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  1. Dec 2023
    1. 仔細聽就可以知道他們講的地地道道的「北京話」和我們所說的「國語」也不是兩回事。當「國語」剩下煮、煨、燉、煎、炒、炸這些「大方向」的動作時,他們還會使用焯、飛水、燒、打沫、擼之類的詞。顏色都還會用棗紅、糖紅、碧綠、翠綠來區分,黏不只黏,還黏糊;顫不只顫,還顫悠。「北京話」和「國語」差異絕對不只兒化音和捲舌問題。問題關鍵當然是在為了方便推行「國語」,人工的、製造的國語便少了很多生活或細節的部份。寫作文章差別愈顯明。平平寫「中文」,「國語」和「北京話」的豐富程度天差地,欲寫贏中國人,真僫。這時台語優勢就出來矣。和北京話仝款,閣保留誠濟用詞幼路的所在,親像炕、燖、煏、𠞭。最近台語文書寫的作家增加也是按呢,使用生活語言寫作,才有可能寫愈好。


      北京話 >> 普通話, 臺語 >> 國語

  2. Feb 2023
  3. Jul 2021
    1. pony-chaise

      Came from the French word "chaise" which means "chair." A pony-chaise thus means horse chaise.

    2. Nota bene

      Latin phrase: same meaning as "pay attention" in English

  4. Jun 2021
  5. Jan 2021
  6. Jul 2020
    1. Nota bene–I translate Mrs. Yolland out of the Yorkshire language into the English language.

      We're talking about Yorkshire dialect and "nota bene" downstream in this thread.

  7. Nov 2019
    1. An accent refers to the degree of prominence of the way syllables are spoken in words, as when someone from Australia says “undah” whereas we say “under.” A regionalism is a type of expression, as when someone says “The dog wants walked,” instead of “the dog wants to go for a walk.” Dialect is a variety of language where one is distinguished from others by grammar and vocabulary. In Pennsylvania you might hear people say that they are going to “red up the room,” which means “to clean the room.”

      Using certain accents, regionalisms, and dialects can prove effective depending on the type of speech one is giving.

  8. Feb 2017
    1. Douglass made no attempt to retain a plantation accent in his speech or a trace of the slave's servility in his manner.

      This is a significant decision on Douglass' part, and it was a decision that had to be faced not only by other free blacks who spoke publicly, but also by those who recorded and reported such speech-making. A dialect (or lack-thereof) could influence the audience's perception of the speaker, and there are those who would (and have) edited dialect back into the public speeches of black rhetors. For this reason, it's always best to be cautious when reading a text with heavy dialect. Consider to whom such a dialect would appeal, and the political choice such a dialect represents. In this case, white's desire for Douglass to portray himself with a "plantation accent" and "slave's servility" serves the interests of those hoping to appeal to a white savior complex, and their desire to turn Douglass into a mere character rather than an abolitionist thinker in his own right.

  9. Sep 2016
    1. At the start of 2016, the good folks of the American Dialect Society got together to crown their Word of the Year. They (see what I’m doing here) have decided that the word could now be used as a singular pronoun, flexing the English language so a plural could denote a singular, genderless, individual.

      They American Dialect Society Word of the Year 2016

  10. Nov 2013
    1. The whole of dialectic concerns the mind and reason, whereas rhetoric and grammar concern language and speech.

      divisions of dialect and rhetoric

  11. Sep 2013
    1. The difference between example and enthymeme is made plain by the passages in the Topics where induction and syllogism have already been discussed. When we base the proof of a proposition on a number of similar cases, this is induction in dialectic, example in rhetoric; when it is shown that, certain propositions being true, a further and quite distinct proposition must also be true in consequence, whether invariably or usually, this is called syllogism in dialectic, enthymeme in rhetoric. It is plain also that each of these types of oratory has its advantages.
