31 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. I had extraordinary experience of Consciousness which is written in the book uh in the in fact both books that I that I uh printed where essentially I experienc myself as the Observer and the observe but I retain my point of view I was observing the world that and the world was me because my conscious was in that world that I was observing but I was observing

      for - epoche - kensho - satori - awakening experience - Federico Faggin

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Butno matter how the form may vary, the fact that an organism hasconscious experience at all means, basically, that there is somethingit is like to be that organism

      for - earth species project - ESP - Earth Species Project - Aza Raskin - Ernest Becker - Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning

      comment - what is it like to be that other organism? - Earth Species Project is trying to shed some light on that using machine learning processes to decode the communication signals of non-human species - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=earth++species+project - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FH9SvPs1cCds%2F&group=world

      - In Ernest Becker's book, The Birth and Death of Meaning, Becker provides a summary of the ego from a Freudian perspective that is salient to Nagel's work
          - The ego creates time and humans, occupying a symbolosphere are timebound creatures that create the sense of time to order sensations and perceptions
          - The ego becomes the central reference point for the construct of time
      - If the anthropocene is a problem
      - and we wish to migrate towards an ecological civilization in which there is greater respect for other species, 
          - a symbiocene
      - this means we need to empathize with other species 
      - If our species is timebound but the majority of other species are not, 
          - then we must bridge that large gap by somehow experiencing what it's like to be an X ( where X can be a bat or many other species)

      reference - interesting adjacencies emerging from reading a review of Ernest Becker's book: The Birth and Death of Meaning - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.themortalatheist.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker&group=world

    1. The social environment is the only way we derive and validate our identities. The question may be “Who am I?” but the real question is “How are others supposed to feel about me?”

      for - quote - self esteem - self - adjacency - enlightenment - epoche - self-esteem - Ernest Becker

      quote - The social environment is the only way we derive and validate our identities. The question may be “Who am I?” but the real question is “How are others supposed to feel about me?”

      adjacency - between - Ernest Becker - epoche - self-esteem - enlightenment - Epoche - Epoche - phenomenological reduction - Symbiocene - Thomas Hagel - What's it like to be a Bat? - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - adjacency statement - It is fascinating intersection of adjacent ideas that the equivalency of these two questions brings up - These moments are as Gyuri talks about - having a dialogue with my old self - revisiting old ideas from a new perspective in which - more water has flowed under the bridge - The chain of discussions with my old selves began with a reading and physical annotation of Ernest Becker's physical book - The Birth ad Death of Meaning - It triggered a connection with Thomas Hagel's famous book - What's it like to be a bat? - But this connect-the-dot journey was kicked off by this morning's response to a Linked In discussion thread on the Anthropocene I've been having with Glenn Sankatsing of Rescue our Future: - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/glenn-sankatsing-7977711b8_anthropocentrism-paradox-or-theroot-of-activity-7185709152386654208-4E5t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop - There the discussion focused on whether the Anthropocene is a term that is inherently biased since it is anthropomorphic. - Glenn used the example of a Rabbit's perspective of reality. This begged the question asked by Thomas Nagel. - Reading Becker's book and especially his discussion of human's cultural evolution of the ego construct being responsible for timebinding - creating a framework of time which we are all bound to, - it made me wonder about my perspective of reality vs my cat's perspective. Am I timebound and there are forever living in the present and always have a sense of timelessness? - If so, what are the implications? How do timebound organisms create an equitable symbiocene with other species that live in the eternal now? - What's also interesting is Husserl's phenomenological reductionism - the Epoche that suspends judgment - It raises these questions: - Does the Epoche also break timebinding? - Does it allow us to have a dreamlike experience during waking consciousness? - Does it allow us to enter timelessness and therefore share a similiar state to many other species?. - If we are able to enter such a timeless state, does it increase our empathy towards others fellow species?

      reference - Phenomenological reduction - Epoche - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=Epoche

      • for: Michel Bilbot, transcendental, transcendental - Kant, awakening, non-dual, nondual, nonduality, non-duality, emptiness, epoche, Maurice Merle-Ponty, perspective shift, perspective shift - transcendental

      • summary

        • Michel Bilbot gives an extremely important talk on two related themes
          • Kant's concept of the idea of transcendental
          • Husserl's concept of epoche / phenomenological reduction
          • comparison of two perspectives of science as
            • panpsychism where atomic theories of materialism are held to be theories of everything
            • Husserl's phenomenology of human experience
        • Bilbot points out the situatedness each individual is born into life with. Even acts such as visually seeing reveal our situatedness as a seer with clues such as perspective that reveals structures of the seer such as vanishing point.
      • adjacency

