7 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2024
www.gurwinder.blog www.gurwinder.blog
Most of the feedback loops in employment — from salary payments to annual performance appraisals — were torturously long. So Coonradt proposed shortening them by introducing daily targets, points systems, and leaderboards. These conditioned reinforcers would transform work from a series of monthly slogs into daily status games, in which employees competed to fulfil the company’s goals.
- daily targets
- point systems
- leaderboards
This led him to propose two kinds of reward: primary and conditioned reinforcers. A primary reinforcer is something we’re born to desire. A conditioned reinforcer is something we learn to desire, due to its association with a primary reinforcer. Skinner found that conditioned reinforcers were generally more effective in shaping behavior, because while our biological need for the primary reinforcer is easily satiable, our abstract desire for the conditioned reinforcer isn’t. The pigeons would stop seeking food once their bellies were full, but they’d take far longer to get tired of hearing the food dispenser click.
- primary reinforcer - natural desire
- conditioned reinforcer - we learned to desire on top of a primary reinforcer
conditioned reinforcer are more effective (click > food)
Skinner’s goal was to make his pigeons peck the button as many times as possible. From his experiments, he made three discoveries. First, the pigeons pecked most when doing so yielded immediate, rather than delayed, rewards. Second, the pigeons pecked most when it rewarded them randomly, rather than every time. Skinner’s third discovery occurred when he noticed the pigeons continued to peck the button long after the food dispenser was empty, provided they could hear it click. He realized the pigeons had become conditioned to associate the click with the food, and now valued the click as a reward in itself.
1) immediate response/feedback 2) reward randomly instead of consistent 3) the click has become a reward too, not just the food
- Jun 2024
coevolving.com coevolving.com
design forms through the iterative readings and responses to interrelational conditions, with the intention of producing environments synchronous with their cultural settings.
- readings
- design
- responses
- relationality
- environment
- temporality
- intention
- conditions
- culture
- synchronicity
- signals
- iteration
- Jan 2021
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
The past few years seems to have be a race between Microsoft and various players in the Linux world to see who can produce the worst abomination of a UI. It's as if there's been a ritualistic burning of the UI design rule book that led to many years of largely stable and consistent user experience across all platforms
- Jan 2020
additivism.org additivism.org
The 3D Additivist Manifesto
- Mar 2019
www.idunn.no www.idunn.no
This paper discusses the idea that design is responsible for developing learning and teaching in technology rich environments. This paper argues Cultural Historical Activity Theory. This paper uses this perspective to discuss their ideas of design in connection with the digital age. This paper is written from the perspective German, Nordic, Russian and Vygotskyan concepts that seek to define the relationship between learning and teaching in relation to design. Rating 9/10 for mixing design with digital learning