the authors uncover new "rules" of locomotory motor sequences during peristalsis and turning behaviors. These new motor sequences will interest the broad neuroscience community that is interested in the mechanisms of locomotion in this highly tractable model. The authors uncover new and intricate patterns of denticle movements and planting that seem to solve the problem of net motion under conditions of force-balance. Simply put, the denticulated "feet" or tail of the Drosophila larva are able to form transient and dynamic anchors that allow other movements to occur.

      The biology and dynamics are well-described. The physics is elementary and becomes distracting when occasionally overblown. For example, one doesn't need to invoke Newton's third law, per se, to understand why anchors are needed so that peristalsis can generate forward displacements. This is intuitively obvious. Another distracting allusion to "physics" is correlating deformation areas with displaced volume, finding that "volume is a consequence of mass in a 2nd order polynomial relationship". I have no idea what this "physics" means or what relevance this relationship has to the biology of locomotion.

      The ERISM and WARP methods are state-of-the-art, but aside from generally estimating force magnitudes, the detailed force maps are not used. The most important new information is the highly accurate and detailed maps of displacement itself, not their estimates of applied force using finite element calculations. In fact, comparing displacements to stress maps, they are pretty similar (e.g., Fig 4), suggesting that all experiments are performed in a largely linear regime. It should also be noted that the stress maps are assumed to be normal stresses (perpendicular to the plane), not the horizontal stresses that are the ones that actually balance forces in the plane of animal locomotion.

      But none of this matters. The real achievements are the new locomotory dynamics uncovered with these amazing displacement measurements. I'm only asking the authors to be precise and down-to-earth about the nature of their measurements.

      It would be good to highlight the strength of the paper -- the discovery of new locomotion dynamics with high-resolution microscopy -- by describing it in simple qualitative language. One key discovery is the broad but shallow anchoring of the posterior body when the anterior body undertakes a "head sweep". Another discovery is the tripod indentation at the tail at the beginning of peristalsis cycles.

      As far as I know, these anchoring behaviors are new. It is intuitively obvious that anchoring has to occur, but this paper describes the detailed dynamics of anchoring for the first time. Anchoring behavior now has to be included in the motor sequence for Drosophila larva locomotion in any comprehensive biomechanical or neural model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is an important and large experimental study examining the effects of plant species richness, plant genotypic richness, and soil water availability on herbivory patterns on Piper species in tropical forests.

      A major strength is the size of the study and the fact that it tackled so many potentially important factors simultaneously. The authors examined both interspecific plant diversity and intraspecific plant diversity. They crossed that with a water availability treatment. And they repeated the experiment across five geographically separated sites.

      The authors find that both water availability and plant diversity, intraspecific and interspecific, influence herbivore diversity and herbivory, but that the effects differ in important ways across sites. I found the study to be solid and the results to be very convincing. The results will help the field grapple with the importance of environmental change and biodiversity loss and how they structure communities and alter species interactions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript describes a role for the ATM-E6AP-MASTL pathway in DNA damage checkpoint recovery. However, the data in the first version of the manuscript strongly suggest that E6AP is involved in checkpoint activation, which raises doubts about the exact function of this pathway. Additional minor issues were raised regarding the quality of some of the data. Although some minor points were addressed in the revised manuscript, the major issue whether the E6AP-MASTL pathway mediates checkpoint activation or checkpoint recovery was not experimentally addressed. Instead, the authors state that "the expression level of MASTL is not upregulated during the activation stages of the DNA damage checkpoint". However, their data show otherwise: MASTL upregulation coinciding with RPA phosphorylation and p-ATM/ATR signal.

      I am therefore not convinced the revised manuscript sufficiently addressed the comments to fully support the conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Caveney et al have overexpressed an engineered construct of the human membrane receptor guanyl cyclase GC-C in hamster cells and co-purified it with the endogenous HSP90 and CDC37. They have then determined the structure of the resultant complex by single particle cryoEM reconstruction at sufficient resolution to dock existing structures of HSP90 and CDC37, plus an AlphaFold model of the pseudo-kinase domain of the guanylyl cyclase. The novelty of the work stems from the observation that the pseudo-kinase domain of GC-C associates with CDC37 and HSP90 similarly to how the bona fide protein kinases CDK4, CRAF and BRAF have been previously shown to interact.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Brunner et al. present a new and promising application of functional ultrasound (fUS) imaging to follow the evolution of perfusion and haemodynamics upon thrombotic stroke in awake rats. The authors leveraged a chemically induced occlusion of the rat Medial Cerebral Artery (MCA) with ferric chloride in awake rats, while imaging with fUS cerebral perfusion with high spatio and temporal resolution (100µm x 110µm x 300µm x 0.8s). The authors also measured evoked haemodynamic response at different timepoints following whisker stimulation.

      As the fUS setup of the authors is limited to 2D imaging, Brunner and colleagues focused on a single coronal slice where they identified the primary Somatosensory Barrel Field of the Cortex (S1BF), directly perfused by the MCA and relay nuclei of the Thalamus: the Posterior (Po) and the Ventroposterior Medial (VPM) nuclei of the Thalamus. All these regions are involved in the sensory processing of whisker stimulation. By investigating these regions the authors present the hyper-acute effect of the stroke with these main results:

      - MCA occlusion results in a fast and important loss of perfusion in the ipsilesional cortex.<br /> - Thrombolysis is followed by Spreading Depolarisation measured in the Retrosplenial cortex.<br /> - Stroke-induced hypo-perfusion is associated with a significant drop in ipsilesional cortical response to whisker stimulation, and a milder one in ipsilesional subcortical relays.<br /> - Contralesional hemisphere is almost not affected by stroke with the exception of the cortex which presents a mildly reduced response to the stimulation.

      In addition, the authors demonstrate that their protocol allows to follow up stroke evolution up to five days post-induction. They further show that fUS can estimate the size of the infarcted volume with brilliance mode (B-mode), confirming the presence of the identified lesional tissue with post-mortem cresyl violet staining.

      Upon measuring functional response to whisker stimulation 5 days after stroke induction, the authors report that:<br /> - The ipsilesional cortex presents no response to the stimulation<br /> - The ipsilesional thalamic relays are less activated than hyper acutely<br /> - The contralesional cortex and subcortical regions are also less activated 5d after the stroke.

      These observations mainly validate the new method as a way to chronically image the longitudinal sequelae of stroke in awake animals. However, the potentially more intriguing results the authors describe in terms of functional reorganization of functional activity following stroke appear to be preliminary, and underpowered ( N = 5 animals were imaged to describe hyper-acute session, and N = 2 in a five day follow-up). While highly preliminary, the research model proposed by the author (where the loss of the infarcted cortex induces reduces activity in connected regions, whether by cortico-thalamic or cortico-cortical loss of excitatory drive), is interesting. This hypothesis would require a greatly expanded, sufficiently powered study to be validated (or disproven).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Rossato et al present I-spin live, a software package to perform real-time blind-source separation-based sorting of motor unit activity. The core contribution of this manuscript is the development and validation of a software package to perform motor unit sorting, apply the resulting motor unit filters in real-time during muscle contractions, and provide real-time visual feedback of the motor unit activity.

      I have a few concerns with the work as presented:

      - I found it challenging to specifically understand the technical contributions of this manuscript. The authors do not appear to be claiming anything novel algorithmically (with respect to spike sorting) or methodologically (with respect to manual editing of spikes before the use of the algorithms in real-time). My takeaway is that the key contributions are C1) development of an open-source implementation of the Negro algorithm, C2) validating it for real-time application (evaluating its sorting efficacy, and closed-loop performance, etc), and developing a software package to run in closed-loop with visual feedback. I will comment on each of these items separately below. It would be great if the authors could more explicitly lay out the key contributions of this manuscript in the text.

      - Related to the above, much of the validation of the algorithms in this manuscript has a "trust me" feel - the authors note that the Negro et al. algorithm has already been validated, so very few details or presentations of primary data showing the algorithm's performance are shown. Similarly, the efficacy of the decomposition approach is evaluated using manual editing of the sorting output as a reference, which is a subjective process, and users would greatly benefit from explicit guidance. There are very few details of manual editing shown in this manuscript (I believe the authors reference the Hug et al. 2021 paper for these details), and little discussion of the core challenges and variability of that process, even though it seems to be a critical step in the proposed workflow. So this is very hard to evaluate and would be challenging for readers to replicate.

      - I found the User Guide in the Github package to be easy to follow. Importantly, it seems heavily tied to the specific hardware (Quattrocento). I understand it may be difficult to make the full software package work with different hardware, but it seems important to at least make an offline analysis of recorded data possible for this package to be useful more broadly.

      - While this may be a powerful platform, it is also very possible that without more details and careful guidance for users on potential pitfalls, many non-experts in sorting could use this as a platform for somewhat sloppy science.

      - The authors mention that data is included with the Github software package. I could not find any included data, or instructions on how to run the software offline on example data.

      - Given the centrality of the real-time visual feedback to their system, the authors should show some examples of the actual display etc. so readers can understand what the system in action actually looks like (I believe there is no presentation of the actual system in the manuscript, just in the User Guide). Similarly, it would be helpful to have a schematic figure outlining the full workflow that a user goes through when using this system.

      - The authors note all data was collected with male subjects because more motor units can be decomposed from male subjects relative to females. But what is the long-term outlook for the field if studies avoid female subjects because their motor units may be harder to decompose? This should at least be discussed - it is an important challenge for the field to solve, and it is unacceptable if new methods just avoid this problem and are only tested on male subjects.

      Specific comments on the core contributions of this paper:

      C1. Development of an open-source implementation of the Negro algorithm<br /> This seems an important contribution and useful for the community. There are very few figures showing any primary data, the efficacy of sorting, raw traces showing the waveforms that are identified, cluster shapes, etc. I realize the high-level algorithm has been outlined elsewhere, but the implementation in this package, and its efficacy, is a core component of the system and the claims being made in this paper. Much more presentation of data is needed to evaluate this.

      Similarly, more information on the offline manual editing process (e.g. showing before/after examples with primary data) would be important to gain confidence in the method. The current paper shows application to both surface EMG and intramuscular EMG, but I could not find IM EMG examples in the Hug paper (apologies if I missed them). Surface and IM data are very, very different, so one would imagine the considerations when working with them should also be different.

      All descriptions of math/algorithms are presented in text, without any actual math, variable definitions, etc. This presentation makes it difficult to understand what is done. I would strongly recommend writing out equations and defining variables where possible.

      More details on how the level of sparseness is controlled during optimization would be helpful. And how this sparseness penalty is weighed against other optimization costs.

      Overall the paper is not very rigorous about the accuracy of motor unit identification. For example, the authors note that SIL of 0.9 is generally used for offline evaluation (why is this acceptable?), but it was lowered to 0.8 for particular muscles in this study. But overall, it is unclear how sorting accuracy/inaccuracy affects performance in the target applications of this work.

      C2. For real-time experiments, variability/jitter is important to characterize. Fig. 4 seems to be presenting mean computational times, etc, but no presentation of variability is shown. It would be helpful to depict data distributions somehow, rather than just mean values.

      There is some description about the difference between units identified during baseline contractions, and how they might be misidentified during online contractions ("Accuracy of the real-time identification..."). This should be described in more detail.

      Fig. 6: Given that a key challenge in sorting should be that collisions occur during large contractions, much more primary data should be presented/visualized to show how the accuracy of sorting changes during larger contractions in online experiments.

      Fig.7: In presenting the accuracy of biofeedback, it is very hard to gain any intuition for performance by just looking at RMSE values. Showing the online decoded and edited trajectories would help readers understand the magnitude of errors.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Motoneurons constitute the final common pathway linking central impulse traffic to behavior, and neurophysiology faces an urgent need for methods to record their activity at high resolution and scale in intact animals during natural movement. In this consortium manuscript, Chung et al. introduce high-density electrode arrays on a flexible substrate that can be implanted into muscle, enabling the isolation of multiple motor units during movement. They then demonstrate these arrays can produce high-quality recordings in a wide range of species, muscles, and tasks. The methods are explained clearly, and the claims are justified by the data. While technical details on the arrays have been published previously, the main significance of this manuscript is the application of this new technology to different muscles and animal species during naturalistic behaviors. Overall, we feel the manuscript will be of significant interest to researchers in motor systems and muscle physiology, and we have no major concerns. A few minor suggestions for improving the manuscript follow.

      The authors perhaps understate what has been achieved with classical methods. To further clarify the novelty of this study, they should survey previous approaches for recording from motor units during active movement. For example, Pflüger & Burrows (J. Exp. Biol. 1978) recorded from motor units in the tibial muscles of locusts during jumping, kicking, and swimming. In humans, Grimby (J. Physiol. 1984) recorded from motor units in toe extensors during walking, though these experiments were most successful in reinnervated units following a lesion. In addition, the authors might briefly mention previous approaches for recording directly from motoneurons in awake animals (e.g., Robinson, J. Neurophys. 1970; Hoffer et al., Science 1981).

      For chronic preparations, additional data and discussion of the signal quality over time would be useful. Can units typically be discriminated for a day or two, a week or two, or longer? A related issue is whether the same units can be tracked over multiple sessions and days; this will be of particular significance for studies of adaptation and learning.

      It appears both single-ended and differential amplification were used. The authors should clarify in the Methods which mode was used in each figure panel, and should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each in terms of SNR, stability, and yield, along with any other practical considerations.

      Is there likely to be a motor unit size bias based on muscle depth, pennation angle, etc.?

      Can muscle fiber conduction velocity be estimated with the arrays?

      The authors suggest their device may have applications in the diagnosis of motor pathologies. Currently, concentric needle EMG to record from multiple motor units is the standard clinical method, and they may wish to elaborate on how surgical implantation of the new array might provide additional information for diagnosis while minimizing risk to patients.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Kádková, Murach, Pedersen, and colleagues studied how three disease-causing missense mutations in SNAP25 affect synaptic vesicle exocytosis. These mutations have previously been studied by Alten et al., 2021. The authors observed similar impairments in spontaneous and evoked release as Alten et al., 2021, but the measurement of readily releasable pool (RRP) size differed between the two studies. The authors found that the V48F and D166Y mutations affect the interaction with the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin-1 (Syt1), but do not entirely phenocopy Syt1 loss-of-function because they also exhibit a gain-of-function. Thus, these mutations affect multiple aspects of the energy landscape for vesicle priming and fusion. The I67N mutation specifically increases the fusion energy barrier without affecting upstream vesicle priming.

      The strength of the study includes careful and technically excellent dissection of the synaptic release process and a combination of electrophysiology, biophysics, and modeling approaches. This study gained a deeper mechanistic understanding of these mutations in vesicle exocytosis than the previous study but did not result in a paradigm shift in our understanding of SNAP25-associated encephalopathy because the same spontaneous and evoked release phenotypes were previously identified.

      1) The authors discussed possible reasons for the different results of the RRP sizes between this study and Alten et al., 2021. One of them is how the hypertonic solution is applied. The authors thought that the long application of hypertonic solution in Alten et al., 2021 caused an overlapping release of RRP and upstream vesicle pools because Alten et al., 2021 measured 10-fold larger RRP size than what was measured in this study. However, Alten et al., 2021 measured RRP from IPSCs and a single inhibitory vesicle fusion causes larger charge transfer than an excitatory vesicle. The authors need to take this into consideration and 10-fold is likely an overestimate.

      2) Statistical tests should be performed for protein expression levels (Fig 2A and Fig 10A) and in vitro fusion assays (Fig 8D,E and Fig 9 B,C).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Valk, Engert et al. investigated effects of stress-reducing behavioral intervention on hippocampal structure and function across different conditions of mental training and in relation to diurnal and chronic cortisol levels. The authors provide convincing multimodal evidence of a link between hippocampal integrity and stress regulation, showing changes in both volume and intrinsic functional connectivity, as measured by resting-state fMRI, in hippocampal subfield CA1-3 after socio-affective training as compared to training in a socio-cognitive module. In particular, increased CA1-3 volume following socio-affective training overlapped with increased functional connectivity to medial prefrontal cortex, and reductions in cortisol. The conclusions of this paper are well supported by the data, although some aspects of the data analysis would benefit from being clarified and extended.

      A main strength of the study is the rigorous design of the behavioral intervention, including test-retest cohorts, an active control group, and a previously established training paradigm, contributing to an overall high quality of included data. Similarly, systematic quality checking of hippocampal subfield segmentations contributes to a reliable foundation for structural and functional investigations.

      Another strength of the study is the multimodal data, including both structural and functional markers of hippocampal integrity as well as both diurnal and chronic estimates of cortisol levels. However, the included analyses are not optimally suited for elucidating multivariate interrelationships between these measures. Instead, effects of training on structure and function, and their links to cortisol, are largely characterized separately from each other. This results in the overall interpretation of results, and conclusions, being dependent on a large number of separate associations. Adopting multivariate approaches would better target the question of whether there is cortisol-related structural and functional plasticity in the hippocampus after mental training aimed at reducing stress.

      The authors emphasize a link between hippocampal subfield CA1-3 and stress regulation, and indeed, multiple lines of evidence converge to highlight a most consistent role of CA1-3. There are, however, some aspects of the results that limit the robustness of this conclusion. First, formal comparisons between subfields are incomplete, making it difficult to judge whether the CA1-3, to a greater degree than other subfields, display effects of training. Relatedly, it would be of interest to assess whether changes in CA1-3 make a significant contribution to explaining the link between hippocampal integrity and cortisol, as compared to structure and functional connectivity of the whole hippocampus. Second, both structural and functional effects (although functional to a greater degree), were most pronounced in the specific comparison of "Affect" and "Perspective" training conditions, possibly limiting the study's ability to inform general principles of hippocampal stress-regulation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors provide a comprehensive investigation of self-citation rates in the field of Neuroscience, filling a significant gap in existing research. They analyze a large dataset of over 150,000 articles and eight million citations from 63 journals published between 2000 and 2020. The study reveals several findings. First, they state that there is an increasing trend of self-citation rates among first authors compared to last authors, indicating potential strategic manipulation of citation metrics. Second, they find that the Americas show higher odds of self-citation rates compared to other continents, suggesting regional variations in citation practices. Third, they show that there are gender differences in early-career self-citation rates, with men exhibiting higher rates than women. Lastly, they find that self-citation rates vary across different subfields of Neuroscience, highlighting the influence of research specialization. They believe that these findings have implications for the perception of author influence, research focus, and career trajectories in Neuroscience.

      Overall, this paper is well written, and the breadth of analysis conducted by authors, with various interactions between variables (eg. gender vs. seniority), shows that the authors have spent a lot of time thinking about different angles. The discussion section is also quite thorough. The authors should also be commended for their efforts in the provision of code for the public to evaluate their own self-citations. That said, here are some concerns and comments that, if addressed, could potentially enhance the paper:

      1. There are concerns regarding the data used in this study, specifically its bias towards top journals in Neuroscience, which limits the generalizability of the findings to the broader field. More specifically, the top 63 journals in neuroscience are based on impact factor (IF), which raises a potential issue of selection bias. While the paper acknowledges this as a limitation, it lacks a clear justification for why authors made this choice. It is also unclear how the "top" journals were identified as whether it was based on the top 5% in terms of impact factor? Or 10%? Or some other metric? The authors also do not provide the (computed) impact factors of the journals in the supplementary.

      By exclusively focusing on high impact journals, your analysis may not be representative of the broader landscape of self-citation patterns across the neuroscience literature, which is what the title of the article claims to do.

      2. One other concern pertains to the possibility that a significant number of authors involved in the paper may not be neuroscientists. It is plausible that the paper is a product of interdisciplinary collaboration involving scientists from diverse disciplines. Neuroscientists amongst the authors should be identified.

      3. When calculating self-citation rate, it is important to consider the number of papers the authors have published to date. One plausible explanation for the lower self-citation rates among first authors could be attributed to their relatively junior status and short publication record. As such, it would also be beneficial to assess self-citation rate as a percentage relative to the author's publication history. This number would be more accurate if we look at it as a percentage of their publication history. My suspicion is that first authors (who are more junior) might be more likely to self-cite than their senior counterparts. My suspicion was further raised by looking at Figures 2a and 3. Considering the nature of the self-citation metric employed in the study, it is expected that authors with a higher level of seniority would have a greater number of publications. Consequently, these senior authors' papers are more likely to be included in the pool of references cited within the paper, hence the higher rate.

      While the authors acknowledge the importance of the number of past publications in their gender analysis, it is just as important to include the interplay of seniority in (1) their first and last author self-citation rates and (2) their geographic analysis.

      4. Because your analysis is limited to high impact journals, it would be beneficial to see the distribution of the impact factors across the different countries. Otherwise, your analysis on geographic differences in self-citation rates is hard to interpret. Are these differences really differences in self-citation rates, or differences in journal impact factor? It would be useful to look at the representation of authors from different countries for different impact factors.

      5. The presence of self-citations is not inherently problematic, and I appreciate the fact that authors omit any explicit judgment on this matter. That said, without appropriate context, self-citations are also not the best scholarly practice. In the analysis on gender differences in self-citations, it appears that authors imply an expectation of women's self-citation rates to align with those of men. While this is not explicitly stated, use of the word "disparity", and also presentation of self-citation as an example of self-promotion in discussion suggest such a perspective. Without knowing the context in which the self-citation was made, it is hard to ascertain whether women are less inclined to self-promote or that men are more inclined to engage in strategic self-citation practices.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of vitamin D-mediated signaling through VDR, SIRT1, and Ace H3K9. They specifically emphasize the significance of K610 in SIRT1 within this signaling pathway. The article effectively presents a convincing and straightforward argument. The experiments conducted are meticulously executed, and the statistical analysis is sound. The inclusion of complex biochemistry details adequately covers the topic at hand. These findings hold great relevance to both normal and pathological physiology across different cell lineages, making them of considerable interest.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors have used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and TMS-electroencephalography (EEG) evoked potentials (TEPs) to determine how experimental heat pain could induce alterations in these metrics.
In Experiment 1 (n = 29), multiple sustained thermal stimuli were administered over the forearm, with the first, second, and third block of stimuli consisting of warm but non-painful (pre-pain block), painful heat (pain block) and warm but non-painful (post-pain block) temperatures respectively. Painful stimuli led to an increase in the amplitude of the fronto-central N45, with a larger increase associated with higher pain ratings. Experiments 2 and 3 studied the correlation between the increase in the N45 in pain and the effects of a sham stimulation protocol/higher stimulation intensity. They found that the centro-frontal N45 TEP was decreased in acute pain.

      The study comes from a very strong group in the pain fields with long experience in psychophysics, experimental pain, neuromodulation, and EEG in pain. They are among the first to report on changes in cortical excitability as measured by TMS-EEG over M1.

      While their results are in line with reductions seen in motor-evoked responses during pain and effort was made to address possible confounding factors (study 2 and 3), there are some points that need attention. In my view the most important are:<br /> 1. The method used to calculate the rest motor threshold, which is likely to have overestimated its true value : calculating highly abnormal RMT may lead to suprathreshold stimulations in all instances (Experiment 3) and may lead to somatosensory "contamination" due to re-afferent loops in both "supra" and "infra" (aka. less supra) conditions.<br /> 2. The low number of pulses used for TEPs (close to ⅓ of the usual and recommended), lack of measures to mask auditory noise.<br /> 3. A supra-stimulus heat stimulus not based on individual HPT, that oscillates during the experiment and that lead to large variations in pain intensity across participants is unfortunate. So is the lack of report on measures taken to correct for a fortuitous significance (multiple comparison correction) in such a huge number of serial paired tests.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper, Ahmadi et al demonstrated that antibodies produced locally in the liver by infiltrating B cells can enhance liver damage caused by fat accumulation. The main finding is that human samples extracted from severe alcoholic hepatitis showed antibody accumulation that may be related to an enhanced immune response to self-antigens, which could ultimately fuel liver damage - which was already present due to alcohol consumption. Their data are corroborated by arrays and gene ontology assays, and I strongly believe that these data could add to the future options we have to treat patients.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors tried to characterize the function of the SWI/SNF remodeler family, BAF, in spermatogenesis. The authors focused on ARID1A, a BAF-specific putative DNA binding subunit, based on gene expression profiles. The study has several serious issues with the data and interpretation. The conditional deletion mouse model of ARIDA using Stra8-cre showed inefficient deletion; spermatogenesis did not appear to be severely compromised in the mutants. Using this data, the authors claimed that meiotic arrest occurs in the mutants. This is obviously a misinterpretation. In the later parts, the authors performed next-gen analyses, including ATAC-seq and H3.3 CUT&RUN, using the isolated cells from the mutant mice. However, with this inefficient deletion, most cells isolated from the mutant mice appeared not to undergo Cre-mediated recombination. Therefore, these experiments do not tell any conclusion pertinent to the Arid1a mutation. Furthermore, many of the later parts of this study focus on the analysis of H3.3 CUT&RUN. However, Fig. S7 clearly suggests that the H3.3 CUT&RUN experiment in the wild-type simply failed. Thus, none of the analyses using the H3.3 CUT&RUN data can be interpreted. Overall, I found that the study does not have rigorous data, and the study is not interpretable. If the author wishes to study the function of ARID2 in spermatogenesis, they may need to try other cre-lines to have more robust phenotypes, and all analyses must be redone using a mouse model with efficient deletion of ARID2.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors present the OpenApePose database constituting a collection of over 70000 ape images which will be important for many applications within primatology and the behavioural sciences. The authors have also rigorously tested the utility of this database in comparison to available Pose image databases for monkeys and humans to clearly demonstrate its solid potential. However, the variation in the database with regards to individuals, background, source/setting is not clearly articulated and would be beneficial information for those wishing to make use of this resource in the future. At present, there is also a lack of clarity as to how this image database can be extrapolated to aid video data analyses which would be highly beneficial as well.

      I have two major concerns with regard to the manuscript as it currently stands which I think if addressed would aid the clarity and utility of this database for readers.

      1. Human annotators are mentioned as doing the 16 landmarks manually for all images but there is no assessment of inter-observer reliability or the such. I think something to this end is currently missing, along with how many annotators there were. This will be essential for others to know who may want to use this database in the future.

      Relevant to this comment, in your description of the database, a table or such could be included, providing the number of images from each source/setting per species and/or number of individuals. Something to give a brief overview of the variation beyond species. (subspecies would also be of benefit for example).

      2. You mention around line 195 that you used a specific function for splitting up the dataset into training, validation, and test but there is no information given as to whether this was simply random or if an attempt to balance across species, individuals, background/source was made. I would actually think that a balanced approach would be more appropriate/useful here so whether or not this was done, and the reasoning behind that must be justified.

      This is especially relevant given that in one test you report balancing across species (for the sample size subsampling procedure).

      And another perhaps major concern that I think should also be addressed somewhere is the fact that this is an image database tested on images while the abstract and manuscript mention the importance of pose estimation for video datasets, yet the current manuscript does not provide any clear test of video datasets nor engage with the practicalities associated with using this image-based database for applications to video datasets. Somewhere this needs to be added to clarify its practical utility.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors conducted a straightforward molecular approach to link FMRP and MAP1B proteins functionally. Both proteins are connected since FMRP is a translational regulator of the MAP1B protein, a microtubule-stabilizing factor.

      The results combined molecular genetics (FMRP knock-out mice) with acute inactivation of FRMP and MAP1B to conclusively support the notion that FMRP-dependent regulation of MAP1B is necessary for proper neuronal migration toward the olfactory bulb using the rostral migratory stream.

      Overall, these results increase our knowledge of the molecular mechanism that controls how neurons migrate in the brain to reach their final destinations and confirms that cytoskeleton regulators are key players in this process.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Kimchi et al. examined the role of cholinergic inputs to the amygdala in regulating reward-seeking behavior. To investigate this, the authors developed a head-fixed behavioral task where animals were trained to lick at random intervals, with some of these responses being reinforced ("windows of opportunity") as opposed to control epochs when no reward was delivered.

      The authors conducted in vivo optogenetic stimulation of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and discovered that a 2-second optical stimulation of these neurons encouraged licking behavior when followed by reward delivery. This was in comparison to time epochs where no reward was delivered or compared to control mice only expressing EYFP. However, it remained unclear how many trials were required for this effect to manifest.

      Furthermore, they demonstrated that the stimulation of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons did not induce real-time place preference or affect locomotion. The reward-driven licking behavior was also mitigated by systemic cholinergic receptor antagonists.<br /> Next, the authors observed the bulk calcium dynamics from these neurons in a version of the task where an auditory cue predicted reward availability. They found strong calcium signals when mice were licking and when the tone was present, but also reported signals when mice were spontaneously licking.

      By injecting a genetically encoded Acetylcholine (Ach) sensor directly into the Basolateral Amygdala (BLA), they showed that Ach signals were present when mice were engaged in licking, both during reward availability and for non-rewarded licks. Photostimulation of Ach terminals directly in the BLA increased licking behavior when a reward was available.

      Finally, using in vivo and ex vivo physiology, they demonstrated that Ach signaling influences the electrophysiological dynamics in the BLA. This may help clarify some of the postsynaptic responses triggered by this neuromodulator.

      Strengths of the paper:

      1. The experiments were well-executed and sufficiently powered, with most statistics being correctly reported.<br /> 2. The paper is a technical tour de force, employing fiber photometry, in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics, and behavioral approaches.<br /> 3. Robust effects were observed in most of the experiments.<br /> Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The experimental design varies slightly across each behavioral experiment, making it difficult to directly compare one effect to another.<br /> 2. The paper doesn't include data showing the precise location for the Ach recordings. As a result, it is unclear whether these signals are specific to the BLA, or whether they might also be coming from neighboring regions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Hage et al examine how the foraging behavior of marmoset monkeys in a laboratory setting systematically takes into account the reward value and anticipated effort cost associated with the acquisition and consumption of food. In an interesting comprehensive framework, the authors study how experimental and natural variation of these factors affect both the decisions and actions necessary to gather and accumulate food, as well as the actions necessary to consume the food.

      The manuscript proposes a computational model of how the monkeys may guide all these aspects of behavior, by maximizing a food capture rate that trades off the food that can be gathered with the effort and duration of the underlying actions. They use this model to derive qualitative predictions for how monkeys should react to an increase in the effort associated with food consumption: Monkeys should work longer before deciding to consume the accumulated food, but should move more slowly. The model also predicts that monkeys should show a different reaction to an increase in reward value of the food, also working longer but moving faster. The authors test these predictions in an interesting experimental setup that requires monkeys to collect small increments of food rewards for successful eye movements to targets. The monkeys can decide freely when to interrupt work and consume the accumulated food, and the authors measure the speed of the eye movements involved in the food acquisition as well as the tongue movements involved in the food consumption.

      By and large, the behavioral findings fall in line with the qualitative model predictions: When the effort involved in food consumption increases, monkeys collect more food before deciding to consume it, and they move slower both during food acquisition and food consumption. In a second test, the authors approximate the effects of reward value of the food at stake, by comparing monkey behavior during different days with natural variations in body weight. These quasi-experimental increases in the reward value of food also lead to longer work times before consumption, but to faster movements during food consumption. Finally, the authors show that these effects correlate with pupil size, with pupils dilating more for low-effort foraging actions with increased saccade speed and decreased work duration. The authors conclude that the effort associated with anticipated actions can lead to changes in global brain state that simultaneously affect decisions and action vigor.

      The paper proposes an interesting model for how one unified action policy may simultaneously affect multiple types of decisions and movements involved in foraging. The methods employed to measure behavior and test these predictions are generally sound, and the paper is well written. While the model and paper in their present form can clearly inspire researchers to consider this integrated perspective, and trigger further research employing such a framework, there are some conceptual and methodical shortcomings that reduce the conclusiveness of the results and the usefulness of the proposed model.

      (1) The model proposed in the paper takes a very specific functional form that is neither motivated by the previous literature nor particularly useful for indexing the behavioral tendencies of individual monkeys (or of the same monkey in different contexts). For example, while it is clear that the saccade effort cost will need to outgrow the increase in the utility of the accumulated food for the monkey to start feeding, it is unclear why this needs to be modeled with a fixed quadratic exponent on the number of saccades? Similarly, why do licks deplete the food stash with the specific rate hard-coded in the model? Finally, the proportion of successful saccades and lick events is assumed to be fixed, even though it very likely to be directly influenced by movement speed (speed-accuracy trade-off), which is also contained in the model. It would strongly increase the plausibility and potential impact of the model if the authors could clearly state where these hard-coded model terms come from. Ideally, they would formulate the model in more general terms and also consider other functional forms, as briefly suggested in the discussion. This latter point would be particularly important since not all model predictions were actually borne out in the data.

      (2) The authors derive qualitative predictions, by simulating their model with apparently arbitrary parameters. They then test these qualitative predictions with conventional statistics (e.g., t-tests of whether monkeys lick more for high vs low effort trials). The reader wonders why the authors chose this route, instead of formulating their model with flexible parameters and then fitting these to data. This would allow them (and future researchers) to test their model not just qualitatively but also quantitatively, and to compare the plausibility of different functional forms. The authors certainly have enough data and power to do this, given the vast number of sessions the monkey completed.

      (3) The effort manipulation chosen by the authors (distance of food tube) goes hand in hand with a greater need for precision since the monkey's tongue needs to hit an opening of similar size, but now located at a greater distance. This raises the question of whether the monkeys moved slower to enhance its chance of collecting the food (in line with a speed-accuracy trade off). The manuscript would benefit from an explicit test of this possibility, for example by reporting whether for each of the two conditions, the speed of tongue movements on a trial-by-trial basis predicts the probability of food collection? At the very least, the manuscript should explicitly discuss this issue and how it affects the certainty with which effects of tube distance can be linked to anticipated effort cost alone.

      (4) The authors report most of the effects on the different measures (work duration, movement vigor, lick vigor, etc) in separate analyses. However, their model predicts that all of these measures result from the same action policy (maximization of the capture rate) and should therefore be related on a trial-by-trial basis. This is so far hardly tested in the presented analyses (with the exception of the pupil correlations in Figure 5). The model's assumed action policy would appear more plausible if the authors could demonstrate these trial-by-trial interrelations with some tests of association (e.g., correlations/regressions as already done for pupil measures in Figure 5) or possibly with dimensionality reduction of the multivariate data.

      (5) The manuscript measures pupil dilation in a time period ranging from -250ms before to 250 ms after saccade onset. However, the pupil changes strongly during saccade execution relative to the preceding baseline, leaving doubts as to whether the aggregated measure blurs several interesting and potentially different effects. It would be more conclusive if the manuscript could report the analyses of pupil size separately for a period prior to saccade onset and during/after the saccade.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript links the distinctive stinging behavior of sea anemones in different ecological niches to varying inactivation properties of voltage-gated calcium channels that are conferred by the identity of auxiliary Cavbeta subunits. Previous work from the Bellono lab established that the burrowing anemone, Nematostella vectensis, expresses a CaV channel that is strongly inactivated at rest which requires a simultaneous delivery of prey extract and touch to elicit a stinging response, reflecting a precise stinging control adapted for predation. They show here that by contrast, the anemone Exaiptasia diaphana which inhabits exposed environments, indiscriminately stings for defense even in the absence of prey chemicals, and that this is enabled by the expression of a CaVbeta splice variant that confers weak inactivation. They further use the heterologous expression of CaV channels with wild type and chimeric anemone Cavbeta subunits to infer that the variable N-termini are important determinants of Cav channel inactivation properties.

      1. The authors found that Exaiptasia nematocytes could be characterized by two distinct inactivation phenotypes: (1) nematocytes with low-voltage threshold inactivation similar to that of Nematostella (Vi1/2 = ~ -85mV); and (2) a distinct population with weak, high-voltage threshold inactivation (Vi1/2 = ~ -48mV). What were the relative fractions of low-voltage and high-voltage nematocytes? Do the low-voltage Exaiptasia nematocytes behave similarly to Nematostella nematocytes with respect to requiring both prey extract and touch to discharge?

      2. The authors state in Fig 3 legend and in the results that Exaiptasia nematocyte voltage-gated Ca2+ currents have weak inactivation compared with Nematostella. This description is imprecise and inaccurate. Figure 3 in fact shows that Exaiptasia nematocyte voltage-gated Ca2+ currents display a faster rate of inactivation compared to Nematostella Ca2+ currents. A sub-population of Exaiptasia nematocytes does display less resting state (or steady-state) inactivation compared to Nematostella Ca2+ currents. The authors need to be more accurate and qualify what type of inactivation property they are talking about.

      3. In a similar vein, the authors need to be more accurate when referring to 'rat beta' used in heterologous expression experiments. It should be made explicit throughout the manuscript that the rat beta isoform used is rat beta2a. Among the distinct beta isoforms, beta2a is unique in being palmitoylated at the N-terminus which confers a characteristic slow rate of inactivation and a right-shifted voltage-dependence of steady-state inactivation consistent with the data shown in Fig. 4D. Almost all other rat beta isoforms do not have these properties.

      4. The profiling of the impact of different Cnidarian Cavbeta subunits on reconstituted Ca2+ channel current waveforms is nice (Fig 5 and Fig 5S1). The N-terminus sequence of EdCaVβ2 is different from palmitoylated rat beta2a, though both have similar properties in showing slow inactivation and a right-shifted voltage-dependence of steady-state inactivation. Does EdCaVβ2 target autonomously the plasma membrane when expressed in cells? If so, this would reconcile with what was previously known and provide a rational explanation for the observed functional impact of the distinct Cavbetas.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work presents a remarkably extensive set of experiments, assaying the interaction between methylation and expression across most CpG positions in the genome in two cell types. To this end, the authors use mSTARR-seq, a high-throughput method, which they have previously developed, where sequences are tested for their regulatory activity in two conditions (methylated and unmethylated) using a reporter gene. The authors use these data to study two aspects of DNA methylation: 1. Its effect on expression, and 2. Its interaction with the environment. Overall, they identify a small number of 600 bp windows that show regulatory potential, and a relatively large fraction of these show an effect of methylation on expression. In addition, the authors find regions exhibiting methylation-dependent responses to two environmental stimuli (interferon alpha and glucocorticoid dexamethasone).

