97 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Sep 2024
  3. Aug 2024
  4. Jul 2024
  5. Jun 2024
    1. Having an internet marketing strategy goes way beyond having a social media page. Our internet marketing specialists have years of experience in crafting marketing strategies that focused on generating leads and orders. Grow your business with SEO, SEM and Email marketing and Social Media. Our primary focus is to help you grow your business with generating more leads and increasing lead conversions.
  6. Mar 2024
    1. 如何创建对SEO友好的URL(分步指南)


  7. Nov 2023
    1. For search engines to find your site, it must be at the root level. If your site is not at the root level, meaning it has a URL prefix, you need to create a root site and submit the sitemap accordingly. This is crucial for proper indexing. Please note, The address for a root-level site has the format https://site_URL.

      If your site has a URL prefix, it's crucial to create a root site and submit the sitemap accordingly. This step is pivotal in facilitating proper indexing. Take the time to establish a root-level site to enhance your SEO strategy, making it easier for search engines to discover and rank your Salesforce Experience Cloud site. This small but critical adjustment will significantly boost your site's overall search engine performance.

  8. Aug 2023
    1. Hoàng Luyến là một chuyên gia hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực đào tạo SEO và huấn luyện thiết kế Website - Digital Marketing tại Việt Nam. Trong 12 năm, Hoàng Luyến đã tập trung vào việc đào tạo và huấn luyện về SEO Content Automation, giúp các tập đoàn và doanh nghiệp giúp xây dựng hệ thống website để phát triển kinh doanh, thương hiệu trên Internet.Khách hàng của tôi là những doanh nghiệp và tập đoàn hàng đầu tại Việt Nam trong nhiều lĩnh vực như: Bất động sản, Xây dựng, Kiến Trúc, Nội thất...

      Hiện nay, Hoàng Luyến đang cung cấp dịch vụ huấn luyện và đào tạo SEO cho doanh nghiệp. Sứ mệnh của tôi vẫn luôn là chia sẻ kiến thức và kinh nghiệm để giúp Doanh Nghiệp Việt phát triển thương hiệu và nâng cao năng lực kinh doanh trên Internet.

      CHUYÊN GIA DIGTAL MARKETING HOÀNG LUYẾN ✩ Office: Số 1, ngõ 72, Hoa Bằng, Yên Hoà, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam ✩ Email: luyenpv@hoangluyen.com - Điện thoại: 0974.5.444.86 - 024.6292.6459 ☆ Website: https://hoangluyen.com

      thietkeweb #daotaoseo #hoangluyen

  9. Jun 2023
    1. Guter Bericht der New York Times zu der neuen Publikation über die Verschiebungen der Erdachse, die als Ergebnis des schmerzens von eisschild und Gletschern, aber auch der Entnahme von Grundwasser festgestellt wurden. Die Daten über die Drehung der Erde, die von Satelliten gemessen werden enthalten auch Informationen für die Klimaforschung. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/28/climate/groundwater-earth-spin-axis.html

    1. The future of blogging in the AI ​​era, how can we unleash the SEO potential? https://en.itpedia.nl/2023/06/11/de-toekomst-van-bloggen-in-het-ai-tijdperk-hoe-kunnen-we-het-seo-potentieel-ontketenen/ Let's take a look at the future of #blogging in the #AI_era. Does a blogging website still have a future now that visitors can find the answer directly in the browser? Or should we use #AI to improve our #weblog. Can AI help us improve our blog's #SEO?

    1. The success of your company's online presence could drastically change if you invest in SEO services in Ghaziabad. You can increase the exposure of your website, draw in qualified leads, and outperform your rivals in the search results by working with a reputable Ghaziabad SEO business. Utilise the expanding Ghaziabad digital marketing scene to your advantage and use professional SEO services to take your company to new heights.

  10. Jan 2023
    1. Looking for a new Dental SEO Company? Dental Patients Are Busy People With High Expectations VC is the leading dental digital marketing agency that specialises in helping practices increase patient numbers through SEO, Content and superior Strategy & Planning.Patients will choose you.

      LOOKING FOR A NEW DENTAL SEO COMPANY? Dental Patients Are Busy People With High Expectations VC is the leading dental digital marketing agency that specialises in helping practices increase patient numbers through SEO, Content and superior Strategy & Planning. Patients will choose you.