        • between
          • Kant's transcendental
          • Husserl / Maurice Merle-Ponty / Heidegger's phenomenology and epoche / phenomenological reduction methodology
          • eastern mysticism and philosophical ideas:
            • nonduality - dissolution of the self / other dualism
            • awakening
            • enlightenment
            • emptiness
        • adjacency statement
          • Michel Bilbot establishes the important foundation of one of Kant's major life works on the transcendental, and how Husserl's phenomenology and related process of the phenomenological reduction (epoche) is critical to understanding Husserl and Kant.
          • He then applies it to an analysis and comparison of science seen from two contrasting perspectives, atomic theories of panpsychism vs phenomenology.
          • Bilbot reveals that Husserl was deeply influenced by Buddhist thought
  3. Jan 2024
    1. for - history - King Philip II - El Escorial - polycrisis - religion - history - adjacency - polycrisis - war - religion - epoche - CHD

      Adjacency - between - polycrisis - war - religion - epoche - CHD - history - adjacency statement - King Philip II is an interesting historical figure who left behind this enormous physical artefact of El Escorial. - So much of history has revolved around the religious beliefs of leaders, and how those beliefs are entangled and enacted in wars, enslavement, politics and power. - Phillip's fervent Catholicism drove him to expand his empire, fight wars with the Ottoman empire and Protestants and build the sprawling El Escorial complex. - The building was designed to express his Catholic beliefs - from the monastery to the Basilica, secret relic room, to library and mausoleum. His beliefs were responsible for driving his behaviour, which influenced much of humanity during his rule. - religion's power have influenced many powerful people of history, resulting in mass influence on society, including perpetuating inequality, extractionism, colonialism and violence - all in the name of a concept of apprehending the great mystery of life. - The desire to understand the great mystery of life and death has been hijacked to perpetuate great harm instead. What is needed now is a wisdom commons for the entire species that can help elevate, deepen and interconnect all the legacy belief systems before it. For in spite of the great variety of belief systems, they are fundamentally united through a common humans denominator - they all require human beings. - It is a deficiency in any existing systems that can justify offering and violence against other belief systems and claim the throne of THE one and only, true belief system. Indeed, the claim of "the truth" is itself already a poison since it is never achievable. An epoche for the common person is necessary to penetrate the weak link of the argument itself, the linguistic social conditioning which enables storytelling itself. - the inability to collectively grasp the symbolosphere, the noosphere compells us towards beliefs, out of which self- righteousness, self- reification and othering blossom.

  4. Dec 2023
    1. To restate another way, every single time we try to navigate real life (including the metacrisis) by focusing our attention on human-created constructs like economy and education, we automatically double down on dissociating from reality. As Daniel says, it is reductionistic to do this. That’s the nice way of putting it. Losing touch with reality is also the literal definition of psychotic.
      • for: critique - language

      • question: navigating without language

      • critique: language
      • adjacency between
        • kariotic flow
        • word intent
        • epoche
        • is the author sayng that we can and must navigator without language and ideas? If so, I don't see how that is possible, since language shapes the way we experience reality. Decades of languages training has become a part of the way we experience reality now and I don't see how it can become undone.
        • I've explored my entire life, in fact to determine it's itt is possible to undo this deep linguistic conditioning
          • my latest explorations of epoche are towards this direction
  5. Nov 2023
      • for: Deep Humanity, epoche, BEing journey, Douglas Harding, Zen, emptiness, awakening, the Headless Way

      • summary

      • adjacency between
        • Kensho
        • Zen
        • Douglas Harding's Headless Way
      • adjacency statement

        • this paper explores the parallels between Zen b experienced of Kensho and Douglas Harding's Headless Way
      • question

        • can this technique be adapted for Deep Humanity BEing journeys and mass awakening /epoche?
    1. from the buddhist point of view it's about the nature of perception and conception usually our perception of the world that is to say the life that we have through our senses what is revealed through our senses is instantly merged with our conceptualization so that interpretation which is essentially the play of our imagination it's our mental activity when it gets as it were fused into the appearance
      • for: epoche, perceptual interpretation, perception - epoche, perception - bottom up sensation and top down conceptualisation, lebenswelt