      The questions the authors address represent some of the most central in functional genomics, and the method utilized is currently the best method to do so. The scope of this study is very impressive and I am certain that these data will become an important resource for the community. The authors are also able to report several important findings, including that pre-existing DNA methylation patterns can influence the response to subsequent environmental exposures.

      The main weaknesses of the study are: 1. The large number of regions tested seems to have come at the expense of the depth of coverage per region (1 DNA read per region per replicate). I have not been convinced that the study has sufficient statistical power to detect regulatory activity, and differential regulatory activity to the extent needed. This is likely reflected in the extremely low number of regions showing significant activity. 2. Due to the position of the tested sequence at the 3' end of the construct, the mSTARR-seq approach cannot detect the effect of methylation on promoter activity, which is perhaps the most central role of methylation in gene regulation, and where the link between methylation and expression is the strongest. This limitation is evident in Fig. 1C and Figure 1-figure supplement 5C, where even active promoters have activity lower than 1. Considering these two points, I suspect that most effects of methylation on expression have been missed.

      Overall, the combination of an extensive resource addressing key questions in functional genomics, together with the findings regarding the relationship between methylation and environmental stimuli makes this a key study in the field of DNA methylation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Dietary restriction (DR) increases lifespan, an effect that has been consistently observed in several organisms, but we still lack a clear mechanism to explain this phenomenon. In this work, Hwangbo et al. revisited the role of the circadian clock in DR-mediated lifespan effects. They found that the increase in lifespan produced by DR is missing on a clock mutant, a clock dependency that is also observed at the level of nutrient-dependent egg laying. By conducting RNA-seq with an impressive temporal resolution, they showed that DR triggers an increment in the number of cycling genes expressed in the fat body, the fly functional analog of the mammalian liver. Interestingly, from these genes, a group of them are de novo daily expressed genes, meaning that their expression was not rhythmic under the control diet but appear rhythmically expressed under DR. Among those, genes encoding proteasome subunits are enriched. The authors finally showed that adult-specific knockdown of these genes in the fat body prevents the increase in lifespan under DR, further supporting a role of the proteasome in this process. Overall, the conclusions are mostly supported by the evidence presented, and the authors' discussion nicely frame their results with other research in the field.


      - Many studies have limited their observations of DR on lifespan to a few dietary conditions which makes the reach of some previous conclusions somewhat limited. The dilution strategy that the authors used in this work provides a strong indication that the effect of DR on lifespan relies on clock expression regardless of the conditions used. Furthermore, the inclusion of the egg-laying assay is a good addition to support this hypothesis.<br /> - Because the strength of the rhythmicity statistics relies heavily on the number of data points collected, the temporal resolution used for the RNA-seq experiments (every 2 hrs per 48hrs) is remarkable. This allows exquisite dissection of the phase of rhythmic genes in different conditions. The dataset produced in this work might be of use to other groups interested in weighting the role of other represented gene clusters in DR.


      I see only minor flaws in this work, that if addressed, might strengthen the authors' conclusions, particularly:

      - The results of the lifespan assays are quite variable and in some instances contradictory (Fig. S8) across trials, possibly because there are other unaccounted variables we still do not understand. The fecundity assay, in contrast, seems to be a better readout (Fig. 2). Confirming at least the two genes picked for the study (Fig. 5) would be good support for the claim that the proteasome mediates the effects of DR.<br /> - According to the model, the acute effect of DR on gene expression is related to CLOCK protein function. However, I am not sure how this link was established. It is tempting to assume that CLOCK upstream is the reason for having an increase in rhythmic genes under DR, but the experiments did not test this. The tests conducted either assessed the role of clk or the effect of an impaired proteasome on DR-dependent extension of lifespan. Thus, it is difficult to assert the authors' claims on the link between CLK and the changes in cycling genes and to the proteasome upon DR.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors sought to characterize normal placental aging to better understand how the molecular and cellular events that trigger the labor process. An understanding of these mechanisms would not only provide insight into term labor, but also potential triggers of preterm labor, a common pregnancy complication with no effective intervention. Using bulk transcriptomic analysis of mouse and human placenta at different gestational timepoints, the authors determined that stabilization of HIF-1 signaling accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular senescence are molecular signatures of term placenta. They also used in vitro trophoblast (choriocarcinoma) and a uterine myocyte culture system to further validate their findings. Lastly, using chemically induced HIF-1 induction in vivo in mice, the authors showed that stabilization of HIF-1 protein in the placenta reduced the gestational length significantly.

      The major strength of this study is the use of multiple model systems to address the question at hand. The consistency of findings between mouse and human placenta, and the validation of mechanisms in vitro and in vivo modeling are strong support for their conclusions. The rationale for studying the term placentas to understand the abnormal process of preterm birth is clearly explained. Although the idea that hypoxic stress and placental senescence are triggers for labor is not novel, the comprehensiveness of the approach and idea to study the normal aging process are appreciated.

      There are some areas of the manuscript that lack clarity and weaknesses in the methodology worth noting. The rationale for focusing on senescence and HIF-1 is not clearly given that other pathways were more significantly altered in the WGCNA analysis. The placental gene expression data were from bulk transcriptomic analyses, yet the authors do not explicitly discuss the limitations of this approach. Although the reader can assume that the authors attribute the mRNA signature of aging to trophoblasts - of which, there are different types - clarification regarding their interpretation of the data and the relevant cell types would strengthen the paper. Additionally, while the inclusion of human placenta data is a major strength, the differences between mouse and human placental structure and cell types make highlighting the specific cells of interest even more important; although there are correlations between mouse and human placenta, there are also many differences, and the comparison is further limited when considering the whole placenta rather than specific cell populations.

      Additional details regarding methods and the reasons for choosing certain readouts are needed. Trophoblasts are sensitive to oxygen tension which varies according to gestational age, and it is unclear if this variable was taken into consideration in this study. Many of the cellular processes examined are well characterized in the literature yet the rationale for choosing certain markers is unclear (e.g., Glb1 for senescence; the transcripts selected as representative of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype; mtDNA lesion rate).

      Overall, the findings presented are a valuable contribution to the field. The authors provide a thoughtful discussion that places their findings in the context of current literature and poses interesting questions for future pursuit. Their efforts to be comprehensive in the characterization of placental aging is a major strength; few placental studies attempt to integrate mouse and human data to this extent, and the validation and presentation of a potential mechanism by which fetal trophoblasts signal to maternal uterine myocytes are exciting. Nevertheless, a clear discussion of the methodologic limitations of the study would strengthen the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors describe a computational study into the energetics of KcsA inactivation. Using enhanced sampling, a converged free energy landscape of the inactivation process is achieved in two modern molecular mechanics force fields. The obtained profiles confirm the literature finding of too rapid inactivation, in particular in simulations using the CHARMM force field. Interestingly, it is found that selectivity filter collapse does not gradually follow opening of the inner gate, but proceeds rather switch-like. A key role for residue L81 is proposed as opening gateway in this process.

      The study is impressive and interesting. However, I have a number of concerns that the authors may wish to address in a revised version of the manuscript.

      First, concerning a set of unbiased simulations spawned at different regions of the investigated free energy landscapes, the authors write: "These simulations have the expected stability based on their starting values".<br /> Fig 2.c shows a rather smooth downhill slope in the free energy curve towards the closed state for AMBER , so wouldn't the expected behavior in that case be that all unbiased trajectories end up in the closed state, or at least travel a substantial amount in that direction? However, that is not observed. This should be further investigated.

      Second, "This suggests that stabilization of the partially open state by the removal of bound lipids can explain the increase in open probability" is an odd statement, as "stabilization of the partially open state" means almost the same as "increase in open probability".

      The statement "both force fields yield inactivation barriers that are orders of magnitude lower than what is expected from electrophysiology experiments" seems inaccurate. Perhaps the authors mean "inactivation rates that are orders of magnitude lower" rather than barriers?

      In addition, the assertion "The CHARMM force field, on the other hand, results in landscapes in agreement with the fact that one of the dominant states in activating conditions is the partially open state, as revealed by a combination of ssNMR+MD." seems to hold for the AMBER force field without PG lipids rather than for CHARMM?

      Together with the higher barrier towards the inactivated state as well as covering most known x-ray structures along the inactivation pathway, this would seem to point all in the direction that the studied AMBER force field provides a more faithful picture of the inactivation pathway than CHARMM. I, therefore, find the somewhat inconclusive summary as presented in Fig. 5 a bit uninformative, as it suggests that both mechanisms might be equally likely.

      Overall, the study would benefit from a follow-up step to become more conclusive. This could be either in the form of the suggested L81 mutation or changing the simulation conditions to inactivating conditions such as low salt, in which case the inactivated state would be expected to become a minimum, which would provide an additional reference point for validation. Either of these would narrow down the spectrum of possible mechanisms.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the authors seek to identify genes that contribute to gut inflammation by capitalizing on deep phenotyping data in a mouse genetic reference population fed a high-fat or chow diet and then integrating it with human genetic data on gut inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). To achieve this the authors performed genome-wide gene expression in the colon of 52 BXD strains of mice fed either a high-fat or chow diet. From this analysis, they observed significant variation in gene expression related to inflammation among the 52 BXD strains and differential gene expression of inflammatory genes fed a high-fat diet. Overlaying this data with existing mouse and human data of inflammatory gut disease identified a significant enrichment. Using the 52 BXD strains the authors were able to identify specific subsets of strains that were susceptible and resistant to gut inflammation and analysis of gene expression within the colon of these strains was enriched with mouse and human IBD. Furthermore, analysis of cytokine levels of IL-10 and IL-15 were analyzed and found to be increased in resistant BXD strains and increased in susceptible BXD strains.

      Using the colon genome-wide gene expression data from the 52 BXD strains, the authors performed gene co-expression analysis and were able to find distinct modules (clusters) of genes that correlated with mouse UC and human IBD datasets. Using the two modules, termed HFD_M28 and HFD_M9 that correlated with mouse UC and human IBD, the authors performed biological interrogation along with transcription factor binding motif analysis to identify possible transcriptional regulators of the module. Next, they performed module QTL analysis to identify potential genetic regulators of the two modules and identified a genome-wide significant QTL for the HFD_M28 on mouse chromosome 16. This QTL contained 552 protein-coding genes and through a deduction method, 27 genes were prioritized. These 27 genes were then integrated with human genetic data on IBD and two candidate genes, EPHA6 and MUC4 were prioritized.

      Overall, this paper provides a framework and elegant use of data from a mouse genetic reference population coupled with human data to identify two strong candidate genes that contribute to human IBD and UC diseases. In the future, it will be interesting to perform targeted studies with EPHA6 and MUC4 and understand their role in gut inflammatory diseases.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Jamge et al. set out to delineate the relationship between histone variants, histone modifications and chromatin states in Arabidopsis seedlings and leaves. A strength of the study is its use of multiple types of data: the authors present mass-spec, immunoblotting and ChIP-seq from histone variants and histone modifications. They confirm the association between certain marks and variants, in particular for H2A, and nicely describe the loss of constitutive heterochromatin in the ddm1 mutant.

      Overall, this study nicely illustrates that, in Arabidopsis, histone variants (and H2A variants in particular) display specificity in modifications and genomic locations, and correlate with some chromatin sub-states. This encourages future work in epigenomics to consider histone variants with as much attention as histone modifications.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      A key strength is the quantitative approaches all add rigor to what is being attempted. The approach with very different cell culture lines will in principle help identify constitutive genes that vary in a particular and predictable way. To my knowledge, one other study that should be cited posed a similar pan-tissue question using mass spectrometry proteomics instead of gene expression, and also identified a caveolae component (cavin-1, PTRF) that exhibited a trend with stiffness across all sampled tissues. The study focused instead on a nuclear lamina protein that was also perturbed in vitro and shown to follow the expected mechanical trend (Swift et al 2013).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors developed a framework to investigate the export rates of Influenza viral RNAs translocating from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. This model suggests that the influenza virus may control gene expression at the RNA export level, namely, the retention of certain transcripts in the nucleus for longer times, allows the generation of other viral encoded proteins that are exported regularly, and only later on do certain mRNAs get exported. These encode proteins that alert the cell to the presence of viral molecules, hence keeping their emergence to very end, might help the virus to avoid detection as late as possible in the infection cycle.

      The study is of limited scope. The notion that some mRNAs are retained in the nucleus after transcription is concluded early on from the FISH data. The model does not contribute much to the understanding and is mostly confirming the FISH data. The export rate is an ambiguous number and this part is not elaborated upon. One is left with more questions since no mechanistic knowledge emerges, and no additional experimentation is attempted to try drive to a deeper understanding.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The phenotypic instability of in vitro-induced Treg cells (iTregs) has been discussed for a long time, mainly in the context of the epigenetic landscape of Treg-signature genes; e.g. Treg-specifically CpG-hypomethylated Foxp3 CNS2 enhancer region. However, it has been insufficiently understood the upstream molecular mechanisms, the particularity of intracellular signaling of natural Treg cells, and how they connect to stable/unstable suppressive function.

      Huiyun Lv et al. addressed the issue of phenotypic instability of in vitro-induced regulatory T cells (iTregs), which is a different point from the physiological natural Treg cells and an obstacle to the therapeutic use of iTreg cells. The authors focused on the difference between iTreg and nTreg cells from the perspective of their control of store-operated calcium entry (SOCE)-mediated cellular signaling, and they clearly showed that the sustained SOCE signaling in iTreg and nTreg cells led to phenotypic instability. Moreover, the authors pointed the correlation between the incomplete conversion of chromatin configuration and the NFAT-mediated control of effector-type gene expression profile in iTreg cells. These findings potentially cultivate our understanding of the cellular identity of regulatory T cells and may shed light on the therapeutic use of Treg cells in many clinical contexts.

      The authors demonstrated the biological contribution of Ca2+ signaling with the variable methods, which ensure the reliability of the results and the claims of the authors. iTreg cells sustained SOCE-signaling upon stimulation while natural Treg cells had lower strength and shorter duration of SOCE-signaling. The result was consistent with the previously-proposed concept; a certain range of optimal strength and duration of TCR-signaling shape the Treg generation and maintenance, and it provides us with further in-depth mechanistic understanding.

      In the later section, authors found the incomplete installment of Treg-type open chromatin landscape in some effector/helper function-related gene loci in iTreg cells. These findings propose the significance to focus on not only the "Treg"-associated gene loci but also "Teffector-ness"-associated regions to determine the Treg conversion at epigenetic level.

      Limitations and weaknesses;<br /> (1) Some concerns about data processing and statistic analysis.<br /> The authors did not provide sufficient information on statistical data analysis; e.g. lack of detailed descriptions about<br /> -the precise numbers of technical/biological replicates of each experiment<br /> -the method of how the authors analyze data of multiple comparisons... Student t-test alone is generally insufficient to compare multiple groups; e.g. figure 1.<br /> These inappropriate data handlings are ruining the evidence level of the precious findings.

      (2) Untransparent data production; e.g. the method of Motif enrichment analysis was not provided.<br /> Thus, we should wait for the author's correction to fully evaluate the significance and reliability of the present study.

      (3) Lack of evidence in human cells.<br /> I wonder whether human PBMC-derived iTreg cells are similarly regulated.

      (4) NFAT regulation did not explain all of the differences between iTregs and nTregs, as the authors mentioned as a limitation.<br /> Also, it is still an open question whether NFAT can directly modulate the chromatin configuration on the effector-type gene loci, or whether NFAT exploits pre-existing open chromatin due to the incomplete conversion of Treg-type chromatin landscape in iTreg cells. The authors did not fully demonstrate that the distinct pattern of chromatin regional accessibility found in iTreg cells is the direct cause of an effector-type gene expression.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      An important paper that confirms the validity of the initial findings of Chretien et al regarding the hot temperatures at which the mitochondrion is operating. There are certain gaps in the literature covered in its list of cited references and, as a consequence, in the argumentation of the paper - but these can be easily fixed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Dureux and colleagues show that marmosets are sensitive to the Frith and Happe social illusion. This result is particularly interesting from an evolutionary perspective as rhesus macaques are insensitive to this social illusion.

      Although marmosets show sensitivity to the illusion of social interaction between two geometric shapes, behavioural and neuronal evidence also show differences between humans and marmosets.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Associative learning assigns valence to sensory cues paired with reward or punishment. Brain regions such as the amygdala in mammals and the mushroom body in insects have been identified as primary sites where valence assignment takes place. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that translate valence-specific activity in these brain regions into appropriate behavioral actions. This study identifies a small set of upwind neurons (UpWiNs) in the Drosophila brain that receive direct inputs from two mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) representing opposite valences. Through a series of behavioral, imaging, and electrophysiological experiments, the authors show that UpWiNs are differentially regulated by the two MBONs, i.e., inhibited by the glutamatergic MBON-α1(encoding negative valence) while activated by the cholinergic MBON-α3 (encoding positive valence). They also show that UpWiNs control the wind-directed behavior of flies. Activation of UpWiNs is sufficient to drive flies to orient and move upwind, and inhibition of UpWiNs reduces flies' upwind movement toward the source of reward-predicting odors (CS+). These results, together with existing knowledge about the function of the mushroom body in memory processing, suggest an appealing model in which reward learning decreases and increases the responses of MBON-α1 and MBON-α3 to the CS+ odor, respectively, and these changes cause UpWiNs to respond more strongly to the CS+ odor and drive upwind locomotion. Interestingly, in the final part of the results, the authors reveal a wind-independent function of UpWiNs: increasing the probability that flies will revisit the site where UpWiNs were activated. Thus, UpWiNs guide learned reward-seeking behavior with and without airflow. Although the mushroom body has been extensively studied for its role in learning and memory, the downstream neural circuits that read the information from the mushroom body to guide memory-driven behaviors remain poorly characterized. This study provides an important piece of the puzzle for this knowledge gap.


      1. Memory studies have predominantly relied on binary choice (go or no-go) assays as measures of memory performance. While these assays are convenient and efficient, they fall short of providing a comprehensive understanding of underlying behavioral structures. In an effort to overcome this limitation, the current study used video recording and tracking software to delve deeper into memory-guided behavior. This innovative approach allowed the authors to uncover novel neurons and examine their contribution to behavior with a level of detail not possible with binary choice assays.

      2. This study used electron microscopy-based Drosophila hemibrain connectome data to reveal the synaptic connection between UpWiNs and MBON-α1 and MBON-α3. Using this method, the study shows that a single UpWiN receives direct input from both MBON-α1 and MBON- α3, which is confirmed by a functional imaging experiment. The connectome dataset also reveals several neurons downstream of UpWiNs, opening avenues for further research into the neural mechanisms linking memory and behavior.


      1. The authors repeatedly state in the manuscript that MBON-α1 and MBON-α3 convey appetitive or aversive memories, respectively. This assertion may not be entirely accurate. Evidence from sugar reward conditioning experiments suggests that MBON-α3 is potentiated and required for sugar reward memory retrieval. Therefore, the compartmentalization for appetitive and aversive memories appears not as obvious at the level of MBONs.

      2. This study did not conclusively establish the importance of the MBON-α1/α3 to UpWiN pathways in memory-driven behavior. In the experiments shown in Figure 5, flies were trained to associate the activation of reward-related DANs with a specific odor (CS+). After conditioning, UpWiNs were observed to show enhanced responses to the CS+ odor. However, the results should be interpreted with caution because the driver line used to activate DANs (R58E02-LexAp65) labels not only DANs projecting to the MBON-α1 compartment, but all DANs in the protocerebral anterior medial (PAM) cluster. Thus, it remains unclear to what extent the observed enhanced responses are influenced by changes in inhibitory inputs from MBON-α1. While UpWiNs have been shown to play a critical role in the expression of sugar reward memory (Figure 7), it should be noted that UpWiNs receive inputs from multiple upstream neurons, making it difficult to accurately assess the contribution of MBON-α1/α3 to UpWiN pathways in UpWiN recruitment. Further research is needed to fully address this issue.

      3. UpWind neurons (UpWiNs) were so named because their activation promotes upwind locomotion. However, when activated in the absence of airflow, flies show increased locomotor speed and an increased probability of revisiting the same location (Figure 7 and Figure 7-figure supplement 1). The revisiting behavior can be observed during the activation of UpWiNs, which is distinct from the local search behavior that typically begins after a reward stimulus is turned off (e.g., Gr64f-GAL4 results in Figure 7-figure supplement 1). Because revisiting a location can also be a consequence of repeated turns, it seems more accurate to describe UpWiNs as controlling the speed and likelihood of turns and promoting upwind movement by integrating with neurons that sense the direction of airflow.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Van der Grinten and De Ruyter van Steveninck et al. present a design for simulating cortical-visual-prosthesis phosphenes that emphasizes features important for optimizing the use of such prostheses. The characteristics of simulated individual phosphenes were shown to agree well with data published from the use of cortical visual prostheses in humans. By ensuring that functions used to generate the simulations were differentiable, the authors permitted and demonstrated integration of the simulations into deep-learning algorithms. In concept, such algorithms could thereby identify parameters for translating images or videos into stimulation sequences that would be most effective for artificial vision. There are, however, limitations to the simulation that will limit its applicability to current prostheses.

      The verification of how phosphenes are simulated for individual electrodes is very compelling. Visual-prosthesis simulations often do ignore the physiologic foundation underlying the generation of phosphenes. The authors' simulation takes into account how stimulation parameters contribute to phosphene appearance and show how that relationship can fit data from actual implanted volunteers. This provides an excellent foundation for determining optimal stimulation parameters with reasonable confidence in how parameter selections will affect individual-electrode phosphenes.

      Issues with the applicability and reliability of the simulation are detailed below:

      1) The utility of this simulation design, as described, unfortunately breaks down beyond the scope of individual electrodes. To model the simultaneous activation of multiple electrodes, the authors' design linearly adds individual-electrode phosphenes together. This produces relatively clean collections of dots that one could think of as pixels in a crude digital display. Modeling phosphenes in such a way assumes that each electrode and the network it activates operate independently of other electrodes and their neuronal targets. Unfortunately, as the authors acknowledge and as noted in the studies they used to fit and verify individual-electrode phosphene characteristics, simultaneous stimulation of multiple electrodes often obscures features of individual-electrode phosphenes and can produce unexpected phosphene patterns. This simulation does not reflect these nonlinearities in how electrode activations combine. Nonlinearities in electrode combinations can be as subtle the phosphenes becoming brighter while still remaining distinct, or as problematic as generating only a single small phosphene that is indistinguishable from the activation of a subset of the electrodes activated, or that of a single electrode.

      If a visual prosthesis happens to generate some phosphenes that can be elicited independently, a simulator of this type could perhaps be used by processing stimulation from independent groups of electrodes and adding their phosphenes together in the visual field.

      2) Verification of how the simulation renders individual phosphenes based on stimulation parameters is an important step in confirming agreement between the simulation and the function of implanted devices. That verification was well demonstrated. The end use a visual-prosthesis simulation, however, would likely not be optimizing just the appearance of phosphenes, but predicting and optimizing functional performance in visual tasks. Investigating whether this simulator can suggest visual-task performance, either with sighted volunteers or a decoder model, that is similar to published task performance from visual-prosthesis implantees would be a necessary step for true validation.

      3) A feature of this simulation is being able to convert stimulation of V1 to phosphenes in the visual field. If used, this feature would likely only be able to simulate a subset of phosphenes generated by a prosthesis. Much of V1 is buried within the calcarine sulcus, and electrode placement within the calcarine sulcus is not currently feasible. As a result, stimulation of visual cortex typically involves combinations of the limited portions of V1 that lie outside the sulcus and higher visual areas, such as V2.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors utilized publicly available datasets to investigate age-related DNA methylation changes in six immune cell types. They identified 350 differentially methylated sites that were changing in the same directions among all cell types, while most of the differentially methylated sites were cell type-specific during aging. Further analyses of enriched pathways and motifs indicate that these DNA methylation changes may be induced by the fluctuations in oxygen availability.

      Analyzing cell type-specific DNA methylation data and comparing cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets, the authors are able to identify age-associated DNA methylation sites that may be regulated by a common mechanism in aging. However, sex differences should be considered, and the proposed mechanism could spur future studies to test it.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Insects have long been known to use cuticular hydrocarbons for communication. While the general pathways for hydrocarbon synthesis have been worked out, their specificity and in particular the specificity of the different enzymes involved is surprisingly little understood. Here, the authors convincingly demonstrate that a single fatty acid synthase gene is responsible for a shift in the positions of methyl groups across the entire alkane spectrum of a wasp, and that the wasps males recognize females specifically based on these methyl group positions. The strength of the study is the combination of gene expression manipulations with behavioural observations evaluating the effect of the associated changes in the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. The authors make sure that the behavioural effect is indeed due to the chemical changes by not only testing life animals, but also dead animals and corpses with manipulated cuticular hydrocarbons.

      I find the evidence that the hydrocarbon changes do not affect survival and desiccation resistance less convincing (due to the limited set of conditions and relatively small sample size), but the data presented are certainly congruent with the idea that the methyl alkane changes do not have large effects on desiccation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Keshav Thapa et al. investigated the role of melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1-R) in cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in the liver. First, they observed that MC1-R is present in the mouse liver and that its expression is reduced in response to a cholesterol-rich diet. To determine the role of MC1-R in the liver, they generated hepatocyte-specific MC1-R KO mice (L-Mc1r-/-). These animals exhibited a significant increase in liver weight, lipid accumulation, triglycerides and cholesterol levels, and fibrosis in comparison with control mice. By performing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, the authors also found that L-Mc1r-/- mice also have fewer bile acids in the plasma and faeces, but not in the liver. In accordance with these findings, mRNA/protein expression of different genes involved in these processes were altered in L-Mc1r-/- animals.

      Secondly, in an attempt to evaluate the underlying mechanisms, they measured the expression of MC1-R in HepG2 cells under different treatments (i.e., palmitic acid, LDL, and atorvastatin). Moreover, they stimulated these cells with the endogenous MC1-R agonist - MSH, where they show that this molecule decreases the free cholesterol content, whereas increasing LDL and HDL uptake, as well as recapitulates some previously observed phenotypes in the proportions of bile acids. These effects were also encountered when using a selective agonist for MC1-R (i.e., LD211), further supporting the specific role of MC1-R. Finally, some experiments indicated that -MSH evokes not one single, but multiple intracellular signalling cascades for which MC1-R activation effects might take place.

      Overall, this work provides novel and interesting findings on the role of MC1-R in cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in the liver, which undoubtedly will have some crucial implications for future research. Nevertheless, some experimental details should be better explained for the correct interpretation of the data. Besides, discrepant results exist regarding the molecular mechanisms behind MC1-R action that requires additional experimentation to support the conclusions drawn.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Src is a well-studied non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) with broad impacts on many signal transduction pathways. In this manuscript titled, "A Back-Door Insights into the modulation of Src kinase activity by the polyamine spermidine" Rossini et al investigated the mechanism of spermidine, a natural polyamine, in regulating Src tyrosine kinase activity and complex formation with IDO1, a known Src substrate. These data show a direct binding, and an allosteric binding site in the SH2 domain of Src, for spermidine. Interestingly, the manuscript also shows spermidine bound to Src promotes binding to IDO1, as well as its phosphorylation.

      Overall, the molecular glue-like property of spermidine is an interesting finding. That Src substrate binding and phosphorylation for Src substrate is regulated by natural metabolites like spermidine is also a new and interesting finding. These discoveries further strengthen the idea to develop potential allosteric modulators for Src/PTK-mediated pathways.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript has several areas of strength; it functionally explores a mutant that is detected in a portion of pancreatic cancers; it conducts mechanistic investigation and it uses human cell lines to validate the findings based on mouse models. Some areas for improvement are described below.

      1) TGF-b is known to act as a tumor suppressor early in carcinogenesis, and as a tumor promoter later. The authors should extend their analysis of mouse models to determine whether the effect of SF3B1K700E is specific to promoting initiation (e.g. more, early acinar ductal metaplasia) or faster progression of PanINs following their formation. Another way to address this could be acinar cultures, to determine whether an increased propensity to ADM exists.

      2) Given that the effect of SF3B1K700E expression is more prominent in KC mice, rather than in KPC mice, the authors should explain the rationale for using the latter for RNA sequencing.

      3) Given that this mutation is found in about 3% of human pancreatic cancer, it would be interesting to know whether these tumors have any unique feature, and specifically any characteristic that could be harnessed therapeutically.

      4) It would be interesting to know whether this mutation mutually exclusive to other mutations affecting response to TGF-b. Further, while the data might not be widely available, it would be interesting to know whether in human patients the mutation occurs in precursor lesions (PanIN might be difficult to assess, but IPMN might be doable) or at later stages.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      A new study by Kimble et al. examines the role of extensive resection in DNA double-strand break repair. Formation of ssDNA at DNA breaks is initiated by Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 and followed by Exo1 or Sgs1/Dna2, which form longer ssDNA. This ssDNA is used to load recombination and DNA damage checkpoint proteins. Some studies suggested that very short ssDNA by MRX complex is sufficient for DSB repair. Here, the authors look carefully at the role of extensive resection in DSB repair by gene conversion. To address this question they have constructed a large number of new recombination assays. They find that sgs1 exo1 mutants that lack extensive resection are capable of DSB repair when recombining loci are present on a single DNA molecule and within 50 kb from each other. When the template for DSB repair is further away on the same molecule or present on a different chromosome, the repair is reduced by 5-10 folds in the absence of extensive resection. The authors present data suggesting that this defect relates to slower repair kinetics between more distant homologous sequences and the need for a Mec1-mediated DNA damage checkpoint that requires extensive resection. The role of the checkpoint response is likely not limited to simple cell cycle arrest but may also be necessary for the mobility of a broken molecule. Partial suppression of the sgs1 exo1 repair defect is accomplished by activating the checkpoint using an artificial system colocalizing checkpoint proteins on a separate chromosome. Altogether the manuscript addresses an important question, is well-written, and presents interesting data.

  2. Jun 2023
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This represents an important study that demonstrates a high degree of heterogeneity within trailblazer cells in clusters that participate in collective migration. Solid methods highlight this heterogeneity and show that in TNBC cancers, trailblazer cells are defined by vimentin (and not Keratin 14) and are dependent on both TGFbeta and EGFR signaling. Additional, single cell studies would further support this work.


      The paper highlights that collective migration, and the nature of trailblazer cells can be highly heterogeneous. This is important as it suggests that the ability to move between states may supersede a singular phenotype.

      The paper uses animal models and organoids and in several areas attempts to correlate findings to human tissues.

      The experiments are logically described.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The paper by Pomper and coworkers is an elegant neurophysiological study, generally sound from a methodological point of view, which presents extremely relevant data of considerable interest for a broad audience of neuroscientists. Indeed, they shed new light on the mirror mechanism in the primate brain, trying to approach its study with a novel paradigm that successfully controls for some important factors that are known to impact mirror neuron response, particularly the target object. In this work, a rotating device is used to present the very same object to the monkey or the experimenter, in different trials, and neurons are recorded while the monkey (motor response) or the experimenter (visual response) performed a different action (twist, shift, lift) cued by a colored LED.

      The results show that there is a small set of neurons with congruent visual and motor selectivity for the observed actions, in line with classical mirror neuron studies, whereas many more cells showed temporally unstable matched or even completely non-matched tuning for the observed and executed actions. Importantly, the population codes allow to accurately decode both executed and observed actions and, to some extent, even to cross-decode observed actions based on the coding principles of the executed ones.

      In my view, however, the original hypothesis that an observer understands the actions of others by the activation of his/her motor representations of the observed actions constitutes circular reasoning that cannot be challenged or falsified, as the author may want to claim. Indeed, 1) there is no causal evidence in the paper favoring or ruling out this hypothesis (and there couldn't be), 2) there is no independent definition (neither in this paper nor in the literature) of what "action understanding" should mean (or how it should be measured). Instead, the findings provide important and compelling evidence to the recently proposed hypothesis that observed actions are remapped onto (rather than matched with) motor substrates, and this recruitment may primarily serve, as coherently hypothesized by the authors, to select behavioral responses to others (at least in monkeys).

      1) One of the main problems of this manuscript is, in my view, a theoretical one. The authors follow a misleading, though very influential, proposal, advanced since the discovery of mirror neurons: if there are (mirror) neurons in the brain of a subject with an action tuning that is matched between observation and execution contexts, then the subject "understands" the observed action. This is clearly circular reasoning because the "understanding" hypothesis uniquely derives from the neuron firing features, which are what the hypothesis should explain. In fact, there is no independent, operational definition of the term "understanding". Not surprisingly there is no causal evidence about the role of mirror neurons in the monkey, and the human studies that have claimed to provide causal evidence of "action understanding" ended up using, practically, operational definitions of "recognition", "match-to-sample", "categorization", etc. Thus, "action understanding" is a theoretical flaw, and there is no way "to challenge" a theoretical flaw with any methodologically sound experiment, especially when the flaw consists of circular reasoning. It cannot be falsified, by definition: it must simply be abandoned.<br /> On these bases, I strongly encourage the authors to rework the manuscript, from the title to the discussion, by removing any useless attempt to falsify or challenge a circular concept and, instead, constructively shed new light on how mirror neurons may work and which may be their functional role.

      2) An important point to be stressed, strictly related to the previous one, concerns the definition of "mirror neuron". I premise that I am perfectly fine with the definition used by the authors, which is in line with the very permissive one adopted in most studies of the last 20 years in this field. However, it does not at all fulfill the very restrictive original criteria of the study in which "action understanding" concept was proposed (see Gallese et al. 1996 Brain): no response to object, no response to pantomimed action or tool actions, activation during execution in the dark and during the observation of another's action. If the idea (which I strongly disagree with) was to simply challenge a (very restrictive) definition of mirroring (a very out-of-date one, indeed, and different from the additional implication of "action understanding"), the original definition of this concept should be at least rigorously applied. In the absence of additional control conditions, only the example neuron in Figure 2A could be considered a mirror neuron according to Gallese et al. 1996. Permissive criteria implies that more "non-mirror" neurons are accepted as "mirror": simply because they are permissively named "mirror", does not imply they are mirroring anything as initially hypothesized (Example neuron in Fig 2B, for example, could be related to mouth, rather than hand, movements, since it responds strongly and similarly around the reward delivery also during the observation task, when the monkey should be otherwise still). Clearly, these concerns impact all the action preference analyses. To practically clarify what I mean, it should be sufficient to note that 74% (reported in this study) is the highest percentage ever reported so far in a study of neurons with "mirror" properties in F5 (see Kilner and Lemon 2013, Curr Biol) and it is similar to the 68% recently reported by these same authors (Pomper et al. 2020 J Neurophysiol) with very similar criteria. Clearly, there is a bias in the classification criteria relative to the original studies: again, no surprise if by rendering most of the recorded neurons "mirror by definition" then they don't "mirror" so much. I suggest keeping the authors' definition but removing the pervasive idea to challenge the (misleading) concept of understanding.

      3) It would be useful to provide more information on the task. Panel B in Figure 1 is the unique information concerning the type of actions performed by the monkey and the experimenter. Although I am quite convinced of the generally low visuomotor congruence, there are no kinematics data nor any other evidence of the statement "the experimental monkey was asked to pay attention to the same actions carried out by a human actor". First, although the objects were the same, the same object cannot be grasped or manipulated in the same way by a human and a macaque, even just because of the considerable difference in the size of their hands; this certainly changes the way in which monkeys' and experimenter's hands interact with the same object, and this is a quantifiable (but not quantified) source of visuomotor difference between observed and executed actions and a potential source of reduced congruency. Second, there is little information about monkey's oculomotor behavior in the two conditions, which is known to affect mirror neuron activity when exploratory eye movements are allowed (Maranesi et al. 2013 Eur J Neurosci), potentially influencing the present findings: a {plus minus}7 (vertical) and {plus minus}5 (horizontal) window at 49 cm implies that the monkey could explore a space larger than 10 cm horizontally and 14 cm vertically, which is fine, but certainly leaves considerable freedom to perform different exploratory eye movements, potentially different among observed actions and hence capable to account for different "attention" paid by the monkey to different conditions and hence a source of neural variability, in addition to action tuning.

      4) Information about error trials and their relationship with action planning. The monkey cannot really "make errors" because, despite the cue, each object can be handled in a unique way. The monkey may not pay attention to the cue and adjust the movement based on what the object permits once grasped, depending on online object feedback. From the behavioral events and the times reported in Table 1, I initially thought that "shift" action was certainly planned in advance, whereas "lift" and "twist" could in principle be obtained by online adjustments based on object feedback; nonetheless, from the Methods section it appears that these times are not at all informative because they seem to depend on an explicit constraint imposed by the experimenters (in a totally unpredictable way). Indeed, it is stated that "to motivate the monkey even more to use the LED in the execution task, another timeout was active in 30% (rarely up to 100%) of trials for the time period between touch of object to start moving the object: 0.15 (rarely 0.1) for a twist and shift, 0.35 (rarely 0.3s) for a lift". This is totally confusing to me; I don't understand 1) why the monkey needed to be motivated, 2) how can the authors be sure/evaluate that the monkeys were actually "motivated" in this way, and 3) what kind of motor errors the monkey could actually do if any. If there is any doubt that the monkeys did actually select and plan the action in advance based on the cue, there is no way to study whether the activity during action execution truly reflects the planned action goal or a variety of other undetermined factors, that may potentially change during the trials. Please clarify.

