52 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data. So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.”
      • for: smart cities, doughnut cities, cosmolocal, downscaled planetary boundaries, cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, TPF, community data, local data, open data, community data ownership, quote, quote - Garth Graham, quote - community owned data
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • Innovation in the creation and sustainability of social institutions acts predominantly at the local level.
        • In the Internet of Things, for those capacities to emerge in smart cities, communities need the capacity to own and analyse the data created that models what they are experiencing.
        • Local data needs to be seen as a common, pool resource.
        • Where that occurs, communities will have the capacity to learn or innovate their way forward.
        • So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data.
        • So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.
      • author: Garth Graham
        • leader of Telecommunities Canada
  2. Mar 2023
    1. Review coordinated by Life Science Editors Foundation

      Reviewed by: Dr. Angela Andersen

      Potential Conflicts of Interest: None

      Background: * mRNAs in polarized cells often have a distinct spatial localization patterns that enable localized protein production * In non-polarized cells, mRNAs encoding membrane and secretory proteins are predominantly translated on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), some mRNAs are enriched on the mitochondrial surface, some mRNAs are bound to the RNA-binding protein (RBP) TIS11B at the surface of the rough ER in "TIS granules". * The translation of specific mRNAs in TIS granules allows assembly of protein complexes that cannot be established when the mRNAs are translated on the ER but outside of TIS granules (physiological relevance). * The canonical rough ER (CRER) is distinct from the TIS granule ER (TGER), and both are distinct from the cytosol.

      Questions: * Do mRNAs that encode non-membrane proteins differentially localize to the ER or the cytosol? (in steady state) * Does the amount of protein synthesis differ depending on the subcytoplasmic location of an mRNA?

      Summary: * A third of mRNAs that encode non-membrane proteins have a biased localization to TGER or CRER, indicating that the ER membrane is a general site of translation for both membrane and non-membrane proteins. * 52% of mRNAs that encode non-membrane proteins have a biased mRNA transcript localization pattern towards a single cytoplasmic compartment. the TGER, CRER or cytosol. * The localization at the TGER or CRER was largely controlled by a combinatorial code of AU-RBPs at the 3'UTR. TIS11B promotes mRNA localization to TGER and TIA1/L1 to CRER. * LARP4B bound to the 3'UTR promotes cytosolic localization. * The location of translation has an independent effect on protein levels independent of the RBPs/3'UTR: redirecting cytosolic mRNAs to the rough ER membrane increased their steady-state protein levels by two-fold, indicating that the ER environment promotes protein expression. * Compartment-enriched mRNAs differed in their mRNA production and degradation rates, as well as functional classes and levels of their encoded proteins. Therefore the cytoplasm is partitioned into different functional and regulatory compartments that are not enclosed by membranes. * low-abundance proteins are translated in the TGER region. mRNAs encoding zinc finger proteins and transcription factors were substantially enriched at the TGER. These gene classes are usually expressed at lower levels than others.. This localization may regulate protein complex assembly (membrane proteins that are translated in the TGER domain establish protein complexes that cannot be formed when the proteins are translated on the CRER). The TGER may ensure that low-abundance mRNAs are effectively translated into low-abundance proteins. * mRNAs that are the most stable and encode the most highly expressed proteins are enriched on the CRER and include helicases, cytoskeleton-bound proteins, and chromatin regulators, overturning the idea that most non-membrane protein-encoding mRNAs are translated in the cytosol. * mRNAs overrepresented in the cytosol had the highest production and degradation rates and were enriched in proteins involved in mRNA processing and translation factors, whose abundance levels require tight control.

      Advance: Evidence for functional compartmentalization of non-membrane mRNA protein expression in the cytosol vs ER. In steady state, general localization of mRNAs to the ER promotes high protein levels.

      Significance: Engineered 3'UTR sequences could potentially boost protein expression by localizing mRNAs to the ER in experimental settings, for vaccines etc.

      Remaining questions/points: * How does the rough ER stimulate protein expression? * Does the mRNA localization affect complex formation and/or function of non-membrane proteins? * Does this occur in cells other than HEK293T? * Is this regulated?