      • key insight

        • Those is an important observation, namely that our ubiquitous, everyday act of perception, performed thousands of times a day is a near-instantaneous fusion of
          • sensory information and
          • conceptualising from our accumulated lebenswelt
        • in third context, Husserl's epoche or phenomenological reduction is a way to give us insight into this otherwise invisible process that normative social learning deeply conditions into us.
        • Indeed, one of the unique traits of our species is our individual and collective immersion into a virtual world of ideas, the symbolosphere.
        • The 24/7 immersion in this world would not be possible unless we institutionalised decades of education in our stake childhood years to steep use all in at m language training that forges ideas out of intention and symbols, creating the deep associations necessary for effortless meaning-making and linguistic participation as adults
      • annotate
      • for: Dzogchen teachings - James Low, epoche - meditation, epoche - perceptual interpretation
    1. Husserl was affected by the application of the epoche in ways that may seem odd when one contemplates the epoche in the usual way, as only an intellectual game. Towards the end of his life, Husserl described the epoche as a `complete personal transformation, comparable in the beginning to a religious conversion' [The Crisis of European Sciences, 1970, Northwestern Univ. Pr., p. 137].
      • for: adjacency - epoche - enlightenment - awareness

      • comment

        • it is this deeper sense of the epoche which is salient to use potential as a tool for deep transformation in Deep Humanity or other open transformation praxis'.
    2. All major breakthroughs in science stem from a form of epoche.
      • for: epoche - examples - science, quote - epoche - paradigm shift

      • quote

        • All major breakthroughs in science stem from a form of epoche.
      • example: epoche scientific paradigm shift

        • Galileo, when looking at how the Sun seems to revolve around the Earth, bracketed the common belief that the Earth itself is immovable.
        • Newton, when interpreting gravity as action at a distance, bracketed the belief that any form of action should occur through material contact.
        • Einstein explored the consequences of Maxwell's equations, while bracketing all the presuppositions that had been used to derive those equations in the first place, including the absolute character of space and time. From purely phenomenological thought experiments, he thus derived the relativity of space and time, together with the precise rules according to which they can be transformed into each other.
        • Bohr bracketed the notion that a particle must have a definite state before one makes a measurement, when he developed his Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.
    3. epoche is a form of suspense of judgment -- a way to let the phenomena speak while `bracketing' the usual presuppositions that are in force in any given situation.
      • for: definition - epoche, bracketing

      • definition: epoche

        • the epoche is a form of suspense of judgment,
        • a way to let the phenomena speak while `bracketing' the usual presuppositions that are in force in any given situation.
    4. Within Western philosophy, I find Husserl's epoche to be a useful tool for making systematic explorations of tacit assumptions underlying our everyday view of the world
      • for: epoche - tool for exploring tacit assumptions
    1. In what follows, I argue that the restraint or “bracketing” that characterizes thephenomenological epoche can facilitate an understanding of the radical alterity of the sacred andof the others who experience the sacred.
      • for: epoche - application - harmonizing radical alterity of the sacred.

      • comment

        • this would be an invaluable tool for Deep Humanity analysis
    2. On the Function of the Epoche inPhenomenological Interpretations of Religion
      • for: epoche, epoche - interfaith applications, Deep Humanity, DH, polycrisis, political polarization, religious polarization

      • comment

        • I performed Google search for "Epoche and application to interfaith religion"
        • The reason is that I am exploring a hunch of the salience of applying epoche for deep interfaith understanding
        • political polarization constitutes an existential threat and is one important crisis in our current polycrisis
        • Unless we find ways to effectively and rapidly reduce polarization, the other crisis's such as climate crisis, biodiversity crisis and inequality crisis will likely not be resolved
        • religious polarization form ingroups / outgroups and is a major contributing factor to political polarization and violent conflict
        • hence it becomes important to understand how interfaith understanding can be enhanced
        • epoche appears to be one possible way to accelerate interfaith understanding
      • for: epoche, epoche - interfaith applications, bracketing, applied epoche, Deep Humanity, DH, polycrisis, political polarization, religious polarization, epoche - research application

      • comment

        • I performed Google search for "Epoche and application to interfaith religion"
        • The reason is that I am exploring a hunch of the salience of applying epoche for deep interfaith understanding
        • political polarization constitutes an existential threat and is one important crisis in our current polycrisis
        • Unless we find ways to effectively and rapidly reduce polarization, the other crisis's such as climate crisis, biodiversity crisis and inequality crisis will likely not be resolved
        • religious polarization form ingroups / outgroups and is a major contributing factor to political polarization and violent conflict
        • hence it becomes important to understand how interfaith understanding can be enhanced
        • epoche appears to be one possible way to accelerate interfaith understanding
    1. Essentially I subjected myself to the conduct of a Feelings Audit. The items I recollected and then retained were those which sat within the boundaries of the research questions and each constituent component of the collective definition of religiosity I had applied in the study. I treated them as a list of items with potential for my bias which might impinge upon the research areas and which needed 'tying down' (Lukiv, 2004, p.1). Some of these items provoked acute and poignant emotions which were also themselves recorded in the audit. The Feelings Audit reflected the stark reality of what makes phenomenological inquiry authentic: with all of my personal dispositions and values, as the researcher, I was at the centre of the interpretative process.
      • for: epoche - feeling audit
    1. The first principle determined by Husserl (quoted in Villanueva, 2014) to approach subjectivity,is the epoché or placing in parentheses the supposition of the natural attitude, present in ourhabitual rapport to the world as in the science itself: the acknowledgement of the world assomething given or its facts, as a reality itself, existing beyond the consciousness that thinks,values or feels them
      • for: epoche - explanation

