422 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2015
    1. Paul, there most certainly is an intent or purpose, a Divine Purpose, being fulfilled today. However, it is far from what it appears to be from a three-dimensional standpoint. I know that you have really no more idea what is going to happen as the day finishes out than you do when you begin a healing session, than you do when we begin a conversation, or than you do when you lay out the Tarot cards. Do not let that concern you. Just stay where you are and observe the Divine Purpose fulfill Itself. You have trusted me before when you weren’t even sure I was real. I am saying now, again, “Trust me.” And I can see that you do trust even more.

      Things are not the way they appear.

      We have no idea of how the next moment will unfold.

      Trust and observe Divine purpose fulfill itself.

    1. They succeed in doing so largely because the states underwhich they operate are the “soft-states,” in that despite their oftenauthoritarian disposition and political omnipresence, they lack the nec-essary capacity, the hegemony and technological efficacy, to impose full

      control over society."

      It's the people that push the boundaries who find out just how strong/weak they really are. It is more about the atmosphere of a disciplinary society aided by the people's fear that's being enacted throughout societies instead of actual and legitimate control.

  2. Sep 2015
  3. May 2015
    1. a disadvantage compared with the anthropologist, the historian, let us repeat, has access to hardly any other sources than those that involve language

      Material sources: how might an individual have gripped the handle of this jug/balanced it on her head while walking a winding path, a rocky path, a forested path back to the village? What patterns would doing so have set up?

    1. ‘ skilled visions [which] are embedded in multi-sensory practices, where look is coordinated with skilled movement, with rapidly changing points of view, or with other senses such as touch’

      Or, how do you know what to look for, and do you know what to do when you see it?

  4. Mar 2015
    1. And so, therefore, in this hour, beloved friends, we would wish to share with you the power of forgiveness — how to cultivate it, how to refine it, how to understand the depths of it that can be revealed to you as you forgive seventy-times-seven times, how to bring up within you that which has not yet been forgiven, but perhaps forgotten. We would speak also, in this hour, of what perception is, and what projection is.
    2. And as I grew in age, I began to discover that the old teachers who spoke of the need to, “Forgive seventy times seven,” knew something quite profound that had even become lost within the tradition, the Jewish and Essene traditions, of my day. For, you see, to forgive means “to choose to release another from the perceptions that you’ve been projecting upon them.” It is, therefore, an act of forgiving one’s self of one’s projections. And as we begin to forgive, even unto seventy times seven times, each time you forgive you take yourself deeper into the purity of your own consciousness. You begin to see how profoundly you have been coloring, and therefore affecting, all of your relationships, through the simple act of not being aware of the power of projection.

      Definition of Forgiveness

    3. When I was of nine years of age, I began to awaken to exactly what I am describing to you. And as my father would take me to sit with the elders, and as he would read from the Torah to me, I began to be compelled by something within. Something began to speak to me, that underneath all of the perceptions that I could create of another, there was something Radiant and Shimmering waiting to be discovered. I began to feel very different from my peers. I began to be preoccupied with inner things. And when I listened to the elders speak, I would often feel as though I had drifted far away from where they were. And pictures would come to me, and thoughts would come to me, and feelings would come to me that I didn’t understand, that I hadn’t assimilated into my being.

      My perception of others veil what is True about them, true beyond the body and belief in separation. It is my perception that must be relinquished if I want to that Truth.

    4. It is, then, through you that I come to discover all that God is. And as a man, when I walked upon your plane, I began to realize that the greatest gift that I could ever receive would only come to me as I chose to surrender every perception that I might conjure up about you, my brother or sister, that would veil the Truth that is true about you always.
  5. Nov 2013
    1. For between two absolutely different spheres, as between subject and object, there is no causality, no correctness, and no expression; there is, at most, an aesthetic relation:

      Hm. Well, that's something, at least. Can we feel or sense or experience things beyond description with our sensory perception?

    2. drive toward the formation of metaphors is the fundamental human drive,

      language-learning as an innate characteristic of the human brain

    3. aesthetic relation:

      Reality as defined by aesthetics. That's fun.

    4. dissolve an image into a concept.

      Do we lose something in this dissolution?

    5. but we do know of countless individualized and consequently unequal actions which we equate by omitting the aspects in which they are unequal and which we now designate as "honest" actions.

      Well, how else are people supposed to function in a real world? Nothing's constant, so all we can do is make assumptions and generalizations in an attempt to make sense of our surroundings

    6. copy

      Implies that the sound is, somehow, directly related to the perception of something?

    7. first laws of truth


    8. within a proud, deceptive consciousness,

      anti-organic - mind as separate and almost entirely unrelated to the real, natural world.

    9. They are deeply immersed in illusions and in dream images

      Perceptions as world-defining

    1. And is it necessary to think them not men, but gods in all things?

      An issue with perceptions of past masters in all fields of study.

  6. Oct 2013
    1. how persuasion can be produced from the facts themselves.

      first form of persuasion is to determine how compelling or persuasive are the facts, and how the facts will be perceived by the audience.

    1. as if you had failed to do right rather than actually done wrong. You may be able to trust other people to judge you equitably.

      Persuading oneself that one isn't actually in the wrong. Rhetoric can be used to change one's own perspective, it seems.

  7. Sep 2013
    1. For the incantation's power, communicating with the soul's opinion, enchants and persuades and changes it, by trickery.

      Our world is shaped by perceptions, defined by words.