      5) Classification analysis. There seems to be no statistical criterion to establish where and when the decoding is significantly higher than chance: the classifier performance should be formally analyzed statistically. I would expect that, in this way, both the exe-obs and the obs-exe decoding may be significant. Together with the considerations of the previous point 2 about the permissive inclusion criteria for mirror neurons, this is a remarkable (even quite unexpected) result, which would prove somehow contrary to what the authors claim in the title of the paper. The fact that in any classification the "within task" performance is significantly better than the "between task" performance does not appear in any way surprising, considering both the inclusive selection criteria for "mirror neurons" and the unavoidably huge different sources of input (e.g. proprioceptive, tactile, top-down, etc. afferences) between execution and observation. So, please add a statistical criterion to establish and show in the figures when and where the classifications are significantly above chance.

      6) "As the concept of a mirror mechanism posits that the observation performance can be led back to an activation of a motor representation, we restricted this analytical step to a comparison of the exe-obs and the obs-obs discrimination performance". I don't understand the rationale of this choice. The so-called "concept" of mirror mechanism in classical terms posits that mirror neurons have a motor nature and hence their functioning during observation should follow the same principle as during action execution. But this logical consideration has never been demonstrated directly (it is indeed costated by several papers), and when motor neurons are concerned (e.g. pyramidal tract neurons, see Kraskov et al. 2009) their behavior during action observation is by far more complex (e.g. suppression vs facilitation) than that hypothesized for classical "mirror neurons". Furthermore, when across-task decoding for execution and observation code has been used, both in neurophysiological (e.g. Livi et al. 2019, PNAS) and neuroimaging (Fiave et al. 2018 Neuroimage) data, the visual-to-motor direction typical produce better performance than the opposite one. Thus, I don't see any good reason not to show also (if not even just) the obs-exe results. Furthermore, I wonder whether it is considered the possible impact of a rescaling in the single neuron firing rate across contexts, as the observation response is typically less strong than the execution response in basically all brain areas hosting neurons with mirror properties, and this should not impact on the matching if the tuning for the three actions remains the same (e.g. see Lanzilotto et al. 2020 PNAS). The analysis shown in Figures 4 and 5 is, for the rest, elegant and very convincing - somehow surprising to me, as the total number of "congruent" neurons (7.5%) is even greater than in the original study by Gallese et al. (5.4%).

      7) The discussion may need quite deep revision depending on the authors' responses and changes following the comments; for sure it should consider more extensively the numerous recent papers on mirror neurons that are relevant to frame this work and are not even mentioned.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript pulls together a series of integrated genetic and metabolomic data sets to examine the molecular basis for biguanide action in C. elegans. Biguanides such as Metformin are important anti-diabetic drugs as well as being explored as a therapeutic mechanism for increasing human longevity. Understanding the molecular basis of biguanide action is of general interest to those in the ageing and age-related health fields as well as to those studying metabolism and obesity. The work here has been carried out in C. elegans but the work can be picked up by those working in mammalian systems. More could be done to highlight the conserved aspects of the mechanisms involved to assist with this translatability.

      The methodology used is in general standard in the field and experiments are reported in detail. The successful use of metabolomics in C. elegans and its associated protocols is helpful as more labs expand to do this type of work.

      Strengths: In general all the experiments presented are logical and well executed with the conclusions supported by the data. I am convinced that: 1) Metformin and Phenformin extend C. elegans lifespan (although that has previously been shown), 2) biguanides induce changes in ether lipids, 3) genes required for ether lipid biogenesis are required for the lifespan incurred with biguanide treatment and, in the case of fard-1 oe, can also promote longevity when levels are increased, 4) ether lipid biogenesis is also needed for other specific key longevity processes to extend lifespan, and 5) that some key ageing regulators (skn-1, aak-2 and daf-16) are required for fard-1 oe to extend lifespan.

      Weaknesses: I was less convinced by the fat accumulation data and felt that the link between skn-1 gain of function and ether lipid genes was not clear and that the results were more correlative than mechanistic. If age-associated somatic depletion of fat is important for the lifespans seen here then this is interesting and important and identifying an epistatic, genetic link between the implicated genes and fat levels is desirable. Additionally, biguanides are reported to have major effects on the metabolism and growth of bacteria. As C. elegans grows on and eats E. coli, it is important that the biguanides in question do not alter the worm's food source. If bacterial growth is restricted or metabolically altered this would have a major impact on fat metabolism and the other outputs examined here (see Cabreiro et al 2013). Therefore the impact of these biguanide treatments on the C. elegans foods used here should be clearly addressed. Additionally, biguanide treatment is subject to dose dependence. Different concentrations of biguanide are used for different types of experiments to make correlative points e.g. growth inhibition at 160mM metformin, and metformin uptake measured in C. elegans treated with 50mM. It is not clear why, or whether this could impact the results. Can the authors be sure that these different doses do not alter metformin action and/or uptake either by the worms or the way the bacteria metabolise it? I appreciate that it is interesting and important to understand what biguanides are doing in the organism irrespective of whether this is a direct or indirect effect but knowing how the effects are achieved could be important for treatment strategies moving forwards.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Khalil et al. aimed to gain insights into similarities and differences between circuits processing innate and learned threats. For this, they investigated a circuit that is well established to have a critical role in auditory associative threat learning, the projection from the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) to the basolateral amygdala (BLA), and carried out a side-by-side comparison of its role in conditioned and innate threat.

      Although the MGN is part of the main auditory stream, the neurons that project to BLA are multimodal. Khalil et al. took advantage of this to use visual looming stimuli to evoke innate threat. The authors showed that the MGN-BLA pathway processes both innate freezing responses to looming black circles and threat-conditioned freezing responses to tones. The disruption of the pathway impairs freezing in both cases, and the pathway is activated mostly in the presence of freezing. This suggests that the MGN-BLA processes threat independently of the sensory modality and of whether the threat is learnt or not. This further suggests that these different forms of threat may share similar mechanisms.

      Nonetheless, the fact that MGN-BLA circuit disruptions were done during the conditioning phase of associative threat learning, and not during the recall phase only, complicates the side-by-side comparison: it could be argued that in this case what is disturbed is the processing of the unconditioned innately aversive stimulus in the task, the foot shock, instead of the learnt threat of the sound. Still, this would go in hand with one of the main conclusions of the study, which is that the MGN-BLA processes innate threats.

      There are alternative interpretations of the results though, which are beyond the scope of the study: the circuit might be relevant for processing salient stimuli beyond threatening stimuli, for instance for positive valence stimuli as well; or this circuit might be relevant for processing the freezing response to threat in particular. To target the MGN-BLA circuit, the authors employ viral-vector mediated expression of proteins in mice. This way they delete, inhibit, or image either the activity of the neurons (or the axons) that project from MGN to BLA, or the BLA neurons themselves. They combine this with fiber-photometry and behavioural quantifications. Targeting these small and deep nuclei in the mouse brain bilaterally is challenging, which increases the value of the presented data. Conversely, it is important that the authors support more explicitly the specificity of their targeting methods and quantifications throughout the manuscript.

      Overall, the main conclusions of this paper are mostly supported by data, but important methodological aspects need to be clarified, data analysis extended and the interpretation of results discussed further. The question of whether innate and learnt responses to stimuli share common mechanisms is timely. This study places the MGN-BLA pathway as a suitable model circuit to investigate this and paves the way for future work to dig into the implicated mechanisms.

      Specific comments (strengths):<br /> a) The authors use two methods to interrupt the MGN-BLA pathway, a reversible one (chemogenetics) and an irreversible one (neuronal deletion via caspase 3 expression), obtaining consistent results that strengthen the evidence supporting their conclusions.<br /> b) The authors demonstrate the efficacy of their MGN-BLA pathway interruption methods with in vivo recordings.<br /> c) The approach of addressing the same behavioural output (freezing) in the two conditions (innate and learnt threat) helps the interpretability of results.

      Specific comments (weaknesses):<br /> e) There are not enough analysis and method descriptions to demonstrate the specificity of the targeting approach, which is in some cases neither reflected in the pictures of the main figures. These include quantifications of the extension of expression/deletions in the brain and placement of viral-vector injections. In particular, these should show that i) protein expression does not extend beyond the BLA or MGN; ii) the MGN cells projecting to the striatum (right above the BLA) are not implicated, iii) that neurons in the visual thalamus are not affected by the manipulations. These are critical points that need to be addressed.<br /> f) There is a lack of digging into the mechanisms that could be enhanced with further analysis and discussion. For example, to start addressing this question, the authors administer blockers of beta-adrenergic receptors systemically. This reveals differences between MGN-BLA projecting neurons, BLA neurons, and innate and learnt threat, but the mechanistic implications are not clear and should be discussed. Also, the interpretation of the pathway's role in behaviour and its relation to neuronal activity could be deepened with further analysis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors of this study investigated the relationship between (under)confidence and the anxious-depressive symptom dimension in a longitudinal intervention design. The aim was to determine whether confidence bias improves in a state-like manner when symptoms improve. The primary focus was on patients receiving internet-based CBT (iCBT; n=649), while secondary aims compared these changes to patients receiving antidepressants (n=82) and a control group (n=88).

      The results support the authors' conclusions, and the authors convincingly demonstrated a weak link between changes in confidence bias and anxious-depressive symptoms (not specific to the intervention arm)

      The major strength and contribution of this study is the use of a longitudinal intervention design, allowing the investigation of how the well-established link between underconfidence and anxious-depressive symptoms changes after treatment. Furthermore, the large sample size of the iCBT group is commendable. The authors employed well-established measures of metacognition and clinical symptoms, used appropriate analyses, and thoroughly examined the specificity of the observed effects.

      However, due to the small effect sizes, the antidepressant and control groups were underpowered, reducing comparability between interventions and the generalizability of the results. The lack of interaction effect with treatment makes it harder to interpret the observed differences in confidence, and practice effects could conceivably account for part of the difference. Finally, it was not completely clear to me why, in the exploratory analyses, the authors looked at the interaction of time and symptom change (and group), since time is already included in the symptom change index.

      This longitudinal study informs the field of metacognition in mental health about the changeability of biases in confidence. It advances our understanding of the link between anxiety-depression and underconfidence consistently found in cross-sectional studies. The small effects, however, call the clinical relevance of the findings into question. I would have found it useful to read more in the discussion about the implications of the findings (e.g., why is it important to know that the confidence bias is state-dependent; given the effect size of the association between changes in confidence and symptoms, is the state-trait dichotomy the right framework for interpreting these results; suggestions for follow-up studies to better understand the association).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper explores how minimal active matter simulations can model tissue rheology, with applications to the in vivo situation of zebrafish morphogenesis. The authors explore the idea of active noise, particle softness and size heterogeneity cooperating to give rise to surprising features of experimental tissue rheologies (in particular an increase and then a plateau in viscosity with fluid fraction). In general, the paper is interesting from a theoretical standpoint, by providing a bridge between concepts from jamming of particulate systems and experiments in developmental biology. The idea of exploring a free space picture in this context is also interesting.

      However, I'm still unsure right now though of how much it can be applied to the specific system that the authors refer to - which could be fixed either by considering other experimental systems/models reported in the recent literature or by doing the following theoretical checks:

      - Take your current simulations and smoothly change the ratio of polydispersity from 8 to 0 to see exactly how much dispersity is needed to explain viscosity plateauing, and at which point the transition occurs.

      - Cellular self-propulsion does not seem to play a role in zebrafish blastoderm, see Ref. [14]. Active noise has been proposed to play key roles in other systems and you could check whether such active noise could replace self-propulsion in your model, see for example Kim & Campas, Nat Phys, 2021.

      - Could you simulate realistic rheological deformations to see how much they match both your expectation and the data?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors examine the use of metformin in the treatment of hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury (HIRI) and suggest the mechanism of action is mediated in part by the gut microbiota and changes in hepatic ferroptosis. While the concept is intriguing, the experimental approaches are inadequate to support these conclusions.

      The histological and imaging studies were considered a strength and reveal a significant impact of metformin post-HIRI.

      Weaknesses largely stem from the experimental design. First, use of the iron chelator DFO would be strengthened using the ferroptosis inhibitor, liproxstatin. Second, the impact of metformin on the microbiota is profound resulting in changes in bile acid, lipid, and glucose homeostasis. Throughout the manuscript no comparisons are made with metformin alone which would better capture the metformin-specific effects. Lastly, the absence of proper controls including germ free mice, metformin treated mice, FMT treated mice, etc make it difficult to understand the outcomes and to properly reproduce the findings in other labs.

      Overall, while the concept is interesting and has the potential to better understand the pleiotropic functions of metformin, the limitations with the experimental design and lack of key controls make it challenging to support the conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This interesting research commendably revealed the association between sleep regularity and mortality. However, as authors acknowledged, the analysis can not accurately identify the cause and effect. In my opinion, the causality is important for this topic, cuz, sleep regularity and health (e.g. chronic disease) were long-term simultaneous status, especially given the participants are older. I suggest that the author could utilize MR analysis to find out for more evidence.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper the authors aim to investigate brain-wide activation patterns following administration of the anesthetics ketamine and isoflurane, and conduct comparative analysis of these patterns to understand shared and distinct mechanisms of these two anesthetics.

      To this end, they perform Fos immunohistochemistry in perfused brain section to label active nuclei, use a custom pipeline to register images to the ABA framework and quantify Fos+ nuclei, and perform multiple complementary analyses to compare activation patterns across groups.

      This is an interesting line of research and a tour de force in brain-wide Fos quantification. However, there are several issues with the analysis, and overall integration that dampen my enthusiasm for the article in its current form.

      Major comments:

      1- The authors report 987 brain regions in the introduction, but I cannot find any analysis that incorporates these or even which regions they are. Very little rationale is provided for the regions included in any of the analyses and numbers range from 53 in Figure 1, to 201 in Figure 3, to 63 in Figure 6. It would help if the authors could first survey Fos+ counts across all regions to identify a subset that is of interest (significantly changed by either condition compared to control) for follow up analysis.

      2- Different data transformations are used for each analysis. One that is especially confusing is the 'normalization' of brain regions by % of total brain activation for each animal prior to PCA analysis in Figures 2 and 3. This would obscure any global differences in activation and make it unlikely to observe decreases in activation (which I think is likely here) that could be identified using the Fos+ counts after normalizing for region size (ie. Fos+ count / mm3) which is standard practice in such Fos-based activity mapping studies. While PCA can be powerful approach to identify global patterns, the purpose of the analysis in its current form is unclear. It would be more meaningful to show that regional activation patterns (measured as counts/mm3) are on separate PCs by group.

      3- Critical problem: The authors include a control group for each anesthetic (ketamine vs. saline, isofluorane vs. homecage) but most analyses do not make use of the control groups or directly compare Fos+ counts across the groups. Strictly speaking, they should have compared relative levels of induction by ketamine versus induction by isoflurane using ANOVAs. Instead, each type of induction was separate from the other. This does not account for increased variability in the ketamine versus isoflurane groups. There is no mention in the Statistics section or in Results section that any multiple comparison corrections were used. It appears that the authors only used Students t-test for each region and did not perform any corrections.

      4- Figures 4 and 5 show brain regions 'significantly activated' following KET or ISO respectively, but again a subset of regions are shown and the stats seem to be t-tests with no multiple comparisons correction. It would help to show these two figures side by side, include the same regions, and keep the y axis ranges similar so the reader can easily compare the 'activation patterns' across the two treatments. Indeed, it looks like KET/Saline induced activation is an order or magnitude or two higher than ISO/Homecage. I would also recommend that this be the first data figure before any other analyses and maybe further analysis could be restricted to regions that are significantly changed in following KET or ISO here.

      5- Analyses in Figure 6 and 7 are interesting but again the choice of regions to include is unclear and makes interpreting the results impossible. For example, in Figure 7 it is unclear why the list of regions in bar graphs showing Degree and Betweenness Centrality are not the same even within a single row?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors attempt to show that event-related changes in the alpha band, namely a decrease in alpha power over parieto/occipital areas, explain the P300 during an auditory target detection task. The proposed mechanism by which this happens is a baseline-shift, where ongoing oscillations which have a non-zero mean undergo an event-related modulation in amplitude which then mimics a low frequency event-related potential. In this specific case, it is a negative-mean alpha-band oscillation that decreases in power post-stimulus and thus mimics a positivity over parieto-occipital areas, i.e. the P300. The authors lay out 4 criteria that should hold if indeed alpha modulation generates the P300, which they then go about providing evidence for.

      Strengths:<br /> - The authors do go about showing evidence for each prediction rigorously, which is very clearly laid out. In particular, I found the 3rd section connecting resting-state alpha BSI to the P300 quite compelling.<br /> - The study is obviously very well-powered.<br /> - Very well-written and clearly laid out. Also, the EEG analysis is thorough overall, with sensible analysis choices made.<br /> - I also enjoyed the discussion of the literature, albeit with certain strands of P300 research missing.

      Weaknesses:<br /> In general, if one were to be trying to show the potential overlap and confound of alpha-related baseline shift and the P300, as something for future researchers to consider in their experimental design and analysis choices, the four predictions hold well enough. However, if one were to assert that the P300 is "generated" via alpha baseline shift, even partially, then the predictions either do not hold, or if they do, they are not sufficient to support that hypothesis. This general issue is to be found throughout the review. I will briefly go through each of the predictions in turn:

      1. The matching temporal course of alpha and P300 is not as clear as it could be. Really, for such a strong statement as the P300 being generated by alpha modulation, one would need to show a very tight link between the signals temporally. There are many neural and ocular signals which occur over the course of target detection paradigms: P300, alpha decrease, motor-related beta decrease, the LRP, the CNV, microsaccade rate suppression etc. To specifically go above and beyond this general set of signals and show a tighter link between alpha and P300 requires a deeper comparison. To start, it would be a good idea to show the signals overlapping on the same plot to really get an idea of temporal similarity. Also, with the P300-alpha correlation, how much of this correlation is down to EEG-related issues such as skull thickness, cortical folding, or cognitive issues such as task engagement? One could perhaps find another slow wave ERP, e.g. the Lateralised Readiness Potential, and see if there is a similar strength correlation. If there is not, that would make the P300 relationship stand out.

      In Figure 3, it is clear that alpha binning does not account for even 50% of the variance of P300 amplitude. Again, if there is such a tight link between the two signals, one would expect the majority of P300 variance to be accounted for by alpha binning. As an aside, the alpha binning clearly creates the discrepancy in the baseline period, with all alpha hitting an amplitude baseline at approx. 500ms. I wonder if could you NOT, in fact, baseline your slow wave ERP signal, instead using an appropriate high pass filter (see "EEG is better left alone", Arnaud Delorme, 2023) and show that the alpha binning creates the difference in ERP at the baseline which then is reinterpreted as a P300 peak difference after baselining.

      2. The topographies are somewhat similar in Figure 4, but not overwhelmingly so. There is a parieto-occipital focus in both, but to support the main thesis, I feel one would want to show an exact focus on the same electrode. Showing a general overlap in spatial distribution is not enough for the main thesis of the paper, referring to the point I make in the first paragraph re Weaknesses. Obviously, the low density montage here is a limitation. Nevertheless, one could use a CSD transform to get more focused topographies (see https://psychophysiology.cpmc.columbia.edu/software/csdtoolbox/), which apparently does still work for lower-density electrode setups (see Kayser and Tenke, 2006).

      3. Very nice analysis in Figure 6, probably the most convincing result comparing BSI in steady state to P300, thus at least eliminating task-related confounds.

      4. Also a good analysis here, wherein there seem to be similar correlation profiles across P300 and alpha modulation. One analysis that would really nail this down would be a mediation analysis (Baron and Kenny, 1986; https://davidakenny.net/cm/mediate.htm), where one could investigate if e.g. the relationship between P300 amplitude and CERAD score is either entirely or partially mediated by alpha amplitude. One could do this for each of the relationships. To show complete mediation of P300 relationship with a cog task via alpha would be quite strong.

      One last point, from the methods it appears that the task was done with eyes closed? That is an extremely important point when considering the potential impact of alpha amplitude modulation on any other EEG component due to the well-known substantial increase in alpha amplitude with eyes closed versus open. I wonder, would we see any of these effects with eyes opened?

      Overall, there is a mix here of strengths of claims throughout the paper. For example, the first paragraph of the discussion starts out with "In the current study, we provided comprehensive evidence for the hypothesis that the baseline-shift mechanism (BSM) is accountable for the generation of P300 via the modulation of alpha oscillations." and ends with "Therefore, P300, at least to a certain extent, is generated as a consequence of stimulus-triggered modulation of alpha oscillations with a non-zero mean." In the limitations section, it says the current study speaks for a partial rather than exhausting explanation of the P300's origin. I would agree with the first part of that statement, that it is only partial. I do not agree, however, that it speaks to the ORIGIN of the P300, unless by origin one simply means the set of signals that go to make up the ERP component at the scalp-level (as opposed to neural origin).

      Again, I can only make these hopefully helpful criticisms and suggestions because the paper is very clearly written and well analysed. Also, the fact that alpha amplitude modulation potentially confounds with P300 amplitude via baseline shift is a valuable finding.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      How organism physiological state modulates establishment and perdurance of memories is a timely question that the authors aimed at addressing by studying the interplay between energy homeostasis and food-related conditioning in Drosophila. Specifically, they studied how starvation modulates the establishment of short-term vs long-term memories and clarified the role of the monoamine Octopamine in food-related conditioning, showing that it is not per se involved in formation of appetitive short-term memories but rather gates memory formation by suppressing LTM when energy levels are high. This work clarifies previously described phenotypes and provides insight about interconnections between energy levels, feeding and formation of short-term and long-term food-related memories. In the absence of population-specific manipulation of octopamine signaling, it however does not reach a circuit-level understanding of how these different processes are integrated.

      Strengths<br /> - Previous studies have documented the impact of Octopamine on different aspects of food-related behaviors (regulation of energy homeostasis, feeding, sugar sensing, appetitive memory...), but we currently lack a clear understanding of how these different functions are interconnected. The authors have used a variety of experimental approaches to systematically test the impact of internal energy levels in establishment of appetitive memory and the role of Octopamine in this process.

      - The authors have used a range of approaches, performed carefully controlled experiments and produced high quality data.

      Weaknesses<br /> 1- In the tbh mutant flies, Tyramine -to- Octopamine conversion is inhibited, resulting not only in a lack of Octopamine, but also in elevated levels of Tyramine. If and how elevated levels of Tyramine contributes to the described phenotypes is unclear. In the current version of the manuscript, only one set of experiments (Figure 2) has been performed using Octopamine agonist. This is particularly important in light of recent published data showing that starvation modifies Tyramine levels.

      2- Octopamine (and its precursor Tyramine) have been implicated in numerous processes, complicating the analysis of the phenotypes resulting from a general inhibition of tbh.

      3- The manuscript explores various aspects of the impact of energy levels on food-related behaviors and the underlying sensing and effector mechanism, both in wild-type and tbh mutants, making it difficult to follow the flow of the results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is a well-written paper using gene expression in tree sparrow as model traits to distinguish between genetic effects that either reinforce or reverse initial plastic response to environmental changes. Tree sparrow tissues (cardiac and flight muscle) collected in lowland and highland populations subject to hypoxia treatment were profiled for gene expression and compared in 1) highland birds; 2) lowland birds under normal conditions to test for differences in directions of changes between initial plastic response and subsequent colonized response.

      The authors clarified several points and made revisions according to my comments. It is good to know that the highland and lowland samples were collected and processed at the same time and the previous publication reported part of the data. My concerns regarding the conclusions about reversal versus reinforcement remain even after the additional analyses. Further studies are needed to confirm these results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors used cutting-edge bio-telemetry technology to decipher the roles of wind speed and wave height on the take-off of albatrosses from the water surface. They revealed that each of these factors contributes to take-off in a unique way with interesting interactions of the two factors. The authors achieved their objectives and their results support their conclusions. This work will set new standards in integrating information about bird movement and environmental conditions experienced by the bird in a comprehensive, integrative and hypothesis-driven framework. The approach of the authors is highly advanced, providing heuristic insights for many additional systems where organisms are influenced by, and respond to small-scale environmental conditions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work sheds new light on the growth trajectory of Bonobo and contributes heavily to the discussion of the exclusivity of certain aspects of growth in modern humans. These results are also interesting as long as they are based on the study of the largest sample ever considered in the study of the growth of this species by including morphometric measurements as well as endocrinological factors.

      The authors approach the study of the presence of growth spurs (GS) in Bonobo on the basis that GS are exclusive to the growth in modern humans. This idea is fairly widespread, however studies on non-human primates have shown an acceleration of growth during adolescence in several species, these works are recalled, presented and discussed by the authors. The originality of this work lies in highlighting the importance of scaling in studies of growth trajectories. The absence of GS in Bonobo but also in other primate species may result from not considering the conjunction of weight and height in the analysis of growth, because the pronounced changes in the speed of the height are in relation to the speed of changes in weight and this is modified according to the size/age. The authors apply scaling corrections to their results and the GS become evident (or more obvious) in Bonobo. Thus, the exclusivity of GS in growth in modern humans may in fact result only by the application of analytical approach not very appropriate in non-human primates.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Phage satellites are fascinating elements that have evolved to hijack phages for induction, packaging, and transfer, promoting their widespread dissemination in nature. It is remarkable how different satellites use conserved strategies of parasitism, utilising unrelated proteins that perform similar roles in their cognate elements. In the current manuscript, Dr. Seed and coworkers elucidated the mechanism used by one family of satellites, the PLEs, to produce small capsids, a process that inhibits phage reproduction while increasing PLE transmission. The work is presented beautifully, and the results are astonishing. The authors identified the gene responsible for generating the small capsids, characterised its role in the PLE transfer and phage inhibition, and determined the structure of the PLE-sized small capsids. It is a truly impressive piece of work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This preprint by Pokrovsky and coworkers is a descriptive study reporting on non-breeding itinerant behaviour of an intrapalearctic migratory raptor, the rough-legged buzzard, and relating such non-breeding movements to snow cover across the European non-breeding range. The article is based on long-term GPS tracking data from a relatively large sample of individuals (n=43) that were equipped with state-of-the-art tracking devices in the Russian Arctic during 2013-2019. The results show that, upon breeding, buzzards migrated rapidly to southern non-breeding areas, located in open areas north of the Black and Caspian seas, where they perform continuous directional movements at a slower pace, initially moving SW (Oct to Jan) and then progressively moving NE (Feb to Apr) before embarking on rapid spring migration. It is suggested that such itinerant behaviour follows variation (expansion and retreat) of snow cover across the non-breeding range.

      The results are definitely useful for researchers investigating the ecological drivers of bird movement patterns. The paper is generally well-written and the analytical framework is solid. However, there are significant weaknesses in the theoretical framework, unwarranted claiming of novelty, and interpretation of the data. Below are key points that the authors may wish to consider.

      1) The authors underemphasize the fact that what they term 'fox-trot' migration is actually a well-known pattern for many other migratory species, both in the Nearctic and in the Afro-Palearctic migration systems. Such behaviour has previously been identified as 'itinerant', involving an alternation of stopovers and movements between different short-term non-breeding residency areas, and it seems that the pattern the authors report for this particular species is perfectly in line with such previous evidence. For instance, this is well-documented among migratory raptors, such as the Montagu's harrier, a lesser kestrel or black kite, that exploit Sahelian savannahs, where large spatio-temporal variation in greenness and hence resource availability occurs. And, besides the mentioned cuckoos and nightingales, there are studies of red-backed shrikes suggesting the same, as well as of tree swallows in the Nearctic. Therefore, the authors should avoid claiming novelty for this study and introducing unnecessary and confusing new terms in the literature (i.e. the 'fox-trot' migration patterns) when these are definitely not strictly needed as they have been previously observed and defined otherwise. Reference to all this previous body of literature is only hinted at and should be considerably expanded. The final sentence of the abstract, involving a general recommendation for future work, is definitely not warranted. Sentences such as 'We used the rough-legged buzzard as a model..." are also similarly unwarranted. This is simply a descriptive study reporting on such behaviour in yet another migratory species. The predictions paragraph is also overlong and could be considerably condensed.

      2) The term 'migration' associated to so-called 'fox-trot' movements (see Fig. 1) is also highly confusing and possibly incorrect, as it is not in line with the commonly accepted definition of 'migration' (i.e. mass back and forth movements from the same areas). Apparently, the authors do not provide any evidence that the birds are moving back and forth from the same areas during the non-breeding period (i.e., there is no mention of site fidelity between early and late wintering areas, but judging from fall and spring migration distances it seems this is definitely not the case). 'Non-breeding itinerancy' is clearly a more appropriate term to describe this behaviour. More generally, the reference to 'winter migration', which is often mentioned in the manuscript, is not correct and should be amended.

      3) The current title is unnecessarily general (it may recall rather a review or meta-analysis) and not adequately describing the content of the manuscript. It is not at all clear how the terms 'Conservation' and 'Anthropocene' are related to the content of the study (unless one believes that this is because any study of wildlife is aimed at its conservation, which is of course untrue, and that the study has been performed in the Anthropocene, which is the case for all wildlife studies carried out after 1950-1960). In order to be informative, the title should more tightly reflect the content of the article. A valid alternative would be 'Itinerant non-breeding behaviour of an intra-Palaearctic migratory raptor', far more adequate and informative. Although it might be worthwhile mentioning the association between movements and snow cover (or ecological conditions more generally) already in the title, perhaps that link is too indirect as currently reported in the manuscript. There are several possibilities to provide a more direct link between movements and snow cover, such as e.g. performing habitat selection analysis with respect to snow cover. Plotting temporal progression of snow cover (average) against movements (e.g. by showing monthly home ranges against snow cover) would help visualizing the association between snow cover and movement patterns.

      4) The text, particularly the Introduction and (even more so) the Discussion, would benefit from profound reframing in light of the above comments. Any link to conservation is too weak and should be removed or considerably toned down. Moreover, the species is not of conservation interest (IUCN = Least Concern), as it has an extremely large range and population size, with largely fluctuating and non-declining populations (whose dynamics are related to Arctic small rodent cycles). Unless the authors are able to make prediction on how these movements will be affected by climate change (e.g. by using species distribution models or similar approaches), the link to the Anthropocene and to conservation is mostly unwarranted. In general, reference to 'winter' should be avoided and replaced with 'non-breeding season', which is a more general term.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Wang et al. follows up on the group's previous publication on KLF1 (EKLF) K47R mice and reduced susceptibility to tumorigenesis and increased life span (Shyu et al., Adv Sci (Weinh). Sep 2022;9(25):e2201409. doi:10.1002/advs.202201409). In the current manuscript, the authors have described the dependence of these phenotypes on age, gender, genetic background, and hematopoietic translation of bone marrow mononuclear cells. Considering the current study is centered on the phenotypes described in the previous study, the novelty is diminished. Further, there are significant conceptual concerns in the study that make the inferences in the manuscript far less convincing. Major concerns are listed below:

      1. The authors mention more than once in the manuscript that KLF1 is expressed in range of blood cells including hematopoietic stem cells, megakaryocytes, T cells and NK cells. In the case of megakaryocytes, studies from multiple labs have shown that while EKLF is expressed megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors, EKLF is important for the bipotential lineage decision of these progenitors, and its high expression promotes erythropoiesis, while its expression is antagonized during megakaryopoiesis. In the case of HSCs, the authors reference to their previous publication for KLF1's expression in these cells- however, in this study nor in the current study, there is no western blot documented to convincingly show that KLF1 protein is expressed at detectable levels in these cells. For T cells, the authors have referenced a study which is based on ectopic expression of KLF1. For NK cells, the authors reference bioGPS: however, upon inspection, this is also questionable.

      2. The current study rests on the premise that KLF1 is expressed in HSCs, NK cells and leukocytes, and the references cited are not sufficient to make this assumption, for the reasons mentioned in the first point. Therefore, the authors will have to show both KLF1 mRNA and protein levels in these cells, and also compare them to the expression levels seen in KLF1 wild type erythroid cells along with knockout erythroid cells as controls, for context and specificity.

      3. To get to the mechanism driving the reduced susceptibility to tumorigenesis and increased life span phenotypes in EKLF K74R mice, the authors report some observations- However, how these observations are connected to the phenotypes is unclear.<br /> a. For example, in Figure S3, they report that the frequency of NK1.1+ cells is higher in the mutant mice. The significance of this in relation to EKLF expression in these cells and the tumorigenesis and life span related phenotypes are not described. Again, as mentioned in the second point, KLF1 protein levels are not shown in these cells.<br /> b. In Figure 4, the authors show mRNA levels of immune check point genes, PD-1 and PD-l1 are lower in EKLF K74R mice in PB, CD3+ T cells and B220+ B cells. Again, the questions remain on how these genes are regulated by EKLF, and whether and at what levels EKLF protein is expressed in T cells and B cells relative to erythroid cells. Further, while the study they reference for EKLF's role in T cells is based on ectopic expression of EKLF in CD4+ T cells, in the current study, CD3+ T cells are used. Also, there are no references for the status of EKLF in B cells. These details are not discussed in the manuscript.

      4. The authors perform comparative proteomics in the leukocytes of EKLF K74R and WT mice as shown in Figure S5. What is the status of EKLF levels in the mutant lysate vs wild type lysates based on this analysis? More clarity needs to be provided on what cells were used for this analysis and how they were isolated since leukocytes is a very broad term.

      5. In the discussion the authors make broad inferences that go beyond the data shown in the manuscript. They mention that the tumorigenesis resistance and long lifespan is most likely due to changes in transcription regulatory properties and changes in global gene expression profile of the mutant protein relative to WT leukocytes. And based on reduced mRNA levels of Pd-1 Pd-l1 genes in the CD3+ T cells and B220+ B cells from mutant mice, they "assert" that EKLF is an upstream regulator of these genes and regulates the transcriptomes of a diverse range of hematopoietic cells. The lack of a ChIP assay to show binding of WT EKLF on genes in these cells and whether this binding is reduced or abolished in the mutant cells, make the above statements unsubstantiated.

      6. Where westerns are shown, the authors need to show the molecular weight ladder, and where qPCR data are shown for EKLF, it will be helpful to show the absolute levels and compare these levels to those in erythroid cells, along the corresponding EKLF knock out cells as controls.

      7. Figure S1D does not have a figure legend. Therefore, it is unclear what the blot in this figure is showing. In the text of the manuscript where they reference this figure, they mention that the levels of the mutant EKLF vs WT EKLF does not change in peripheral blood, while in the figure they have labeled WBCs for the blot, and the mRNA levels shown do seem to decrease in the mutant compared to WT peripheral blood.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors intended to identify a protein signature in extracellular vesicles of serum to distinguish pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma from benign pancreatic diseases.

      A major strength of the work presented is the valuable profiling of a significant number of patient samples, with a rich cohort of patients with pancreatic cancer, benign pancreatic diseases, and healthy controls. However, despite the strong cohorts presented, the numbers of patient samples for benign pancreatic diseases as well as controls were very limited.

      Also, the method used to isolate vesicles, EVTrap, recognizes double bilayers, which means that it can detect cellular debris and apoptotic bodies, which are very common in the circulation of patients that are undergoing chemotherapy. It would be important to identify the patients that are therapy naïve and the ones that are not because of this possible bias. Additionally, the transmission electron microscopy data reflect this heterogeneity of the samples, also with little identification of double bilayered vesicles. It would be important to identify some extracellular vesicles markers in those preparations to strengthen the quality of the samples analysed. What is more, previously published work with this same methodology identifies around 2000 proteins per sample. It would be important to explain why in this study there seems to be a reduction in more than 50% of the amount of proteins identified in the vesicles.

      One of the proteins that constantly surges on the analysis is KRT20. It would be important to proceed with the analysis by first filtering out possible contaminants of the proteomics, of which keratins are the most common ones. Finally, none of the 7-extracellular vesicle protein signatures has been validated by other techniques, such as western blot, in extracellular vesicles isolated by other, standard, methods, such as size exclusion chromatography.

      A distinct technique for protein analysis was done but not a different method of isolation of these vesicles. This would strengthen the results and the origin of the proteins.

      The conclusions that are reached do not fully meet the proposed aims of the identification of a protein signature in circulating extracellular vesicles that could improve early detection of the disease. The authors did not demonstrate the superiority of detection of these proteins in extracellular vesicles versus simply performing an ELISA, nor their superiority with respect to the current standard procedure for diagnosis.

      The authors also suggest that profiling of circulating extracellular vesicles provides unique insights into systemic immune changes during pancreatic cancer development. How is this better than a regular hemogram is not clear.

      Finally, it would be important to determine how this signature compares with many others described in the literature that have the exact same aim. Why and how would this one be better?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript identified a long noncoding RNA, PITAR (p53 Inactivating TRIM28 associated RNA), as an inhibitor of p53. PITAR is highly expressed in glioblastoma (GBM) and glioma stem-like cells (GSC). The authors found that TRIM28 mRNA, which encodes a p53-specific E3 ubiquitin ligase, is a direct target of PITAR. PITAR interaction with TRIM28 RNA stabilized TRIM28 mRNA, which resulted in increased TRIM28 protein levels, enhanced p53 ubiquitination, and attenuated DNA damage response. While PITAR silencing inhibited the growth of WT p53 containing GSCs in vitro and reduced glioma tumor growth in vivo, its overexpression enhanced the tumor growth and promoted resistance to Temozolomide. DNA damage also activated PITAR, in addition to p53, thus creating an incoherent feedforward loop. Together, this study established an alternate way of p53 inactivation and proposed PITAR as a potential therapeutic target.

