26 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Jan 2025
    1. in the deserts the Southern California coastal region reaches some of its highest annual temperatures in Autumn rather than summer when these winds are going on frigid dry Arctic air from Canada tends to create the most intense Santa Ana winds

      for - globally interconnected climate system - frigid dry Arctic air from Canada - Santa Ana winds - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

    2. relative humidity decreases as the temperature increases and uh it often Falls below 10%

      for - stats - Santa Ana winds dries to less than 10% relative humidity - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

    3. the air warms adiabatically which means that it depends on the lapse rate as you as you go to lower and lower altitudes um the temperature increases so the lapse rate is actually the drop of temperature as you get further from the surface of the Earth in dry air the adiabatic lapse rate is n about 10° CS per kilometer or about a degree celsius per uh 100 MERS okay so the as the air is coming down it's warming about 1° cels for each 100 meters of desent

      for - physics - adiabatic warming - lapse rate - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10 - stats - Santa Ana winds warms 1 Deg C every 100 meter of descent due to adiabatic warming lapse rate - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

    4. these winds um get compressed they increase in speed uh to often to near gale force winds or above and du to this Venturi effect where the winds get compressed into a smaller area so be for constant flow rate the velocity has to be much higher in this region than in this region just because there's less space for the air to be so it goes into these canyons and gets compressed and gets accelerated to very high speeds

      for - physics - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

  3. Oct 2024
  4. Jun 2024
  5. Mar 2024
    1. Die Abhängigkeit Europas von russischem Pipelinegas ist in zwei Jahren von 40% auf 10% gesunken. Die Importe von LNG haben um 40% zugenommen, wobei auch da ein erheblicher Anteil aus Russland stammt. Die USA sind der weltgrößte LNG-Exporteur. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit werden bei LNG Überkapazitäten aufgebaut. In Österreich ist die Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas noch immer hoch, weil rein betriebswirtschaftlich entscheiden wird. Die OMV war 2023 verpflichtet, Gas für gut 60 TWh aus Russland zu beziehen und jedenfalls zu bezahlen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000206989/warum-der-abschied-von-russischem-gas-noch-immer-so-schwer-faellt

  6. Jul 2023
  7. Aug 2022
  8. Jun 2021
    1. Ana Opalić is a photographer and filmmaker who documents and records personal elements of her life that reflect the passage of time. Whether she focuses on relationships, her connection to nature or her sense of belonging and home, her photographs reflect a genuine respect to the people and places around her with a quiet and subtle attention to detail. Most of her photography series are considered to be an ongoing work in progress.
    1. Fotografkinja koja piše pop pjesme i svira klavijature, Dubrovkinja u Zagrebu, diplomirana TV i filmska snimateljica, pasionirana vrtlarica, predstavnica Hrvatske na 50. venecijanskom bijenalu, redateljica dva dokumentarna filma, pokretačica portala za domaću fotografiju, vlasnica psa, dobitnica druge T-HT nagrade… sve nabrojeno samo su neki od brojnih identiteta Ane Opalić, autorice s kojom smo o svim tim identitetima porazgovarali u intervjuu koji slijedi.  
    1. Observing the sequence of photographs of Brsalje initiates in the viewer, among other things, questions about borders: the borders of the frame, of the sky and the sea, of the time of the events therein, as well as the constitution of the borders of our own vision and being within time. of the frame, of the sky and the sea, of the time of the events therein, as well as the constitution of the borders of our own vision and being within time.
    1. ispitivanje kategorije identiteta (Danče, Lokrum, Petka, Kalamota..), gotovo metafizičkog pristupa kao u seriji Brsalje, pa sve do sve do zahvaćanja u priču i memoriju mjesta kao što je slučaj sa serijom fotografija Poslije snimljenih na Srđu i okolnim brdima.
  9. Jun 2017
  10. Oct 2016
    1. Without her more feminine qualities, Bernadette would not appeal to Howard, though without her intelligence and career, he could not be cared for as well as he is.

      Author highlights this text to prove a point.

    2. Situation comedies reflect the front edge of progressiveness in responding to so-cial changes, while at the same time re-inforcing the social norms pushing up behind them.

      making progress in equality and gender stereotypes.

    3. Since her intelligence poses a potential threat to Howard’s masculin-ity, Bernadette subsumes it in order to preserve gender expectations

      Female intelligence poses a threat. Why is that?

    4. roles are thrust upon her, she resists. Furthermore, she assumes a more traditional masculine role in that she is the breadwinner and the financial manager, which suggests her power in the relationship.

      Because she is the breadwinner she is depicted as being the dominant one in the relationship as well as more masculine.

    5. Though, she, too, retains an awkardness related to intelligence, she still attempts to normalize Sheldon into a more traditional, masculine role

      Key words "traditional" "Masculine" "awkwardness related to intelligence.

    6. men exercised the power over the family, while women catered to supporting men’s needs.

      More stereotypes.

    7. Her naïvete is revealed through her mistakes in the lab, which border on potentially dangerous outcomes (such as crossing viruses) or on careless prac-tices (such as celebrating with contami-nated beakers). The comments evoke laughter about these mistakes, but an awkwardness about them remains.

      Female mistakes our often broadcasted through out the show as being comical or humorous.

    8. Bernadette’s career and achievements only get spo-ken of, and even then, those mentions usually bear some comedic implication

      Female success in show = comical

    9. One, these “comedic strategies” highlight social issues (Dow, “Femininity” 147). Two, while these strategies possess the potential to appear subversive or pro-gressive,

      Comedy in shows helps bring awareness of femininity and its social issues?

    10. Roles for female characters in early sitcoms were domestic ones, such as housekeeper and child care-taker as in I Love Lucy (1951–1957), The Brady Bunch (1969–1974), and Leave It to Beaver (1957–1963). These domestic restrictions limited the range of oppor-tunities and expression available in that these women received little power and supported others in their roles as wives and mothers (Dow, “Hegemony” 264).

      The Norm then; Still common now!