6 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. the fourth pillar of well-being we call purpose

      for - fourth of four pillars of wellbeing - purpose - finding it in our everyday life here and now - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson - comparison - intention vs attention

      comment - Davidson does not provide much rich commentary on purpose, although it is quite an important idea to consider. - Intention is synonymous with purpose - The reason we consider the word intention instead is that we can compare to attention - intention - purpose or focus direction of future work (fourth pillar) - attention - focus awareness (first pillar) - Both of these acts are acts of constraining from the infinite field of our reality to a very narrow one - intention - among the infinite things I CAN do, I choose to do THIS specific one - attention - among all the infinite things I can sense, I choose to sense THIS specific one

  2. Aug 2022
  3. Jul 2022
    1. including history, science, and other content that could build the knowledge and vocabulary they need to understand both written texts and the world around them?

      I have created a first-year student module to think about the information needs they have themselves. e.g. knitters, genealogists, gamers, foodies, etc.

      I'm more interested in students understanding "how" they evaluate information. Are there tools built into websites, e.g. comment sections, thumbs up/down, # of subscribers, etc.

  4. Nov 2020
  5. May 2020
  6. Dec 2015
    1. even if an interconnected skein of nanotechnology were toextend into all aspects of everyday life

      recent research has proven that personal use technology (internet, smartphones, gaming systems) have decreased the skills of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence (mostly of the millennials generation)... should we be pushing for technology to be involved in all aspects of everyday life?