- Aug 2023
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson, now a doctoral candidate at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University in Boston, and I discovered that Google isn’t just spying on us; it also has the power to exert an enormous impact on our opinions, purchases and votes.
- for: big tech - bias, big tech - manipulation, big tech - mind control, big tech - influence
- paraphrase
- Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson,
- now a doctoral candidate at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University in Boston,
- and I discovered that Google isn’t just spying on us;
- it also has the power to exert an enormous impact on our opinions, purchases and votes.
- Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson,
- Apr 2023
sotonye.substack.com sotonye.substack.com
the entire premise of sci-fi is that a new scientific invention has changed the world, though we only seem to fully understand that in the context of a movie (where the changes are often for the worse and happen in fast-forward montages), but not in the context of the world today (where the changes are often for the better and happen one day at a time).
Why do people grasp the impact technology has on society through the art of storytelling, through media? Even then, people seem to only think of it for a brief moment, unable to adapt their thinking and behavioral patterns amidst life transforming technological breakthroughs that resemble or hint to what the media showed them. People aren't quick to incorporate god-like technologies into their lives in order to improve them, let alone do proper research to be informed and have open dialogues about whether we are responsibly advancing and integrating technologies to our daily lives (TO THE CHILDREN) which are increasingly becoming more digitally dominant.
- Mar 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kourtesis, Panagiotis, Graham Wilson, and Mario Parra Rodrigues. ‘Factors Influencing Acceptance of Technology across Age: Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic’. PsyArXiv, 4 February 2022. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tsrk4.
- Oct 2020
We’re now in the early stages of testing a “Propensity to Subscribe” signal based on machine learning models in DoubleClick to make it easier for publishers to recognize potential subscribers, and to present them the right offer at the right time.
Interestingly the technology here isn't that different than the Facebook Data that Cambridge Analytica was using, the difference is that they're not using it to directly impact politics, but to drive sales. Does this mean they're more "ethical"?