11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Nov 2021
    1. Iteration involves taking the output of a process and using it as an input for the same process. Applied to learning, this means that you repeat a process of learning on top of the result of the prior learning process, and this deepens your learning.
  3. Feb 2021
    1. research is a process not of iteration but of itineration.[2] It carries on, as life does, not closing in on solutions but ever opening to new horizons.

      itineration not iteration

  4. Sep 2020
  5. Nov 2019
    1. Je me tromperai quelquefois, et nous verrons quelques ruines ; mais on peut toujours, et avec un grand avantage, regarder un ouvrage manqué comme un degré qui nous approche du plus beau.

      C’est le concept d’itération : un ouvrage n’est jamais parfait, mais d’autres architectes l’amélioreront!

      Par exemple :<br> L’iPhone de 3<sup>e</sup> génération a été amélioré par rapport à l’iPhone de 1<sup>ère</sup> génération; l’iPhone 3 est plus près de la perfection que l’iPhone 1, mais il comporte encore des lacunes (des « ruines »); la prochaine itération, l’iPhone 4, va encore être améliorée!

      (L’iPhone a encore beaucoup beaucoup de problèmes.)

  6. Jan 2019
    1. after the terminal operation of the stream pipeline commences.

      Above is because of the nature of Streams in general: they are lazily executed (or put another way, execution is delayed until the latest convenient method call).

  7. Sep 2018
  8. Aug 2018
    1. Paper holds temporal properties which are not yet integrated in computer.

      Also, weirdly overstated. There were plenty of products and meta data even in 2009 that was available to determine provenance and iteration.

    2. Blog tools are designed as publishing tools; they do not support iterative thinking the way paper notebooks do.

      This statement seems to be fixed in traditional, old-school blogging (one idea = one post) and doesn't consider other forms that adapt/extend other ways to represent temporality/change/iteration.

      As one example, live-blogging techniques which incorporate rapid updating of new information through chronological mini-posts, manual time-stamping of new material, etc. Also. plug-ins that allow annotation, image uploads, Google Docs with version control, etc.

      Also, WP post/page formatting options with HTML, typography, etc., can augment re-ordering of information to designate change.

  9. May 2016