  3. Nov 2022
    1. Localisation ≠ Translation To start with, we have been researching, publishing, and producing articles on the topics of localisation to gain a wider understanding for implementing it. Here's some of what we published with @sophie authoring:

      Have you thought about crowdsourcing localization via weblate? It includes DeepL and can also be a learning ground, such as Duolingo Immersion.

  4. Sep 2022
    1. In other words, i18n allows applications to support and satisfy the needs of multiple locales, thus “enabling” l10n.

      one feature enables the other

    2. “Internationalization is the design and development of a product, application or document content that enables easy localization for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language. Localization refers to the adaptation of a product, application or document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific target market (a locale).”
  5. May 2021
    1. On April 27, 2021, Portugal's data protection authority, the National Data Protection Commission, ordered Statistics Portugal, in carrying out the national census, to suspend processing of personal data in any third country that lacks adequate privacy protections, including the United States


  6. Apr 2021
    1. Absolutely atrocious controls, with keybinds hardcoded so that only american keyboard users can use one of the most important controls in the entire game. The Z key is in the middle of the keyboard for a huge portion of the world, developers.
    1. We can imagine "CORONA NERVT!" in all languages ​​and countries. Since the card text is targeting topics from Germany and that gives our Game its charm, we didn't want to make a multilingual version. All players should find themselves in the game. So if you want to publish a version for another country, get in touch with us.
  7. Feb 2021
    1. It seems like such a beautiful little visual novel and while I wasn’t expecting a masterpiece of localisation based on its low price, I was expecting to be able to read it. But that just cannot be done. Developers from Japan, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and every other emerging game development centre through Asia-Pacific, listen to me carefully: You can have the most beautiful aesthetics and a heartwarming concept for your game. If the localisation isn’t going to be good, though, do not bother with an English release, because it is going to get reviews like this one. Make “invest in proper translation” your big resolution for 2021. I do not want to play any other games like Lily in the Hollow - Resurrection ever again.
  8. Jan 2021
  9. Sep 2020
  10. Aug 2020
    1. History is littered with brand names, logos, and taglines that were translated but not localized. Consequently, these brands completely missed their mark in the new target cultures. These examples show how words that are simply translated into another language without "in-country vetting" of the phrase’s true meaning and/or connotation, can be a multi-million dollar mistake.
    1. Find Games in Your LanguageIf you're using Search in a language other than English, then your language will be shown first in the language filter control, and that control will be moved to near the top of the search page.
  11. Jul 2020
  12. May 2020
  13. Apr 2020
  14. Mar 2020
    1. Then there’s markup inside each paragraph, like links and such. You could do it right in the translation strings, but your translator then needs to know how to handle the markup, and you risk duplicating knowledge if you go as far as to hard-code link URLs. What I do is split up the translations, but keep them under the same key: en.yml1 2 3 4 log_in_or_sign_up: text: "%{log_in} or %{sign_up} to do stuff." log_in: "Log in" sign_up: "Sign up" header.erb1 2 3 4 5 <%= t( :'log_in_or_sign_up.text', log_in: link_to(t(:'log_in_or_sign_up.log_in'), login_path), sign_up: link_to(t(:'log_in_or_sign_up.sign_up'), signup_path) ) %> This way, the translator sees no code or markup (except for the i18n interpolation syntax) and there is no duplication.
    2. You probably don’t want one translation key per sentence, though. It’s helpful for the translator to have context rather than a lot of short strings, and less fiddly on your part.
    3. If you ever need to work with external translators, it’s a bit of a pain sending both your YML files and a bunch of views like index.en.html.erb. For one thing, you need some code to find all those files and send them, and put them back after receiving the translations. For another, your translator must respect the markup and code of the template, and know not to translate them. And if you want to use tools like WebTranslateIt, it’s easier to stick to YML.

      Good point. Better to store translations in your I18n backend in the same place as your subject translations, etc. (which by default is in YAML file).

    1. Action View has the ability to render different templates depending on the current locale.For example, suppose you have an ArticlesController with a show action. By default, calling this action will render app/views/articles/show.html.erb. But if you set I18n.locale = :de, then app/views/articles/show.de.html.erb will be rendered instead. If the localized template isn't present, the undecorated version will be used. This means you're not required to provide localized views for all cases, but they will be preferred and used if available.

