8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Sep 2023
    1. The case of experience is more tricky because there is no way to get a third person view of experience. 00:06:39 And therefore, you only have experience seen from the first person standpoint. Yet, there are features that are typical of this experience. For instance, the analog of a vanishing point is called by philosophers such as Heidegger, situatedness.
      • for: experience replaces objects, nondual replaces dual, Heidegger, situatedness

      • comment

        • there is a parallel between objective reality and the private experience
          • visual field
            • vanishing point indicates presence of the seer
          • interior, first person experience
            • situatedness indicates presence of experience being had from somewhere (specific) - situatedness
      • definition start

        • this is called by Heidegger and Husserl the transcendental deduction
      • definition end
  3. Jul 2022
  4. Apr 2020
    1. They write on these dry erase tokens information that will remind them that the Recruiter has never been on these locations from turns 1 to 6, for example.
  5. Jul 2019
    1. He went on to describe Charles Sanders Peirce, a prominent figure in Hopkins’ history whose theory he finds delightful for applying to detective fiction. “He says, it’s not all induction, it’s not all deduction, it’s rather what he calls abduction, which is a combination of both, which sometimes is just guessing. He has a lot of different names for the notion of abduction.”
  6. Feb 2014
  7. Oct 2013
    1. The orator's demonstration is an enthymeme, and this is, in general, the most effective of the modes of persuasion.

      Deductive reasoning does not always sound so persuasive; as in Zeno's paradox about the Tortoise and the Hare. Everyone knows that the Hare will pass the Tortoise.

  8. Sep 2013
    1. The difference between example and enthymeme is made plain by the passages in the Topics where induction and syllogism have already been discussed. When we base the proof of a proposition on a number of similar cases, this is induction in dialectic, example in rhetoric; when it is shown that, certain propositions being true, a further and quite distinct proposition must also be true in consequence, whether invariably or usually, this is called syllogism in dialectic, enthymeme in rhetoric. It is plain also that each of these types of oratory has its advantages.