      • explanation

      • paraphrase
        • The first principle determined by Husserl (quoted in Villanueva, 2014) to approach subjectivity,is:the epoché, placing in parentheses the supposition of the natural attitude, present in our habitual rapport to the world.
        • For example, this natural attitude is found in the sciences
        • It is the acknowledgement of the world as something given or its facts, as a reality itself, existing beyond the consciousness that thinks, values or feels them.
        • In other words, "the epoché refers to the elimination of everything that limits us from perceiving things as such, since the natural attitude, due to its objective nature, prevents us from doing so.
        • To apply the epoché, refers, to abstain or to do without" (Villanueva, 2014, p.220).
        • This principle
          • does not imply questioning the world as if it existed,
          • nor does it reduce it to the thought of the subject.
        • On the contrary, it tries to stop thinking under these terms, with the objective of being able to observe the life of the consciousness that is behind the objects understood as given things: to approach how this represents them, the meaning it assumes for it.
        • In short, what original sense they possess or how they become objects of consciousness.
    2. . It is admitted to perceive the worldand its objects as a fragment of the experience of a consciousness that gives them meaning. Itimplies being warned of a tendency of the consciousness to see the world as already constitutedand to forget its own activity, to make it anonymous
      • for: quote - epoche,

      • quote: epoche

        • . It is admitted to perceive the world and its objects as a fragment of the experience of a consciousness that gives them meaning. It implies being warned of a tendency of the consciousness to see the world as already constituted and to forget its own activity, to make it anonymous
      • for: epoche, epoche - interfaith applications, Deep Humanity, DH, polycrisis, poltical polarization, religious polarization, hermenneutic, hermeneutical phenomenological method

      • summary

        • a very insightful paper
      • comment

        • I performed Google search for "Epoche and application to interfaith religion"
        • The reason is that I am exploring a hunch of the salience of applying epoche for deep interfaith understanding
        • political polarization constitutes an existential threat and is one important crisis in our current polycrisis
        • Unless we find ways to effectively and rapidly reduce polarization, the other crisis's such as climate crisis, biodiversity crisis and inequality crisis will likely not be resolved
        • religious polarization form ingroups / outgroups and is a major contributing factor to political polarization and violent conflict
        • hence it becomes important to understand how interfaith understanding can be enhanced
        • epoche appears to be one possible way to accelerate interfaith understanding
  6. Oct 2023
  7. Sep 2023
      • definition: phenomenological reduction (aka epoche)
        • There is an experience in which it is possible for us to come to the world with no knowledge or preconceptions in hand;
        • it is the experience of astonishment.
          • The “knowing” we have in this experience stands in stark contrast to
          • the “knowing” we have in our everyday lives, where we come to the world with
            • theory and
            • “knowledge” in hand,
            • our minds already made up before we ever engage the world.
        • However, in the experience of astonishment,
          • our everyday “knowing,” when compared to
          • the “knowing” that we experience in astonishment,
        • is shown up as a pale epistemological imposter and is reduced to mere opinion by comparison.
        • The phenomenological reduction (aka epoche)
        • is at once
          • a description and
          • prescription
        • of a technique that allows one to voluntarily sustain the awakening force of astonishment
          • so that conceptual cognition can be carried throughout intentional analysis,
          • thus bringing the “knowing” of astonishment into our everyday experience.
    1. So whatever problem you have in your knowledge, and suddenly you think, oh, that doesn't fit, there is a problem, and so on, what do you do? You stop projecting your attention onto the set of theoretical object you have, and you come back where you are. Where are you? In the laboratory observing dots on the screen. 00:24:54 And then you think, is my picture adequate to the dots I'm seeing now in the screen? That's what occurs at each scientific revolution. Suddenly, if things, scientists say, poof, finished, all this theory, I have to think everything again from what is given to me.
      • for: scientific revolution, incremental science, science - epoche