      This is one option, but there is another camp that says it's better to store translations in your I18n backend in the same place as your subject translations, etc.: https://thepugautomatic.com/2012/07/rails-i18n-tips/

    1. ActionController and ActionMailer default include AbstractController::Rendering directly or indirectly (ActionController::Metal::Rendering). AbstractController::Rendering uses ActionView as default library for its template rendering engine and includes AbstractController::ViewPaths and an instance of I18n proxy to find localized views. To learn more i'd like to refer to the ActionPack source code on github. To get to the point. ActionView allows you to use localisation in your templates: See Rails guide: Action View Overview , Chapter Localized views.

      Not a very detailed or good code dissection, but is kind of one.

    1. However imagine we are creating a format string in a separate file, commonly because we would like to internationalize it and we rewrite it as: <?php$format = 'The %s contains %d monkeys';echo sprintf($format, $num, $location);?> We now have a problem. The order of the placeholders in the format string does not match the order of the arguments in the code. We would like to leave the code as is and simply indicate in the format string which arguments the placeholders refer to. We would write the format string like this instead: <?php$format = 'The %2$s contains %1$d monkeys';echo sprintf($format, $num, $location);?> An added benefit is that placeholders can be repeated without adding more arguments in the code.
    1. Sometimes a single term is used in several contexts. Although it is one and the same word in English, it may need to be translated differently in some languages. For example, the word "Post" can be used both as a verb ("Click here to post your comment") and as a noun ("Edit this post"). In such cases, the _x() function should be used. It is similar to __(), but it has an additional second argument -- the context:
    1. Poedit and other tools can scan your .php files for references of __(), _e(), _n() and so on, and grab those strings for translation, which is awesome, because otherwise you’d have to manually add every single string. Now, when these tools come across _n() in our sources, they know it’s a plural thing, because of a special keyword setting which looks something like _n:1,2, meaning _n() takes at least two arguments, where the first argument is the singular, and the second argument is a the plural, so it grabs both strings. Let’s take a look at how Poedit and other tools will parse our function above: Hello there _n() on line 3! I’m supposed to grab two of your arguments because I have this smart keyword setting, but none of these arguments are strings, so I’ll just skip to the next match
    1. Quite a few times, there will be collisions with similar translatable text found in more than two places, but with different translated context. By including the context in the pot file, translators can translate the two strings differently.
    1. WordPress uses gettext libraries to be able to add the translations in PHP. In WordPress you should use the WordPress localization functions instead of the native PHP gettext-compliant translation functions.
    1. This is where the incredibly useful gettext filter comes in. If you take a peek at your plugin's code you'll see strings like this: .gist table { margin-bottom: 0; } <?php _e( 'Related Products', 'woocommerce' ); ?> view raw sample-translatable-string.php hosted with by GitHub You can easily translate these strings by adding a filter to your functions.php file: .gist table { margin-bottom: 0; } <?php /** * Change text strings * * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/gettext */ function my_text_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) { switch ( $translated_text ) { case 'Related Products' : $translated_text = __( 'Check out these related products', 'woocommerce' ); break; } return $translated_text; } add_filter( 'gettext', 'my_text_strings', 20, 3 );
    1. Poedit’s built in support for Crowdin, a great localisation management platform, makes collaboration a breeze. Access to all your projects and translate directly from the app.
    1. For this simple example, you can simply edit the .po file in your editor and add the translation to all the msgstr sets. For a larger, more complex set of translation, the GlotPress and Poedit tools exist to help.
    1. https://github.com/r18n/r18n claims:

      Crowdin — supports all of R18n, including pluralization, filters, etc.

      I couldn't find any mention of Rails on this site though.

  15. Aug 2019
  16. Jan 2019
    1. rodmann's most important tool in mapping the cortex was cytoarchitectonics
    2. One of the more influential localization schemes of this period was phrenology, developed by Gall and Spurzheim in the early 1800s (this movement is well known, so will only be summarized here)