    1. Viele User suchen außerdem gezielt nach Betrieben in ihrer Nähe, zum Beispiel über GoogleMaps oder mit gezielten Keyword Phrases: „Italienisch Schillerstraße Berlin“ etc.
  11. Dec 2022
    1. Jede SEO Strategie (auch für B2B Shops) konzentriert sich auf die Bedürfnisse und Gewohnheiten der Zielgruppe.
    1. Kunden von Web- und Marketingagenturen erwarten also, dass Sie als SEO-Dienstleister unkomplizierte Software zur Verfügung stellen, welche die Verbesserung des eigenen Rankings erleichtert, eigenständige Analysen durchführt und Berichte erstellt. An dieser Stelle kommen White Label SEO Produkte zum Zuge:
  12. Oct 2022
    1. Aber warum ist SEO so wichtig für E-Commerce Unternehmen? Wir haben fünf gute Gründe zusammengefasst, warum Sie sofort Ihre erste SEO-Kampagne starten sollten
  13. Sep 2022
    1. I have found that the "size of a thought" is usually not much larger than 500 words. Nicholson Baker, who has written an essay on "The Size of Thoughts" thinks that "most are about three feet tall, with the level of complexity of a lawnmower engine, or a cigarette lighter, or those tubes of toothpaste that, by mingling several hidden pastes and gels, create a pleasantly striped product." Mine are a lot smaller. It takes between 50 and 500 words for me to express one thought or one idea (or perhaps better a fragment of a thought or an idea, because thoughts and ideas usually are compounds of such fragments). See also Steven Berlin Johnson on his experiences with an electronic outliner, called Devonthink: http://www.stevenberlinjohnson.com/movabletype/archives/000230.html.

      What is the size of a single thought?

      500 words is about the size of a typical blog post. It's also about the size of a minimum recommended post for SEO purposes.

      Nice to see his link to Steven Johnson here as I think this is where I've seen similar thoughts recently myself.

  14. Aug 2022
    1. im /etc/crontab在配置文件中配置你的定时执行规则


    1. Im Netz sind Unmengen Texte zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen bereits veröffentlicht und täglich kommen neue hinzu. Das macht es für den SEO schwierig, noch Artikel zu publizieren, die wirklich etwas Neues zu berichten wissen.
  15. Jul 2022
    1. While Brave Search does not have editorial biases, all search engines have some level of intrinsic bias due to data and algorithmic choices. Goggles allows users to counter any intrinsic biases in the algorithm.
    1. Free Website SEO Checker

      OnAirSEO is a free SEO Checker Tool that will do a complete SEO Analysis over 100 website data points and provide clear and practical advice on how to improve your online presence and subsequently rank higher in Search Engine Results.

      The OnAirSEO SEO checker is a tool that scans any web page for technical errors and SEO issues that can have a negative impact on search engine rankings.

    1. SEO Services Company in India – Contributing to the Growth of Your Business

      In the digital workspace, SEO Services Company in India is crucial for businesses of all sizes and kinds. From business growth to long-term success and higher ROI, these services play a key role for any business.

    1. Es müssen also Suchbegriffe gefunden werden, die den Besucher zur Webseite führen, der auch gewillt, in dem Onlineshop zu kaufen. Drei Tipps, um geeignete Schlüsselwörter zu finden:
    1. Dazu sollte man eine SEO Beratung in Anspruch nehmen, was das Kürzel vom Englischen“ Search Engine Optimization“ ist und eben Suchmaschinenoptimierung bedeutet.
  16. Jun 2022
    1. Such people can offer great counsel on how to access an affordable SEO company. Other clients may be in position to give you first hand information on what to expect from an SEO firm.
  17. Feb 2022
    1. Most writing is chasing clout, rather than insight

      As the result of online business models and SEO, most writing becomes about chasing clout and audience eyeballs rather than providing thought provoking insight and razor sharp analysis. The audience reaction has weakened with the anger reaction machines like Twitter.

      We need better business models that aren't built on hype.

  18. Nov 2021
  19. Oct 2021
    1. results for our clients! Primarily though, you could sum us by saying that we work with businesses to optimise their online presence. We do this through the art of digital strategy, which includes website design and building, SEO work, social media management, copywriting, and much, much more.

