37 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. https://www.biedlers-belts.com/single-v-belts/polyflex-belts/ This is about the only place that I have been able to find the small V-Belts used to drive IBM and Smith Corona electric typewriters (among others). You can find most any belt you need on this site if you know its dimensions.
  2. Dec 2024
  3. Nov 2024
  4. Oct 2024
    1. Successful Secretary Presented by Royal Office Typewriters. A Thomas Craven Film Corporation Production, 1966. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If5b2FiDaLk.

      Script: Lee Thuna<br /> Educational Consultant: Catharine Stevens<br /> Assistant Director: Willis F. Briley<br /> Design: Francisco Reynders<br /> Director & Producer: Carl A. Carbone<br /> A Thomas Craven Film Corporation Production

      "Mother the mail"

      gendered subservience

      "coding boobytraps"

      "I think you'll like the half sheet better. It is faster." —Mr. Typewriter, timestamp

      A little bit of the tone of "HAL" from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). This is particularly suggestive as H.A.L. was a one letter increment from I.B.M. and the 1966 Royal 660 was designed to compete with IBM's Selectric

      This calm voice makes suggestions to a secretary while H.A.L. does it for a male astronaut (a heroic figure of the time period). Suddenly the populace feels the computer might be a bad actor.

      "We're living in an electric world, more speed and less effort."—Mr. Typewriter<br /> (techno-utopianism)

    1. 1962 Vintage IBM Typewriter Training Film IBM Selectric Proper Typing Procedures, w/ Bud McDole by [[Computer History Archives Project]]

      Right at the Typewriter. 16 mm. San Francisco, CA: KQED, 1962. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPfHAW_OfGo.

      On manual typewriters one "snaps" the keys while on an electric keyboard one "taps" the keys for maximum speed and accuracy.

      Overview of functionality of an IBM typewriter.

      To add longevity to one's carbon papers they should be rotated both top to bottom and front to back within one's packs.

      Use plastic type cleaner, meant for cleaning type slugs, to clean the excess ink from a typewriter. Form it into a point and press it to the letter to erase several times. Then erase with eraser shield and eraser.

      To type to the very bottom of the page, particularly with a carbon pack, to prevent slippage at the bottom, insert a "trailer sheet" about halfway down the first page. Insert it at the back of the pack just behind the original and between the first carbon sheet.

      For typing small sheets of paper (index cards) fold a pleat into a regular sheet of paper and use the lip to hold the smaller sheet you're typing on.

      To more quickly type envelopes, do the first then reverse the platen so that only about an inch of the top of the envelope is visible. Then insert the next envelope behind the first and continue reversing the platen. This will allow the finished envelopes to stack at the paper table and speed the threading and typing of envelopes in rapid succession.

      Use of the divots on the typing guide for making horizontal or vertical lines while moving the carriage or rotating the platen respectively.

      How to change the typeball and the ribbon cartridge on the IBM selectric.

    1. Adobe upset many artists and designers recently by implying it would use their content to train AI models. The company had to quell those concerns with a blog post denying this.But some Adobe employees are still not happy with the response, and they are calling for improved communication with customers.According to screenshots of an internal Slack channel, obtained by Business Insider, Adobe employees complained about the company's poor response to the controversy and demanded a better long-term communication plan. They pointed out that Adobe got embroiled in similar controversies in the past, adding the internal review process needed to be fixed. This story is available exclusively to Business Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now. Have an account? Log in. "If our goal is truly to prioritize our users' best interests (which, to be honest, I sometimes question), it's astonishing how poor our communication can be," one of the people wrote in Slack. "The general perception is: Adobe is an evil company that will do whatever it takes to F its users.""Let's avoid becoming like IBM, which seems to be surviving primarily due to its entrenched market position and legacy systems," this Adobe employee added.
    1. Oliver Sacks Archive Heads to the New York Public Library by [[Jennifer Schuessler]]

      The voluminous papers of the celebrated neurologist include letters, notebooks, drafts and other traces of a man who couldn’t stop writing.

      You have to love the boos, notebooks, papers, fountain pen, typewriter, computer, printer, and even writing software all pictured in this... Add the glasses and it just reeks of someone who reads and writes.

  5. Sep 2024
  6. Aug 2024
    1. Big Blue Gets Renewed by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

      I like the aftermarket upgrades you've made.

      The Cheers reference reminds me that I've been trying to pair drinks with machines as I write. I had a blue cocktail on a cruise to Alaska last year that used glacier ice (which is blue), but since that's not easy to source in ABQ, maybe try an "Electric Iced Tea" which is a variation on the Long Island iced tea but which swaps blue curaçao for the triple sec and a clear lemon-lime based soda for the cola.

  7. Jul 2024
    1. The Minimal Complete Typewriter Collection by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

      Joe Van Cleave's personal six categories in a (his) typewriter collection: - Standard manual - medium-sized portable (largest segment in the collector's space) - lightweight portable or ultra-portable - typebar electric - IBM Selectric - Electronic typewriter (thermal typewriter), portable, quiet, battery operation.

