- Dec 2024
bilge.world bilge.world
Even the current desktop version of iTunes maintains support for streaming “audio files over the internet,” though a glance at Apple’s dated support page for the process suggests it hasn’t crossed anybody’s mind for at least half of that history.
Considering that Apple is now the most valuable company in the history of the world, the current state of the desktop iTunes client is absolutely unacceptable.
- Oct 2024
sfhbook.netlify.app sfhbook.netlify.app
Remember to bring DVI/VGA-to-DisplayPort adapter if you own a Mac
Good advice for the presenters using macOS
- Apr 2024
www.macworld.com www.macworld.com
Update (2024-04-05): This is Mac only
- Dec 2023
hyscaler.com hyscaler.com
“MLX” is more than just a technical solution; it is an innovative and user-friendly framework inspired by popular frameworks like PyTorch, Jax, and ArrayFire. It facilitates the training and deployment of AI models on Apple devices without sacrificing performance or compatibility.
MLX (high overview)
- Jul 2023
saurabhs.org saurabhs.org
sudo softwareupdate -ia installs all available updates.
Quite handy macOS command
www.techradar.com www.techradar.com
Introduced in September 2017, macOS 10.13 High Sierra brought new updates to the Photos and Safari apps. However, most of the changes happened underneath, including performance improvements and technical updates.
- Mar 2023
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
www.tbray.org www.tbray.org
I could be super-happy with any of Fira Code Retina, Hack, JetBrains Mono, or Inconsolata.
Recommended fonts for 14" MacBook
- Feb 2023
aruva.medium.com aruva.medium.com
Mac User Aliases
Some of my favourite Mac aliases: * 1. * 11.
- Jan 2023
Points from the comments in support of using Mac
Reasons why macOS is better than Linux (see below)
Points from the comments in support of using Linux
Reasons why Linux is better than macOS (see below)
pythonspeed.com pythonspeed.com
Solution #3: Switch to Conda-Forge
Yet another possible solution for M1 users, but you need to use conda and expect less packages than in PyPI
In general, the environment variable is too heavy-handed and should be avoided, since it will impact all images you build or run. Given the speed impact, you don’t for example want to run your postgres image with emulation, to no benefit.
Which options to avoid
The problem with this approach is that the emulation slows down your runtime. How much slower it is? Once benchmark I ran was only 6% of the speed of the host machine!
Speed is the core problem with emulation
The other option is to run x86_64 Docker images on your ARM64 Mac machine, using emulation. Docker is packaged with software that will translate or emulate x86_64 machine code into ARM64 machine code on the fly; it’s slow, but the code will run.
Another possible solution for M1 users (see snippets below)
Third, you can pre-compile wheels, store them somewhere, and install those directly instead of downloading the packages from PyPI.
Third possible solution for M1 users
If you have a compiler installed in your Docker image and any required native libraries and development headers, you can compile a native package from the source code. Basically, you add a RUN apt-get upgrade && apt-get install -y gcc and iterate until the package compiles successfully.
Second possible solution for M1 users
First, it’s possible the relevant wheels are available in newer versions of the libraries.
First possible solution for M1 users
When you pip install murmurhash==1.0.6 on a M1/M2 Mac inside Docker, again it looks at the available files
Other possible steps that
will do when trying to install a Python package without a relevant CPU instruction set -
When you pip install filprofiler==2022.05.0 on a M1/M2 Mac inside Docker, pip will look at the available files for that version, and then
3 steps that
will do when trying to install a Python package without a relevant CPU instruction set -
In either case, pure Python will Just Work, because it’s interpreted at runtime: there’s no CPU-specific machine code, it’s just text that the Python interpreter knows how to run. The problems start when we start using compiled Python extensions. These are machine code, and therefore you need a version that is specific to your particular CPU instruction set.
M1 Python issues
on an Intel/AMD PC or Mac, docker pull will pull the linux/amd64 image. On a newer Mac using M1/M2/Silicon chips, docker pull will the pull the linux/arm64/v8 image.
Reason of all the M1 Docker issues
In order to meet its build-once-run-everywhere promise, Docker typically runs on Linux. Since macOS is not Linux, on macOS this is done by running a virtual machine in the background, and then the Docker images run inside the virtual machine. So whether you’re on a Mac, Linux, or Windows, typically you’ll be running linux Docker images.