      PPC Agency London - Drive costs down and increase conversions with Pay Per Click management services. Our nerds work on lead generation & ecommerce PPC management campaigns

  20. Sep 2021
    1. Vyas Giannetti Creative is a specialist digital marketing agency that offers the best SEO, Advertising, and social media marketing services in Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi.

  21. Aug 2021
  22. Jun 2021
    1. Award Winning SEO Agency London

      Award Winning SEO Agency London! As a dedicated London SEO agency, we provide proven SEO services for a whole range of clients while performing white hat techniques. #1 page ranking experts in local SEO. Get your free audit today!

    1. Cambridge SEO Nerds

      SEO Services Cambridge Dedicated SEO agency, Nautilus Marketing provides proven SEO services while performing white hat techniques 1 page ranking experts in local SEO Get your SEO audit today

  23. May 2021
    1. What is meant by digital marketing?

      What is meant by digital marketing. digital marketing is a marketing techniques that involves,

      usage of digital medium such as internet and wireless for creating awareness,consideration,purchase and loyalty for a brand, product or a service.

  24. Feb 2021
    1. Along the right side of the page, we have short snippets of text written by five advertisers, mostly journalism schools as it happens, though they are in a silent competition with other snippets of text created by other advertisers bidding to be on this page.


      SEO is really just various commonplace books competing to be the most important zettels in the world for particular taxonomies.

  25. Jan 2021
    1. DevBoat Technologies offers high quality affordable SEO Services You don’t have to look for any SEO Agency or SEO Company when you have our services seo company in Germany

  26. Nov 2020
    1. After that, the app works like an SPA. It's got better SEO because when a search engine bot asks for a page, the server returns the whole rendered HTML page, with content and meta tags.

      Not sure they have a "hard" time (since they can just run/render the JS too), but harder time, yes..

    2. So, how does an SPA work? JavaScript loads in the browser and loads data from an API. Most of the rendering is done on the client Side. But search engine bots have a hard time indexing the page because it doesn't have much without JS.
  27. Oct 2020
    1. Le développement du marché du référencement (Search Engine Optimization – SEO) a transformé une partie du web en une gigantesque compétition des acteurs publiants pour se faire voir des algorithmes

      En plus de la différence entre white hat et black hat SEO, on distingue l'Off-Page de l'On-Page SEO. Le premier concerne les informations à propos de votre contenu qui proviennent de l'externe : p. ex., les réseaux sociaux ou l'établissement de liens entrants (netlinking ou link building). Le second réfère aux méthodes employées pour optimiser votre espace numérique (p. ex., temps de téléchargement des pages) et son contenu. Les mots-clés, les titres et les sous-titres, la qualité des liens internes et externes et de leur ancre, les éléments de mise en forme (p. ex., le gras et l'italique), etc., ne sont que quelques éléments à prendre en considération pour la rédaction de contenu Web optimisé pour le référencement naturel.

    1. However, they are not beyond your range and if you play your SEO portion effectively, it will result in a vast turnover on your everlasting business mission. When you ready for SEO, you need to make sure that your website has got adequate relevant content this is being searched on Google.
  28. Sep 2020
    1. Anlegen einer Sitemap bei einer Eleventy-Site. Ausprobiert for https://offgallery.at. Die Site-URL hart codiert. changeFreq individuell in die Daten eingegeben.

    2. cha

      Anlegen einer Sitemap bei einer Eleventy-Site. Ausprobiert for https://offgallery.at. Die Site-URL hart codiert. changeFreq individuell in die Daten eingegeben.

  29. Aug 2020
  30. May 2020
    1. Also, with more design styles and choices, many websites opt to not use an underlining style for an embedded link in text, nor will they use a traditional blue color to indicate an embedded link.

      Fortunately Google's ranking algorithm penalizes against this in addition to requirements for better online accessibility that help to encourage against these sorts of dark patterns of web design. Users still need to be aware that they exist however.

    1. Hi, I am blogger outreach expert and working as a SEO. I have 10 Years of experience. I have many blogs that are ranking well. Thanks a for providing opportunity on this blogs. I am very thankful to the Owner of blog.

      You can get the all the updated latest of 49s lottery that is very famous in the South Africa and USA.