      Joe's minimal collection based on what he's got in his collection currently and the condition that they're in: - Royal KMM (his only standard) - Hermes 3000 (boxy middle era) - Olympia Splendid 33 (he's also got a Royal Mercury & Groma Kalibri) - Olympia Reporter - Selectric I (the only one he's got) cloth, ribbon cartridge system, no lift-off correction - Canon Typestar 220

      Some of Joe's most important criteria in a typewriter: he prefers an elite face, 1 1/2 spacing, and bichrome setting.

      At the time of this recording Joe had 30 typewriters.

  8. Jun 2024
  9. Mar 2024
    1. The whole industry is built on this concept of planned obsolescence. That’s the term that I think IBM famously came up with in the sixties, where basically you’re intentionally trying to constantly sell people on the new new thing. And that’s what drives the stock price up. And that’s what drives the press cycle. And that’s what gets people to buy new products and things. And so, the whole industry is predicated around this idea of there’s always a new thing around the horizon.

      Where did the concept of planned obsolescence originate? Was it really IBM as Alex Wright suggests here?

      How does planned obsolescence drive capitalism? And as a result of that is there a balance between future innovation and waste? Is there a mechanism within capitalism that can fix this waste (or dramatically mitigate it)?

  10. Oct 2022
    1. A career-line study of the presidents, all cabinet members,and all members of the Supreme Court. This 1 'already have onIBM cards from the constitutional period through Truman'ssecond term, but I want to expand the items used and analyze itafresh.

      Notice that it's not just notes, but data on IBM cards that he's using for research here. This sort of data analysis is much easier now, but is also of the sort detailed by Beatrice Webb in her scientific note taking.



  11. Aug 2022
    1. In 1896, Dewey formed a partnership with Herman Hollerith and the Tabulating Machine Company (TMC) to provide the punch cards used for the electro-mechanical counting system of the US government census operations. Dewey’s relationship with Hollerith is significant as TMC would be renamed International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924 and become an important force in the information age and creator of the first relational database.
  12. Sep 2021
    1. That payoff will come when we make better use of computers to bring communities of people together and to augment the very human skills that people bring to bear on difficult problems

      This quote by Doug Engelbart was selected for the IBM THINK Poster 2015 http://bit.ly/1DHBLYI. For more on the IBM THINK Exhibit see http://bit.ly/1oZu1RN.

      The quote is from Engelbart's paper "Improving our Ability to Improve" http://bit.ly/1po1K7p which he presented at the World Library Summit in Singapore in 2002.

  13. Oct 2019
    1. If you can see how people might respond to IBM, infamous for providing technology that helped the Nazis in World War II, saying, "Who has time to look into the source of this hard German currency?" you can imagine how GitLab's policy amendment has been received.
  14. Aug 2019
    1. Last March, ProPublica published an extensive investigation that found IBM had fired an estimated 20,000 U.S. employees ages 40 or older in the past five years.
    2. The company started firing older workers and replacing them with millennials, who IBM’s consulting department said “are generally much more innovative and receptive to technology than baby boomers.”
    3. International Business Machines Corp. has fired as many as 100,000 employees in the last few years in an effort to boost its appeal to millennials and make it appear to be as “cool” and “trendy” as Amazon and Google, according to a deposition from a former vice president in an ongoing age discrimination lawsuit.

      IBM has a long history of working against humanity, e.g. when colluding with the Nazis.

  15. Nov 2018
  16. Jan 2017
  17. Mar 2016
    1. payoff will come when we make better use of computers to bring communities of people together and to augment the very human skills that people bring to bear on difficult problems

      This quote by Doug Engelbart was selected for the IBM THINK Poster 2015 http://bit.ly/1DHBLYI. For more on the IBM THINK Exhibit see http://bit.ly/1oZu1RN.

      The quote is from Engelbart's paper "Improving our Ability to Improve" http://bit.ly/1po1K7p which he presented at the World Library Summit in Singapore in 2002.

  18. Nov 2015
    1. Some projects work to actively alienate corporations trying to contribute because of ideology. This is not the path that will lead us to sustainable open source software development and companies that can contribute responsibly.


      /me pats IBM on the back one more time. :)

      There are (a very few) companies that balance these worlds of community and commerce well.

      If you know of another, please reply!

    2. sometimes you find a bounty like this one where a company has added a significant amount to a bug

      Unsurprisingly (to me) that company is IBM.

      Keep up the greatness!

  19. Aug 2015
    1. That research in turn was the predecessor for IBM’s Watson which defeated Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings on the TV game show Jeopardy in 2011.

      But don't forget Watson famously bobbled Toronto as a US city http://techland.time.com/2011/02/16/why-did-watson-think-toronto-is-a-u-s-city-on-jeopardy/