- Dec 2022
cancel.fm cancel.fm
hypercardadventures.com hypercardadventures.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Jag Talon</span> in Still Going: A zine on using old technology – Jag Talon (<time class='dt-published'>12/09/2022 15:42:17</time>)</cite></small>
- Nov 2022
apple.stackexchange.com apple.stackexchange.com
- Jul 2022
apple.stackexchange.com apple.stackexchange.com
sudo killall coreaudiod
Disable flashing screen on specific sounds, even while pressing
in a Python terminal and hitting the left end.
- Apr 2022
blog.jim-nielsen.com blog.jim-nielsen.com
defaults write NSGlobalDomain WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true defaults write -g WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool YES
Type these 2 commands to macOS terminal to be able to "Inspect Elements" in a Safari Web Inspector
- Mar 2022
support.apple.com support.apple.com
- Jul 2021
github.com github.com
PicGo: 一个用于快速上传图片并获取图片 URL 链接的工具
Related: uPic for macOS and iOS
All platforms. Professional features. Beautiful UI. Totally free. FontBase is the font manager of the new generation, built by designers, for designers.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
使用“迁移助理”将您的所有文稿、App、用户帐户和设置从一台电脑拷贝到另一台新 Mac 上。
obsproject.com obsproject.com
sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Discord.app/Contents/Frameworks/Discord Helper (Renderer).app"
xcode-select --install
first. This will fix permissions to create the virtual camera.
apple.stackexchange.com apple.stackexchange.com
sudo mdfind "com_apple_backup_excludeItem = 'com.apple.backupd'"
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Is there an OS agnostic way of doing this? I like the script command on macOS because you don't have to wrap the command in quotes. The script runs and sends output to the tty which is duplicated in the supplied file, but I can't seem to get the linux version to behave the same way... I'm probably doing something wrong. So what's the equivalent linux script command for this on macOS: script -q -t 0 tmp.out perl -e 'print "Test\n"' Test cat tmp.out Test
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
For Mac OS X, the syntax seems to be:
samba.2283325.n4.nabble.com samba.2283325.n4.nabble.com
i found that for the osx host "gonzo" , the vanished files (not the warning message itself) appear in stdout - for linux hosts they _both_ appear in stderr , but nothing in stdout (rsync.err.#num is stderr, rsync.log is stdout)
- Dec 2020
git-scm.com git-scm.com
Download for macOS
Install git on a macOS
- May 2020
scriptingosx.com scriptingosx.com
Changing a user’s default Shell to bash v5
The only way that setting bash v5 works after installing with homebrew
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Works on mac
How to install VirtualBox on MacOS
- Apr 2020
dev.to dev.to
From Bash to Zsh
gist.github.com gist.github.com
NVIDIA's CUDA libraries
cuda has moved to
[1] its name has alos changed to nvidia-cudaTo install:
brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers
brew cask install nvidia-cuda
[1] https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/issues/38325#issuecomment-327605803
- Feb 2020
www.i4u.com www.i4u.com
Update 10/14/19: Proceed at your own risk. The upgrade works, but my iMac runs on high cpu on various services. I arleady disabled photoanalysisd, but now vtencoderxpcservice takes up a lot of CPU. If anywone found a solution, please post it in the comments below.
I have this same issue. It arises when attempting to do a screen recording...
- Nov 2019
helpx.adobe.com helpx.adobe.com
We've updated most current apps to 64-bit architecture. The following versions work in Catalina, but have these known issues.
My Adobe suites are version 2017, non-subscription, early versions lower than below will have issues, including: acrobat 2017, Premiere 2020, Photoshop CC 2019.. Final Cut Pro X 10.3.4
Also check below: https://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/mac-software/apps-wont-work-catalina-3698142/
So the choices in account of whether update to Catalina are:
- Keep running an older version of MacOS alongside the new version so that you can switch operating systems when necessary.
- Consider transitioning to a different app, or upgrading to a newer version.
- Oct 2019
Right-click (or Control+Click, or a Two-Finger click on trackpads) on the file or folder in the Mac Finder
This worked great MacOS 10.15.1 Beta 10/18/2019
- Apr 2018
blog.bearandgiraffe.com blog.bearandgiraffe.com
- Jan 2017
www.jianshu.com www.jianshu.com
Mac 录屏,收录系统音的解决方案
- Nov 2016
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com
2016 年,不用落落長,只要一行
brew install gtk-mac-integration