- Aug 2022
www.independentsage.org www.independentsage.org
EMERGENCY STATEMENT ON OMICRON: 15 DECEMBER 2021 | Independent SAGE. (2021, December 15). https://www.independentsage.org/emergency-statement-on-omicron-15-december-2021/
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Nisreen Alwan 🌻. (2021, December 23). We’re in unchartered territory. Https://t.co/O1GGcXpMll [Tweet]. @Dr2NisreenAlwan. https://twitter.com/Dr2NisreenAlwan/status/1474051397570248716
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: “RT @BNODesk: BREAKING: U.S. reports 716,714 new coronavirus cases, setting world record for cases in one day” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1478987541332348933
- Feb 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
(((Howard Forman))). (2022, January 21). NYC update (GREAT news heading into weekend) Cases down 43% with positive rate 7.3% (Manhattan 6.2%). Lowest rate since December 15. Hospital census down 13% back to levels of January 2. All trends (except deaths) favorable. Thanks to everyone who has helped get us here. Https://t.co/MLmptWLxKv [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1484608013885480962
Barnes, O., & Alabi, L. O. (2022, January 27). UK coronavirus cases tick up 10%, symptom tracker app shows. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/f9833324-7986-48c4-a96c-153049ed9b5a
- vaccine passport
- children
- infection rate
- COVID-19
- England
- effectiveness
- Omicron
- UK
- school
- hospitalization
- prediction
- is:news
- daily cases
- Denmark
- mask wearing
- staff shortage
- India
- research
- plan B
- variant
- booster
- transmissibility
- vaccine
- loosening restrictions
- lang:en
- symptom tracker app
- subvariant
- parents
- data
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(((Howard Forman))). (2022, January 31). Connecticut Cases down 72% from last week (lower test resulting). Positive rate 7.3%, lowest since 12/20. Hospitalizations down 29%. 46% are fully vaccinated. FWIW - my hospital is 67% down from peak census. Good news! Https://t.co/dOpFO2fjTK [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1488277435342901259
twitter.com twitter.com
(((Howard Forman))). (2022, February 3). Connecticut Cases down 19%. Positive rate is 6.6%, similar to early December. We are at comparable case levels to last winter. Hospitalizations down 32%. Deaths continue to decline, down 22%. Https://t.co/vqhn1AwM6b [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1489334682596429825
- Dec 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 17). RT @peterdodds: Current excess deaths estimate per @TheEconomist: 18.2 million with 95% range of 11.4 million to 21.2 million. And up it… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1471903926035353610
- Aug 2020
news.sky.com news.sky.com
Sky News. ‘Coronavirus: UK Records Highest Daily Number of COVID-19 Cases for Nearly Two Months’. Accessed 12 August 2020. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-uk-records-highest-daily-number-of-covid-19-cases-for-nearly-two-months-12047385.