      P53 is a well-established tumor suppressor gene contributing to cancer progression in many human cancers. It plays a vital role in preserving genome integrity and inhibiting malignant transformation. p53 is mutated in more than 50% of human cancers. In cancers that do not carry mutations in p53, the inactivation occurs through other genetic or epigenetic alterations. Therefore, further study of the mechanism of regulation of wt-p53 remains vital in cancer research. This study identified a novel LncRNA PITAR, which is highly expressed in glioblastoma (GBM) and glioma stem-like cells (GSCs) and interacts with and stabilizes TRIM28 mRNA, which encodes a p53-specific E3 ubiquitin ligase. TRIM28 can inhibit p53 through HDAC1-mediated deacetylation and direct ubiquitination in an MDM2-dependent manner. Thus, the overall impact of this study is high because of the identification of a novel mechanism in regulating wt-p53.

      The other significant strengths of this manuscript included an apparent research strategy design and a clearly outlined and logically organized research approach. They provided both the in vitro and in vivo studies to evaluate the effect of PITAR. They offered reasonable control of the study by validating the results in cells with mutant p53. They also performed a rescue experiment to confirm the PITAR and TRIM28 relationship regulating p53. The conclusions were all supported by solid results. The overall data presentation is clear and convincing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      There are four Kv1.2 channel structures reported: the open state, the C-type inactivated state, a dendrotoxin-bound state, and a structure in Na+.

      A high-resolution crystal structure of the open state for a chimeric Kv1.2 channel was reported in 2007 and there is no new information provided by the cryoEM structure reported in this study.

      The cryo-EM structure of the C-type inactivated state of the Kv1.2 channel was determined for a channel with the W to F substitution in the pore helix. A cryo-EM structure of the Shaker channel and a crystal structure of a chimeric Kv1.2 channel with an equivalent W to F mutation were reported in 2022. Cryo-EM structures of the C-type inactivated Kv1.3 channel are also available. All these previous structures have provided a relatively consistent structural view of the C-type inactivated state and there is no significant new information that is provided by the structure reported in this study.

      A structure of the Kv1.2 channel blocked by dendrotoxin is reported. A crystal structure of charybdotoxin and the chimeric Kv1.2 channel was reported in 2013. Density for dendrotoxin could not be clearly resolved due to symmetry issues and so the definitive information from the structure is that dendrotoxin binds, similarly to charybdotoxin, at the mouth of the pore. A potential new finding is that there is a deeper penetration of the blocking Lys residue in dendrotoxin compared to charybdotoxin. It will however be necessary to use approaches to break the symmetry and resolve the electron density for the dendrotoxin molecule to support this claim and to make this structure significant.

      The final structure reported is the structure of the Kv1.2 channel in K+ free conditions and with Na+ present. The structure of the KcsA channel by the MacKinnon group in 2001 showed a constricted filter and since then it has been falsely assumed by the K channel community that the lowering of K concentration leads to a construction of the selectivity filter. There have been structural studies on the MthK and the NaK2K channels showing a lack of constriction in the selectivity filter in the absence of K+. These results have been generally ignored and the misconception of filter constriction/collapse in the absence of K+ still persists. The structure of the Kv1.2 channel in Na+ provided a clear example that loss of K+ does not necessarily lead to filter constriction.<br /> The structure in Na+ is significant while the other structures are either merely reproductions of previous reports or are not resolved well enough to make any substantial claims.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      By mapping the sites of the Mcm2-7 replicative helicase loading across the budding yeast genome using high-resolution chromatin endogenous cleavage or ChEC, Bedalov and colleagues find that these markers for origins of DNA replication are much more broadly distributed than previously appreciated. Interestingly, this is consistent with early reconstituted biochemical studies that showed that the ACS was not essential for helicase loading in vitro (e.g. Remus et al., 2009, PMID: 19896182). To accomplish this, they combined the results of 12 independent assays to gain exceptionally deep coverage of Mcm2-7 binding sites. By comparing these sites to previous studies mapping ssDNA generated during replication initiation, they provide evidence that at least a fraction of the 1600 most robustly Mcm2-7-bound sequences act as origins. A weakness of the paper is that the group-based (as opposed to analyzing individual Mcm2-7 binding sites) nature of the analysis prevents the authors from concluding that all of the 1,600 sites mentioned in the title act as origins. The authors also show that the location of Mcm2-7 location after loading are highly similar in the top 500 binding sites, although the mobile nature of loaded Mcm2-7 double hexamers prevents any conclusions about the location of initial loading. Interestingly, by comparing subsets of the Mcm2-7 binding sites, they find that there is a propensity of at least a subset of these sites to be nucleosome depleted, to overlap with at least a partial match to the ACS sequence (found at all of the most well-characterized budding yeast origins), and a GC-skew. Each of which is a characteristic of previously characterized origins of replication.

      Overall, this manuscript greatly broadens the number of sites that are capable of loading Mcm2-7 in budding yeast cells and shows that a subset of these additional sites act as replication origins. Although these sites do have a propensity to include a match to the ACS, these studies suggest that the mechanism of helicase loading in yeast and multicellular organisms is more similar than previously thought.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The experiments described in the manuscript are well designed and executed. Most of the data presented are of high quality, convincing, and in general support the conclusions made in the manuscript. This manuscript should be of great interest to the field of mammalian gene regulation and the approaches used here can have broader applications in studying genetic and epigenetic regulations of gene expression. The key finding reported here, the importance of 3D chromatin structure in controlling gene expression, although not unexpected, offers a better understanding of the physiological roles of TADs.

      Given the complexity of the data and analysis, some clarification is needed to guide readers to better understand the results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, authors firstly investigated the role of a transcriptional factor BATF in hepatic lipid metabolism both in vivo and in vitro. By using a AAV transfection to overexpress BATF in liver, the mice with overexpression of BATF resisted the high fat diets induced obesity and attenuated the hepatic steatosis. Mechanically, the PD1 mediated its effect on lipid accumulation in hepatocyte and IL-27 mediated its effect on adiposity reduction in vivo.

      Strength<br /> 1) This work found the transcription factor BATF was positive to reduce hepatic lipid accumulation and offered a potential target to treat NAFLD.<br /> 2) PD1 antibody is always used to treat cancer, authors here have developed its new function in metabolic disease. PD1 antibody could help mice to combat obesity and hepatic steatosis induced by high fat diets.<br /> 3) Overexpression of BATF in the liver not only decreased the lipid accumulation in the liver but also reduced the fat mass. IL-27 secretion in the liver was enhanced to affect the adipose tissue. The cross talk in liver and adipose tissue was also validated in this paper.

      Weakness<br /> 1) BATF protein is also abundantly expressed in control hepatocyte, but the knockdown of BATF had no effect on lipid accumulation. Besides, the expression of BATF was elevated by high fat diets. So it will be interesting to investigate its role in the liver by using its hepatic conditional knockout mice.<br /> 2) The data for the direct regulation of BATF on PD1 and IL-27 is not enough, it is better to carry out CHIP experiment to further confirm it.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Embryonic stem cells extensively proliferate to generate the necessary number of cells that are required for organogenesis, and their proliferation must be timely terminated to allow for proper patterning. Thus, timely termination of stem cell proliferation is critical for proper development. Numerous studies have suggested that cell-extrinsic changes in the surrounding niche environment drive the termination of stem cell proliferation. By contrast, cell-intrinsic mechanisms that terminate stem cell proliferation remain poorly understood. Fruit fly larval brain neuroblasts provide an excellent model for mechanistic investigation of intrinsic control of stem cell proliferation due to the wealth of information on molecular marks, gene functions and lineage hierarchy. Sood et al. conducted a genetic screen to identify genes that are required for the termination of neuroblast proliferation in metamorphosis and found that Notch and its ligand Delta contribute to their exit from cell cycle. They showed that knocking down Notch or delta function in larval neuroblasts allows them to persist into adulthood and remain proliferative when no neuroblasts can be detected in wild-type adult brains. By carrying out a well-designed temperature-shift experiment, the authors showed that Notch is required early during larval development to promote timely exit from cell cycle in metamorphosis. The authors went on to show that attenuating Notch signaling prolongs the expression of temporal identity genes castor and seven-up perturbing the switch from Imp to Syp/E93. Finally, they showed that knocking down Imp function or overexpressing E93 can restore the elimination of neuroblasts in Notch/delta mutant brains.

      Overall, the experiments are well conceived and executed, and the data are clear. However, the data reported in this study represent incremental progress in improving our mechanistic understanding of the termination of neuroblast proliferation. Some of the data seem to represent more careful analyses of previously published observations described in the Zacharioudaki et al., Development 2016 paper while others seem to contradict to the results in this study. Gaultier et al., Sci. Adv. 2022 suggested that Grainyhead is required for the termination of neuroblast proliferation in a neuroblast tumor model, and grainyhead is a direct target of Notch signaling. Thus, Grainyhead should be a key downstream effector of Notch signaling in terminating castor and seven-up expression. Identical to Notch signaling, Grainyhead is also expressed through larval development. Grainyhead can function as a classical transcription factor as well as a pioneer factor raising the possibility that temporal regulation of neurogenic enhancer accessibility might be at play in allowing Notch signaling in early larval development to set up termination of castor and seven-up expression in metamorphosis. Diving deeper into how dynamic changes in chromatin in neurogenic enhancers affect the termination of neuroblast proliferation will significantly improve our understanding of termination of stem cell proliferation in diverse developing tissue.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study provides evidence on the ability of sublethal imidacloprid doses to affect growth and development of honeybee larva. While checking the effect of doses that do not impact survival or food intake, the authors found changes in the expression of genes related to energy metabolism, antioxidant response, and P450 metabolism. The authors also identified cell death in the alimentary canal, and disturbances in levels of ROS markers, molting hormones, weight and growth ratio. The study strengths come from applying these different approaches to investigate the impacts of imidacloprid exposure. The study weaknesses are not providing an in-depth investigation of the mechanisms behind the impacts observed and not bringing the results in light of the current literature. For instance, the authors' hypothesis is based on two main points, the generation of ROS that leads to gut cell death and energy dysfunction, and the increased P450 expression. They propose this increases P450 expression which in turn increases energy consumption and could contribute to developmental retardation. There is however no investigation on the mechanisms of ROS generation (it could be through mitochondrial damage, Nox/ Duox activity, NOS activity, P450s activity, etc). A link between higher P450 expression and increased energy consumption leading to energy deprivation is also missing. It would also be important for the authors to provide a more complete literature review as previous works have investigated imidacloprid sublethal dose impacts in larval stages for bees and other insect models.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study presents a useful inventory of essential genes from an antibiotic-resistant K. pneumoniae strain to grow in a rich medium. The study also includes a catalogue of genes required to grow/survive in urine and in serum. The former is particularly interesting. The data is analyzed using adequate tools.

      The authors leveraged TraDIS to identify essential genes of K. pneumoniae in LB, and those required to survive in urine, and serum. TraDIS is a well-established approach to investigate these aspects, and in fact, has also been already exploited in the case of K. pneumoniae to identify essential genes and those required for serum resistance. The strain used by the team is not probed by many other laboratories, making it difficult to assess the relevance in the context of K. pneumoniae population biology. Nonetheless, the authors have tried to compare their results against other published studies.

      The descriptions of the method and analysis of the data are quite detailed; however considering that this work is mostly a bioinformatics one, it would have been interesting to go beyond the Ecl8 strain and make a detailed comparison against the other published data sets as well as consider the genes identified in the wider population structure of K. pneumonaie and other Enterobactericease (particularly E. coli and Salmonella).

      The catalogue of genes may spark additional research to provide mechanistic insights into the contribution of the loci to the phenotypes (either urine and/or serum survival). These experiments are not included in the manuscript beyond the validation level achieved by constructing additional mutants using the Red system.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors use a series of elegant methods to describe the nature of the interrelationship among CD8+ T cells and fibrocytes in the airways of COPD patients. They find an increased presence of these interactions in COPD and show that CXCL8-CXCR2 interactions are crucial for this interaction, leading to increased CD8+ T cell proliferation.

      Major strengths of the work include the detailed functional experiments used to describe the nature of the CD8+ T cell - fibrocyte interaction. Another key strength is the translational approach of the work, building on clinical data and connecting back to these same clinical data. The conclusions of the authors are supported by the data. The impact of the work is significant and key to our understanding of the interrelationship between inflammation and tissue remodeling in COPD. Understanding this relationship holds strong potential for the identification of new drug targets and for the identification of patients at risk.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors tried to support the hypothesis that early Homo still had a primitive condition of Broca's cap (the region in fossil endocasts corresponding to Broca's area in the brain), being more similar to the condition in chimpanzees than in humans. The evidence from the described individual points to this direction but there are some flaws in the argumentation.

      First, only one human and one chimpanzee were used for comparison, although we know that patterns of brain convolutions (and in addition how they leave imprints in the endocranial bones) are very variable.

      Second, the evidence from this fossil specimen adds to the evidence of previously describe individuals but still not yet fully prove the hypothesis.

      Third, there is a vicious circle in using primitive and derived features to define a fossil species and then using (the same or different) features to argue that one feature is primitive or derived in a given species. In this case, we expect members of early Homo to be derived compared to their predecessors of the genus Australopithecus and that's why it seems intriguing and/or surprising to argue that early Homo has primitive features. However, we should expect that there is some kind of continuum or mosaic in a time in which a genus "evolves into" another genus. This discussion requires far more discussions about the concepts we use, maybe less discussion about what is different between the two groups but more discussion about the evolutionary processes behind them.

      Fourth, the data of convolutional imprints presented are rather subjective when identifying which impressions represent which brain convolutions. Not seeing an impression does not necessarily mean that the corresponding brain feature did not exist. Interestingly, the manuscript does not mention and discuss at all the frontoorbital sulcus. This is a sulcus that usually runs from the orbital surface of the frontal lobe up to divide the inferior frontal gyrus in chimpanzees, a condition totally different than in humans who do not have a frontoorbital sulcus. Could such a sulcus be identified, this would provide a far more convincing argument for a primitive condition in this specimen. In Australopithecus sediba, e.g., the condition in this region seems to be a mosaic in which some aspects of the morphology seem to be more modern while one of the sulcual impressions can well be interpreted as a short frontoorbital sulcus. For this specimen, by the way, I would come back to my third point above: some experts in the field might argue that this specimen could belong to Homo rather than Australopithecus...

      According to my arguments above, I think that this manuscript might revive interesting discussions about this topic but it is not likely to settle them because the data presented are not strong enough to fully support the hypothesis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work by Hannon and Eisen focuses on the sequence and structural features of transcription factors (TFs) that dictate their sub-nuclear localization. The authors test the hypothesis that intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) in TFs are drivers of subnuclear localization and clustering by first identifying IDRs in the drosophila proteome using a novel approach and then expressing a subset of IDRs from TFs important during the development of an early embryo. The authors then perform an extensive and high-throughput imaging screen in S2 cells and drosophila embryos and find that subnuclear clustering does not occur when IDRs are expressed alone but happens frequently in full-length TFs, even sometimes without the IDRs. A significant strength of the study is the extensive amount of imaging data that support well the conclusions in the paper. A potential weakness is that the conclusions are based on qualitative analysis only; the work would be strengthened considerably if the authors could provide quantification that allows the reader to distinguish clearly between a homogenous distribution and clustering of TFs. The work tackles an important functional question regarding IDRs in TFs and is of high relevance to the field. There is an impressive amount of data that generally support the conclusion of the paper, which is that IDRs are insufficient to drive TF clustering in the nucleus. The manuscript is very well written, pleasing to read, and easy to follow. This work advances the field considerably, providing valuable mechanistic insights into transcription.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors found FOXC2 is mainly expressed in As of mouse undifferentiated spermatogonia (uSPG). About 60% of As uSPG were FOXC2+ MKI67-, indicating that FOXC2 uSPG were quiescent. Similar spermatogonia (ZBTB16+ FOXC2+ MKI67-) were also found in human testis.

      The lineage tracing experiment using Foxc2CRE/+;R26T/Gf/f mice demonstrated that all germ cells were derived from the FOXC2+ uSPG. Furthermore, specific ablation of the FOXC2+ uSPGs using Foxc2Cre/+;R26DTA/+ mice resulted in the depletion of all uSPG population. In the regenerative condition created by busulfan injection, all FOXC2+ uSPG survived and began to proliferate at around 30 days after busulfan injection. The survived FOXC2+ uSPGs generated all germ cells eventually. To examine the role of FOXC2 in the adult testis, spermatogenesis of Foxc2f/-;Ddx4-cre mice was analyzed. From a 2-month-old, the degenerative seminiferous tubules were increased and became Sertoli cell-only seminiferous tubules, indicating FOXC2 is required to maintain normal spermatogenesis in adult testes. To get insight into the role of FOXC2 in the uSPG, CUT&Tag sequencing was performed in sorted FOXC2+ uSPG from Foxc2CRE/+;R26T/Gf/f mice 3 days after TAM diet feeding. The results showed some unique biological processes, including negative regulation of the mitotic cell cycle, were enriched, suggesting the FOXC2 maintains a quiescent state in spermatogonia.

      Lineage tracing experiments using transgenic mice of the TAM-inducing system was well-designed and demonstrated interesting results. Based on all data presented, the authors concluded that the FOXC2+ uSPG are primitive SSCs, an indispensable subpopulation to maintain adult spermatogenesis. The conclusion of the mouse study is supported by the data presented.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper, Budinská et al. consider whether morphological heterogeneity in colorectal cancer (CRC) might impact gene-expression based classifiers typically applied to bulk CRC tissues. To investigate this, the authors generated and analysed whole transcriptome microarrray profiling data from macro-dissected morphotype-specific tumour regions, bulk tumor and surrounding normal and stromal tissues.

      The authors make a number of claims based on their analyses. Namely that<br /> (1) morphotype-specific gene expression profiles and active molecular pathways can be identified and that (2) most gene expression-based classifiers make different predictions when applied to different morphotypes within the same tumour and when applied to morphotype-specific tumor regions versus bulk tumor tissue.

      Overall, the manuscript provides an interesting histological/morphological framework through which we can consider heterogeneity in colorectal carcinoma and an approach by which we might improve the performance of gene expression-based classifiers in predicting clinical behaviour and/or responses to therapy. Exploration of CRC morphotypes and their differences was quite interesting. However, more work is needed to support the claims made by the authors. While I appreciate that the authors themselves identify limitations of their study within the manuscript, I believe awareness of these limitations is not reflected in some of the claims made in the abstract and at points in the main text when discussing the use of expression-based classifiers.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Early career funding success has an immense impact on later funding success and faculty persistence, as evidenced by well-documented "rich-get-richer" or "Matthew effect" phenomena in science (e.g., Bol et al. 2018, PNAS). Woitowich et al. examined publicly available data on the distribution of the National Institutes of Health's K99/R00 awards - an early career postdoc-to-faculty transition funding mechanism - and showed that although 85% of K99 awardees successfully transitioned into faculty, disparities in subsequent R01 grant obtainment emerged along three characteristics: researcher mobility, gender, and institution. Men who moved to a top-25 NIH funded institution in their postdoc-to-faculty transition experienced the shortest median time to receiving a R01 award, 4.6 years, in contrast to the median 7.4 years for women working at less well-funded schools who remained at their postdoc institutions. This result is consistent with prior evidence of funding disparities by gender and institution type. The finding that researcher mobility has the largest effect on subsequent funding success is key and novel, and enhances previous work showing the relationship between mobility and ones' access to resources, collaborators, or research objects (e.g., Sugimoto and Larivière, 2023, Equity for Women in Science (Harvard University Press)).

      These results empirically demonstrate that even after receiving a prestigious early career grant, researchers with less mobility belonging to disadvantaged groups at less-resourced institutions continue to experience barriers that delay them from receiving their next major grant. This result has important policy implications aimed at reducing funding disparities - mainly that interventions that focus solely on early career or early stage investigator funding alone will not achieve the desired outcome of improving faculty diversity.

      The authors also highlight two incredible facts: No postdoc at a historically Black college or university (HBCU) has been awarded a K99 since the program's launch. And out of all 2,847 R00 awards given thus far, only two have been made to faculty at HBCUs. Given the track record of HBCUs for improving diversity in STEM contexts, this distribution of awards is a massive oversight that demands attention.

      At no fault of the authors, the analysis is limited to only examining K99 awardees and not those who applied but did not receive the award. This limitation is solely due to the lack of data made publicly available by the NIH. If this data were available, this study would have been able to compare the trajectory of winners versus losers and therefore could potentially quantify the impact of the award itself on later funding success, much like the landmark Bol et al. (2018) paper that followed the careers of winners of an early career grant scheme in the Netherlands. Such an analysis would also provide new insights that would inform policy.

      Although data on applications versus awards for the K99/R00 mechanism are limited, there exists data for applicant race and ethnicity for the 2007-2017 period, which were made available by a Freedom of Information Act request through the now defunct Rescuing Biomedical Research Initiative: https://web.archive.org/web/20180723171128/http://rescuingbiomedicalresearch.org/blog/examining-distribution-k99r00-awards-race/ These results are not presently discussed in the paper, but are highly relevant given the discussion of K99 award impacts on the sociodemographic composition of U.S. biomedical faculty. From 2007 to 2017, the K99 award rate for white applicants was 31.0% compared to 26.7% for Asian applicants and 16.2% for Black applicants. In terms of award totals, these funding rates amount to 1,384 awards to white applicants, 610 to Asian applicants, and 25 to Black applicants for the entire 2007-2017 period. And in terms of R00 awards, or successful faculty transitions: whereas 77.0% of white K99 awardees received an R00 award, the conversion rate for Asian and Black K99 awardees was lower, at 76.1% and 60.0%, respectively. Regarding this K99-to-R00 transition rate, Woitowich et al. found no difference by gender (Table 2). These results are consistent with a growing body of literature that shows that while there have been improvements to equity in funding outcomes by gender, similar improvements for achieving racial equity are lagging.

      The conclusions are well-supported by the data, and limitations of the data and the name-gender matching algorithm are described satisfactorily.

      One aspect that the authors should expand or comment on is the change in the rate of K99 to R00 conversions. Since 2016, while the absolute number of K99 and R00 awards has been increasing, the percentage of R00 conversions appears to be decreasing, especially in 2020 and 2021. This observation is not clearly stated or shown in Figure 1 but is an important point - if the effectiveness of the K99/R00 mechanism for postdoc-to-faculty transitions has been decreasing lately, then something is undermining the purpose of this mechanism. This result bears emphasis and potentially discussion for possible reasons for why this is happening.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      DeKraker et al. propose a new method for hippocampal registration using a surface-based approach that preserves the topology of the curvature of the hippocampus and boundaries of hippocampal subfields. The surface-based registration method proved to be more precise and resulted in better alignment compared to traditional volumetric-based registration. Moreover, the authors demonstrated that this method can be performed across image modalities by testing the method with seven different histological samples. While the conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, some aspects of the method need to be clarified. This work has the potential to be a powerful new registration technique that can enable precise hippocampal registration and alignment across subjects, datasets, and image modalities.

      Regarding the methodological clarification of the surfaced-based registration method, the last step of the process needs further clarification. Specifically, after creating the averaged 2D template, it is unclear how each individual sample is registered to sample1's space. If I understand correctly, after creating the averaged 2D template, each individual sample is then registered to sample1's space via the transform from each sample to the averaged template and then the inverse transform from the template to sample1's space. Samples included both left and right hemispheres, so were all samples being propagated to left hemisphere sample 1 space? The authors also note that a measure of the subfield labels overlap with that sample's ground-truth subfield definitions was calculated. Is this a measure of overlap, for example, between sample 3 (registered to sample 1 space) and the ground-truth (unfolded, not registered) sample 3 labels? It would be beneficial to provide a full walkthrough of one example sample to clarify the steps. Clarification of this aspect of the method is critical for understanding the evaluation of the method.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Mignerot et al. study variations in egg retention in a large set of wild C. elegans strains using detailed analysis of a subset of these strains to those that these variations in egg retention appear to arise from variations in egg-laying behavior. The authors then take advantage of the advanced genetic technology available in C. elegans, and the fact that the cellular and molecular mechanisms that drive egg-laying behavior in the N2 laboratory strain of C. elegans have been studied intensely for decades. Thus, they demonstrate that variations in multiple genetic loci appear to drive variations in egg laying across species, although they are unable to identify the specific genes that vary other than a potassium channel already identified in a previous study from some of these same authors (Vigne et al., 2021). Mignerot et al. also present evidence that variations in the response of the egg-laying system to the neuromodulator serotonin appear to underlie variations in egg-laying behavior across species. Finally, the authors present a series of studies examining how the retention of eggs in utero affects the fertility and survival of mothers versus the survival of their progeny in a variety of adverse conditions, including limiting food, and the presence of acute environmental insults such as alcohol or acid. The results suggest that variations in egg-laying behavior evolved as a response to adverse environmental conditions that impose a trade-off between survival of the mothers versus their progeny.


      The analysis of variations in egg laying by a large set of wild species significantly extends the previous work of Vigne et al. (2021), who focused on just one wild variant strain. Mignerot finds that variations in egg laying are widespread across C. elegans strains and result from changes in multiple genetic loci.

      To determine why various strains vary in their egg-laying behavior, the authors take advantage of the genetic tractability of C. elegans and the huge body of previous studies on the cellular and molecular basis of egg-laying behavior in the laboratory N2 strain. Since serotonin is one signal that induces egg laying, the authors subject various strains to serotonin and to drugs thought to alter serotonin signaling, and they also use CRISPR induced gene editing to mutate a serotonin reuptake transporter in some strains. The results are largely consistent with the idea that variations across strains alter how the egg-laying system responds to serotonin.

      The final figures in the paper present a far more detailed analysis than Vigne et al. (2021) of how variations in egg retention across species can affect fitness under various environmental stresses. Thus, Mignerot et al. look at competition under conditions of limiting food, and response to acute environmental insults, and compare the ability of adults, in utero eggs, and ex vivo eggs to survive. The results lead to an interesting discussion of how variations in behavior result in a trade-off in survival of mothers versus their progeny. The authors in their Discussion do a good job describing the challenges in interpreting the relevance of these laboratory results to the poorly-understood environmental conditions that C. elegans may experience in the wild. The Discussion also had an excellent section about how the ability of a single species to strongly regulate egg-laying behavior in response to its environment, and how this ability could be adaptive. Overall, these were the strongest and most interesting aspects of Mignerot et al.

      Weaknesses<br /> The specific potassium channel variation studied by Vigne et al. (2021) has by far the strongest effect on egg laying seen in the Mignerot et al. study and remains the only genetic variation that has been molecularly identified. So, Mignerot et al. were not able to identify any additional specific genes that vary across species to cause changes in egg laying, and this limited their ability to generate new insights into the specific cellular and molecular mechanisms that have changed across species to result in changes in egg laying behavior.

      The authors' use of drug treatments and CRISPR to alter serotonin signaling yielded some insights into mechanistic variations in how the egg-laying system functions across strains, but these experiments only allow very indirect inferences into what is going on. The analysis in Figures 4 and 5 generates a complex set of results that are not easy to interpret. The clearest result seems to be that strains carrying the KCNL-1 point mutation lay eggs poorly and exogenous serotonin inhibits rather than stimulates egg laying in these strains. This basic result was to a large extent reported previously in Vigne et al. 2021.

      The analysis of egg-laying behavior in Figure 3 is relatively weak. Whereas the state of the art in analyzing this behavior is to take videos of animals and track exactly when they lay eggs, the authors used a lower-tech method of just examining how many eggs were laid within 5 minute intervals. It is not clear that this allows adequate resolution to determine if the strains examined actually have clusters of egg-laying events (i.e. active phases) or not, so the entire analysis of active and inactive phase intervals seemed dubious. It was unclear that this analysis demonstrated differences in the patterns of egg-laying behavior between strains that could be sufficient to explain the differences in accumulation of unlaid eggs between these strains. In contrast, the variations in Fig 3G and 3H between strains were very strong. It is not clear why the authors did not focus more on these differences as being possibly largely responsible for the differences in egg retention between strains. In the discussion, the authors extensively write about the work of the Collins lab showing that retained eggs stretch the uterus to produce a signal that activates egg-laying muscles. Could it be that really this mechanism is the main one that varies between strains, leading to the observed variations in time to laying the first egg as well as variations in the number of retained eggs throughout adulthood?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Scheer and Bargmann investigate how behavioral arousal state affects foraging decisions in the nematode C. elegans. Previous work has shown that when placed on a lawn of bacterial food, C. elegans spontaneously switch between two behavioral states, termed roaming and dwelling, during which they exploit or explore the food environment, respectively. It has also been shown that animals spontaneously leave bacterial lawns depending on factors such as food quality or mate availability.

      Here, the authors use quantitative behavioral analyses to describe in unprecedented detail the various behavioral choices animals make when encountering the lawn edge. They report that leaving the lawn is a rare outcome compared to other choices such as pausing or reversing back into the lawn. It occurs predominantly out of the roaming state and has a characteristic preceding fast crawling profile. They developed a refined analysis method, the result of which suggests that the arousal state of animals on food can be described by a 4-state behavior (as opposed to the 2-state roaming - dwelling classification); leaving the lawn occurs predominantly from "state 3", which corresponds to the highest level of arousal during roaming. They further show that various manipulations, such as optogenetic inhibition of feeding, stimulation of RIB neurons, or mutations of neuromodulator pathways, all of which have previously been reported to affect crawling speed and/or roaming/dwelling, maintain the coupling between roaming states and leaving, suggesting a dedicated mechanism for coupling leaving to the roaming state. Finally, they use genetics to implicate chemosensory neurons as neuronal circuit elements mediating this coupling.

      How arousal states affect decision making is an active area of neuroscience research; therefore, the current manuscript will impact the field beyond the small community of C. elegans researchers. Also, in the past, roaming/dwelling and leaving have been treated as independent behaviors; the current manuscript is very intriguing, demonstrating both the interconnectedness of different behavioral programs and the importance of the animal's behavioral context for specific decisions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript examined the behavioural and neural profile of weak and strong fear memories. The data provide strong evidence that weak but not strong fear memories are subject to extinction and reconsolidation disruption. Strong memories also show greater generalization. These differences were echoed in differential neural connectivity with weak fear memories showing greater connectivity between brains areas than strong fear memories.


      The findings are of great importance and offer insight into why resistance to extinction and reconsolidation may underlie fear-related psychopathology.<br /> The study uses key behavioural tests to study the durability of weak vs strong memories (extinction and reconsolidation) as well as studies the generalisation of those memories. These behavioural effects nicely dovetail with the neural connectivity analyses that were performed.

      The data presented in this paper will be the basis for future hypothesis driven examinations on the causal influence of specific pathways involved in contextual fear.<br /> Excellent use of the open field to control for motor effects.


      One alternative account to the weak vs. strong memory distinction made in the paper is the opportunity for extinction in the 2S compared to the 10S group. In the 2S group, the last shock occurs in the 3rd minute, leaving 9 minutes of context exposure without reinforcement to follow. This is not the case for the 10S group. If context fear extinction is engaged during this time, then this would mean that two memories (acquisition and extinction) are taking place in the 2S group, weakening the fear memory in this group, setting up the ground for stronger effects of extinction, less generalization and of course potential greater connectivity required for representing and linking these memories. Indeed, the IL, a brain area linked to extinction, is more predominant in the connectivity map of the 2S compared to the 10S group. While testing this alternative is beyond the scope of this paper, it will need to be discussed.<br /> Methodological detail is lacking re the timeline of study, and connectivity analyses.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Mitochondria are essential cellular organelles that generate ATPs as the energy source for maintaining regular cellular functions. However, the degradation of sperm-borne mitochondria after fertilization is a conserved event known as mitophagy to ensure the exclusively maternal inheritance of the mitochondrial DNA genome. Defects on post-fertilization sperm mitophagy will lead to fatal consequences in patients. Therefore, understanding the cellular and molecular regulation of the post-fertilization sperm mitophagy process is critically important. In this study, Zuidema et. al applied mass spectrometry in conjunction with a porcine cell-free system to identify potential autophagic cofactors involved in post-fertilization sperm mitophagy. They identified a list of 185 proteins that might be candidates for mitophagy determinants (or their co-factors). Despite the fact that 6 (out of 185) proteins were further studied, based on their known functions, using a porcine cell-free system in conjunction with immunocytochemistry and Western blotting, to characterize the localization and modification changes these proteins, no further functional validation experiments were performed. Nevertheless, the data presented in the current study is of great interest and could be important for future studies in this field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Whether and how molecularly defined neuronal groups in the spinal cord process distinct modalities are of great interest. In this study, Boyle et al. characterized roles of inhibitory neurons expressing NPY in adult mice. By using chemogenetic, electrophysiological tools and behavioral measurements, the authors discovered that activating NPY+ interneurons strongly reduced pruritogen-evoked itch and reflexive behaviors (acute nociception or under inflammation / neuropathic pain states). Silencing NPY+ spinal interneurons enhanced spontaneous and chemical itch in a GRPR+ neurons dependent manner. The authors concluded that, unlike previous findings suggesting that these neurons are selective for mechanical itch, adult NPY+ interneurons play dual roles in gating various types of itch and pain.

      The authors performed careful characterization and comparisons between development lineage and adult spinal neurons expressing NPY. This lays the foundation of the current study. The behavioral measurements were also well designed with proper controls.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript describes more fully the relationship between zinc fluxes and calcium oscillations during egg activation by directly manipulating the level of zinc ions inside and outside the cell with chelators and ionophores and then measuring resulting changes in Ca++ oscillations. The authors have provided solid evidence consistent with their hypothesis that zinc ions regulate Ca++ oscillations by directly modulating the gating of the IP3-R which is the main calcium channel responsible for calcium release into the cytoplasm. The authors employ well established methods of calcium measurement along with various chelators, ionophores and a wide variety of methods that cause egg activation to demonstrate that an optimal level of zinc ions are required for Ca++ oscillations to occur.

      Helpfully, the authors provide a model to explain their observations in Figure 7. In the model, the increase in zinc during maturation is permissive for later IP3-R gating in response to IP3 generated at fertilization. The experiments with TPEN solidly demonstrate that Zn is required because lowering free zinc, as indicated by Fluozin staining), abrogates Ca++ oscillations. This is true regardless of the method of activation. What is not clearly described in the model or in the manuscript is whether the levels of zinc at MII are simply permissive for IP3-R gating or whether there is a more acute relationship between zinc fluxes and Ca++ oscillations. In the original paper describing the zinc spark (Kim et al., ACS Chem Biol 6:716-723), the authors show that zinc efflux very closely mirrors Ca++ oscillations suggesting a more active relationship such that zinc efflux associate with each calcium spike could be necessary for terminating the Ca spike by depleting cytoplasmic Zn. There is some evidence in the present manuscript to support this. For example, in figure 3B, TPEN appears to acutely terminate a Ca spike. Whether this is repeatable is not known. Conversely, in Figure 5C and 5E, PyT leads to a rapid restoration of Ca oscillations within minutes demonstrating that changes in free Zn can cause rapid changes in Ca++ oscillations. Perhaps, rather than simply a permissive role, the normal Zn fluxes during activation may be acutely changing IP3-R gating sensitivity.

      The role of TRPv3 and Trpm7 in Zn homeostasis during egg activation seems to be minor and the results in the dKO oocytes compared to TPEN are a bit confusing. In the dKO oocytes, zinc acquisition was sufficient to make it to MII suggesting Zn transport through these channels is dispensable for maturation. During activation, however, the response to Tg in dKO eggs was opposite that of TPEN, higher cytosolic Ca and increase amplitude (Figure 4G) vs lower cytoplasmic Ca and frequency for TPEN (Figure 4A). Perhaps loss of these two channels changes Ca gating independent of Zinc.

      The effect of PyT on the apparent rise in cytoplasmic Ca++ in figure 6 is interpreted as caused by an artifact of high Zn concentrations. However, it is not clear that 0.05 uM PyT would necessarily increase cytoplasmic Zn to the point where FURA-2 fluorescence would increase. A simpler interpretation is that PyT allows sufficient Zn to enter the cell and keeps the IP3-R channels open causing a sustained rise in cytoplasmic Ca and preventing oscillations in Ca++. This interpretation would also preclude inhibitory effects of high Zn concentrations as shown in figure 7 which may or may not be present but are simply speculation.

      Overall, this study significantly advances our understanding of egg activation and could lead to better ways of in vitro egg activation in women undergoing assisted reproduction.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The axon initial segment (AIS) is the axonal domain where most neurons integrate inputs and generate action potentials. Though structural and electrophysiological studies have allowed to better understand the mechanisms of assembly and maintenance of this domain, as well as its functions, there is still a need for efficient tools to study its structural organization and plasticity in vivo.

      In this article, the authors describe the generation of a knock-in mouse reporter line allowing the conditional expression of a GFP-tagged version of AnkyrinG (Ank-G), which is a major protein of the axon initial segment and the nodes of Ranvier in neurons. This reporter line can in particular be used to study axon initial segment assembly and plasticity, by combining it with mouse lines or viruses expressing the Cre recombinase under the control of a neuronal promoter. Furthermore, the design of the line should allow to preserve the expression of the main Ank-G isoforms observed in neurons and could thus allow to study Ank-G related mechanisms in various neuronal subcompartments.

      Some mouse lines allowing the neuronal expression of AIS/node of Ranvier markers coupled to a fluorescent protein exist, however they correspond to transgenic lines leading to potential overexpression of the tagged protein. Depending on the promoter used, their expression can vary and be absent in some neuronal populations (in particular, the Thy-1 promoter can lead to variable expression depending on the transgene insertion locus). Furthermore, these lines do not allow conditional expression of the protein regarding neuronal subtypes nor controlled temporal expression. Finally, a thorough description of the in vivo expression of the tagged protein at the AIS, and its impact on the structural and electrophysiological properties of the AIS are missing for these lines.