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  31. Apr 2020
    1. SEO İçin Özgün İçerik Oluşturmanın Önemi Öncelikle SEO nedir? sorusu ile başlayalım. Seo, internette arama motorları aracılığıyla arama yapan kullanıcıların, arama yaptıkları konu hakkında en doğru ve güncel sonuçlara ulaşmasını amaçlayan; yine arama motorlarının belirlediği kurallara uygun olarak Web sitenizi optimize etmenizi sağlıyor. Bu yüzden her markanın veya şirketin SEO çalışmalarına büyük önem vermesi gerekmektedir.
  32. Mar 2020
    1. the link operator was only designed to return a small sampling of backlinks to prevent SEOs from reverse engineering another site’s rankings
    1. If you're the 11th person in line at the grocery checkout and the line next to you has no people, do you stand around complaining about how person #2, #7, and #9 aren't as deserving of groceries as you are? No, you change lines.

      That's a very good analogy

  33. Dec 2019
    1. Affordable SEO Packages

      Looking for affordable SEO packages? Find cheap Search Engine Optimization Packages that fit your business. Get an audit report today.

  34. Sep 2019
    1. Looking for affordable SEO packages? We offer an optimal implementation of SEO services with balancing the deep breath research and optimization. This seo packages is ideally built for small business websites that are looking to target local market.

      Looking for affordable SEO packages? We offer an optimal implementation of SEO services with balancing the deep breath research and optimization. This seo packages is ideally built for small business websites that are looking to target local market.

  35. Jul 2019
    1. Frisco Web Solutions is top rated SEO Company in San Jose. We offer best SEO services in San Jose, CA. Call (408) 874-5254 to learn more about our professional SEO services. We have a team of SEO experts in Bay Area that specializes in custom organic search engine optimization services for every type of business.

  36. Feb 2019
    1. It’s simply better to link directly to your related content in a meaningful context, than to use a generic related posts box somewhere else on your page.
  37. Jan 2019
    1. People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site.  There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression.  Online branding is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product. 

      People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site. There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression. Online marketing is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product.

  38. Nov 2018
  39. Oct 2018
  40. Jun 2018
  41. May 2018
    1. Η ιστοσελίδα SEO Marketer προσφέρει υπηρεσίες SEO και βελτιστοποίηση ιστοσελίδων για όλες τις επιχειρήσεις και ιστοσελίδες. Ανακαλύψτε αρθρογραφία και χρήσιμες πληροφορίες.

  42. Oct 2017
  43. Sep 2017
    1. FireDisc, the premium portable propane cooker

      Missing H1 tag on homepage - please update this section to H1 intead of H2

  44. Jun 2017
    1. Where do you rank on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing? If you’re buried behind your competition in the search engine results you could be losing revenue.

      Search Engine Optimization Pittsburgh - Salesleadspittsburgh.com

    1. Struggling with cold calling, dead-end networking, and making new sales? Are you losing work to your competetitors? If you’re a business owner or sales professional, then you’ll love our professional services which help to empower you to focus on what you love to do.

      SEO, SEM & Lead Generation Services by Salesleadspittsburgh.com

  45. May 2017
  46. www.sblm.com www.sblm.com
    1. Create SEO Plan with new Marketing Director

      • Add Google Analytics Tracking Code to each page
      • Distinguish former website data from new website data
      • Submit Sitemap to search engines once content has been vetted for SEO
  47. Apr 2017
    1. Cookers

      *Change to "Portable Cookers" as by adding the word portable we will be targeting one of our most important keyword targets.

  48. Jan 2017
  49. Jul 2016
  50. Aug 2015
    1. oes two things: first, it returns only those results that are relevant or useful to the searcher's query; second, it ranks those results according to the popularity of the websites serving the information.
    2. Search engines are answer machines.
    3. Links allow the search engines' automated robots, called "crawlers" or "spiders," to reach the many billions of interconnected documents on the web.
  51. Sep 2014
    1. But when their martyr's death never came despite several decades of opportunity (and after Ti died of cancer), Do did what any self-chose second coming would: Cover a manifesto in word art, stick it on the internet, and SEO the shit out of it.

      I'm just going to assume from now on that anyone who emails me offering SEO services is actually a cult leader.