622 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
  2. Feb 2016
    1. Moreover, he said, the New World could provide an escape for England’s vast armies of landless “vagabonds.”

      Vagabong: a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job. (as defined by Google)

      In what way would The New World provide an escape for the vagabonds? Was it an easy way to get rid of them? Were they going to use them for work?

    2. Despite the arrival of these new Europeans, Spain continued to dominate the New World.

      Showing the difference between being somewhat established vs being an invader.

  3. Dec 2015
    1. The world literally is not going on “out there” at all, but within You, as your Being. More correctly, your Being is unfolding Itself and is seen and experienced by Itself (your Self) as conscious experience. As I have said before, the difficulty you are having is because you flip-flop back and forth, in and out.

      Another teaching tag class: .t:OT, there is nothing out there.

    1. Among the most useful summaries I have found for Linked Data, generally, and in relationship to libraries, specifically. After first reading it, got to hear of the acronym LODLAM: “Linked Open Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums”. Been finding uses for this tag, in no small part because it gets people to think about the connections between diverse knowledge-focused institutions, places where knowledge is constructed. Somewhat surprised academia, universities, colleges, institutes, or educational organisations like schools aren’t explicitly tied to those others. In fact, it’s quite remarkable that education tends to drive much development in #OpenData, as opposed to municipal or federal governments, for instance. But it’s still very interesting to think about Libraries and Museums as moving from a focus on (a Web of) documents to a focus on (a Web of) data.

    2. Anyone can say Anything

      The “Open World Assumption” is central to this post and to the actual shift in paradigm when it comes to moving from documents to data. People/institutions have an alleged interest in protecting the way their assets are described. Even libraries. The Open World Assumption makes it sound quite chaotic, to some ears. And claims that machine learning will solve everything tend not to help the unconvinced too much. Something to note is that this ability to say something about a third party’s resource connects really well with Web annotations (which do more than “add metadata” to those resources) and with the fact that no-cost access to some item of content isn’t the end of the openness.

  4. Nov 2015
    1. It is the “consideration” of beliefs, the manipulations of objects “out there,” the orienting of “position” and “power” which ties us into the three-dimensional frame of reference. Religion works in this realm. Economics works in this realm. Indeed, all of life is “worked” from this realm. It is time to move out of this realm, and there is no way to do it half-way. There is no way to keep a little bit of the finite view to “work with” and yet move into the Fourth-dimensional experience of Being (Your Being). Being is not finite (dimensional) in the very heavy, burdensome, sweat-producing way that three-dimensional things and thoughts are.

      As long as we 'behave' through belief, manipulation, and jockeying for position, we are bound to 3d Ref.

      The movement to 4dRef requires 3dRef be given up completely - there is no half way.

    1. I will tell you this: No matter what demands are made upon you, they do not require you to give them precedence over your need to stand as the Door. Do not give them that much credit.

      Do not give control of your life to worldy demands.

  5. Oct 2015
    1. Paul, it is impossible for your world to become integrated if you do not understand what the Substance of that Totality is. This is why we are discussing this point this morning. The only Substance there is throughout the Universe—and throughout all dimensions—is Light. This Light, in Its various aspects, is Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. It is also Intelligence and Substance. In everything you do, I want you to begin to be conscious of this idea that all there is to you—and all there is to everything—is this Light of Living Love. There are not two things going on. This Light is eternally living Itself as the intelligent expression of Conscious Experience, universally and specifically.

      My world cannot be healed unless I come to understand that the totality of all things is Light, which is Love.

      Here he equates Light to Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.

      He gives Paul an exercise. To begin to be conscious, in everything he does, that all there is to him - and to everything - is Living Love (God!!!!)

      There is not two things going on, there is not the perceived drama of life and Living Love. And this is where the practice is important because it the insanity of the world seems to be true.

    1. As I have said before, the key to this is your willingness to stand as the Door. You have been doing this very well, and you are, indeed, seeing changes in the way your infinitude is reflecting your standpoint. Do not make the mistake of overlooking the fact that your infinitude is responding differently. It is a direct result or evidence of the manifesting of your supply. It isn’t just money you need, Paul. it is also a changed experience of your infinitude, which you call your world. You are already seeing evidence of the operation of the Law which we talked about yesterday.

      The key is having the commitment to stay in 4dRef and not return to the fearful 3dRef - to stand as the Door.

      Do not overlook the progress you have made (we often do this as a way to discredit the journey - this is self sabotage).

      It's not just money that you need - it's a changed view of your world. Here he refers to the world as the experience of your infinitude.

    2. You are not seeing a need and immediately feeling that it cannot be met, and therefore reacting to your conclusion. You are at a point of recognizing that the One is the Many, that you are, indeed, the world you walk through. This is a significant change or difference in standpoint from that of the three-dimensional-only standpoint. You are then going into that Place and stating the correct Fact about what appears to be incorrect in the three-dimensional frame of reference. Then, if you are wise, you remain in that Place and continue on living your life from the standpoint of the fulfilled Fact.

      Manifestation begins with perception of Truth - a 4dRef and then to acknowledge that perception from the place of Oneness and stay there.

      Here he equates the world with my perception

      ...you are indeed the world you walk through

    1. how participants made sense of what they were doing

      This could be seen as asking students to describe their view of the figured world of the group.

    2. how participants made sense of what they were doing

      This could be seen as asking students to describe their view of the figured world of the group.

  6. Sep 2015
  7. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. He does not figure his life in AP!s terms. He views AA as a measure to take when things get really bad. He does not share the set of values and distinctions that unites other AA members. The identity of "alcoholic" does not affect his actions, or his perceptions of self, beyond his drinking behavior. Andrew has never stayed in AA for more than one year, although he has been in treatment for alcoholism four times and in and out of AA at least three times

      Andrew's identity did not contain Alcoholic in the AA terms yet. Therefore he was not engaged in the figured world of AA. Is this the only way one can be considered a part of a figured world in this analysis?

    2. Apparently the story was consciously developed from the beginning as a vehicle for presenting an experience or person with whom the prospect could identify

      How is this different from and/or the same as other socio-historical. cultural forces that drive the reproduction of this figured world of being an AA alchoholic? What about other figured worlds? Is this conscious social step, prescribed in literature that all must read and listen to in order to be part of AA figured world, truly indicative of the forces of reproduction behind other figured worlds?

  8. Jul 2015
  9. Mar 2015
    1. Beloved friends, as we speak of these things, though, let not seriousness enter the mind. For in Truth, all we are really doing is describing for you what you need to do, and can do, in order to release the burden of illusion that seems to cause you to feel a heaviness upon your countenance, a sense of a lack of safety in the world. You could think of it as taking your rheostat and turning it up a bit by enlightening you, taking your burden of guilt and judgment from you.
    2. And, indeed, greetings unto you, beloved and holy friends. If I speak in the language of your world, I cannot find those words that can convey to you the Love which I feel for you. I cannot find the words that can convey unto you the Love I feel, that God has for all of us. If I search the languages of your world, I cannot find a concept, a word, an idea, a philosophy, a dogma that can contain, in Truth, the Mystery that is closer to you than your own breath and awaits your discovery.
  10. Oct 2014
  11. Nov 2013