      The present reporter line is thus definitely of interest, as the authors convincingly show that it can be used to visualize AIS ans Nodes of Ranvier in various contexts (from in vitro to in vivo). It could in particular be useful to study the assembly and plasticity of the domains where Ank-G is expressed. In this work, the authors thoroughly characterize the Ank-G-GFP reporter line generated and show that the structural and electrophysiological properties of the labeled neurons are not altered by the expression of the tagged Ank-G.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript entitled "Linking the evolution of two prefrontal brain regions to social and foraging challenges in primates" the authors measure the volume of the frontal pole (FP, related to metacognition) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC, related to working memory) in 16 primate species to evaluate the influence of socio-ecological factors on the size of these cortical regions. The authors select 11 socio-ecological variables and use a phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) approach to evaluate the joint influence of these socio-ecological variables on the neuro-anatomical variability of FP and DLPFC across the 16 selected primate species; in this way, the authors take into account the phylogenetic relations across primate species in their attempt to discover the influence of socio-ecological variables on FP and DLPF evolution.

      The authors run their studies on brains collected from 1920 to 1970 and preserved in formalin solution. Also, they obtained data from the Mussée National d´Histoire Naturelle in Paris and from the Allen Brain Institute in California. The main findings consist in showing that the volume of the FP, the DLPFC, and the Rest of the Brain (ROB) across the 16 selected primate species is related to three socio-ecological variables: body mass, daily traveled distance, and population density. The authors conclude that metacognition and working memory are critical for foraging in primates and that FP volume is more sensitive to social constraints than DLPFC volume.

      The topic addressed in the present manuscript is relevant for understanding human brain evolution from the point of view of primate research, which, unfortunately, is a shrinking field in neuroscience. But the experimental design has two major weak points: the absence of lissencephalic primates among the selected species and the delimitation of FP and DLPFC. Also, a general theoretical and experimental frame linking evolution (phylogeny) and development (ontogeny) is lacking.

      Major comments.<br /> 1.- Is the brain modular? Is there modularity in brain evolution?: The entire manuscript is organized around the idea that the brain is a mosaic of units that have separate evolutionary trajectories:

      "In terms of evolution, the functional heterogeneity of distinct brain regions is captured by the notion of 'mosaic brain', where distinct brain regions could show a specific relation with various socio-ecological challenges, and therefore have relatively separate evolutionary trajectories".

      This hypothesis is problematic for several reasons. One of them is that each evolutionary module of the brain mosaic should originate in embryological development from a defined progenitor (or progenitors) domain [see García-Calero and Puelles (2020)]. Also, each evolutionary module should comprise connections with other modules; in the present case, FP and DLPFC have not evolved alone but in concert with, at least, their corresponding thalamic nuclei and striatal sector. Did those nuclei and sectors also expand across the selected primate species? Can the authors relate FP and DLPFC expansion to a shared progenitor domain across the analyzed species? This would be key to proposing homology hypotheses for FP and DLPFC across the selected species. The authors use all the time the comparative approach but never explicitly their criteria for defining homology of the cerebral cortex sectors analyzed.

      Contemporary developmental biology has showed that the selection of morphological brain features happens within severe developmental constrains. Thus, the authors need a hypothesis linking the evolutionary expansion of FP and DLPFC during development. Otherwise, the claims form the mosaic brain and modularity lack fundamental support.

      Also, the authors refer most of the time to brain regions, which is confusing because they are analyzing cerebral cortex regions.

      2.- Definition and delimitation of FP and DLPFC: The precedent questions are also related to the definition and parcellation of FP and DLPFC. How homologous cortical sectors are defined across primate species? And then, how are those sectors parcellated?

      The authors delimited the FP:

      "...according to different criteria: it should match the functional anatomy for known species (macaques and humans, essentially) and be reliable enough to be applied to other species using macroscopic neuroanatomical landmarks".

      There is an implicit homology criterion here: two cortical regions in two primate species are homologs if these regions have similar functional anatomy based on cortico-cortical connections. Also, macroscopic neuroanatomical landmarks serve to limit the homologs across species.

      This is highly problematic. First, because similar function means analogy and not necessarily homology [for further explanation see Puelles et al. (2019); García-Cabezas et al. (2022)]. Second, because there are several lissencephalic primate species; in these primates, like marmosets and squirrel monkeys, the whole approach of the authors could not have been implemented. Should we suppose that lissencephalic primates lack FP or DLPFC? Do these primates have significantly more simplistic ways of life than gyrencephalic primates? Marmosets and squirrel monkeys have quite small brains; does it imply that they have not experience the influence of socio-ecological factors on the size of FP, DLPFC, and the rest of the brain?

      The authors state that:

      "the strong development of executive functions in species with larger prefrontal cortices is related to an absolute increase in number of neurons, rather than in an increase in the ration between the number of neurons in the PFC vs the rest of the brain".

      How does it apply to marmosets and squirrel monkeys?

      References:<br /> García-Cabezas MA, Hacker JL, Zikopoulos B (2022) Homology of neocortical areas in rats and primates based on cortical type analysis: an update of the Hypothesis on the Dual Origin of the Neocortex. Brain structure & function Online ahead of print. doi:doi.org/10.1007/s00429-022-02548-0

      García-Calero E, Puelles L (2020) Histogenetic radial models as aids to understanding complex brain structures: The amygdalar radial model as a recent example. Front Neuroanat 14:590011. doi:10.3389/fnana.2020.590011

      Nieuwenhuys R, Puelles L (2016) Towards a New Neuromorphology. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25693-1

      Puelles L, Alonso A, Garcia-Calero E, Martinez-de-la-Torre M (2019) Concentric ring topology of mammalian cortical sectors and relevance for patterning studies. J Comp Neurol 527 (10):1731-1752. doi:10.1002/cne.24650

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Schnell et al. performed two extensive behavioral experiments concerning the processing of objects in rats and humans. To this aim, they designed a set of objects parametrically varying along alignment and concavity and then they used activations from a pretrained deep convolutional neural network to select stimuli that would require one of two different discrimination strategies, i.e. relying on either low- or high-level processing exclusively. The results show that rodents rely more on low-level processing than humans.


      1. The results are challenging and call for a different interpretation of previous evidence. Indeed, this work shows that common assumptions about task complexity and visual processing are probably biased by our personal intuitions and are not equivalent in rodents, which instead tend to rely more on low-level properties.<br /> 2. This is an innovative (and assumption-free) approach that will prove useful to many visual neuroscientists. Personally, I second the authors' excitement about the proposed approach, and its potential to overcome the limits of experimenters' creativity and intuitions. In general, the claims seem well supported and the effects sufficiently clear.<br /> 3. This work provides an insightful link between rodent and human literature on object processing. Given the increasing number of studies on visual perception involving rodents, these kinds of comparisons are becoming crucial.<br /> 4. The paper raises several novel questions that will prompt more research in this direction.


      1. There are a few inconsistencies in the number of subjects reported. Sometimes 45 humans are mentioned and sometimes 50. Probably they are just typos, but it's unclear.<br /> 2. A few aspects mentioned in the introduction and results are only defined in the Methods thus making the manuscript a bit hard to follow (e.g. the alignment dimension), htus I had to jump often from the main text to the methods to get a sense of their meaning.<br /> 3. The choices related to the stimulus design and the network used to categorize them are not fully described and would benefit from some further clarification/justification. The choice of alignment and concavity as baseline properties of the stimuli is not properly discussed. Also, from the low-correlations I got the feeling that AlexNet is just not a good model of rat visual processing. Which indeed can be interpreted as further evidence of what the authors are trying to demonstrate, but it might also be an isolated case.<br /> 4. Many important aspects of the task are not fully described in the Methods (e.g. size of the stimuli, reaction times and basic statistics on the responses).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Zhu et al explored molecular mechanisms by which Ebola virus (EBOV) evades host innate immune response. EBOV has a number of means to shut down the type I interferon induction (by viral VP35 protein) and block type I interferon action (by viral VP24 protein). This study reported a new mechanism that inclusion body (IB) used for viral replication sequesters IRF3, a key transcription factor involved in the interferon signaling, resulting in blockade of downstream type I interferon gene transcription. This finding is potentially interesting and may provide a new insight into EBOV's evasion of innate immunity. However, there are some flaws in the experimentations and analyses that need to be addressed.

      1) Most of experiments were performed by transfection of trVLP plasmids, which is very different from virus infection. The conclusions should be examined and verified in the context of virus infection.

      2) Fig 1 - VP35 displayed a classical IB staining only in Panel A, while much less so in Panel C and not in panel B. It seemed that the VP35 staining images were chosen in a way towards the authors' favor. The statistical analysis of co-localization of VP35 and IRF3, TBK1 or IKKe should be performed to draw the conclusion. Another concern is that IKKe is normally lowly expressed under a rest condition and becomes induced only when the interferon signaling is activated. It seemed to be expressed at a high level even when the interferon signaling is blocked in Panel C. The authors should comment on this discrepancy.

      3) Fig 2 - Was this experiment done by transfection or infection? The description of result is not consistent with the figure legend. The labeling was also not consistent between panel A and B. I would suggest performing Western blot to analyze the expression level of IRF3.

      4) Fig 3 and 4 - As VP35 is well known for its highly efficient blockade of type I interferon activation, how would the authors differentiate the effect of VP35 alone from the sequestration of IRF3 in IBs in these experiments?

      5) Fig 3 - PolyIC can activate both RLR and TLR signaling pathways. Can the author comment on which pathway it activates in this experiment?

      6) The authors demonstrated that VP35 interacts with STING and recruit the latter to IBs. How would this affect the function of STING given that STING plays essential roles in cGAS/cGAMP pathway?

      7) It is difficult to follow the logics of Fig 7. The expression level of each viral protein should be determined. Ideally, a mutation in VP35 that disrupts its ability to antagonize the interferon signaling but still allows for the IB formation can be used to assess the relative contribution of IB sequestering IRF3.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors aimed to connect SIRT-1 to EV-D68 virus release through mediating ER stress. They are successful in robustly connecting these pathways experimentally and show a new role for SIRT-1 in EV-D68 infection. These results extend to additional viruses, suggesting role(s) for SIRT-1 in diverse virus infection.

      The authors note that EV-D68 does not significantly impact SIRT-1 protein levels (Fig 1E and F), though this has been described for other picornaviruses (Xander et al., J Immunol 2019; Han et al., J Cell Sci 2016; Kanda et al Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2015). This may be of interest to note in the manuscript.

      The data regarding CVB3 (Fig S4) are especially interesting because they show no discernable impact on infection. The manuscript should describe this further and perhaps speculate on potential reasons. Could it be due to inefficient knockdown?

      SIRT-1 (and other sirtuins) have been linked to an innate interferon response. Are any of the phenotypes observed here due to IFN responses? The use of H1HeLa cells would suggest this is not the case.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The data presented support and extend some previously published data using Drosophila as a model to unravel the cellular and genetic basis of human Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (DOA). In human, mutations in OPA1, a mitochondrial dynamin like GTPase (amongst others), are the most common cause for DOA. By using a Drosophila loss-of-function mutations, RNAi-mediated knockdown and overexpression, the authors could recapitulate some aspects of the disease phenotype, which could be rescued by the wild-type version of the human gene. Their assays allowed them to distinguish between mutations causing human DOA, affecting the optic system and supposed to be loss-of-function mutations, and those mutations supposed to act as dominant negative, resulting in DOA plus, in which other tissues/organs are affected as well.

      Based on the lack of information in the Materials and Methods section and in several figure legends, it was not in all cases possible to follow the conclusions of the authors. Similarly, how the knowledge gained could help to "inform early treatment decisions in patients with mutations in hOPA1" (Line 38) cannot be followed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors investigate the origin of asexual reproduction through hybridization between species. In loaches, diploid, polyploid, and asexual forms have been described in natural populations. The authors experimentally cross multiple species of loaches and conduct an impressively detailed characterization of gametogenesis using molecular cytogenetics to show that although meiosis arrests early in male hybrids, a subset of cells in females undergo endoreplication before meiosis, producing diploid eggs. This only occurred in hybrids of parental species that were of intermediate divergence. This work supports an expanding view of speciation where asexuality could emerge during a narrow evolutionary window where genomic divergence between species is not too high to cause hybrid inviability, but high enough to disrupt normal meiotic processes.

      I enjoyed reading this study and I appreciate the amount of work it takes to conduct these types of cytogenetic experiments. But, my main concern with this study is I was left wondering if the sample sizes are large enough to get a sense how variable endoreplication is in these loach species. Most of the hybrids between species are the result of crosses between 1-2 families. Within males and females, meiocyte observations are limited to a handful of pachytene and diplotene stages. I think it would be helpful to be more transparent about the sample sizes in the main text.

      Along these lines, the authors argue against the possibility that endoreplication may be predisposed to occur at a higher rate in some species (line 291). Instead, they suggest that endoreplication is a result of perturbing the cell cycle by combining the genomes of two different species. Their main argument is based on gonocyte counts from parental females in a previous reference. It is essential to include counts from the parents used in this study to make a clear comparison with the F1s.

      In the discussion (lines 320-333), the authors postulate the sex-specific clonality they observe could be a result of Haldane's rule. Given these fish do not have known sex chromosomes, I do not find this argument strong. Haldane's rule refers to the exposure of recessive incompatibilities with the sex chromosomes in the hybrid heterogametic sex. This effect would therefore be limited to degenerated sex chromosomes where much of the sequence content on the Y or W has been lost. These species may have homomorphic sex chromosomes, but if this is the case, they likely are not very degenerated. Instead, it seems more plausible that the sex-specific effect the authors observe is due to intrinsic differences of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Is there any information about sex-specific differences in the fidelity of gametogenesis from other species that would support a higher likelihood of endoreplication?

      The final thing I was left wondering about was this missing link between endoreplication and activating embryonic development of the diploid egg. In these loach species, a sperm is required to activate egg development, but the sperm genome is discarded (line 100). What is the mechanism of this and how does it evolve concurrently during hybridization?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This preprint presents a compelling study examining the relationship between genotypic changes and phenotypic traits in bacteria over an extended period using the Long-Term Evolution Experiment (LTEE) as a model. The primary advances in methodology include employing high-resolution mass spectrometry for comprehensive metabolic profiling and combining it with previous gene expression and DNA sequencing datasets. This approach provides insight into how specific genetic mutations can alter metabolic pathways over 50,000 generations, enabling a deeper understanding of how genetic changes lead to observed differences in evolved bacterial strains. The findings reveal that evolved bacteria possess more diverse metabolic profiles compared to their ancestors, suggesting that these populations have uniquely adapted to their environment. The work also attempts to uncover the molecular basis for this adaptive evolution, demonstrating how specific genetic changes have influenced the bacteria's metabolic pathways.

      Overall, this is a significant and well-executed research study. It offers new insights into the complex relationship between genetic changes and observable traits in evolving populations and utilizes metabolomics in the LTEE, a novel approach in combination with RNA-seq and mutation datasets.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors used ANM-LD and GNM-based Transfer Entropy to investigate the allosteric communications network of CFTR. The modeling results are validated with experimental observations. Key residues were identified as pivotal allosteric sources and transducers and may account for disease mutations.

      The paper is well written and the results are significant for understanding CFTR biology.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Using fNIRS and resting state recordings of brain activity, authors have compared functional network organization in infants with congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) as well as typically developing infants. The manuscript reports a disruption in the development of leftward hemispheric lateralization in SNHL infants as compared to typically developing infants, across several network measures. The study used an adapted methodology for infants, and involved an adequate number of infants for cross-sectional studies and the findings are valuable. However, a number of methodological points and controls need to be taken into account to better explain the results and to remove redundancy. Moreover, the discussion can be improved by a more detailed comparison between the current work and the past literature.

      - My major concern is that functional connectivity patterns change importantly depending on the sleep stage (Uchitel et al., 2021 Pediatric Research; Tóth et al., 2017 Human Brain mapping), it is therefore not enough to have all infants sleep, but to have them on the same sleep stage. Therefore, authors need to re-analyze their dataset taking into account sleep stage as a factor, i.e. grouping infants based on the sleep stage (otherwise it can be a confounding factor - as one can imagine that infants with sensorineural hearing loss may enter "quiet sleep" faster in a short recording session - given the environmental noise does not bother them etc.). This could completely change the interpretation of the results. Do authors have a mean in the data or via additional recordings (respiration, EMG, ECG?) to separate the sleep stages?

      - Several statistical analyses are performed with redundancy, i.e. several effects are looked at in more than one test: for example one ANOVA analysis with several factors including group (SNHL/typical) as a factor, is followed by two other separate ANOVAs with the same variables as before but redone for each group separately. The latter tests are redundant. This has happened across different sections, making the manuscript unnecessarily long while also reporting effects that are redundant.

      - Given the number of statistical comparisons performed, it would be helpful that authors better explain how corrections are performed: number of comparisons for each correction or which tests are considered independent (i.e. across which correction of multiple comparisons are not performed).

      - The discussion generally needs to be improved: both for the position of the current study/novelty/strength and its limitations with respect to the previous works (Cui et al 2022- also looking into early functional organization in SNHL, etc) and also in terms of the differences in findings (i.e. associations of functional connectivity measures to hearing loss severity)

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors examine the transport of chemical compounds from a surrounding fluid environment to the surface of the polyp Hydra. They propose that spontaneous contractions of the body, which are known to occur roughly three times per hour, provide a new fluid environment near the body surface and thereby increase the total rate of compound uptake. Experimental measurements and a mathematical model are used to support the main claim. Active probes of the system involve the use of ion channel inhibitors, which can affect the frequency of contractions. But there is a useful feature of Hydra already present which the authors also use for a comparative study, namely the different microbial environments near the Hydra's motionless foot and near its moving head. The evidence which is provided puts the claim on solid footing. The main result represents an important observation about the role of hydrodynamics on organism behavior, in particular in its relation to diffusive chemical transport processes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors wanted to determine if the mRNA modification m6A is involved in axonal regeneration pathways. They performed a small-scale siRNA screen targeting major components of this pathway to determine if not down if any of these genes would influence axonal regeneration. They identified ALKBH5, an m6A demethylating enzyme, as a gene that represses axonal regeneration after injury, and when knocked down, promotes axonal growth. They identify a putative mRNA target of ALKBH5, Lpin2, which they believe is demethylated by ALKBH5, resulting in higher levels of m6A on this transcript and thus greater mRNA degradation and reduced expression.

      This study has major weaknesses. The ALKBH5 knockout mouse is not used. Thus the experiment relies on the selectivity of the siRNA. Many experiments relied on the single siRNA. The knockdown efficiency was relatively poor, with only a small change in ALKBH5 protein levels. The authors never assess whether m6A levels are indeed affected by ALKBH5 depletion using their approach. The results are therefore unconvincing because of not using the appropriate mouse model. Additionally, the authors' attempt to identify a target of ALKBH5 was not done using the appropriate approach, which would involve globally profiling m6A levels in control and ALKBH5 knockout conditions. Since they did not do global profiling of m6A, the authors cannot report how the exact stoichiometry of m6A sites in Lpin2 is affected (and if other mRNAs are affected which might be the true targets of ALKBH5). Attempts by other investigators to identify bona fide targets of ALKBH5 have been difficult, and the authors did not do the appropriate unbiased transcriptome-wide screen but instead used generic gene expression approaches to come to their target. It is not clear if they have a direct or indirect target of ALKBH5 based on the presented data.

      Overall, the authors have not achieved their aims and the results do not support the overall conclusions. However, some studies related to Lpin2 overexpression and not down suggest that this gene indeed can influence axonal regeneration in some way. But whether it is a direct target of ALKBH5 and whether ALKBH5 indeed has any role in axonal regeneration is still not clear.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Neutrophils are not known to be the cells responsible for removal of apoptotic cells through efferocytosis. This report provides strong evidence that neutrophils can remove apoptotic hepatocytes in vivo and in vitro. In addition, neutrophils, which are much smaller in size than hepatocytes, can burrow into apoptotic hepatocytes.

      Neutrophils are the most abundant circulating leukocytes in human. They play important roles in innate immune responses to infections and tissue injuries. Although they are dept in phagocytosis of microbes, neutrophils are not known to normally conduct efferocytosis or phagocytose host cells including apoptotic cells and play a significant role in apoptotic cell removal. In this report the authors provide evidence to suggest that neutrophils are involved in removal of apoptotic hepatocytes with certain specificity (i.e., they do not remove HEK293 or HUVEC endothelial cells). Moreover, the authors also show that neutrophils can burrow into the target cells and possibly ingest the target cells from the inside. The authors thus term this neutrophil-mediated efferocytosis process as "perforocytosis". Furthermore, evidence is provided to suggest that this neutrophil-mediated efferocytosis process keeps the number of apoptotic cells low in the livers and that defects in the processes may associate with autoimmune liver (AIL) disease phenotypes. Therefore, many of these findings are novel and the study is of important implications in our understanding of the role of neutrophils in autoimmune disease. Overall speaking, as the first report describing this novel finding, the authors have provided reasonably strong evidence for the conclusion that neutrophils burrow into apoptotic hepatocytes to perform "perforocytosis" to eliminate apoptotic hepatocytes. The importance, particularly in vivo significance, of this phenomenon needs to be further substantiated in future studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      MotorNet aims to provide a unified interface where the trained RNN controller exists within the same TensorFlow environment as the end effectors being controlled. This architecture provides a much simpler interface for the researcher to develop and iterate through computational hypotheses. In addition, the authors have built a set of biomechanically realistic end effectors (e.g., an 2 joint arm model with realistic muscles) within TensorFlow that are fully differentiable.

      MotorNet will prove a highly useful starting point for researchers interested in exploring the challenges of controlling movement with realistic muscle and joint dynamics. The architecture features a conveniently modular design and the inclusion of simpler arm models provides an approachable learning curve. Other state-of-the-art simulation engines offer realistic models of muscles and multi-joint arms and afford more complex object manipulation and contact dynamics than MotorNet. However, MotorNet's approach allows for direct optimization of the controller network via gradient descent rather than reinforcement learning, which is a compromise currently required when other simulation engines (as these engines' code cannot be differentiated through).

      The paper could be reorganized to provide clearer signposts as to what role each section plays (e.g., that the explanation of the moment arms of different joint models serves to illustrate the complexity of realistic biomechanics, rather than a novel discovery/exposition of this manuscript). Also, if possible, it would be valuable if the authors could provide more insight into whether gradient descent finds qualitatively different solutions to RL or other non gradient-based methods. This would strengthen the argument that a fully differentiable plant is useful beyond improving training time / computational power required (although this is a sufficiently important rationale per se).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors conducted a study where participants were perceiving near-threshold touch at either the thumb or ring finger while lying in the MR scanner. Prior to stimulation, a visual cue indicated to them with 80% probability which finger would be touched next (thumb or ring finger), or did not provide meaningful information on which finger would be touched. Subsequently, participants were asked to indicate which finger was actually touched via button press. By showing that 1. participants were more accurate in responding which finger was touched in the congruent compared to the incongruent and neutral conditions, 2. S1 responses were higher in the incongruent compared to the congruent and neutral conditions, 3. decoding accuracies were higher for the congruent compared to incongruent and neutral conditions, and 4. decoding was also successful in the period after cueing and before stimulation, the authors argue that similar to V1, S1 shows decreased BOLD activation in response to expected versus non-expected stimuli, whereas the finger-specific response is more precise for expected versus non-expected stimuli. The authors also argue that behavioral improvement is associated to a tactile stimulus being predicted in location.


      The manuscript combines a behavioral threshold task that can be analyzed using psychophysics with BOLD responses in S1, providing a rich paradigm to understand the relationship between S1 responsively and tactile perception. The authors combine GLM with both ROI-based and whole-brain searchlight-based decoding analyses, and therefore offer different analyses methods to obtain a comprehensive picture of the S1 responsively during expected versus non-expected touch. It is also a strength of the paper that two different fingers were investigated, hence addressing the aspect of topography.


      The behavioral paradigm that was chosen is not ideal to address the authors' questions on whether or not behavior improves for expected versus non-expected touch. More precisely, in 80% of the cases when it was indicated that the ring finger would be touched, in fact later the ring finger was touched, whereas in 80% of the cases when it was indicated that the thumb would be touched, in fact later the thumb was touched. In the congruent conditions where later the indicated finger was indeed touched, participants showed on average 70% accuracy. Therefore, they could have reached this accuracy level simply by choosing the indicated finger unless they had a strong sensation that indicated to them to respond otherwise. In order to show that the cueing can improve behavioral performance, one would have to choose a tactile task that is not related to finger identity (which was cued), such as frequency detection or spatial acuity.

      The correlation between accuracy and decoding accuracies as shown in Figure 3b does not seem to be correct. The decoding accuracies indicate how well the algorithm can differentiate between D1 versus D4 stimulation in the congruent condition, whereas the behavior indicates the difference between congruent and incongruent responses. I think those two measures should not directly be compared, in addition to the general problem that is inherent in the behavioral paradigm, as outlined above. I would therefore treat this correction and the behavioral analyses in general with great caution.

      Alternative ways to interpret the data

      It is worth noting that the incongruent stimulation condition did not reveal significant D1 versus D4 decoding results neither when ROI-based decoding was used nor when searchlight-based decoding was used (see Figure 3a,c). Therefore, it seems that when the wrong finger was cued, the finger representation of the actually touched finger did not respond. Given the decoding accuracy is even below 50% for the incongruent ROI-based decoding, this seems to indicate that the finger-specific response in S1 to the cued finger is even stronger than the finger-specific response in S1 to the actually touched finger. This may be the major take-home-message of the paper. This hypothesis could be directly tested by showing the the plot in Figure 2c for each finger: The results may show that the higher activation in the incongruent condition is actually due to the fact that in this condition, both the non-touched and finger the touched finger respond, whereas this is not the case for the other conditions.

      When discussing this finding, the authors write that "finger representations of congruent vibrotactile stimulations are associated with higher multivariate information content, are more aligned with the somatotropin organization in contralateral S1, and that the enhanced representation of these stimuli is strongly associated with behavioral detection performance." - A better formulation may be that for threshold tactile stimulation, the expectation of finger touch can override the actual finger touch, indicating a strong influence of top-down control on S1 finger maps. This is also supported by the analyses that there is finger-specific activation in the cue-stimulation interval. However, as indicated above, finger- and condition-specific BOLD activation needs to be shown to explore this in more detail.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Olszyński et al. claim that they identified a "new-type" ultrasonic vocalization around 44 kHz that occurs in response to prolonged fear conditioning (using foot-shocks of relatively high intensity, i.e. 1 mA) in rats. Typically, negative 22-kHz calls and positive 50-kHz calls are distinguished in rats, commonly by using a frequency threshold of 30 or 32 kHz. Olszyński et al. now observed so-called "44-kHz" calls in a substantial number of subjects exposed to 10 tone-shock pairings, yet call emission rate was low (according to Fig. 1G around 15%, according to the result text around 7.5%). They also performed playback experiments and concluded that "the responses to 44-kHz aversive calls presented from the speaker were either similar to 22-kHz vocalizations or in-between responses to 22-kHz and 50-kHz playbacks".

      Strengths: Detailed spectrographic analysis of a substantial data set of ultrasonic vocalizations recorded during prolonged fear conditioning, combined with playback experiments.

      Weaknesses: I see a number of major weaknesses.

      While the descriptive approach applied is useful, the findings have only focused importance and scope, given the low prevalence of "44 kHz" calls and limited attempts made to systematically manipulate factors that lead to their emission. In fact, the data presented appear to be derived from reanalyses of previously conducted studies in most cases and the main claims are only partially supported. While reading the manuscript, I got the impression that the data presented here are linked to two or three previously published studies (Olszyński et al., 2020, 2021, 2023). This is important to emphasize for two reasons: 1) It is often difficult (if not impossible) to link the reported data to the different experiments conducted before (and the individual experimental conditions therein). While reanalyzing previously collected data can lead to important insight, it is important to describe in a clear and transparent manner what data were obtained in what experiment (and more specifically, in what exact experimental condition) to allow appropriate interpretation of the data. For example, it is said that in the "trace fear conditioning experiment" both single- and group-housed rats were included, yet I was not able to tell what data were obtained in single- versus group-housed rats. This may sound like a side aspect, however, in my view this is not a side aspect given the fact that ultrasonic vocalizations are used for communication and communication is affected by the social housing conditions. 2) In at least two of the previously published manuscripts (Olszyński et al., 2021, 2023), emission of ultrasonic vocalizations was analyzed (Figure S1 in Olszyński et al., 2021, and Fig. 1 in Olszyński et al., 2023). This includes detailed spectrographic analyses covering the frequency range between 20 and 100 kHz, i.e. including the frequency range, where the "new-type" ultrasonic vocalization, now named "44 kHz" call, occurs, as reflected in the examples provided in Fig. 1 of Olszyński et al. (2023). In the materials and methods there, it was said: "USV were assigned to one of three categories: 50-kHz (mean peak frequency, MPF >32 kHz), short 22-kHz (MPF of 18-32 kHz, <0.3 s duration), long 22-kHz (MPF of 18-32 kHz, >0.3 s duration)". Does that mean that the "44 kHz" calls were previously included in the count for 50-kHz calls? Or were 44 kHz calls (intentionally?) left out? What does that mean for the interpretation of the previously published data? What does that mean for the current data set? In my view, there is a lack of transparency here.

      Moreover, whether the newly identified call type is indeed novel is questionable, as also mentioned by the authors in their discussion section. While they wrote in the introduction that "high-pitch (>32 kHz), long and monotonous ultrasonic vocalizations have not yet been described", they wrote in the discussion that "long (or not that long (Biały et al., 2019)), frequency-stable high-pitch vocalizations have been reported before (e.g. Sales, 1979; Shimoju et al., 2020), notably as caused by intense cholinergic stimulation (Brudzynski and Bihari, 1990) or higher shock-dose fear conditioning (Wöhr et al., 2005)" (and I wish to add that to my knowledge this list provided by the authors is incomplete). Therefore, I believe, the strong claims made in abstract ("we are the first to describe a new-type..."), introduction ("have not yet been described"), and results ("new calls") are not justified.

      In general, the manuscript is not well written/ not well organized, the description of the methods is insufficient, and it is often difficult (if not impossible) to link the reported data to the experiments/ experimental conditions described in the materials and methods section. For example, I miss a clear presentation of basic information: 1) How many rats emitted "44 kHz" calls (in total, per experiment, and importantly, also per experimental condition, i.e. single- versus group-housed)? 2) Out of the ones emitting "44 kHz" calls, what was the prevalence of "44 kHz" calls (relative to 22- and 50-kHz calls, e.g. shown as percentage)? 3) How did this ratio differ between experiments and experimental conditions? 4) Was there a link to freezing? Freezing was apparently analyzed before (Olszyński et al., 2021, 2023) and it would be important to see whether there is a correlation between "44-kHz" calls and freezing. Moreover, it would be important to know what behavior the rats are displaying while such "44-kHz" calls are emitted? (Note: Even not all 22-kHz calls are synced to freezing.) All this could help to substantiate the currently highly speculative claims made in the discussion section ("frequency increases with an increase in arousal" and "it could be argued that our prolonged fear conditioning increased the arousal of the rats with no change in the valence of the aversive stimuli"). Such more detailed analyses are also important to rule out the possibility that the "new-type" ultrasonic vocalization, the so-called "44 kHz" call, is simply associated with movement/ thorax compression.

      The figures currently included are purely descriptive in most cases - and many of them are just examples of individual rats (e.g. majority of Fig. 1, all of Fig. 2 to my understanding, with the exception of the time course, which in case of D is only a subset of rats ("only rats that emitted 44-kHz calls in at least seven ITI are plotted" - is there any rationale for this criterion?)), or, in fact, just representative spectrograms of calls (all of Fig. 3, with the exception of G, all of Fig. 4). Moreover, the differences between Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 are not clear to me. It seems Fig. 5B is included three times - what is the benefit of including the same figure three times? A systematic comparison of experimental conditions is limited to Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, the figures depicting the playback results (which led to the conclusion that "the responses to 44-kHz aversive calls presented from the speaker were either similar to 22-kHz vocalizations or in-between responses to 22-kHz and 50-kHz playbacks", although it remains unclear to me why differences were seen b e f o r e the experimental manipulation, i.e. the different playback types in Fig. 8B).

      Related to that, I miss a clear presentation of relevant methodological aspects: 1) Why were some rats single-housed but not the others? 2) Is the experimental design of the playback study not confounded? It is said that "one group (n = 13) heard 50-kHz appetitive vocalization playback while the other (n = 16) 22-kHz and 44-kHz aversive calls". How can one compare "44 kHz" calls to 22- and 50-kHz calls when "44 kHz" calls are presented together with 22-kHz calls but not 50-kHz calls? What about carry-over effects? Hearing one type of call most likely affects the response to the other type of call. It appears likely that rats are a bit more anxious after hearing aversive 22-kHz calls, for example. Therefore, it would not be very surprising to see that the response to "44 kHz" calls is more similar to 22-kHz calls than 50-kHz calls. Of note, in case of the other playback experiment it is just said that rats "received appetitive and aversive ultrasonic vocalization playback" but it remains unclear whether "44 kHz" calls are seen as appetitive or aversive. Later it says that "rats were presented with two 10-s-long playback sets of either 22-kHz or 44-kHz calls, followed by one 50-kHz modulated call 10-s set and another two playback sets of either 44-kHz or 22-kHz calls not previously heard" (and wonder what data set was included in the figures and how - pooled?). Again, I am worried about carry-over effects here. This does not seem to be an experimental design that allows to compare the response to the three main call types in an unbiased manner. Of note, what exactly is meant by "control rats" in the context of fear conditioning is also not clear to me. One can think of many different controls in a fear conditioning experiment. More concrete information is needed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Oemisch and Seo set out to examine the effects of low-dose ketamine on reinforcement learning, with the idea that alterations in reinforcement learning and/or motivation might inform our understanding of what alterations co-occur with potential antidepressant effects. Macaques performed a reinforced/punished matching pennies task while under effects of saline or ketamine administration and the data were fit to a series of reinforcement learning models to determine which model described behavior under saline most closely and then what parameters of this best-fitting model were altered by ketamine. They found a mixed effect, with two out of three macaques primarily exhibiting an effect of ketamine on processing of losses and one out of three macaques exhibiting an effect of ketamine on processing of losses and perseveration. They found that these effects of ketamine appeared to be dissociable from the nystagmus effects of the ketamine.<br /> The findings are novel and the data suggesting that ketamine is primarily having its effects on processing of losses (under the procedures used) are solid. However, it is unclear whether the connection between processing of losses and the antidepressant effects of ketamine is justified and the current findings may be more useful for those studying reinforcement learning than those studying depression and antidepressant effects. In addition, the co-occurrence of different behavioral procedures with different patterns of ketamine effects, with one macaque tested with different parameters than the other two exhibiting effects of ketamine that were best fit with a different model than the other two macaques, suggests that there may be difficulty in generalizing these findings to reinforcement learning more generally.

      1) First, the authors should be more explicit and careful in the connection they are trying to make about the link between loss processing and depression. The authors call their effect a "robust antidepressant-like behavioral effect" but there are no references to support this or discussion of how the altered loss processing would relate directly to the antidepressant effects.<br /> 2) It appears that the monkey P was given smaller rewards and punishers than the other two monkeys and this monkey had an effect of ketamine on perseveration that was not observed in the other two monkeys. Is this believed to be due to the different task, or was this animal given a different task because of some behavioral differences that preceded the experiment? The authors should also discuss what these differences may mean for the generality of their findings. For example, might there be some set of parameters where ketamine would only alter perseveration and not processing of losses?<br /> 3) The authors should discuss whether the plasma ketamine levels they observed are similar to those seen with rapid antidepressant ketamine or are higher or lower.<br /> 4) For Figure 4 or S3, the authors should show the data fitted to model 7, which was the best for one of the animals.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Theta-nested gamma oscillations (TNGO) play an important role in hippocampal memory and cognitive processes and are disrupted in pathology. Deep brain stimulation has been shown to affect memory encoding. To investigate the effect of pulsed CA1 neurostimulation on hippocampal TNGO the authors coupled a physiologically realistic model of the hippocampus comprising EC, DG, CA1, and CA3 subfields with an abstract theta oscillator model of the medial septum (MS). Pathology was modeled as weakened theta input from the MS to EC simulating MS neurodegeneration known to occur in Alzheimer's disease. The authors show that if the input from the MS to EC is strong (the healthy state) the model autonomously generates TNGO in all hippocampal subfields while a single neurostimulation pulse has the effect of resetting the TNGO phase. When the MS input strength is weaker the network is quiescent but the authors find that a single CA1 neurostimulation pulse can switch it into the persistent TNGO state, provided the neurostimulation pulse is applied at the peak of the EC theta. If the MS theta oscillator model is supplemented by an additional phase-reset mechanism a single CA1 neurostimulation pulse applied at the trough of EC theta also produces the same effect. If the MS input to EC is weaker still, only a short burst of TNGO is generated by a single neurostimulation pulse. The authors investigate the physiological origin of this burst and find it results from an interplay of CAN and M currents in the CA1 excitatory cells. In this case, the authors find that TNGO can only be rescued by a theta frequency train of CA1 pulses applied at the peak of the EC theta or again at either the peak or trough if the MS oscillator model is supplemented by the phase-reset mechanism.

      The main strength of this model is its use of a fairly physiologically detailed model of the hippocampus. The cells are single-compartment models but do include multiple ion channels and are spatially arranged in accordance with the hippocampal structure. This allows the understanding of how ion channels (possibly modifiable by pharmacological agents) interact with system-level oscillations and neurostimulation. The model also includes all the main hippocampal subfields. The other strength is its attention to an important topic, which may be relevant for dementia treatment or prevention, which few modeling studies have addressed.