      • quote

        • So whatever problem you have in your knowledge, and suddenly you think, oh, that doesn't fit, there is a problem, and so on, what do you do?
        • You stop projecting your attention onto the set of theoretical object you have, and you come back where you are.
        • Where are you? In the laboratory observing dots on the screen.
        • And then you think, is my picture adequate to the dots I'm seeing now in the screen?
        • That's what occurs at each scientific revolution.
        • Suddenly, if things, scientists say, poof, finished, all this theory,
        • I have to think everything again from what is given to me.
      • author: Michel Bitbol
    2. Electrons, protons, quarks, and so on, what they turn out to be is just inferences that we do from marks on the screens of our apparatuses in the laboratory essentially.
      • for: key insight, science - key insight, science - epoche

      • key insight

      • quote
        • Electrons, protons, quarks, and so on, what they turn out to be is just inferences that we do from marks on the screens of our apparatuses in the laboratory essentially.
      • author: Michel Bitbot
    3. the missing element in science is precisely the realization that all these objects are seen from somewhere. So, from somewhere in a very elusive sense, namely, from this famous aware spot, but also, in a very concrete sense, 00:22:19 all these things are seen from our everyday world, the life world.
      • for: quote, quote - Michel Bitbol, quote - science - epoche, quote - science - aware spot, aware spot

      • quote

        • The missing element in science is precisely the realization that all these objects are seen from somewhere.
        • So, from somewhere in a very elusive sense, namely, from this famous aware spot, but also, in a very concrete sense,
          • all these things are seen from our everyday world, the life world.
    4. The epoche is always performed and we don't know it. We don't realize it. 00:19:42 This was said, for instance, by Michel Henry. But maybe even more strikingly by Jean-Paul Sartre in his book, The Transcendence Of The Ego
      • for: epoche - Jean Paul Satre, epoche, question, question - epoche - symbolosphere, Jean-Paul Satre - Nausea
      • paraphrase
        • Jean-Paul Satre
          • The Transcendence of the Ego
          • Nausea (book)
        • both the subject and object are cocreated and emerge simultaneously
      • definition start
        • Bitbol calls this "symmetrical effort"
      • definition end
        • it takes symmetrical effort to
          • extract invariance from experience (objectification and object permanence)
          • stabilize an experiencing pole (construction of self)
        • when some event causes
      • example: epoche
        • reading a book on history
        • you suddenly realize there is no past, no medieval events, just black marks on paper (or on a screen)
      • question
        • Is realizing the epoche the same as realizing the symbolosphere?
    5. In fact, it's very easy to perform the epoche
      • for epoche - enlightenment, epoche - ease of performing
      • comment
        • the epoche is easy to perform
        • whereas it appears from the philosophical considerations difficult to perform
        • is it analogous to enlightenment, where the perception of it's difficulty is what makes it difficult?
    6. when you have lost 00:17:54 the world by the epoche, you can conquer it anew in a universal self-examination. What does it mean? It just means that when you analyze what is left after the epoche, you see all the processes by which we tend to reconstruct our belief in and extend in the world
      • for: epoche, quote, quote - epoche, quote - Michel Bitbol

      • quote

        • when you have lost the world by the epoche, you can conquer it anew in a universal self-examination.
        • What does it mean? It just means that when you analyze what is left after the epoche, you see all the processes by which we tend to reconstruct our belief in and extend in the world
      • author: Michel Bitbol
    7. according to Husserl, the epoche is dramatic. It's something that changes suddenly your state of consciousness. It's not something cheap. He says, phenomenology implies a complete 00:17:02 self-transformation which can be compared to a religious conversion. You see things completely differently when you have performed an epoche. This epoche is radical. It's immediate and so on.
      • for: adjacency, adjacency - epoche - enlightenment, epoche, question, question - epoche and enlightenment

      • adjacency between

        • epoche
        • enlightenment
      • adjacency statment:
      • question
        • Is epoche the same as an enlightenment experience?
        • Did Husserl develop any techniques or trainings in epoche?
    8. Buddhism has no transcendent god, but it explores the transcendental field of consciousness. How do you do that? How do you lend into this field that is to be explored? To do that, you have to perform the epoche.
      • for: adjacency, adjacency - epoche - Buddhist meditation

      • paraphrase

      • adjacency between
        • epoche
        • Buddhist meditation
      • adjacency statement
        • Epoche is derived from the Greek and means suspension, cessation.
        • Epoche is the practice of suspending verbal judgment and comes from the Stoics and the Greek thinkers such as Pyrrho, who learned it from his travels in India accompanying Alexander the Great
        • Epoche in phenomenology also suspends pre-verbal judgments and results in a radical self-transformation