16 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. The study looked at over 550,000 articles, which contained over 2.2 million links to external websites. It found that 72 percent of those links were “deep,” or pointing to a specific page rather than a general website. Predictably, it found that, as time went on, links were more likely to be dead: 6 percent of links in 2018 articles were inaccessible, while a whopping 72 percent of links from 1998 were dead.

      for - stats - link rot - digital decay study - NY Times - 550,000 articles - 2.2 million links - 6% dead in 2018 articles - 72% dead in 1998 articles.

  2. Jul 2024
  3. May 2024
    1. quant au Royaume-Uni il a été condamné par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme le 23 septembre 00:28:21 1998 dans le cadre de l'affaire a versus United Kingdom pour ne pas avoir respecté l'article le 3 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme qui stipule que je cite nul ne peut être soumis à la torture ni à des peines ou 00:28:34 traitements inhumains ou dégradants un tribunal anglais avait en effet considéré non coupable un homme qui pour le corriger avait frappé son Beaufils de 9 ans avec une baguette en laissant sur ses cuiss plusieurs marques qui avait fait l'objet d'un signalement 00:28:47 par l'instituteur et avait été attesté par le certificat d'un pédiatre
  4. Nov 2023
    1. In December 1998, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded the Library of Congress a grant to support a two-year project to digitize the Hannah Arendt Papers manuscript collection. The staff of the Manuscript Division at the Library administered the project, with assistance from the National Digital Library Program (NDLP) and in cooperation with the New School University in New York City.
    1. St. James, Elaine. “Replacing Day Planner With Index Cards.” Los Angeles Times, June 8, 1998, sec. Business. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-jun-08-he-57703-story.html.

      Apparently even with growing ubiquity of computers in 1998 and in a pre-internet era, syndicated (Universal Press Syndicate) productivity expert Elaine St. James suggested the use of index cards as a means of simplifying one's life, especially as compared with big and bulky planners and notebooks which predominated the timeperiod.

      Notice that she specifically doesn't suggest "going back" to using index cards in the piece. Apparently the idea of that within the zeitgeist had been lost by this time.

    2. Are you spending too much time transferring uncompleted tasks to tomorrow’s schedule?

      Example of someone suggesting the migration of uncompleted tasks from one day to another in 1998.

  5. Mar 2023
  6. Feb 2022
  7. Jan 2022
  8. Oct 2021
    1. A-1-3-2-1 Jugement du tribunal administratif de Caen (10/03/98) Au motif qu'une école a méconnu le principe de gratuité en excluant d'activités sportives et culturelles payantes organisées durant le temps scolaire, des enfants dont la famille n'avait pas contribué financièrement, l'Etat est condamné à payer aux parents : - 152,45 i d'indemnités en réparation du préjudice subi, - 457,35 i de frais exposés non-compris dans les dépens.
  9. Oct 2017
    1. Emden, C. (1998). Establishing a ‘track record’: Research productivity and nursing academe.Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing,16(1), 29–33

      Discusses the adequacy of writing training and support in PhD programmes.

  10. Jun 2017
  11. Jun 2016
    1. Some journals place a limit on the numberof coauthors; for example, theDutch Journal of Medicinedoes not publish articles with more than six authors (Hoenet al., 1998).

      Journal that caps authorship with bibliography

    2. Flanagin et al.(1998) developed a multivariate logistic regression model totest the hypothesis that coauthored articles (operationalizedas papers with six or more authors) were increasing at a rategreater than would be expected when confounding vari-ables, such as the number of centers, were taken into ac-count. They found that 19% of original research reports hadhonorific authors, individuals who were garnering phantomfodder for their curricula vitae. They also discovered that11% of articles had ghost authors, which means that quite afew individuals were not receiving due credit for theircreative or material contributions to the research process—“the ghostly inferred hosts of unnamed actors who shiftedinstruments about and exerted their muscular labor’(Shapin, 1995, p. 379). Their findings, based on surveys ofcorresponding authors, are in keeping with other estimatesof honorific authorship in the biomedical literature.

      Bibliography on ghost and guest authorship: flanagin et al 1998 and Shapin 1995, 379

      Used statistical methods and surveys to work out percentage of ghosts and uncredited authors.