      The work has several weaknesses. First, while investigations of hippocampal neurostimulation are important there are few experimental studies from which one could judge the validity of the model findings. All its findings are therefore predictions. It would be much more convincing to first show the model is able to reproduce some measured empirical neurostimulation effect before proceeding to make predictions. Second, the model is very specific. Or if its behavior is to be considered general it has not been explained why. For example, the model shows bistability between quiescence and TNGO, however what aspect of the model underlies this, be it some particular network structure or particular ion channel, for example, is not addressed. Similarly for the various phase reset behaviors that are found. We may wonder whether a different hippocampal model of TNGO, of which there are many published (for example [1-6]) would show the same effect under neurostimulation. This seems very unlikely and indeed the quiescent state itself shown by this model seems quite artificial. Some indication that particular ion channels, CAN and M are relevant is briefly provided and the work would be much improved by examining this aspect in more detail. In summary, the work would benefit from an intuitive analysis of the basic model ingredients underlying its neurostimulation response properties. Third, while the model is fairly realistic, considerable important factors are not included and in fact, there are much more detailed hippocampal models out there (for example [5,6]). In particular, it includes only excitatory cells and a single type of inhibitory cell. This is particularly important since there are many models and experimental studies where specific cell types, for example, OLM and VIP cells, are strongly implicated in TNGO. Other missing ingredients one may think might have a strong impact on model response to neurostimulation (in particular stimulation trains) include the well-known short-term plasticity between different hippocampal cell types and active dendritic properties. Fourth the MS model seems somewhat unsupported. It is modeled as a set of coupled oscillators that synchronize. However, there is also a phase reset mechanism included. This mechanism is important because it underlies several of the phase reset behaviors shown by the full model. However, it is not derived from experimental phase response curves of septal neurons of which there is no direct measurement. The work would benefit from the use of a more biologically validated MS model.

      [1] Hyafil A, Giraud AL, Fontolan L, Gutkin B. Neural cross-frequency coupling: connecting architectures, mechanisms, and functions. Trends in neurosciences. 2015 Nov 1;38(11):725-40.

      [2] Tort AB, Rotstein HG, Dugladze T, Gloveli T, Kopell NJ. On the formation of gamma-coherent cell assemblies by oriens lacunosum-moleculare interneurons in the hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2007 Aug 14;104(33):13490-5.

      [3] Neymotin SA, Lazarewicz MT, Sherif M, Contreras D, Finkel LH, Lytton WW. Ketamine disrupts theta modulation of gamma in a computer model of hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience. 2011 Aug 10;31(32):11733-43.

      [4] Ponzi A, Dura-Bernal S, Migliore M. Theta-gamma phase-amplitude coupling in a hippocampal CA1 microcircuit. PLOS Computational Biology. 2023 Mar 23;19(3):e1010942.

      [5] Bezaire MJ, Raikov I, Burk K, Vyas D, Soltesz I. Interneuronal mechanisms of hippocampal theta oscillations in a full-scale model of the rodent CA1 circuit. Elife. 2016 Dec 23;5:e18566.

      [6] Chatzikalymniou AP, Gumus M, Skinner FK. Linking minimal and detailed models of CA1 microcircuits reveals how theta rhythms emerge and their frequencies controlled. Hippocampus. 2021 Sep;31(9):982-1002.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the researchers employed a recently developed smartphone application to provide 30 days of training on action sequences to both OCD patients and healthy volunteers. The study tested learning and automaticity-related measures and investigated the effects of several factors on these measures. Upon training completion, the researchers conducted two preference tests comparing a learned and unlearned action sequences under different conditions. While the study provides some interesting findings, I have a few substantial concerns:

      1. Throughout the entire paper, the authors' interpretations and claims revolve around the domain of habits and goal-directed behavior, despite the methods and evidence clearly focusing on motor sequence learning/procedural learning/skill learning. There is no evidence to support this framing and interpretation and thus I find them overreaching and hyperbolic, and I think they should be avoided. Although skills and habits share many characteristics, they are meaningfully distinguishable and should not be conflated or mixed up. Furthermore, if anything, the evidence in this study suggests that participants attained procedural learning, but these actions did not become habitual, as they remained deliberate actions that were not chosen to be performed when they were not in line with participants' current goals.<br /> 2. Some methodological aspects need more detail and clarification.<br /> 3. There are concerns regarding some of the analyses, which require addressing.

      Please see details below, ordered by the paper sections.

      Introduction:<br /> It is stated that "extensive training of sequential actions would more rapidly engage the 'habit system' as compared to single-action instrumental learning". In an attempt to describe the rationale for this statement the authors describe the concept of action chunking, its benefits and relevance to habits but there is no explanation for why sequential actions would engage the habit system more rapidly than a single-action. Clarifying this would be helpful.

      In the Hypothesis section the authors state: "we expected that OCD patients... show enhanced habit attainment through a greater preference for performing familiar app sequences when given the choice to select any other, easier sequence." I find it particularly difficult to interpret preference for familiar sequences as enhanced habit attainment.

      A few notes on the task description and other task components:<br /> It would be useful to give more details on the task. This includes more details on the time/condition of the gradual removal of visual and auditory stimuli and also on the within practice dynamic structure (i.e., different levels appear in the video).

      Some more information on engagement-related exclusion criteria would be useful (what happened if participants did not use the app for more than one day, how many times were allowed to skip a day etc.).

      According to the (very useful) video demonstrating the task and the paper describing the task in detail (Banca et al., 2020), the task seems to include other relevant components that were not mentioned in this paper. I refer to the daily speed test, the daily random switch test, and daily ratings of each sequence's enjoyment and confidence of knowledge.<br /> If these components were not included in this procedure, then the deviations from the procedure described in the video and Banca al. (2020) should be explicitly mentioned. If these components were included, at least some of them may be relevant, at least in part, to automaticity, habitual action control, formulation of participants' enjoyment from the app etc. I think these components should be mentioned and analyzed (or at least provide an explanation for why it has been decided not to analyze them).<br /> This is also true for the reward removal (extinction) from the 21st day onwards which is potentially of particular relevance for the research questions.

      Training engagement analysis:<br /> I find referring to the number of trials including successful and unsuccessful trials as representing participants "commitment to training" (e.g. in Figure legend 2b) potentially inadequate. Given that participants need at least 20 successful trials to complete each practice, more errors would lead to more trials. Therefore, I think this measure may mostly represent weaker performance (of the OCD patients as shown in Figure 2b). Therefore, I find the number of performed practice runs, as used in Figure 2a (which should be perfectly aligned with the number of successful trials), a "clean" and proper measure of engagement/commitment to training.

      Also, to provide stronger support for the claim about different diurnal training patterns (as presented in Figure 2c and the text) between patients and healthy individuals, it would be beneficial to conduct a statistical test comparing the two distributions. If the results of this test are not significant, I suggest emphasizing that this is a descriptive finding.

      Learning results:<br /> When describing the Learning results (p10) I think it would be useful to provide the descriptive stats for the MT0 parameter (as done above for the other two parameters).

      Sensitivity of sequence duration and IKI consistency (C) to reward:<br /> I think it is important to add details on how incorrect trials were handled when calculating ∆MT (or C) and ∆R, specifically in cases where the trial preceding a successful trial was unsuccessful. If incorrect trials were simply ignored, this may not adequately represent trial-by-trial changes, particularly when testing the effect of a trial's outcome on performance change in the next trial.

      I have a serious concern with respect to how the sensitivity of sequence duration to reward is framed and analyzed. Since reward is proportional to performance, a reduction in reward essentially indicates a trial with poor performance, and thus even regression to the mean (along with a floor effect in performance [asymptote]) could explain the observed effects. It is possible that even occasional poor performance could lead to a participant demonstrating this effect, potentially regardless of the reward. Accordingly, the reduced improvement in performance following a reward decrease as a function of training length described in Figure 5b legend may reflect training-induced increased performance that leaves less room for improvement after poor trials, which are no longer as poor as before. To address this concern, controlling for performance (e.g., by taking into consideration the baseline MT for the previous trial) may be helpful. If the authors can conduct such an analysis and still show the observed effect, it would establish the validity of their findings."<br /> Another way to support the claim of reward change directionality effects on performance (rather than performance on performance), at least to some extent, would be to analyze the data from the last 10 days of the training, during which no rewards were given (pretending for analysis purposes that the reward was calculated and presented to participants). If the effect persists, it is less unlikely that the effect in question can be attributed to the reward dynamics.<br /> This concern is also relevant and should be considered with respect to the Sensitivity of IKI consistency (C) to reward (even though the relationship between previous reward/performance and future performance in terms of C is of a different structure).<br /> This concern is also relevant and should be considered with respect to the sensitivity of IKI consistency (C) to reward. While the relationship between previous reward/performance and future performance in terms of C is of a different structure, the similar potential confounding effects could still be present.

      Another related question (which is also of general interest) is whether the preferred app sequence (as indicated by the participants for Phase B) was consistently the one that yielded more reward? Was the continuous sequence the preferred one? This might tell something about the effectiveness of the reward in the task.

      Regarding both experiments 2 and 3:<br /> The change in context in experiment 2 and 3 is substantial and include many different components. These changes should be mentioned in more detail in the Results section before describing the results of experiments 2 and 3.

      Experiment 2:<br /> In Experiment 2, the authors sometimes refer to the "explicit preference task" as testing for habitual and goal-seeking sequences. However, I do not think there is any justification for interpreting it as such. The other framings used by the authors - testing whether trained action sequences gain intrinsic/rewarding properties or value, and preference for familiar versus novel action sequences - are more suitable and justified. In support of the point I raised here, assigning intrinsic rewarding properties to the learned sequences and thereby preferring these sequences can be conceptually aligned with goal-directed behavior just as much as it could be with habit.

      Experiment 3:<br /> Similar to Experiment 2, I find the framing of arbitration between goal-directed/habitual behavior in Experiment 3 inadequate and unjustified. The results of the experiment suggest that participants were primarily goal-directed and there is no evidence to support the idea that this re-evaluation led participants to switch from habitual to goal-directed behavior.<br /> Also, given the explicit choice of the sequence to perform participants had to make prior to performing it, it is reasonable to assume that this experiment mainly tested bias towards familiar sequence/stimulus and/or towards intrinsic reward associated with the sequence in value-based decision making.

      Mobile-app performance effect on symptomatology: exploratory analyses:<br /> Maybe it would be worth testing if the patients with improved symptomatology (that contribute some of their symptom improvement to the app) also chose to play more during the training stage.

      Discussion:<br /> Based on my earlier comments highlighting the inadequacy and mis-framing of the work in terms of habit and goal-directed behavior, I suggest that the discussion section be substantially revised to reflect these concerns.

      In the sentence "Nevertheless, OCD patients disadvantageously preferred the previously trained/familiar action sequence under certain conditions" the term "disadvantageously" is not necessarily accurate. While there was potentially more effort required, considering the possible presence of intrinsic reward and chunking, this preference may not necessarily be disadvantageous. Therefore, a more cautious and accurate phrasing that better reflects the associated results would be useful.

      Materials and Methods:<br /> The authors mention: "The novel sequence (in condition 3) was a 6-move sequence of similar complexity and difficulty as the app sequences, but only learned on the day, before starting this task (therefore, not overtrained)." - for the sake of completeness, more details on the pre-training done on that day would be useful.

      Minor comments:<br /> In the section discussing the sensitivity of sequence duration to reward, the authors state that they only analyzed continuous reward trials because "a larger number of trials in each subsample were available to fit the Gaussian distributions, due to feedback being provided on all trials." However, feedback was also provided on all trials in the variable reward condition, even though the reward was not necessarily aligned with participants' performance. Therefore, it may be beneficial to rephrase this statement for clarity.

      With regard to experiment 2 (Preference for familiar versus novel action sequences) in the following statement "A positive correlation between COHS and the app sequence choice (Pearson r = 0.36, p = 0.005) further showed that those participants with greater habitual tendencies had a greater propensity to prefer the trained app sequence under this condition." I find the use of the word "further" here potentially misleading.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, researchers aim to understand the computational principles behind attention allocation in goal-directed reading tasks. They explore how deep neural networks (DNNs) optimized for reading tasks can predict reading time and attention distribution. The findings show that attention weights in transformer-based DNNs predict reading time for each word. Eye tracking reveals that readers focus on basic text features and question-relevant information during initial reading and rereading, respectively. Attention weights in shallow and deep DNN layers are separately influenced by text features and question relevance. Additionally, when readers read without a specific question in mind, DNNs optimized for word prediction tasks can predict their reading time. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that attention in real-world reading can be understood as a result of task optimization.

      The research question pursued by the study is interesting and important. The manuscript was well written and enjoyable to read. However, I do have some concerns.

      1. In the first paragraph of the manuscript, it appears that the purpose of the study was to test the optimization hypothesis in natural tasks. However, the cited papers mainly focus on covert visual attention, while the present study primarily focuses on overt attention (eye movements). It is crucial to clearly distinguish between these two types of attention and state that the study mainly focuses on overt attention at the beginning of the manuscript.

      2. The manuscript correctly describes attention in DNN as a mechanism to selectively extract useful information. However, eye-movement measures such as gaze duration and total reading time are primarily influenced by the time needed to process words. Therefore, there is a doubt whether the argument stating that attention in DNN is conceptually similar to the human attention mechanism at the computational level is correct. It is strongly suggested that the authors thoroughly discuss whether these concepts describe the same or different things.

    1. EL PROCESO DE APRENDIZAJE: PASOS a) Tener las necesarias condiciones físicas, psicológicas y de planificación que requiere el aprendizaje. b) Definir con claridad lo que hay que aprender (los objetivos). c)Atender de modo selectivo a la información a aprender. d) Comprender y almacenar la información a aprender, se¬leccionada mediante la atención. Esto implica: — La representación mental de los conocimientos. — La organización de esos conocimientos. — La integración de los mismos en sus esquemas cogniti¬vos, asumiéndolos, modificándolos y enriqueciéndolos. si procede. — La transferencia del aprendizaje. — El autocontrol de su aprendizaje — Saber pensar de modo reflexivo y crítico, y ser creativo. e) Memorizar los conocimientos integrados, que supone: — Almacenar comprensiva y significativamente la infor¬mación organizada y elaborada. 1. Andragogía Es la disciplina educativa que trata de comprender al adulto(a), desde todos los componentes humanos, es decir, como un ente psicológico, biológico y social. La praxis andragógica es un conjunto de acciones, actividades y tareas que al ser administradas aplicando principios y estrategias andragógicas adecuadas, sea posible facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje en el adulto. 1. La Andragogía Es el arte y ciencia de ayudar a aprender a los adultos, basándose en suposiciones acerca de las diferencias entre niños y adultos. 1. Elementos Fundamentales de la Andragogía

      1) Ambiente 2) Facilitador y participante 3) Trabajo y dinámicas de grupo 4) Sistema semi-presencial. 5) Teoría sinérgica. 6) Comunicación efectiva (Feed-back y escucha activa). 7) Sistema evaluación

      Principios de Aprendizaje en el Adulto

      La Horizontalidad y la Participación La horizontalidad, significa la igualdad de condiciones entre el facilitador (orientador-acompañante) y los participantes. Igualdad en cuanto a la adultez con experiencias, no así en cuanto a sus roles donde el facilitador acompaña al participante en el proceso de orientación-aprendizaje.

      La participación, es el acto de compartir algo, es un dar y recibir, involucrarse en un proyecto común. Es aportar de sus propios conocimientos, de su experiencia, personas activas, críticas y respetuosas dentro de un proceso de orientación-aprendizaje.

      Aprendizaje de Adultos PRINCIPIOS DEL APRENDIZAJE DEFINICIÓN Principio del reforzamiento” Todo ser humano aprende las conductas que son recompensadas o aquellas que reportan consecuencias agradables. Principio de la” intencionalidad” Las actividades que se realizan intencionalmente se aprenden mejor que las actividades “no intencionales” Principio de la organización por configuraciones globales El aprendizaje se facilita cuando la persona organiza los elementos de una información, adecuándolos a su propia estructura mental; en esta organización el contexto es el elemento que da a la información gran parte de su significado. Principio de la retroalimentación El conocimiento de los resultados de la propia actividad favorece el aprendizaje.

      Características del Alumno Adulto Participación voluntaria: Los adultos aprenden mejor en situaciones donde se vean involucrados. Respeto mutuo: En el proceso de aprendizaje los adultos necesitan sentirse valorados y respetados. Colaboración: Los adultos aprenden mejor en situaciones en las que puedan compartir criterios y así retroalimentarse unos de otros. Acción y Reflexión: Para ser efectivos en las oportunidades de desarrollo profesional. Selección organizativa: Los programas de desarrollo profesional necesitan ser adquiridos y avalados por la institución a su debido tiempo. Alternativos y cambios: Los adultos aprenden mejor cuando se le presentan alternativas para el aprendizaje que los conduzcan al éxito. Motivación: El adulto se involucra en el aprendizaje cuando existe una oportunidad que lo ayuda a mejorar el nivel de vida

      Características del Alumno Adulto

      Amplitud del saber Amplitud de experiencias: Adaptación de métodos pedagógicos Ejercicio intelectual

      Aprendizaje Conceptual

      El aprendizaje conceptual involucra el reconocer y asociar características comunes a un grupo de objetos o acontecimientos. Es un proceso activo en el que los educandos construyen nuevas ideas o conceptos basados en el conocimiento. Aprendizaje Apreciativo

      Es una corriente psicopedagógica que tiene como objetivo desarrollar la capacidad apreciativa de los alumnos ante un valor.

      Aprendizaje Asociativo

      Consiste en adquirir tendencias de asociación que aseguren el recuerdo de detalles particulares en una sucesión definida y fija, en el cual se asocian dos o más estímulos, en el aprendizaje no asociativo se modifica la conducta del sujeto por la mera presencia de un solo estímulo, sin que este se asocie a ningún otro.

      Aprendizaje Creativo

      Es una forma de captar o ser sensible a los problemas, deficiencias, lagunas del conocimiento, elementos pasados por alto, faltas de armonía. Describe un proceso humano natural en cuyas etapas están implicadas fuertes motivaciones.

      Aprendizaje innovador:

      Es aquel que puede soportar cambios, renovación, reestructuración y reformulación de problemas. Propone nuevos valores en vez de conservar los antiguos.

      Aprendizaje Reflexivo

      Es el estilo de razonamiento donde predomina la observación y el análisis de los resultados de las experiencias realizadas. Se caracteriza por el deseo de tomar decisiones sin contradicciones de tiempo. Por la importancia del retroceso y de la distancia tomada en relación a las personas y a las cosas. Es marcado por la prudencia y la reflexión profundizada antes de tomar una decisión para actuar, escucha la acumulación exhaustiva de datos antes de dar una opinión.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study found that MECOM, PAX8, SOX17, and WT1, as the main regulators of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC), their transcriptional regulation related to the super-enhancer, were reconnected in the process of tumor development. These four TFS are essential for the clonality and survival of HGSC, while the absence of PAX8 and WT1 in non-cancerous fallopian tube secretory epithelium (FTSEC) can impair the survival of cells. These four TFS are only pharmacologically inhibited by transcriptional inhibitors in HGSCs, while not in FTSECs, making them potential targets for tumor-specific therapy.

      I am thrilled to see such an exciting and scientific manuscript. The results will significantly impact the basic theory of cancer occurrence and clinical applications.

      However, there were some issues with the data presentation. We hope that the author will carefully and rigorously review the data and visualization results. In addition, there is key information missing in the methods section, which does not meet the current requirements for the repeatability of scientific conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors confirm that one of the genes classified as essential in a Tn-mutagenesis study in A. baumannii is in fact an essential gene. It is also present in other closely related Gram negative bacteria and the authors designated it Aeg1. Depletion of Aeg1 leads to cell filamentation and it appears that the requirement for Aeg1 can be suppressed by what appear to be activation mutations in various genes. Overall, it appears that Aeg1 is involved in cell division but many of the images suffer from poor quality - it may be due to conversion to PDF. One of the main issues is that depletion of Aeg1 is carried out for such long times (18 hr) (Fig. 2, 4 and 5). Depleting a cell division protein for such long times may have pleiotropic effects on cell physiology. A. baumannii grows quite fast and even with a small inoculum, cells will probably be in stationary phase. If Aeg1 is that essential cells should be quite filamentous 2-3 hours after Ara removal when they are still in exponential phase. Also, it would be better to see the recovery to small cells if cells are not grown such a long time before Ara is added back. Overall, Aeg1 is potentially interesting but studies are needed to define its place in the assembly pathway. What proteins are at the division site when Aeg1 is depleted and what proteins are required for Aeg1 to localize to the division site. These experiments should be done when cell are depleted of proteins for only 1 -2 hours.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In Bolumar, Moncayo-Arlandi et al. the authors explore whether endometrium-derived extracellular vesicles contribute mtDNA to embryos and therefore influence embryo metabolism and respiration. The manuscript combines techniques for isolating different populations of extracellular vesicles, DNA sequencing, embryo culture, and respiration assays performed on human endometrial samples and mouse embryos.

      Vesicle isolation is technically difficult and therefore collection from human samples is commendable. Also, the influence of maternally derived mtDNA on the bioenergetics of embryos is unknown and therefore novel. However, several experiments presented in the manuscript fail to reach statistical significance, likely due to the small sample sizes. Additionally, the experiments do not demonstrate a direct effect of mtDNA transfer on embryo bioenergetics. This has the unfortunate consequence of making several of the authors' conclusions speculative.

      In my opinion the manuscript supports the following of the authors' claims:

      1. Different amounts of mtDNA are shed in human endometrial extracellular vesicles during different phases of the menstrual cycle.<br /> 2. Endometrial microvesicles are more enriched for mitochondrial DNA sequences compared to other types of microvesicles present in the human samples.<br /> 3. Fluorescently labelled DNA from extracellular vesicles derived from an endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line can be incorporated into hatched mouse embryos.<br /> 4. Culture of mouse embryos with endometrial extracellular vesicles can influence embryo respiration and the effect is greater when cultured with isolated exosomes compared to other isolated microvesicles.

      My main concerns with the manuscript:

      1. The authors demonstrate that microvesicles contain the most mtDNA, however, they also demonstrate that only isolated exosomes influence embryo respiration. These are two separate populations of extracellular vesicles.<br /> 2. mtDNA is not specifically identified as being taken up by embryos only DNA.<br /> 3. The authors do not rule out that other components packaged in extracellular vesicles could be the factors influencing embryo metabolism.

      Taken together, these concerns seem to contradict the implication of the title of the manuscript - the authors do not demonstrate that inheritance of maternal mtDNA has a direct causative effect on embryo metabolism.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors of this study levered large-scale genomics data on SARS-CoV2, and extracted non-synonymous mutations of NSP10. The overall frequency was little, compared to other significantly mutating Spike protein. Further they performed stability and binding analysis to report changes in three variants and found modest differences. However, crystallography and simulations study reported almost no changes.

      The strength of the work clearly is merging genomics data and reporting quantitative frequencies with high-resolution structural data. Some open ended questions remain. For instance, The DynaMut2 and thermal shift assays point towards less stable variants than wild type, with Tm values slightly lower. On the other hand, the Kd value of variants reported stronger binding of NSP10 with NSP16. How do authors explain this, as the change due to point mutation may not fall within error range?

      The crystal structures and the simulations have been under-analysed. For instance, the conformational ensemble could be utilized for docking with NSP16 and NSP14 . There could be a potential alternative pathway for explaining the above changes in Kd. This should be attempted for understanding the role in its functional activity.

      Previous extensive EM work on Spike protein variants also displayed subtle differences locally. However, allosteric pathways with D614G have been reported. Therefore, more quantitative analysis is required to explain structural changes. The free energy landscape reported in the paper may not capture rare transition events or slight rearrangements in side chain dynamics, both these could offer better understanding of mutations.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper the authors present an existing information theoretic framework to assess the ability of single cells to encode external signals sensed through membrane receptors.

      The main point is to distinguish actual noise in the signaling pathway from cell-cell variability, which could be due to differences in their phenotypic state, and to formalize this difference using information theory.

      After correcting for this cellular variability, the authors find that cells may encode more information than one would estimate from ignoring it, which is expected. The authors show this using simple models of different complexities, and also by analyzing an imaging dataset of the IGF/FoxO pathway.

      The implications of the work are limited because the analysed data is not rich enough to draw clear conclusions. Specifically,<br /> - the authors do not distinguish what could be methodological noise inherent to microscopy techniques (segmentation etc), and actual intrinsic cell state. It's not clear that cell-cell variability in the analyzed dataset is not just a constant offset or normalization factor. Other authors (e.g. Gregor et al Cell 130, 153-164) have re-centered and re-normalized their data before further analysis, which is more or less equivalent to the idea of the conditional information in the sense that it aims to correct for this experimental noise.<br /> - in the experiment, each condition is shown only once and sequentially. This means that the reproducibility of the response upon repeated exposures in a single cell was not tested, casting doubt on the estimate of the response fidelity (estimated as the variance over time in a single response).<br /> - another dataset on the EGF/EGFR pathway is analyzed, but no conclusion can be drawn from it because single-cell information cannot be directly estimated from it. The authors instead use a maximum-entropy Ansatz, which cannot be validated for lack of data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors combine the use of fluorogenic tools with fluorescence bioimaging to visualize how changes in the folding states of the RBPs TDP-43, FUS and TAF15 affect their subcellular localization and recruitment inside nuclear bodies, as well as protein fate. While the development of SNAP-tag substrates coupled with confocal microscopy in living cells (including FLIM) to monitor changes in protein folding states represents an important conceptual and technical advance for the field, I am not convinced that the authors fully achieved their aim. The authors cannot conclude on protein fate only based on the experiments performed here. Showing a correlation between a decrease in TDP-43 levels upon Hsp70 inhibition and colocalization at nuclear bodies with Hsp70 and DNAJA2 is not supporting their conclusion about protein degradation. A number of additional control experiments are needed to support their claims.

      Yet, the optimization of these methods has unlimited potential since it may provide new ways to visualize and monitor a large variety of fundamental intracellular processes, including protein aggregation and fate.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Synaptic scaling has long been proposed as a homeostatic mechanism for the regulation for the activity of individual neurons and networks. The question of whether homeostasis is controlled by neuronal spiking or by the activation of specific receptor populations in individual synapses has remained open. In a previous work, the Wenner group had shown that upscaling of glutamatergic transmission is triggered by direct blockade of glutamate receptors rather than by the concomitant reduction in firing rate (Nat Comm 2015). In this manuscript they investigate the mechanisms regulating scaling of GABA-mediated responses in cortical cell cultures using whole-cell recordings to detect GABAergic currents and multielectrode arrays to monitor global firing activity, and find that spiking plays a fundamental role in scaling.

      Initially, the authors show that chronic blockade (24 h) of glutamatergic transmission by CNQX first reduces spontaneous spiking (at 2 h), but later (24 h) firing grows back towards higher frequencies, suggesting a compensatory mechanism. Then it is shown that either chronic CNQX treatment or TTX cause a reduction in the amplitude of GABAergic mIPSCs. Effects of CNQX on IPSCs are then reverted by replacing spontaneous network firing by chronic optogenetic stimulation of the entire culture, also indicating that GABAergic transmission is homeostatically regulated by global firing. Enhancing glutamatergic transmission with CTZ increases mIPSC amplitude, while addition of TTX in the presence of CTZ causes the opposite effect. Finally, increasing spiking activity using bicuculline also increases mIPSC amplitude, and the authors conclude that spiking activity rather than neurotransmission control homeostatic GABA scaling. The manuscript shows interesting properties in the regulation of global GABAergic transmission and highlight the important role of spiking activity in triggering GABA scaling. However, it is strongly recommended to address some caveats in order to better support the conclusions presented in the manuscript.

      Major points:

      1. The reason why CNQX does not completely eliminate spiking is unclear (Fig. 1). What is the circuit mechanism by which spiking continues, although at lower frequency, in the absence of AMPA-mediated transmission and what the mechanism by which spiking frequency grows back after 24h (still in the absence of AMPA transmission)?<br /> Is it possible that NMDA-mediated transmission takes over and triggers a different type of network plasticity?

      2. A possible activation of NMDARs should be considered. One would think that experiments involving chronic glutamatergic blockade could have been conducted in the presence of NMDAR blockers. Why this was not the case?

      Also, experiments with global ChR2 stimulation with coincident pre and postsynaptic firing might also activate NMDARs and result in additional effects that should be taken into consideration for the global scaling mechanism.

      3. Cultures exposed to CTZ to enhance AMPA receptors generated variable results (Fig. 5), somewhat increasing spiking activity in a non-significant manner but, at the same time, strengthening mIPSC amplitude. This result seems to suggest that spiking might be involved in GABAergic scaling, but it does not seem to prove it.

      Then, addition of TTX that blocked spiking reduced mIPSC amplitude. It was concluded here that the ability of CTZ to enhance GABAergic currents was primarily due to spiking, rather than the increase in AMPA-mediated currents. However, in addition to blocking action potentials, TTX would also prevent activation of AMPARs in the presence of CTZ due to the lack of glutamatergic release. Therefore, under these conditions, an effect of glutamatergic activation on GABAergic scaling cannot be ruled out.

      4. The sample size is not mentioned in any figure. How many cells/culture dishes were used in each condition?

      5. Cortical cultures may typically contain about 5-10% GABAergic interneurons and 90-95 % pyramidal cells. One would think that scaling mechanisms occurring in pyramidal cells and interneurons could be distinct, with different impact on the network. Although for whole-cell recordings the authors selected pyramidal looking cells, which might bias recordings towards excitatory neurons, naked eye selection of recording cells is quite difficult in primary cultures. Some of the variability in mIPSC amplitude values (Fig. 2A for example) might be attributed to the cell type? One could use cultures where interneurons are fluorescently labeled to obtain an accurate representation. The issue of the possible differential effects of scaling in pyramidal cells vs. interneurons and the consequences in the network should be discussed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Maternal infection by Rubella virus (RV) early during pregnancy is a serious threat to the health of the fetus. It can cause brain malformation and later expose the newborn to a constellation of symptoms collectively named Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS). In this manuscript, the authors provide novel exciting findings on the pathophysiological mechanisms of RV infection during human brain development. By combining analyses of human fetal brain material and cerebral organoids, Popova and colleagues uncovered a selective tropism of RV for microglial cells. Their results suggest that the infection of microglia by RV relies on the presence of diffusible factors secreted by neighboring brain cells. Moreover, the authors showed that RV infection of human cerebral organoids leads to a strong interferon response and dysregulation of neurodevelopmental genes, which both may contribute to brain malformation. Altogether, these data shed some new light on the cellular tropism and the pathophysiological mechanisms triggered by RV infection in the developing brain. This study also raises the importance of using human cell-based models to further understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of CRS. Identifying the cellular and molecular targets of Rubella virus will also pave the way to develop therapies against CRS.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In their recent manuscript, Broca-Brisson et al. deliver a multidisciplinary approach to investigate creatine transporter deficiency (CTD) using human-derived brain organoids. The authors have provided a compelling CTD human brain organoid model using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from individuals with CTD. This model shows distinct differences in creatine uptake between organoids originating from CTD patients and their healthy counterparts. Furthermore, the researchers effectively restored creatine uptake by reintroducing the wild-type CRT in the iPSCs.

      The team used advanced molecular biology techniques and sophisticated mass spectrometry to identify changes in protein regulation within these CTD brain organoids. They propose an intriguing theory linking reduced creatine uptake to abnormalities in the GSK3β kinase pathway and mitochondrial function, which might underlie intellectual disability seen in CTD patients.<br /> This study is well-structured and easy to follow, with clear and concise explanations of the experiments. The authors present an important idea: a dysfunction in just one protein transporter (CRT) can cause significant biochemical changes in the brain. Their findings are well-presented and backed by high-quality figures and comprehensive data analysis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors found in the mouse line of GABAA a1 subunit KO in thalamic neurons, which was previously reported lacking ocular dominance (OD) plasticity in juvenile V1 and dLGN (Sommeijer et al., 2017), the adult V1 and dLGN OD plasticity was also missing. Through muscimol inhibiting the V1 feedback, thalamic OD plasticity was unaffected in both WT and KO adult mice. However, during the critical period, the thalamic OD plasticity was dependent on V1 feedback in WT mice.


      1. The experiments were well designed. The authors used both MD and No MD controls with both WT and KO mice. The authors used in vivo SU recording, which is broadly accepted as the major method for evaluating OD plasticity.

      2. The data analysis was solid. The authors used proper statistical tests for non-parametric data set.


      1. The current work was basically a follow-up of a previous study in juvenile mice, and the results were also very similar to the juvenile results (Sommeijer et al., 2017). One possible interpretation of the results is that the lack of OD plasticity in adult V1 and dLGN was caused by an early blockade of the development of the inhibitory circuit in dLGN, which retains the dLGN in an immature stage till adulthood. The authors indeed claimed in the discussion that the 2-day OD shift is intact in juvenile dLGN and V1 in KO mice, and provided evidence in supplementary figure that GABAergic and cholinergic synapse amount are similar between WT and KO mice. However, the 7-day OD shift is indeed defected in juvenile V1 and dLGN in KO mice (Sommeijer et al., 2017), and it is possible that this early functional deficit didn't induce a structural remodeling in adulthood. To better support the author's claim that the lack of adult V1 OD plasticity is specifically due to reduced dLGN synaptic inhibition, the author should generate conditional KO mice that dLGN synaptic inhibition was only interfered in adulthood.

      2. The authors found that in juveniles, dLGN OD shift is dependent on V1 feedback, but not in adults. However, a recent work showed that the effects of V1 silencing on dLGN OD plasticity could differ with various starting points and duration of the V1 silencing and MD (Li et al., 2023). Could the authors provide more details of the MD and V1 silencing for an in-depth discussion?

      References<br /> Li, N., Liu, Q., Zhang, Y., Yang, Z., Shi, X., and Gu, Y. (2023). Cortical feedback modulates distinct critical period development in mouse visual thalamus. iScience 26, 105752.<br /> Sommeijer, J.P., Ahmadlou, M., Saiepour, M.H., Seignette, K., Min, R., Heimel, J.A., and Levelt, C.N. (2017). Thalamic inhibition regulates critical-period plasticity in visual cortex and thalamus. Nat Neurosci 20, 1715-1721.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      To characterize the relationship between Na+ and K+ binding to LeuT, the effect of K+ on Na+- dependent [3 H] leucine binding was studied using a scintillation proximity assay. In the presence of K+ the apparent affinity for sodium was reduced but the maximal binding capacity for this ion was unchanged, consistent with a competitive mechanism of inhibition between Na+ and K+.

      To obtain a more direct readout of K+ binding to LeuT, tmFRET was used. This method relies on the distance-dependent quenching of a cysteine-conjugated fluorophore (FRET donor) by a transition metal (FRET acceptor). This method is a conformational readout for both ion- and ligand-binding. Along with the effect of K+ on Na+-dependent [3 H] leucine binding, the findings support the existence of a specific K+ binding site in LeuT and that K+ binding to this site induces an outward closed conformation.

      It was previously shown that in liposomes inlaid with LeuT by reconstitution, intra-vesicular K+ increases the concentrative capacity of [ 3 H] alanine. To obtain insights into the mechanistic basis of this phenomenon, purified LeuT was reconstituted into liposomes containing a variety of cations, including Na+ and K+ followed by measurements of [ 3 H] alanine uptake driven by a Na+ gradient. The ionic composition of the external medium was manipulated to determine if the stimulation of [3 H] alanine uptake by K+ was due to an outward directed potassium gradient serving as a driving force for sodium-dependent substrate transport by moving in the direction opposite to that of sodium and the substrate. Remarkably it was found that it is the intra-liposomal K+ per se that increases the transport rate of alanine and not a K+ gradient, suggesting that binding of K+ to the intra-cellular face of the transporter could prevent the rebinding of sodium and the substrate thereby reducing their efflux from the cell. These conclusions assume that the measured radioactive transport is via right-side-out liposomes rather than from their inverted counterparts (in case of a random orientation of the transporters in the proteoliposomes). Even though this assumption is likely to be correct, it should be tested.

      Since K+- and Na+-binding are competitive and K+ excludes substrate binding, the Authors chose to focus on the Na1 site where the carboxyl group of the substrate serves as one of the groups which coordinate the sodium ion. This was done by the introduction of conservative mutations of the amino acid residues forming the Na1 site. The potassium interaction in these mutants was monitored by sodium dependent radioactive leucine binding. Moreover, the effect the effect of Na+ with and without substrate as well as that of potassium on the conformational equilibria was measured by tmFRET measurements on the mutants introduced in the construct enabling the measurements. The results suggest that K+-binding to LeuT modulates substrate transport and that the K+ affinity and selectivity for LeuT is sensitive to mutations in the Na1 site, pointing toward the Na1 site as a candidate site for facilitating the interaction between K+ in some NSS members.

      The data presented in this manuscript are of very high quality. They are a detailed extension of results by the same group (Billesbolle et. al, Ref. 16 from the list) providing more detailed information on the importance of the Na1 site for potassium interaction. Clearly this begs for the identification of the binding site in a potassium bound LeuT structure in the future. Presumably LeuT was studied here because it appears that it is relatively easy to determine structures of many conformational states. Furthermore, convincing evidence showed that the stimulatory effect of K+ on transport is not because of energization of substrate accumulation but is rather due to the binding of this cation to a specific site.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the present manuscript, Golf et al. investigate the consequences of astrocyte-specific deletion of Neuroligin family cell adhesion proteins on synapse structure and function in the brain. Decades of prior research had shown that Neuroligins mediate their effects at synapses through their role in the postsynaptic compartment of neurons and their transsynaptic interaction with presynaptic Neurexins. More recently, it was proposed for the first time that Neuroligins expressed by astrocytes can also bind to presynaptic Neurexins to regulate synaptogenesis (Stogsdill et al. 2017, Nature). However, several aspects of the model proposed by Stogsdill et al. on astrocytic Neuroligin function conflict with prior evidence on the role of Neuroligins at synapses, prompting Golf et al. to further investigate astrocytic Neuroligin function in the current study. Using postnatal conditional deletion of Neuroligins 1, 2 and 3 specifically from astrocytes, Golf et al. show that virtually no changes in the expression of synaptic proteins or in the properties of synaptic transmission at either excitatory or inhibitory synapses are observed. Moreover, no alterations in the morphology of astrocytes themselves were found. The authors conclude that while Neuroligins are indeed expressed in astrocytes and are hence likely to play some role there, this role does not include any direct consequences on synaptic structure and function, in direct contrast to the model proposed by Stogsdill et al.

      Overall, this is a strong study that addresses an important and highly relevant question in the field of synaptic neuroscience. Neuroligins are not only key regulators of synaptic function, they have also been linked to numerous psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders, highlighting the need to precisely define their mechanisms of action. The authors take a wide range of approaches to convincingly demonstrate that under their experimental conditions, no alterations in the levels of synaptic proteins or in synaptic transmission at excitatory or inhibitory synapses, or in the morphology of astrocytes, are observed.

      One caveat to this study is that the authors do not directly provide evidence that their Tamoxifen-inducible conditional deletion paradigm does indeed result in efficient deletion of all three Neuroligins from astrocytes. Using a Cre-dependent tdTomato reporter line, they show that tdTomato expression is efficiently induced by the current paradigm, and they refer to a prior study showing efficient deletion of Neuroligins from neurons using the same conditional Nlgn1-3 mouse lines but a different Cre driver strategy. However, neither of these approaches directly provide evidence that all three Neuroligins are indeed deleted from astrocytes in the current study. In contrast, Stogsdill et al. employed FACS and qPCR to directly quantify the loss of Nlgn2 mRNA from astrocytes. This leaves the current Golf et al. study somewhat vulnerable to the criticism, however unlikely, that their lack of synaptic effects may be a consequence of incomplete Neuroligin deletion, rather than a true lack of effect of astrocytic Neuroligins.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Scholz et al., adopt a set of tasks to study how brain regions are differentially activated with temporal context clues. In one task, the first item in a two item sequence will dictate the value of the second. In another task, there is no hierarchy in temporal order, though subjects must still maintain information across the delay to add the value of the two presented items. Using univariate analyses, the authors found many regions that showed an interaction between item position and task, including: the mPFC, anterior hippocampus and the left prefrontal and posterior temporal cortices. The results are interpreted as evidence for a dedicated system for understanding hierarchical relationships across domains as various as spatial cognition, music, and language.

      The question raised by the authors is important and fMRI may be an appropriate means of studying the neural basis for hierarchical computations. The main limitation of the manuscript, and one that is briefly mentioned and dismissed in the discussion is the task design, which confounds whether or not a hierarchical relationship must be formed, and the content of the information that must be held across working memory (color in the hierarchy task and number in the iterative task).

      The authors also report an interesting difference between the activation observed in the head and tail of the hippocampus during the different tasks. However, the authors compare each region independently, show one is significant and the other is not, and then conclude "the effect of hierarchical context representation in the hippocampus is specific to its anterior regions." Such a conclusion requires direct comparison of the regions.

      Finally, it isn't clear if the motivating prior work makes a simple univariate prediction. A strong prediction however is that the representational similarity should be very different for objects in the first versus second position in the hierarchy task and much less so in the iterative task. Such a representational similarity analysis would better connect this study to prior research and to the hypothesis that hierarchical processing affects the coding of items in sequence.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript of Duewell et al has made critical observations that help to understand the mechanisms of activation of the class IA PI3Ks. By using single-molecule kinetic measurements, the authors have made outstanding progress toward understanding how PI3Kbeta is uniquely activated by phosphorylated tyrosine kinase receptors, Gbeta/gamma heterodimers and the small G protein Rac1. While previous studies have defined these as activators of PI3Kbeta, the current manuscript makes clear the quantitative limitations of these previous observations. Most previous quantitative in vitro studies of PI3Kbeta activation have used soluble peptides derived from bis-phosphorylated receptors to stimulate the enzyme. These soluble peptides stimulate the enzyme, and even stimulate membrane interaction. Although these previous studies showed that the release of p85-mediated autoinhibition unmasks an intrinsic affinity of the enzyme for lipid membranes, they ignored what would be the consequence of these peptide sequences being present in the context of intrinsic membrane proteins. The current manuscript shows that the effect of membrane-conjugated peptides on the enzyme activity is profound, in terms of recruiting the enzyme to membranes. In this context, the authors show that G proteins associated with the membranes have an important contribution to membrane recruitment, but they also have a profound allosteric effect on the activity on the membrane, These are observations that would not have been possible with bulk measurements, and they do not simply recapitulate observations that were made for other class IA PI3Ks.

      An important observation that the authors have made is that Gbeta/gamma heterodimers and RAc1 alone have almost no ability to recruit PI3Kbeta to the membranes that they are using, and this is central to one of the most profoundly novel activation mechanisms offered by the manuscript. The authors propose that the nSH2- and Gbeta/gamma binding sites partially overlap, so that Gbeta/gamma can only bind once the nSH2 domain releases the p110beta subunit. This mechanism would mean that once the nSH2 is engaged by membrane-congugated pY, the Gbg heterodimer can bind and increase the association of the enzyme with membranes. Indeed, this increased membrane association is observed by the authors. However, the authors also show that this increased recruitment to membranes accounts for relatively little increase in activity, and that the far greater component of activation is due to an allosteric effect of the membrane association on the activity of the enzyme. The proposal for competition between Gbg binding and the nSH2 is consistent with the behavior of an nSH2 mutant that cannot bind to pY and which, consequently, does not vacate the Gbg-binding site. In addition to the outstanding contribution to understanding the kinetics of activation of PI3Kbeta, the authors have offered the first structural interpretation for the kinetics of Gbg activation in synergy with pY activation. The proposal for an overlapping nSH2/Gbg binding site is supported by predictions made by John Burke, using alphafold multimer. Although there is no experimental structure to support this structural model, it is consistent with HDX-MS analyses that were published previously.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Fiedler and colleagues set out to establish an analog-sensitive approach for selective inhibition of the mammalian IP6K isozymes. IP6Ks are inositol hexakisphosphate kinases, and the authors found that the classic glycine and alanine gatekeeper mutation (established by Kevan Shokat as the "bump and hole approach" for various protein kinases) resulted in limited catalytic efficiency. Therefore, the authors decided to use a leucine-to-valine mutation, which did not affect kinase activity, but, unfortunately, was less amenable to any of the well-established analog-sensitive kinase inhibitors such as PP1 and naphthyl-PP1. To overcome this limitation, the authors performed an elegant HT screen and identified a benzimidazole-based mutant-selective small molecule inhibitor. A focused SAR analysis combined with detailed kinetic studies revealed the hit molecule FMP-201300 as an allosteric inhibitor of IP6K mutants. While co-crystallization experiments failed, the authors used high-end HDX-MS measurements to gain insight into the structural and conformational determinants of mutant selectivity.

      Overall, this is an excellent study of high quality. The identified FMP-201300 has the potential for further compound and probe development. My only minor comment is that the authors could spend more time discussing the proposed allosteric binding mode of FMP-201300 and provide more detailed figures to highlight the proposed interactions with the protein and the conformational changes that must ultimately take place to accommodate the allosteric modulator. I appreciate that the co-crystallization experiments did not yield bound inhibitor structures, but perhaps the authors could consider MD simulations to complete their study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Bhanja et al have examined how actin polymerization switch B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling from amplification to attenuation. The authors have examined B cell spreading and contraction using lipid bilayers to assess the molecular regulation of BCR signalling during the contraction phase. Their data provide evidence for that N-WASP activated Arp2/3 generates centripetally moving actin foci and contractile actomyosin from lamellipodia actin networks. This generates BCR dense foci that pushes out both stimulatory kinases and inhibitory phosphatases. The study provides novel insight into how B cells upon activation attenuate BCR signalling by contraction of the actin cytoskeleton and clustering of BCR foci and this dynamic response is mediated by N-WASP and Arp2/3.

      Strengths: The manuscript is well written and results, methods, figures and legends described in detail making it easy to follow the experimental setup, analysis, and conclusions. The authors achieved their aims, and the results support their conclusions.

      Weaknesses: Minor as listed below. The working hypothesis of molecular crowding as a way to push out signalling molecules from the BCR dense foci is interesting. The authors provide evidence for that this is an active process mediated by N-WASP - Arp2/3 induced actin foci. Another possibility is that BCR dense foci formation is an indirect consequence of lamellipodia retraction. Future works should define the specific role of N-WASP, Arp2/3 and actin in the process to form BCR dense foci, especially as the BCR continue to signal in the cytoplasm.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors examined the role of transcription readout and intron retention in increasing transcription of transposable elements during aging in mammals. It is assumed that most transposable elements have lost the regulatory elements necessary for transcription activation. Using available RNA-seq datasets, the authors showed that an increase in intron retention and readthrough transcription during aging contributes to an increase in the number of transcripts containing transposable elements.

      Previously, it was assumed that the activation of transposable elements during aging is a consequence of a gradual imbalance of transcriptional repression and a decrease in the functionality of heterochromatin (de repression of transcription in heterochromatin). Therefore, this is an interesting study with important novel conclusion. However, there are many questions about bioinformatics analysis and the results obtained.

      Major comments:

      1. In Introduction the authors indicated that only small fraction of LINE-1 and SINE elements are expressed from functional promoters and most of LINE-1 are co-expressed with neighboring transcriptional units. What about other classes of mobile elements (LTR mobile element and transposons)?

      2. Results: Why authors considered all classes of mobile elements together? It is likely that most of the LTR containing mobile elements and transposons contain active promoters that are repressed in heterochromatin or by KRAB-C2H2 proteins.

      3. Fig. 2. A schematic model of transposon expression is not presented clearly. What is the purpose of showing three identical spliced transcripts?

      4. The study analyzed the levels of RNA from cell cultures of human fibroblasts of different ages. The annotation to the dataset indicated that the cells were cultured and maintained. (The cells were cultured in high-glucose (4.5mg/ml) DMEM (Gibco) supplemented with 15% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum (Gibco), 1X glutamax (Gibco), 1X non-essential amino acids (Gibco) and 1% (vol/vol) penicillin-streptomycin (Gibco). How correct that gene expression levels in cell cultures are the same as in body cells? In cell cultures, transcription is optimized for efficient division and is very different from that of cells in the body. In order to correlate a result on cells with an organism, there must be rigorous evidence that the transcriptomes match.

      5. The results obtained for isolated cultures of fibroblasts are transferred to the whole organism, which has not been verified. The conclusions should be more accurate.

      6. The full pipeline with all the configuration files IS NOT available on github (pabisk/aging_transposons).

      7. Analysis of transcripts passing through repeating regions is a complex matter. There is always a high probability of incorrect mapping of multi-reads to the genome. Things worsen if unpaired short reads are used, as in the study (L=51). Therefore, the authors used the Expectation maximization algorithm to quantify transposon reads. Such an option is possible. But it is necessary to indicate how statistically reliable the calculated levels are. It would be nice to make a similar comparison of TE levels using only unique reads. The density of reads would drop, but in this case it would be possible to avoid the artifacts of the EM algorithm.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this research article a new allosteric mechanism for T cell receptor (TCR) triggering upon peptide-MHC complex binding is presented in which conformational change in the TCR facilitates activation by controlling CD3 dynamics around the TCR. The authors find that the Cb FG loop acts as a gatekeeper and Cb connecting peptide acts as a hinge to control TCR flexibility.

      As an initial result, the authors set up two sets of simulations - TCR-CD3 and pMHC-TCR-CD3 in POPC bilayers and identified that the CD3e chains exhibit a wider range of mobility in the pMHC-TCR-CD3 system as compared to the TCR-CD3 system. Next, they examined the contacts between all subunits during the course of both simulations and established that CD3g and CD3eg made far fewer contacts with TCRb in the pMHC-TCR-CD3 simulations. Next, they identified that the TCR is extended in the pMHC-TCR-CD3 simulations with larger tilt angle of 150º and FG loop acts as gatekeeper that allows CD3 movements upon pMHC binding. Finally, Mutations in Cb connecting peptide regions indicated rigidified TCR leading to hypersensitive TCR, proved both by simulations and in vitro experiments.

      The following major concerns must be addressed.

      Major concerns:

      1) The simulations were performed with intracellular regions unfolded and free from the membrane. A more complete system should have the intracellular regions embedded in the membrane. An NMR structure of CD3e is available (Xu et al., Cell, 2008) and could have been modeled into the TCR-CD3 system before the simulation. Prakaash et al., (PLoS, Comput Biol, 2021) studied cytoplasmic domain motions during in their simulation experiments.

      2) Comparing Fig. 2C and Fig.7C, the movement of CD3eg is more restricted in Fig.7C. Is this because the simulation time is lower in the mutation experiments?

      3) Only TCR-CD3 simulation were performed for PP and AA mutants. A simulation with pMHC (pMHC-TCRmutants-CD3) should be performed to show increased CD3 mobility.

      4) Using CD3e antibody, OKT3, for activation instead of pMHC as a separate experiment would add more value to this study. They can look at CD3 mobility and TCR elongation in the system with OKT3 antibody and compare it to the CD3 mobility and TCR elongation with the pMHC system. They can also use OKT3 with AA and PP mutants and perform both simulation and in vitro activation experiments.

      5) The activation experimental data is rather underwhelming. The difference between WT and PP in 2hr experiment at 0.016 ug/mL looks exceedingly low. A stronger TCR-pMHC system should be considered for the in vitro activation experiments.

      6) There is some concern that the scientific work lacks solid experimental functional data and lack of novelty due to earlier TCR-CD3 simulation studies (Pandey et al., 2021, eLife) that already reported flexibility and elongation of the complex.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      • The central component of the Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC) that controls nucleocytoplasmic transport is the assembly of the intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) that line its passageway. Nanopore based mimics functionalized with these IDPs have been an important tool in understanding the mechanisms of protein transport through the NPC. This paper develops a new type of nanopore NPC mimic that acts as Zero Mode Waveguide enabling optical detection of protein translocations on the single molecule level in pores of different diameters. This is a significant improvement over previous mimics, where optical detection was used only for measurement of bulk fluxes, while single molecule detection relied on electrochemical methods that potentially introduce substantial artifacts. Studying the dependence of transport on the pore diameter is interesting because of its important connections to mechanosensitivity of protein partitioning in cells, which can be difficult to directly control and study in live cells.

      • The authors study the transport of individual transport proteins in the dilute regime, and compare the transport of the transport proteins that naturally carry cargoes through the NPC with the transport of BSA that serves as a neutral control. The paper confirms the insights of previous work by the same and other authors - IDP functionalized nanopores are selective in a sense that they conduct the transport proteins well while blocking the passage of BSA. As reported in the paper, the selectivity disappears at large pore diameters which become similar to empty pores because the IDPs don't stretch far enough to cover the pore cross-section.

      • The authors use one-bead-per-amino acid coarse grained modeling of the IDPs that they developed and validated previously, to model the distribution of the IDPs in the pores. Combining the simulations with the recently developed "void" model of transport through IDP network and phenomenological transport models, they provide an explanation for the observed reduction in the flux of the neutral control proteins compared to that of transport proteins. The translocation of transport proteins is not modeled directly.

      • Together, the experimental and the computational results constitute convincing evidence that points toward the correctness of our current understanding of the physical mechanisms of NPC transport.

      • The authors study interference between the transport proteins and the neutral control proteins at high concentrations of the latter, where the pore is occupied by multiple transport proteins. The results appear to be different from previous observations (but more study is needed). I think more discussion of how the results seem with the previous work and what are the potential implication for NPC transport would be welcome.

      • The authors use simulations and phenomenological models of transport to analyze the crowded regime. It appears there are some inconsistencies in the application of these models in the dilute and crowded regimes, that should be clarified.

      • Some details of the experimental system and the appropriateness of the transport models should be explained more - such as the role of the hydrodynamic pressure gradient.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper presents improved, chromosome level assemblies of the hadal snailfish and Tanaka's snailfish. This is an extension and update of previous work from the group on the hadal snailfish genome. The chromosomal assemblies allow comparisons of genome architecture between a shallow water snailfish and the hadal snailfish to aid inference on timing of colonization of trenches and genomic changes that may have been adaptive for that move.

      The comparisons in genomic architecture are compelling: genes present in Tanaka's snailfish that are lost in hadal snailfish that involve whole regions of the genome that no longer map even though adjacent regions do map between the species and across a large evolutionary distance to stickleback. Or genes that are duplicated in hadal snailfish but only appear as single copy in other fishes. The paper focuses on genes in the eye, in hearing, in circadian rhythms, and in ROS scavaging. These are all functions that could play a role in adapting to the hadal environment.

      The genomic comparisons all seem sound. Stylistically I would prefer if the authors could introduce the gene product and protein function every time they introduce a gene locus. They introduce a gene and general function, but don't usually note what the protein encoded by the gene is and what it's specific function is.

      I found the paper generally well written, and the data compelling and creatively displayed. There is room for improvement in places where additional details could be added (e.g. the choice to show expression data as TPMs) and the writing could be clarified.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the present study, Liu et al present an analysis of benign and HCC liver samples which were subjected to a new technology (LOOP-Seq) and paired WES.  By integrating these data, the authors find isoforms, fusions and mutations which uniquely cluster within HCC samples, such as in the HLA locus, which serve as candidate leads for further investigation.  The main appeal of the study is in the potential of LOOP-Seq as a method to present isoform-resolved data without actually performing long-read sequencing.   While this presents an exciting new method, the current study lacks systematic comparisons with other technologies/data to test the robustness, reproducibility and utility of LOOP-Seq.  Further, this study could be further improved by giving more physiologic context and examples from the analyses, thus providing a new resource to the HCC community.  A few suggestions based on these are below:    

      A primary consideration is that this seems to be the first implementation of LOOP-Seq, where the technology, while intriguing, has not been evaluated systematically.  It seems like a standard 10x workflow is performed, where exons are selectively pulled down and amplified.  Subsequent ultra-deep sequencing is assumed to give isoform-resolution of the sc-seq data.  To demonstrate the utility of the approach it would benefit the study to compare the isoform-resolved results with studies where long-read sequencing was actually performed (ex: https://journals.lww.com/hep/Fulltext/2019/09000/Long_Read_RNA_Sequencing_Identifies_Alternative.19.aspxhttps://www.jhep-reports.eu/article/S2589-5559(22)00021-0/fulltext,  https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1010342).  Presumably, a fair amount of overlap should occur to justify the usage.  

      Related to this point, the sc-seq cell types and benign vs HCC genes should be compared with the wealth of data available for HCC sc-seq  (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-32283-3https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-84693-w).  These seem to be important to benchmark the technology in order to demonstrate that the probe-based selection and subsequent amplification does not bias cell type definition and clustering.  In particular, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03974-6 seems quite relevant to compare mutational landscapes from the data.<br /> <br /> From the initial UMAP clustering, it will be important to know what the identities are of the cells themselves.  Presumably there is quite a bit of immune cells and hepatocytes, but without giving identities, downstream mechanistic interpretation is difficult.  

      In general, there are a fair amount of broad analyses, such as comparisons of hierarchical clustering of cell types, but very little physiologic interpretations of what these results mean.  For example, among the cell clusters from Fig 6, knowing the pathways and cell annotations would help to contextualize these results.  Without more biologically-meaningful aspects to highlight, most of the current appeal for the manuscript is dependent on the robustness of LOOP-seq and its implementation.  

      Many of the specific analyses are difficult and the methods are brief.  Especially given that this technology is new and the dataset potentially useful, I would strongly recommend the authors set up a git repository, galaxy notebook or similar to maximize utility and reproducibility 

      The authors claim that clustering between benign and HCC samples was improved by including isoform & gene (Suppl fig 8).  This seems like an important conclusion if true, especially to justify the use of long-read implementation.  Given that the combination of isoform + gene presents ~double the number of variables on which to cluster, it would be important to show that the improved separation on UMAP distance is actually due to the isoforms themselves and not just sampling more variables from either gene or isoform

      SQANTI implementation to identify fusions relevant for the HCC/benign comparison. How do the fusions compare with those already identified for HCC?  These analyses can be quite messy when performed on WES alone so it seems that having such deep RNA-seq would improve the capacity to see which fused genes are strongly expressed/suppressed.  This doesn't seem as evident from current analysis.  There are quite a bit of WES datasets which could be compared:  https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3252, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-03276-y

      Figure 4 is fairly unclear.  The matrix graphs showing gene position mutations are tough to interpret and make out.  Usually, gene track views with bars or lollipop graphs can make these results more readily interpretable.  Also, how Figure 4 B infers causal directions from mutations is unclear.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Souaiaia et al. attempt to use sibling phenotype data to infer aspects of genetic architecture affecting the extremes of the trait distribution. They do this by considering deviations from the expected joint distribution of siblings' phenotypes under the standard additive genetic model, which forms their null model. They ascribe excess similarity compared to the null as due to rare variants shared between siblings (which they term 'Mendelian') and excess dissimilarity as due to de-novo variants. While this is a nice idea, there can be many explanations for rejection of their null model, which clouds interpretation of Souaiaia et al.'s empirical results.

      The authors present their method as detecting aspects of genetic architecture affecting the extremes of the trait distribution. However, I think it would be better to characterize the method as detecting whether siblings are more or less likely to be aggregated in the extremes of the phenotype distribution than would be predicted under a common variant, additive genetic model.

      Exactly how the rareness and penetrance of a genetic variant influence the conditional sibling phenotype distribution at the extremes is not made clear. The contrast between de-novo and 'Mendelian' architectures is somewhat odd since these are highly related phenomena: a 'Mendelian' architecture could be due to a de-novo variant of the previous generation. The fact that these two phenomena are surmised to give opposing signatures in the authors' statistical tests seems suboptimal to me: would it not be better to specify a parameter that characterizes the degree or sharing between siblings of rare factors of large effect? This could be related to the mixture components in the bimodal distribution displayed in Fig 1. In fact, won't the extremes of all phenotypes be influenced by all three types of variants (common, rare, de-novo) to greater or lesser degree? By framing the problem as a hypothesis testing problem, I think the authors are obscuring the fact that the extremes of real phenotypes likely reflect a mixture of causes: common, de-novo, and rare variants (and shared and non-shared environmental factors).

      To better enable interpretation of the results of this method, a more comprehensive set of simulations is needed. Factors that may influence the conditional distribution of siblings' phenotypes beyond those considered include: non-normal distribution, assortative mating, shared environment, interactions between genetic and shared environmental factors, and genetic interactions.

      In summary, I think this is a promising method that is revealing something interesting about extreme values of phenotypes. Determining exactly what is being revealed is going to take a lot more work, however.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript points out that TMB cut-offs are not strong predictors of response to immunotherapy or overall survival. By randomly shuffling TMB values within cohorts to simulate a null distribution of log-rank test p-values, they show that under correction, the statistical significance of previously reported TMB cut-offs for predicting outcomes is questionable. There is a clinical need for a better prediction of treatment response than TMB alone can provide. However, no part of the analysis challenges the validity of the well-known pan-cancer correlation between TMB and immunotherapy response. The failure to detect significant TMB cut-offs may be due to insufficient power, as the examined cohorts have relatively low sample sizes. A power analysis would be informative of what cohort sizes are needed to detect small to modest effects of TMB on immune response.

      The manuscript provides a simple model of immunogenicity that is tailored to be consistent with a claimed lack of relationship between TMB and response to immunotherapy. Under the model, if each mutation that a tumor has acquired has a relatively high probability of being immunogenic (~10%, they suggest), and if 1-2 immunogenic mutations is enough to induce an immune response, then most tumors produce an immune response, and TMB and response should be uncorrelated except in very low-TMB tumors. The question then becomes whether the response is sufficient to wipe out tumor cells in conjunction with immunotherapy, which is essentially the same question of predicting response that motivated the original analysis. While TMB alone is not an excellent predictor of treatment response, the pan-cancer correlation between TMB and response/survival is highly significant, so the model's only independent prediction is wrong. Additionally, experiments to predict and validate neoepitopes suggest that a much smaller fraction of nonsynonymous mutations produce immune responses1,2.

      A key idea that is overlooked in this manuscript is that of survivorship bias: self-evidently, none of the mutations found at the time of sequencing have been immunogenic enough to provoke a response capable of eliminating the tumor. While the authors suggest that immunoediting "is inefficient, allowing tumors to accumulate a high TMB," the alternative explanation fits the neoepitope literature better: most mutations that reach high allele frequency in tumor cells are not immunogenic in typical (or patient-specific) tumor environments. Of course, immunotherapies sometimes succeed in overcoming the evolved immune evasion of tumors. Higher-TMB tumors are likely to continue to have higher mutation rates after sequencing; increased generation of new immunogenic mutations may partially explain their modestly improved responses to therapy.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In their manuscript, Keramidioti and co-authors investigate the cellular architecture of the nervous system in the freshwater polyp Hydra. Specifically, the authors attempt to improve the resolution, which is lacking in the previous studies, yet to generate a comprehensive overview of the entire nervous system's spatial organization and to infer communication between cells. To this end, Keramidioti et al. use state-of-the-art imaging approaches, such as confocal microscopy combined with the use of transgenic animals, transmission electron microscopy, and block face scanning electron microscopy. The authors present three major observations: i) A novel hyCADab antibody may be used to detect the entire nervous system of Hydra; ii) Nerve cells in the ectoderm and in the endoderm are organized in two separate nerve nets, which do not interact; iii) Both nerve nets are composed of bundles of overlapping nerve processes.

      The manuscript addresses a long-standing and currently intensively studied question in developmental neurobiology biology - it attempts to reveal structural properties and principles that govern the function of the nervous systems in non-bilaterian animals. Hence, this study contributes to understanding the nervous system evolution trajectories. Therefore, the manuscript may represent interest to researchers interested in evolutionary and developmental neurobiology.

      The manuscript reports a remarkably meticulous study and presents stunning imaging results. However, the manuscript would benefit from a more thorough presentation of immunochemical and electron microscopy data. The work would also greatly benefit from a more straightforward presentation of truly novel findings and a more concise summary of already-known aspects.

      Major comments:

      1) The novelty of findings.<br /> The authors present a lot of findings and illustrate them with numerous very impressive images. However, most observations have been actually reported before, and genuinely novel discoveries are obscured. For instance, the findings on the elongated morphology of the endodermal sensory cell (entire passage starting with "Figure 2B shows..."), qualitative ("Figure 3 shows..."), and quantitative estimation of neuronal densities in the different body compartments of Hydra - all these observations do not provide novel insights. Some co-authors of this manuscript or other authors have previously published all these features. A substantial advance would be performing in vivo experiments, addressing directly, for instance, the question of what is the function of sensory neurons reaching into the gastric cavity. What signals do they detect there? If the authors have access to such functional assays, any additional in vivo experiments will substantially improve the study.

      2) The utility of the hyCADab as a pan-neuronal antibody.<br /> Most of the analysis in the manuscript relies on immunostaining of fixed polyps with a novel polyclonal antibody. The authors claim that this antibody recognizes a neuron-specific cadherin protein of Hydra and stains all neurons in the nerve net. However, a brief search in the publicly available resources (such as the Hydra Genome Portal: https://research.nhgri.nih.gov/HydraAEP/) indicates that the gene encoding a protein with a sequence similar to the epitope used by Keramidioti and co-authors is, in fact, not a neuron-specific. It is strongly expressed in nematocytes. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic staining hyCADab is puzzling. Given that the target Cadherin protein is a membrane-associated protein, one would anticipate the immunochemical signal to be localized on the cell's periphery, under the surface.

      The authors compare the density of neurons related to epithelial cells detected in whole mounts by the antibody with counts on macerates. Perhaps, a more direct and accurate approach would be to stain macerates with the antibody. In this way, one would be able to identify neurons by their morphology and validate whether 100% of them are hyCADab-positive.

      The nGreen strain used by the authors is a mosaic one (see Materials and Methods). Hence, not all neurons are, in fact, labeled by GFP. Therefore, the argument that 51/51 GFP-positive cells are also hyCADab-positive is not convincing and insufficient to claim that hyCADab is a pan-neuronal antibody.

      Finally, it is truly surprising that transgenic GFP-positive neurons are, in most cases, hyCADab-negative. (It is particularly evident in Fig. 11B. If the hyCADab antibody is indeed a pan-neuronal one, the red signal in the transgenic neurons should be as high as in the surrounding cells, and the cells would appear yellow).

      3) The apparent absence of contact between the ectodermal and endodermal nerve nets.<br /> A central claim of the manuscript is that there are no contacts between the nervous networks in the ectoderm and the endoderm. Therefore, the activities of these networks appear to be not coordinated. In support of these claims, the authors provide images of sections from the polyps' body column (Fig. 4). However, the mesoglea itself is not visible in these images.

      Another limitation of the study by Keramidioti and co-authors is that they investigate sections only from the gastric region of a polyp. Earlier studies (for instance, Westfall, 1973) using TEM provided compelling evidence for communication between the ectodermal and endodermal nerve networks via neurites that cross the mesoglea. These neurites traversing mesoglea have been detected specifically in the hypostome of Hydra - the region not thoroughly investigated by Keramidioti et al. It is also surprising that transmesogleal bridges between ectodermal and endodermal epithelial cells, abundantly present not only in the hypostome but in the body column as well, can not be detected on any of the images provided by the authors. This suggests that their approach overall might be in general not suitable for addressing the question of connection and communication between the ectodermal and endodermal structures.

      4) Formation of neurite bundles<br /> The most intriguing finding of the study by Keramidioti et al. is that neurites of nerve cells often run parallel to each other, forming conspicuous bundles in both ectodermal and endodermal nerve nets. The formation of such bundles per se is not surprising. It has already been documented by Takahashi-Iwanaga et al.,1994 (this study definitely did not escape the authors' attention) in Hydra's body column. Moreover, neurite bundles have been previously described in the hypostomes of other Hydra species (e.g., Davis et al., 1968; Grimmelikhuijzen, 1985; Yaross et al., 1986) and in other cnidarians (e.g., Mackie 1973, 1989; Garm et al., 2007). Hence, this appears to be a common, universal principle of the nervous system architecture in Cnidaria. I agree with the authors that such an organization of the nerve net is surprising and contrasts the neuronal architecture of most Bilateria. Could these observations, taken together, lead to a view of an alternative design of a nerve system? (a recently published description of the syncytial nerve net in Ctenophora is another revolutionary example of a nervous system architecture). The authors might compare the organization of the Hydra nerve plexus with the architecture of the vertebrate enteric nervous system - where bundles of neurites are also highly abundant, stimulating some thoughts on the evolutionary roots of the peripheral NS.

      Another aspect worth discussing in this context is whether the nerve system of Hydra can be organized in any other way. Given the architecture of epithelia in Hydra, there's virtually no other way for the neurites to run other than to form bundles - they occupy the narrow spaces between the epithelial cells and between their muscular fibers. The growth of the neurites thus appears constrained.

      Finally, the functional implications of such bundle formation appear extremely interesting. Do neurons really form contacts in these bundles? Unfortunately, the authors provide no evidence for synaptic contacts within the bundles. This is somehow surprising given that numerous studies have effectively localized chemical and electric synapses in Hydra cells (e.g., Westfall et al., 1971). Overlapping of neurites may suggest an alternative, non-synaptic mechanism of signal propagation - via ephaptic coupling. It would be beneficial if the authors provided more TEM data on the presence or absence of synapses between neurites in the body column of Hydra. Some experiments, such as the dye coupling approach, may also help probe the existence of synaptic connections between the neurons forming a bundle.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Voda et al examined the role of multiple co-stimulations on gene expression and chromatin accessibility of T cells. They further linked the roles of co-stimulatory proteins to genetic variants associated with IBD. They reported a shared effect of co-stimulatory proteins on gene expression and chromatin accessibility. In particular they reported the induction of genes associated with lysosome production with alternative co-stimulatory proteins. In linking human genetics to the effect of costimulation, they reported the largest enrichment of IBD risk variants in open chromatin regions shared by all costimulatory molecules.

      The question that is being investigated in this manuscript is significant considering the requirement of costimulatory proteins in controlling T cell responses. However, the data presented and analyzes performed remain exploratory and it is not clear how it can advance our understanding of the link between IBD risk association and immune responses. At least one locus ( a target of shared/unique costimulatory molecules) should be selected and mechanistic investigation of the locus, transcription factors involved, and perturbation studies for understanding gene regulation should be performed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The work presented here by Morgun et al is performed in the context of vaccine development, a field especially active in the context of tuberculosis (TB). The generation of a new vaccine either enhancing or replacing the 100-year-old BCG is urgently needed.

      Most subunit vaccines integrate protein antigens formulated with adjuvants and there are few examples on the performance of subunit vaccines integrating lipid antigens. Considering the hydrophobic and lipid nature of the mycobacterial cell envelope studies assessing the suitability of mycobacterial lipids in vaccine formulations may contribute to generate new vaccines to tackle the disease.

      The mycobacterial lipid antigens under study are mycolic acids (MA), which are located at the cell wall covalently linked to arabinogalactan. These lipids carry extremely long chain fatty acids of up to 60-90 carbons.

      The group has previously shown that formulating MA into micellar nanocarriers and vaccinating mice intranasally it could activate CD1-restricted T cells. However, this formulation did not allow for the incorporation of protein antigens.

      This work is novel, and it brings new data of high relevance for the TB vaccine field pointing to alternative formulations and antigens and immune mechanisms.

      Authors assay different routes of vaccination but the main results are obtained using non-conventional vaccination routes. Although, it maybe out of the scope of the paper, no protection studies are provided.

      Several recommendations are given to improve the quality and the readability of the manuscript.

      1. Authors elaborate the introduction solely highlighting the relevance of antigen persistence in the context of vaccination. However, it is well known that several mycobacterial antigens (Lipids and proteins) can cause detrimental responses when overexposed to the immune system. In this regard, it would be appropriate to introduce the possibility of the occurrence of exhaustion when prolonged exposure to antigens is happening, which is the main theme of this paper.

      2. Authors need to provide more information about the source of MA. It is briefly mentioned in the materials and methods section that it was obtained from Sigma. If that is the case, it would be ideal to show the integrity of the polysaccharide in term of balance and abundance between different MA species.

      3. Building up on the previous comment, MA is a complex mixture of polysaccharides including multiple lengths of fatty acids and modifications. Could the authors comments on the potential variability of MA structure and potential impact on immune responses?

      4. How do the authors explain the lack of stimulation of cell proliferation induced by MA-PLGA formulation? Does this result contradict previous findings?

      5. Fig 3. Authors switch to IT administration simply arguing against the limitation of IN delivery regarding its low volume. However, administration via IN could be done in an iterative manner. According to this change, this reviewer asks whether the performance of MA-PLGA could now be comparable to BCN-MA using IT instead.

      6. What would be the reasons of the no role of encapsulating NP in the persistence of MA?

      7. Authors need to discuss to what extent the MA location into AM is route dependent.

      8. Also, AM are programmed to sustain low immune responses because of their unique location in the lung. In fact, Mtb uses this to replicate while immune response is mounted. In this regard, accumulation of MA into this compartment may not be relevant for the overall immune response. In other words, what would be the contribution of this population to the T cell activation?

      9. Could the T cells responses measured be due to the reduced fraction of DC loaded with BCN-MA at initial time points?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Catabolic conditions lead to increased formation of ketone bodies in the liver, which under these conditions play an important role in supplying energy to metabolically active organs. In this manuscript, the authors explore the concept of whether and to what extent hepatic formation of acetate might contribute to energy supply under metabolic stress conditions. The authors show that patients with diabetes have increased acetate levels, which is explained as a consequence of the increased fatty acid flux from adipose tissue to the liver. This is confirmed in a preclinical model for type 1 diabetes, where acetate concentrations are in a similar range to ketone bodies. Acetate concentrations also increase under physiological conditions of fasting. Using stable isotopes, the authors show that palmitate is used as the primary source for acetate production in primary hepatocytes. Using cell culture studies and adenoviral-mediated knockdown in mice, it can be shown that the conversion of acetyl-CoA to acetate is catalyzed in peroxisomes by acyl-CoA thioesterase8 (ACOT8) and after transport of citrate from mitochondria and subsequent conversion to acetyl-CoA in the cytosol by ACOT12. Remarkably, ACOT8/12 not only regulate the formation of acetate but play a crucial role in the maintenance of cellular CoA concentration. Accordingly, depletion of ACOT8/12 activity leads to a reduction of other CoA derivatives such as HMG-CoA, which resulted in the inhibition of ketone body synthesis. In diabetic mice, ACOT 8 or ACOT12 knockdown appears to lead to some limitations in strength and behavior.

      In summary, the authors clearly demonstrate that hepatic release-mediated by ACOT8 and ACOT12-determines the plasma concentration of acetate. This is a very remarkable observation, since most studies assume that short-chain fatty acids in plasma are primarily generated by fermentation of dietary fiber by intestinal bacteria. The authors demonstrate in very well performed studies the metabolic changes that result from impaired thiolysis. On the other hand, the ACOT12 phenotype has been demonstrated in a recently published study (PMID: 34285335). In this study, ACOT12 deficiency caused NAFLD, thus it would be worth to determine whether deficiency of ACOT12 and/or ACOT8 promotes de novo lipogenesis under the conditions of the present study. As a further limitation, it should be noted that the relevance of acetate production for the energy supply of peripheral organs including the central nervous system could not be clearly demonstrated. For instance, impaired ketone body production due to impaired CoA availability could affect the metabolic activity of various organs. Moreover, the human cohort is not very well described, e.g. it is unclear whether the patients have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript authors make an important contribution to the diversity of mosquito specific viruses, describing the genetic diversity of RNA viruses from the family Culicidae, along an anthropogenic-disturbance gradient in Côte d'Ivoire in 2004.<br /> The manuscript is methodologically rigorous from the virologic perspective; molecular techniques were standardized to perform virus detection, increasing the detection potential from a previous published work by the team from five to 49 viruses (331 viral sequences pertaining to 49 viruses of ten RNA-virus families).<br /> It is rich in terms of the genetic diversity of mosquito specific viruses, but not as strong from the entomological and ecological perspectives. Mosquito specific viruses are analyzed under the lens of pathogens with public health importance, which is confusing.<br /> One of the major information gaps are the potential transmission routes or sources of infection of the detected viruses. Mosquito specific viruses can be transmitted vertically or horizontally, and are in general strongly associated with the environment, but not related with other hosts such as vertebrates. From this perspective, the ecology of transmission of these viruses should not be compared to pathogens that use vertebrate hosts. The authors found 49 viruses, but emphasize the ecological relevance of their findings to five viruses with increased prevalence from pristine to disturbed habitats, to show a dilution effect.<br /> Another suggested important contribution is the finding of an "abundance effect", suggesting that higher prevalence in degraded ecosystems is the result of host abundance, but additional ecological information is missing on the potential mechanisms leading to this effect. Breeding sites may be a main source of variation in species composition and abundances among habitats, but no comments on this are found on the manuscript.<br /> Some additional useful information could be provided to better understand mosquito sampling, for instance: the number of traps used, duration of sampling in each locality, and sampling dates to understand if there could be seasonal variation.<br /> In conclusion the manuscript is interesting and well written. The virologic component is strong, but its relation to the ecological determinants should be improved.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The mitotic spindle of eukaryotic cells is a microtubule-based assembly responsible for chromosome segregation during cell division. For a given cell type, the steady-state size and shape of this structure are remarkably consistent. How this morphologic consistency is achieved, particularly when one considers the complex interplay between dynamic microtubules, spatial and temporal regulation of microtubule nucleation, and the activities of several microtubule-based motor proteins, remains a fundamental unanswered question in cell biology. In this work by Richter et al., the authors use biochemical and biophysical perturbations to explore the feedback between mitotic spindle shape and the dynamics of one of its main structural elements, kinetochore fibers (k-fibers) - bundles of microtubules that extend from kinetochores to spindle poles. Overexpression of the p50 dynactin subunit in mammalian tissue culture cells (Ptk2) was used to inhibit the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein resulting in misshapen spindles with unfocused poles. Measurements of k-fiber lengths in control and unfocused conditions showed that although mean k-fiber length was not statistically different, the variation of length was significantly higher in unfocused spindles, suggesting that k-fiber length is set locally, occurring in the absence of focused poles. With a clever combination of live-cell imaging with photoablation and/or photobleaching of fluorescently-labeled k-fibers, the authors went on to explore the mechanistic bases of this length regulation. K-fiber regrowth following ablation occurred in both conditions, albeit more slowly in unfocused spindles. Paired ablation and localized photobleaching on the same k-fiber revealed that microtubule dynamics, specifically those at the plus-end, can be tuned at the level of individual k-fiber. Lastly, the authors show that chromosome segregation is severely impaired when cells with unfocused spindles are forced to enter mitosis. The work's biggest strength is the application of an innovative experimental approach to address thoughtful and well-articulated hypotheses and predictions. Conclusions stemming from the experiments are generally well-supported, though the experiments addressing the "tuning" of k-fiber dynamics could be bolstered by additional data points and perhaps better presented. The manuscript would also benefit from the inclusion of some investigation of spatial differences in the observed effects as well as the molecular and biophysical basis of the observed feedback between k-fiber length and focused poles.


      1) In the discussion, the authors acknowledge that the changes in spindle morphology resulting from p50 overexpression are likely also causing changes in the well-characterized RanGTP/SAF gradients that radiate from chromosome surfaces. Why did the authors did not include an analysis of k-fiber length as a function of positioning within the spindle? The inclusion of this data would not require more experimentation and could be added as a plot showing K-fiber length versus distance from the geometric center of the spindle (defined by the intersection of the major and minor axes perhaps?).<br /> 2) The authors also acknowledge the established relationship between MT length and MT end dynamics, yet in their ablation studies, the average initial k-fiber length at ablation in control spindles was higher than that for k-fibers in unfocused spindles. It seems that this difference makes the interpretation of the data, particularly the conclusion that fiber growth rates differ due to the absence of focused poles, a bit tenuous. To address this, the authors should consider including plots of grow-back rates versus k-fiber length (again, this should not require additional experiments, just more analysis).<br /> 3) As presented, the data shown in Figure 4 is confusing and does not seem very compelling. The relationship between the kymographs and time series is unclear as is the relationship between the dashed lines in the kymographs and the triangles and the plots in the 4B time series and 4C, respectively. Furthermore, it's not always clear what the triangles are pointing to (e.g. in the unfocused condition time series). The authors might want to consider reworking this figure and providing more measurements of flux following ablation in both the control and unfocused conditions. Lastly, the authors should clarify what negative displacement means.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      To provide context into the HIV epidemic in Botswana over the latter half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, the authors have analyzed micro census data to examine patterns of migration. They use this dataset to show how patterns between urban and rural areas have changed over several decades, and the demographic characteristics of migrants. The dataset used for this study is a very reliable source, and the insights in terms of migration patterns are interesting. The primary weakness of the analyses regards the link to HIV transmission: micro-census data only examine mobility that leads to individuals changing residence for longer periods of time, without accounting for shorter-term trips that may also lead to HIV transmission, such as seasonal migration or short trips. This is likely less of an issue with HIV than other diseases, however, due to its transmission often involving new sexual partners, which will generally be less likely to occur during short trips. Broadly, however, this is an interesting report on the migration patterns during a critical period for HIV transmission nationwide.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper addresses the specific function of p38γ/p38δ isoforms in inflammation. This was achieved by developing a novel mouse model in which p38γ was replaced by a kinase-inactive mutant (D171A mutation in a p38δ knock out background (p38γ/δKIKO). The results demonstrate that the p38γ/p38δ MAPKs are required for regulating the expression of inflammatory mediators implicated in the innate immune response. The phosphorylation of the transcription factor MEF2D at Ser444 constitutes one potential mechanism by which p38γ/p38δ suppresses iNOS and IL-1β mRNA expression.

      The strength of this paper resides in the novelty of the mouse model that permitted to assess the specific requirement of p38γ/p38δ isoforms independently of the loss of TPL2 expression caused by compound deletion of the p38γ/p38δ alleles. The finding that p38γ/p38δ MAPKs inhibit MEF2D activity by phosphorylation at Ser444 is also novel.

      One weakness lies in the lack of consistency between the expression profiles performed by RNA-seq/qPCR/cytokine arrays to identify inflammatory mediators whose expression is dependent on p38γ/δ in the two in vivo models of septic shock (i.e. fungal infection and induced by LPS) and in LPS activated macrophages in vitro.

      The other issue is that gene expression analyses are performed using bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) (Figs. 3 and 5A), whereas the proteomic analysis employs peritoneal macrophages given that "p38γ and p38δ are expressed at much higher levels in these macrophages than in BMDM (p11)" (Fig. 4). Although the authors state on p11 "Additionally, the LPS-induced cytokine production in peritoneal macrophages was comparable to that of BMDM", only two cytokines were measured, i.e. IL1b and IFNg (SI Appendix Fig. S4B). This really emphasises the importance of verifying that i) MEF2D is indeed a substrate of p38δ in macrophages and ii) p38γ/δ-mediated phosphorylation of MEF2D at Ser444 negatively regulates the expression of iNOS and IL-1β transcripts in macrophages.

      Finally, no experiment was performed to demonstrate that the lower fungal burden or increased survival rate following LPS-induced sepsis in p38γ/δKIKO mice (Fig. 1) is a consequence of impaired production of inflammatory mediators by p38γ/δKIKO macrophages. This important issue should be addressed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The significance of these findings is that the role of B cells in mediating cardiometabolic complications in PCOS is not completely understood. The approach taken by this research group is both innovative and translational. One of the clear strengths of this manuscript is that it combines basic research with clinical studies in PCOS women.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study explores the variability of cerebellar anatomy in the mammal. By capturing a set of anatomical measures in the cerebellum and including previously reported cerebral and cerebellar metrics in a set of 58 different mammalian species, this study depicts both consistency and heterogeneity in the co-occurrence of different brain features, with a focus on cerebellar structures such as folial wavelength or median depth of the molecular layer. This is very informative as the cerebellum is currently under-explored and the phylogenetic aspect of this work gives insights into evolutionary processes linked to the morphology of the cerebellum.


      - The methods used to capture the different brain features are relevant, and include the reuse of previously reported metrics, which makes sense and valorises the previous work of other teams.<br /> - One interesting novel method to detect the depth of the molecular layer is implemented.<br /> - A generous amount of results are reported (including correlations, phylogenetic principal component analyses, ancestor character state estimation, and allometries), with visually effective figures to support them.<br /> - A remarkable effort has been made to make data and code available, which will be of great use to the community.


      - The methods section does not address all the numerical methods used to make sense of the different brain metrics. In the results section, it sometimes makes it difficult for the reader to understand the reason for a sub-analysis and the interpretation of the numerical findings.<br /> - The originality of the article is not sufficiently brought forward:<br /> a) the novel method to detect the depth of the molecular layer is not contextualized in order to understand the shortcomings of previously-established methods. This prevents the reader from understanding its added value and hinders its potential re-use in further studies.<br /> b) The numerous results reported are not sufficiently addressed in the discussion for the reader to get a full grasp of their implications, hindering the clarity of the overall conclusion of the article.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Root growth is driven by cell elongation, and its local control allows roots to navigate the complex soil environment. Cell growth is driven by the relaxation of the cell wall, a process requiring a drop in pH. Auxin is a key regulator of root development that inhibits root growth. Auxin effects on proton dynamics are complex, it can promote both acidification and alkalinization of the extracellular space through different signaling modules, some only recently uncovered. Serre et al. report on using a new dye to monitor extracellular pH in the region surrounding the Arabidopsis thaliana root. Their manuscript aims to clarify the relationships between pH around the root, proton flux, auxin, cell elongation, and root growth with this tool. They show a typical zonation of pH values along the root: a more acidic domain corresponding to the transit-amplifying compartment, followed by a more alkaline one at the transition and early elongation zones and a more acidic one in the late elongation/root hair zone. This zonation is in agreement with previous reports obtained by other methods. A particularly puzzling aspect is the origin of the more alkaline domain. Serre et al. present evidence supporting the involvement of the AUX1-AFB1-CNGC14 module for the emergence of this more alkaline domain and how it can contribute to the ability of the root to navigate its environment.

      Serre et al. show that the more alkaline domain in the transition zone is not directly determined by the activity or localization of the AHA proton pumps but rather by the auxin influx carrier AUX1. They show that the components of the rapid auxin response pathway, in particular, the auxin co-receptor AFB1 and the calcium channel CNGC14, contribute to the emergence of this more alkaline domain. Finally, they show that mutants in these two genes, impaired in the rapid auxin response pathway, show less efficient navigation of the root tip.

      The manuscript is clear and well-written. The logic is sound, and the conclusions are supported by the data.

      The new dye appears as a promising tool for monitoring the pH in the rhizosphere with advantages over the previous ones. Yet, as pointed out by the authors in the discussion, it reports on pH at the organ scale in the region around the root, not in the apoplast or the cell wall, which can eventually complexify the elaboration of a mechanistic model joining auxin, proton efflux, cell wall properties, cell elongation, and root growth. Although several of the findings confirm previous reports, the manuscript brings novelty by demonstrating the involvement of the rapid auxin response. I am overall supportive of the manuscript. Yet, several points should be addressed:

      - The presentation of the more acidic and alkaline domains could be easier to visualize.<br /> - The authors refer to acidic and alkaline domains but do not report on absolute pH values; they monitor the emission ratio of the dye. They justify why to use relative pH value in the discussion and refer there to internal controls that are not clearly defined. In my opinion, the wording should be more consistent across the text and figures and refer to *more* acidic and *more* alkaline domains rather than acidic (pH<7) and alkaline (pH>7) domains.<br /> - The data related to the unaltered distribution of AHA using antibody staining should be backed up.<br /> - The way the pH profile and the statistical analyses should be improved.<br /> - The authors should test the effect of extracellular auxin perception (tmk, abp) mutants on pH zonation.<br /> - Conclusion could be strengthened by moving several pieces of data currently in supplemental material to the main text.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Mitchell and colleagues examined the contribution of a UV-sensitive cone photoreceptor to chromatic detection in Amphiprion ocellaris, a type of anemonefish. First, they used biophysical measurements to characterize the response properties of the retinal receptors, which come in four spectrally-distinct subtypes: UV, M1, M2, and L. They then used these spectral sensitivities to construct a 4-dimensional (tetrahedral) color space in which stimuli with known spectral power distributions can be represented according to the responses they elicit in the four cone types. A novel five-LED display was used to test the fish's ability to detect "chromatic" modulations in this color space against a background of random-intensity, "achromatic" distractors that produce roughly equal relative responses in the four cone types. A subset of stimuli, defined by their high positive UV contrast, were more readily detected than other colors that contained less UV information. A well-established model was used to link calculated receptor responses to behavioral thresholds. This framework also enabled statistical comparisons between models with varying number of cone types contributing to discrimination performance, allowing inferences to be drawn about the dimensionality of color vision in anemonefish.

      The authors make a compelling case for how UV light in the anemonefish habitat is likely an important ecological source of information for guiding their behavior. The authors are to be commended for developing an elegant behavioral paradigm to assess visual performance and for incorporating a novel display device especially suited to addressing hypotheses about the role of UV light in color perception. While the data are suggestive of behavioral tetrachromacy in anemonefish, there are some aspects of the study that warrant additional consideration:

      1) One challenge faced by many biological imaging systems is longitudinal chromatic aberration (LCA) - that is, the focal power of the system depends on wavelength. In general, focal power increases with decreasing wavelength, such that shorter wavelengths tend to focus in front of longer wavelengths. In the human eye, at least, this focal power changes nonlinearly with wavelength, with the steepest changes occurring in the shorter part of the visible spectrum (Atchison & Smith, 2005). In the fish eye, where the visible spectrum extends to even shorter wavelengths, it seems plausible that a considerable amount of LCA may exist, which could in turn cause UV-enriched stimuli to be more salient (relative to the distractor pixels) due to differences in perceived focus rather than due solely to differences in their respective spectral compositions. Such a mechanism has been proposed by Stubbs & Stubbs (2016) as a means for supporting "color vision" in monochromatic cephalopods (but see Gagnon et al. 2016). It would be worth discussing what is known about the dispersive properties of the crystalline lens in A. ocellaris (or similar species), and whether optical factors could produce sufficient cues in the retinal image that might explain aspects of the behavioral data presented in the current study.

      2) The authors provide a quantitative description of anemonefish visual performance within the context of a well-developed receptor-based framework. However, it was less clear to me what inferences (if any) can be drawn from these data about the post-receptoral mechanisms that support tetrachromatic color vision in these organisms. Would specific cone-opponent processes account for instances where behavioral data diverged from predictions generated with the "receptor noise limited" model described in the text? The general reader may benefit from more discussion centered on what is known (or unknown) about the organization of cone-opponent processing in anemonefish and related species.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript develops a new microfluidic platform to study how the chemotactic response of motile cells varies in relation to its strength. Typically, chemotaxis is assayed using one microfluidic channel at a time, which limits throughput when researchers want to how to resolve how chemotaxis varies with chemoeffector concentration/gradient strength. The authors have automated this process by designing a device that can logarithmically dilute a chemoaffector with a buffer "on chip", simultaneously generating five different chemical gradients in five different channels where the maximum concentration varies by five orders of magnitude (in addition to a control lacking a gradient).

      Technically, this is a major feat, requiring the design of a two-layered device, the use of herringbone mixers, and the careful consideration of the hydraulic resistance of each section to ensure that flow splits at junctions in a defined way to achieve the desired dilutions. It is clear the authors had to overcome many challenges before obtaining the final design. The authors have achieved their intended aims and the results from the multiplexed device are consistent with that from lower throughput devices.


      - The multiplexed device allows researchers to greatly increase their experimental throughput when mapping out how a microbe responds to chemicals at different concentrations. While such data might be useful in its own right, such a device might make it much easier to quantify how chemotaxis varies in a multidimensional parameter space using multiple runs of this device (e.g. in analyses of fold-change detection where both the background concentration and gradient strength are varied, or in analyses that compare how the sensitivity of a microbe's chemosensory system varies in response to different chemoaffectors). Currently, it is difficult to map out how multiple parameters affect chemotaxis by running only one microfluidic experiment at a time.

      - The same exact cell culture can be used in simultaneous experiments. This could potentially dramatically reduce biological variability, as cells obtained from batch cultures often differ in their metabolic state and significant variability is often observed in cultures inoculated on different days. The reduction of such variability is expected to be particularly important for strains that are very difficult/slow to grow in the laboratory or when testing cells obtained directly from environmental/clinical samples.


      - Given the complexity of the device, it appears difficult to validate that the concentrations within multiplexed are the ones that are expected. It is not clear whether these devices can be used directly "off the shelf" or whether each device would need to be calibrated individually with dye beforehand. In contrast, it is relatively straightforward to serially dilute chemoaffectors manually using pipettors and obtain accurate results. It is not clear whether the on-chip dilution is a distinct advantage or whether it might add additional uncertainty/complexity.

      - It is not feasible to track swimming cells in six channels simultaneously, as one cannot automatically move the microscope stage from one channel to another rapidly enough (e.g. the data collected here have 8 seconds between subsequent frames). Thus, multiplexed devices are best suited to measuring independent snapshots of the distribution of track swimming cells, rather than resolving the cellular behaviours that generate chemotaxis. However, tracking the response of slower moving, surface attached cells (e.g. eukaryotes that use ameboid movement on surfaces or bacteria that chemotax using pili) might be feasible if the gradient is maintained with constant flow. This is not explored by the authors, but if feasible it would open up a completely new avenue. Surface-attached cells move ~1000 times slower than swimming cells and experiments last for ~10-15 hours. Thus, using these multiplexed devices with surface-attached cells might facilitate much larger time savings compared to swimming cell assays, which only last for several minutes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the current manuscript, the authors select 24 surgically resected pancreatic cancer samples from patients who had a poor outcome (survival of less than one year) or better outcome (survival of at least 3 years). They use a Nanostring Geomx Digital Spatial profiler using a panel of 94 probes. The authors identify a proximal fibroblast population that expresses high levels of PDPN, while a distal fibroblast population expresses high levels of inflammatory genes such as IL6 and IL11, as well as complement genes. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, the authors are able to identify fibroblast populations reflecting those identified in the spatial data and identify other pathways that distinguish the two populations, and that define better or poorer outcomes (for instance, Hif signaling is associated with a poorer prognosis while markers of T cell activation are associated with better prognosis).

      The manuscript addresses an important topic, namely whether fibroblasts, a heterogenous and relatively poorly understood cell population within the pancreatic cancer microenvironment, predict poor response. Further, the manuscript integrates spatial and single-cell data, in the quest to identify how the tissue composition of a tumor affects the overall prognosis. Some weaknesses are also noted and should be addressed. Most notably, the prognostic predictions are based on a relatively small number of samples. Further, as spatial transcriptomics is not a single cell-level technology, the authors could use co-immunofluorescence to validate their cell populations and specifically prove that the signatures correspond to genes expressed by fibroblasts, rather than infiltrating immune cells. Finally, the author shows that my-CAF-like fibroblasts correlate with worse prognosis, while inflammatory CAFs predict better prognosis: this finding should be discussed in the context of other CAF literature, some indicating that iCAFs are a negative prognostic predictor.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The study makes a useful contribution by showing that the classical binary discrimination task cannot distinguish different sources of suboptimality (perceptual vs. categorical bias; observation noise vs. approximate inference) in contrast to another task that is more complex (cue combination task). The paper provides the computational framework to define and quantify those sources of suboptimality and report the results of a task in which those different sources are disentangled indeed, in both model fitting and qualitative features of the data.

      Strengths:<br /> - A very timely question: How to characterize the sources of suboptimality in (human) perceptual decisions?<br /> - The text is very clear and although the content is technical, the main ideas are conveyed in simple terms and figures, and the detail of mathematical derivations is restricted to the methods section.<br /> - The design of the cue-combination task is very interesting because the posterior distributions over categories predict no difference between the central and matched conditions in the case of perfect inference, but a difference whenever not too many samples are used in approximate inference, making it possible to disentangle different sources of suboptimality in the task.<br /> - The results from the first experiment are followed up by another experiment that includes manipulation of the stimulus duration, which should change the accuracy of approximate inference (and perceptual noise). The results are compatible with those predictions.<br /> - Effects are characterized by model fitting and model comparison, but different models also make qualitatively different predictions, making it possible to adjudicate between models simply by looking at the data (shape of the psychometric curves in different conditions).

      Weaknesses:<br /> - There is no parameter recovery analysis based on the generative model in the multi-modal task.<br /> - Several results are not conclusive in most subjects. They are clearly visible only in a few participants and the aggregated data. It is not clear whether this is specific to this dataset (and task design) or whether it is a general conclusion.<br /> - The dataset is reused from a previous study and includes 20 participants. A replication of the result in an independent group of participants would make the result much more robust.<br /> - A replication attempt could use a different task (the current results are based on multi-modal sound localization), which would make the conclusion even more convincing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript reports the triploid and haploid productions using an ecs1ecs2 mutant as the maternal donor, in addition to the evaluation of the sexual process observed in the mutant. The indicated data show exquisite quality. To improve the content, I recommend carefully reconsidering the descriptions because some of the insights would cause a stir in the controversy regarding EC1&2 functions in plant reproduction.

      Strengths<br /> Triploid production by a combination of ecs1ecs2 mutant and HIPOD system has potential as a future plant breeding tool. Moreover, it's intriguing that both triploid and haploid productions were achieved using the same mutant as a maternal donor. I think authors can claim the value of their results more by adding descriptions about the usefulness of the aneuploid plants in plant breeding history.

      The evidence of the persistent synergid nucleus (Figure 3A) is critical insight reported by this study. As Maruyama et al. (2013) reported by live cell imaging, synergid-endosperm fusion had occurred at the two endosperm nuclei stage. It would be valuable to claim the observed fact by citing Maruyama's previous observation.

      Weakness<br /> As the authors suggested, the higher triploid frequency observed in ecs1ecs2 than WT was likely caused by the increased polyspermy. However, it also could be that reduction of normal seed number in ecs1ecs2 (whichever is due to failure of fertilization or embryo development arrest) accounts for the increased frequency of the triploid compared to WT.

      The results in Figure 3C-E suggested the single fertilization for both egg and central cells at similar frequencies. This is an exciting result, but it is still possible that the fertilized egg or central cell degenerated after fertilization resulting in the disappearance of paternally inherited fluorescence. Evaluation of fertilization patterns at 7-10HAP in ecs1ecs2 mutant may provide more confident insight, although unfused sperm cell was evaluated at 1DAP (Figure 3-figure supplement 1B). The fertilization states can be distinguished depending on the HTR10RFP sperm nuclei morphology and their positions, as reported by Takahashi et al (2018).

      Several recent studies have reported exciting insights on ECS1&2 functions; however, various results from different laboratories have raised controversy. Though, the commonly found feature is the repression of polytubey. For readers, it would be helpful to organize the explanation about which insights are concordant or different. In addition, a drawing that explains the time course in the process from pollination to seed development (up to 6DAP) based on WT would help to understand which point is evaluated in each data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The field of monoclonal antibody therapeutics for the treatment of clinical diseases is undergoing rapid growth in recent years and becoming a dominant force in the therapeutics market. In previous studies, Mone Zaidi's group has reported the development of a first-of-its-kind humanized FSH-blocking antibody, MS-Hu6, based on the established importance of FSH in bone loss, adiposity, and neurodegeneration. This study reports the creation of a unique formulation of highly concentrated MS-HU6 preparation and evaluates detailed physiochemical properties of formulated MS-Hu6 including viscosity, turbidity, and clarity. Furthermore, the structural integrity of the formulated MS-HU6 is confirmed through Circular Dichroism and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The manuscript is succinctly written, and the methods and results are well described. The authors' conclusions are largely supported by the experimental data. The methods described are highly relevant to the goal of future manufacturing of highly concentrated monoclonal antibody therapeutics for human trials, and, therefore, the study is significant.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      De Gieter et al.'s structural report follows a previous screening effort, which identified pLGIC from Alvinella pompejana as suitable for structural studies.<br /> In the present manuscript, the authors report several structures of one homopentamer named Alpo4. The manuscript is organized around a thoughtful, convincing, description of the common points shared by Alpo4 with the mammalian homologues of known structures, and of its distinctive features. The most striking differences are 1. the unexpected presence of a CHAPS detergent molecule bound to the orthosteric site; 2. the unique rotamer switch of a conserved tryptophan in the apo binding pocket, creating what the authors call a 'self-liganded' state; 3. a tightly closed hydrophobic gate with a ring of methionine residues within the M2 helices. 4. A reversed ECD twist associated with the binding of CHAPS

      The principal strength of the manuscript is to extend the structural knowledge of the pLGIC family beyond the mammalian receptors to invertebrates, for which structural information has remained scarce. In particular, the binding of CHAPS to an 'extended' binding site is shown. That site does not only comprise the place where neurotransmitter usually binds but is prolonged by a hydrophobic patch underneath loop C and in contact with loop F/beta 8.

      In the discussion, the authors suggest that the binding of CHAPS could be an inspiration to develop compounds, targeting for instance mammalian receptors, that would bind to both the orthosteric site and a potential groove underneath loop C (where the sterol moiety of CHAPS binds in Alpo4). A figure (SI4) shows a few homologues in surface representation, giving an idea of whether this groove is generally present in the family. Seeing this figure, I wondered if it would be relevant to compare several conformations of one or a few chosen homologues. Given that gating always impacts the quaternary assembly, is this groove more pronounced in say the inhibited state of a given homologue than in its agonist-bound state?<br /> A related thought was that some of the protein binders affecting pLGIC function (toxins, VHH) contact two subunits and wrap around/below loop C. Do these have binding sites that overlap with the groove?

      Very interestingly, the binding of CHAPS stabilizes a conformation that differs from the apo one. It includes a twist of the ECDs but does not lead to a significant opening of the M2 bundle. The authors note that the direction of the twist is reversed to that often associated with the binding of ligands in homologues. This reversion is quite a feature, which deserves to be shown in a supplementary movie (e.g overlay of the Alpo apo>CHAPs transition with the nico>apo transition of a7). My mental framework was that in this family 1. inhibitors do not trigger much of a quaternary conformational change 2. agonists trigger changes always in the same direction (even if the amplitude and exact rotation vary from receptor to receptor). So it's interesting to see a compound (of unknown functional effect) triggering a reversed change.

      The principal weakness of the manuscript lies in the absence of a known agonist for Alpo4, The authors do a good job at explaining what they tried and why (and they did perform quite an array of unsuccessful functional experiments), yet it remains frustrating to be unable to link the observed structures to some function.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Geuzebroek and colleagues use computational modeling and EEG to investigate how people adjust continuous decision-making across different contexts. By neurally informing computational models of decision-making, they reject models in which in contexts with weaker sensory evidence a lower decision threshold or greater leak is applied, in favor of a model implementing a novel control mechanism, in which an adjustable sensory criterion determines which samples are considered evidence to be accumulated. This work was rigorously performed and in a compelling manner teases apart competing mechanisms to reveal a significant novel one.

      The contributions of this work are at least two-fold: First, the work outlines a novel mechanism by which decision-makers adjust to different environments by taking expectations about sensory evidence into account. Second, they demonstrate how behavior alone can be insufficient to tease apart competing models and lead to misattribution of observed behavioral differences and how neural measures can help arbitrate between models and avoid misattribution.

      This work is of great relevance for the decision-neuroscience community, calls for a re-examination of previous findings, and opens exciting new avenues for future research.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Here, a simple model of cerebellar computation is used to study the dependence of task performance on input type: it is demonstrated that task performance and optimal representations are highly dependent on task and stimulus type. This challenges many standard models which use simple random stimuli and concludes that the granular layer is required to provide a sparse representation. This is a useful contribution to our understanding of cerebellar circuits, though, in common with many models of this type, the neural dynamics and circuit architecture are not very specific to the cerebellum, the model includes the feed-forward structure and the high dimension of the granule layer, but little else. This paper has the virtue of including tasks that are more realistic, but by the paper's own admission, the same model can be applied to the electrosensory lateral line lobe and it could, though it is not mentioned in the paper, be applied to the dentate gyrus and large pyramidal cells of CA3. The discussion does not include specific elements related to, for example, the dynamics of the Purkinje cells or the role of Golgi cells, and, in a way, the demonstration that the model can encompass different tasks and stimuli types is an indication of how abstract the model is. Nonetheless, it is useful and interesting to see a generalization of what has become a standard paradigm for discussing cerebellar function.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript focuses on the cholinergic modulation of TRPM4 channels in the CA1 pyramidal neurons. The authors presented solid convincing evidence that TRPM4 but not TRPC channels are the Ca2+-activated nonselective cation channel in CA1 pyramidal neurons being modulated by activation of muscarinic receptors. Using bi-directional ramp protocol, the authors revealed that ACh modulation could lead to forward shifts in place field center of mass, whereas decreased ACh modulation could contribute to backward shifts. This represents a significant molecular/cellular finding that links neuromodulation of intrinsic properties to place field shifts, a phenomenon seen in vivo. The authors used a computational approach to model this CA1 neuron spiking to further reveal the mechanism.

      To further improve the manuscript, I have the following suggestions/questions:<br /> 1. The triangular ramp stimulation (introduced by the same group; Upchurch et al., 2022) makes it possible to emulate the hill-shaped depolarization during place field firing. However, one concern is the time scale/duration of the ramp (2 sec) compared to the physiological pattern (100ms~200ms in the in vivo recording in freely moving rat, Epsztein et al., 2011). Using a longer ramp to generate more spikes for calculating the adaptation index is understandable. However, considering the Ca entry/accumulation during prolonged depolarization, repeating one set of experiments with a shorter ramp is crucial to verify the major findings.

      2. Strictly speaking, the term "Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR)" is only used in ER Ca2+ release via ryanodine receptors (RyR) rather than IP3Rs. The author should be careful since it is used in the abstract (Line 36). In addition, pharmacology inhibition experiments should be incorporated to further dissect the role of RyR-induced CICR.

      3. Applying strong buffering BAPTA not only removed the IP3R-TRPM nanodomain but also hindered Ca entry via VGCC. To validate the role of ER Ca2+ release in regulating TRPM, depletion of ER Ca2+ pool with SERCA inhibitor (e.g. thapsigargin) would be a more direct way to test the model (also make sure to add TRPC inhibitor to avoid the store-operated Ca2+ entry).

      4. How does the TRPM current overcome the long-term inactivation of Nav? A channel state model should be added to the manuscript to make it easier to understand.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Brunetti et al. represents an important contribution where SARS-CoV-2 infection of T-helper cells is implicated and found to be mediated by CD4. Interestingly and appealingly, the work progressed through a computationally driven hypothesis, by analysing the interaction partners of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (as initially modelled through similar SARS-CoV-1), followed by experimental validations, and further computational and experimental insights on the mechanism of binding. I find most of the computational outcomes well validated, and the results and claims well supported by the performed experiments. There are a few points where the manuscript will benefit from dedicated discussion and additional simulation/exploratory plots to establish and validate the adopted methodology for analogous future usage in protein binding characterisations by others.

      Major comments:

      1) The bioinformatics selection method to arrive at CD4 as the main interaction partner is interesting, and the zoomed-in finding is well justified by the whole body of the experimentation as brought in the manuscript. However, it is interesting from a computational biology perspective that were we to remove GO database (too unvalidated), and "Cell surface" component of the Jensen database (considering its more dedicated "Plasma membrane" and "External side of plasma membrane" components considered in the work) out of the Venn diagram (Extended Data Fig. 3), then we would be left with more interaction partners shared between the remaining 3 databases. Interestingly, these additional partners would include CD8A and CD8B. However, the authors show that the interaction was experimentally noted to happen with CD4+ T cells but not with CD8+ ones. This warrants some discussion on why this might be the case. I wonder what would be the computational docking/MD results were you to attempt modelling an interaction between the spike glycoprotein and CD8? Should you not arrive at stable complexes with your MD workflow and 4 Angstrom cutoff for temperature-induced stability scrutinization, that would be extra validation and weight on the adopted computational scheme for the discovery.

      2) Looking at the last complex in Figure 2, where the full-length sCov2 is recovered on top of the modelled fragment, one can see some additional interaction points or potential clashes with CD4 NTD. Were some of the models discarded on the ground of the orientation between CD4 NTD and sCov2 RBD being incompatible with the full-length sCov2 due to possible steric clashes?

      3) The 4 Angstrom cutoff for the temperature gradient-based structural stability check sounds reasonable, but would be more justifiable if the authors would also present a histogram of all RMSDs (of final aberrations) for all the tried models and show how outlying the 4 Angstrom is in the whole distribution, additionally attributing a p-value on the selected cutoff.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Diabetes mellitus is a worldwide public health menace, and the fracture healing is usually impaired in diabetic patients. Metformin is the first-line medicine for type-2 diabetes (T2D). However, its effects on bone in T2D patients remain unclear. To assess the impacts of metformin on fracture healing, the authors study the healing process after injuries caused by three different types of bone fractures in diabetic mouse models with or without metformin treatment. The authors studied three fracture models and looked at various aspects of the bone healing process and concluded that metformin rescues the delayed bone healing and remodeling in T2D mice. Moreover, the authors present novel information on the impact of metformin on the bone proliferation, bone formation, and cartilage formation in the bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) derived from T2D mice. Administration of metformin in T2D mice can rescue the impaired differentiation potential and lineage commitment of BMSCs both in vitro and in vivo, compromised by the hyperglycemic conditions. In addition, several key chondrocyte transcript factors such as SOX9 and PGC1α, are upregulated in callus tissue isolated at the fracture site of metformin-treated diabetic mice during the healing process after the fracture. In summary, the authors present convincing evidence that metformin facilitates bone healing, bone formation and chondrogenesis in diabetic mice. The prior literature has focused on the effects on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and this paper's data is novel as it's using MKR models for studying Metformin 's role in bone formation under diabetes condition. The paper's conclusions and results are strong, but more attention needs to be paid to the introduction and description of the prior literature and understanding of the potential specific targets and signaling pathway of metformin in the MKR mouse model bone healing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Dhekne and colleagues present an unbiased genome-wide screen by systematic CRISPR-Cas9 gene knock-out in mouse NIH-3T3 fibroblasts to identify regulators of the LRRK2 pathway which is relevant for Parkinson's disease. The screen identified Rab12 as the most potent regulator of the LRRK2 activity. Phosphorylation of the well-established LRRK2 substrate Rab10 has been used as a read-out. To allow a large-scale screen, the authors established a flow cytometry-based assay using phospho-Rab10-specific antibodies. Subsequently, Rab12 has been confirmed as an upstream effector of LRRK2 acting in a similar way as Rab29. Using computational modelling by Alphafold in conjunction with Colabfold the authors could model the Rab12:LRRK2 complex and identify a third Rab binding site within the N-terminal Armadillo repeats which is distinct from the two sites, previously identified for Rab8a/Rab10 and Rab29. The predicted interaction epitope could be experimentally confirmed by systematic mutational analysis.

      The experimental setting and the data presented are overall sound. It should however be considered that the selected cell model is most likely not covering the full set of LRRK2 pathway regulators as these are likely expressed in a tissue and cell-type-specific manner. It could therefore be interesting to also include more disease-relevant models, such as neuronal or immune cells. Nevertheless, Rab12 is an important effector, which is also expressed in cell types relevant to Parkinson's disease.<br /> To validate their computational model of the Rab12 binding epitope within the N-terminal Armadillo domain of LRRK2, the authors determined the binding affinity of Rab12 which is in the lower µM range and similar to the affinities of Rab10 and Rab29 to LRRK2. The authors conducted a mutational screen mutating surface exposed residues within the predicted Rab12 binding epitope in the N-terminus of LRRK2. The study could identify critical residues, which significantly contribute to the affinity of LRRK2 for Rab12. Corresponding alanine mutations could significantly reduce the enhanced LRRK2-mediated Rab10 phosphorylation observed upon Rab12 co-expression. The effect size is similar to the previously identified Rab29 effector. Furthermore, the authors could convincingly demonstrate that Rab12 and Rab29 bind to different LRRK2 epitopes.

      Noteworthy, besides disrupting mutations targeting the predicted Rab12 binding epitope, the authors also found one mutation enhancing the cellular effect of Rab12 overexpression demonstrated by increased phospho-Rab10 levels. For a better evaluation of the presented computational model of the Rab12:LRRK2 complex, it would be interesting, if the authors could study the binding affinity of that mutant (F283A), as well.

      Overall, the authors could convincingly demonstrate that Rab12, previously identified as LRRK2 substrate, acts upstream of LRRK2 similar to Rab29 but via a distinct binding site. The site located within the N-terminal Ankyrin domain has been predicted by a computational 3D model of the complex structure and experimentally validated. The interaction epitope might be an interesting target for the future development of allosteric modulators to treat LRRK2-mediated PD.