- Dec 2024
www.windowscentral.com www.windowscentral.com
for - article - Windows Central - AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity, but Elon Musk "conservatively" dwindles it down to 20% and says it should be explored more despite inevitable doom - 2024, Ape 2 - AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity
// - Comment - In fact, the heading is misleading. - It should be the other way around. - Elon Musk made the claim first but the AI Safety expert commented on Elon Musk's claim.
- article - Windows Central - AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity, but Elon Musk "conservatively" dwindles it down to 20% and says it should be explored more despite inevitable doom - 2024, Ape 2
- AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity
- Nov 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you run this in Powershell in Windows 10, you will get the error about "OI not recognized". Solution: Put the user+perms argument in quotes. For example: C:\>icacls "D:\test" /grant "John:(OI)(CI)F" /T
Very Important to know!
- Sep 2024
www.nature.com www.nature.com
To fabricate SiCellA materials
for - scalable fabrication technique - sustainable building - insulation - windows - beer hops aerogel
scalable fabrication technique - sustainable building - insulation - windows - beer hops aerogel - This fabrication process is highly scalable (Fig. 2a–c) and compatible with roll-to-roll processing, - It combines simple steps: - Moulding to define the volume of the desired hydrogel, - Solvent exchanges at modestly elevated temperatures<br /> - Rolling and drying the gels atop plastic support in rolls - step 1 - Process wood-pulp-derived cellulose nanofibres - via 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical (TEMPO)-mediated oxidation of native cellulose25,35,36,37 - (Methods and Supplementary Fig. 3). - This process affects the surface charges associated with the carboxylate anion preclude aggregation25,30 of the nanofibres, - which form stable aqueous colloidal dispersions at varying concentrations - step 2 - Pour solution into moulds of desired shapes and sizes - (Methods and Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4) - step 3 - Adding acid interlinks these nanofibres by hydrogen bonds between the carboxyl groups, - transforming the colloidal dispersion into a hydrogel - (Supplementary Fig. 4b) - with a network of sparse nanofibres - step 4 - Exchange the fluid medium within the gel by - replacing water with isopropanol or ethanol - (Fig. 2a,b and Supplementary Fig. 4c,d), - Step 5 - Super critically dry it to form an aerogel - (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Fig. 5a–d)
- Aug 2024
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
High CPU usage for vmmem
Possible solutions for high CPU usage by vmmem
- Jun 2024
github.com github.com
On Windows, that interface doesn't really exist (and is really difficult to emulate properly)
- Dec 2023
How to Use Multiple Desktops on One Screen in Windows 11
Quickly add a desktop by using the keyboard shortcut <kbd>Windows Key + Ctrl + D</kbd>.
Quickly switch desktops by using the keyboard shortcuts <kbd>Windows Key + Ctrl + Left Arrow</kbd> or <kbd>Windows Key + Ctrl + Right Arrow</kbd>.
To rename your desktops, open the Task View pane, right-click a desktop and click Rename.
To change desktop backgrounds open the Task View pane, right-click a desktop and click Choose background.
You can click and drag applications from one desktop to another through the Task View pane, or you can right-click an application, click Move to and then click which desktop you want to move the application to.
To close a virtual desktop, open up the Task View pane and hover over the desktop you want to close until an X appears in the upper-right corner. Click the X to close the desktop. You can also open Task View by clicking <kbd>Windows Key + Tab</kbd>. Then, use your arrow keys to select a virtual desktop and clicking the <kbd>Delete</kbd> key on the virtual desktop you want to close.
- Sep 2023
Enhance Safety with Sleek Steel Security Doors
- Jul 2023
www.truthbrush.com www.truthbrush.com
Odd that it doesn't support Windows, so you need a separate OS just to track tooth brushing even if you have a bunch of real computers around.
- Jun 2023
answers.microsoft.com answers.microsoft.com
This thread is locked.
Yet another example of why it's dumb for Microsoft to lock Community threads. This is in the Bing search results as the top article for my issue with 1,911 views. Since 2011 though, there have been new developments! The new Media Player app in Windows 10 natively supports Zune playlist files! Since the thread is locked, I can't put this news in a place where others following my same search path will find it.
Guess that's why it makes sense to use Hypothes.is 🤷♂️
- Apr 2023
www.fileside.app www.fileside.app
Armed with all this knowledge, we realise that we can construct an almost unlimited number of different path strings that all refer to the same directory
See below the number of ways to define the same path on Windows
UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention and describes paths that start with \\, commonly used to refer to network drives. The first segment after the \\ is the host, which can be either a named server or an IP address
UNC paths on Windows
On any Unix-derived system, a path is an admirably simple thing: if it starts with a /, it’s a path. Not so on Windows
Paths on Windows are much more complex
- Mar 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Impersonation is a security concept implemented in Windows NT that allows a server application to temporarily "be" the client in terms of access to secure objects.
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
blog.giantgeek.com blog.giantgeek.com
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1-click Beautiful Screenshots on Windows
Interesting workflow here for taking a screenshot quickly, saving it as a file, saving it to clipboard, and sharing it to various services.
www.johndcook.com www.johndcook.com
Emacs on windows<br /> by John D. Cook
- Jan 2023
utgd.net utgd.net
TextLocator 是一款开源的全文搜索工具,它可以用于快速查找本地文本文件中的文字内容。支持常见的 Word、Excel、PPT、PDF、TXT 和压缩包、代码文件。
www.itpro.com www.itpro.com
carpentries-incubator.github.io carpentries-incubator.github.io
At the time of writing, there is an open bug in Snakemake (version 5.8.2) on Windows systems that prevents requesting specific files from the command line when those files are in a subdirectory.
carpentries-incubator.github.io carpentries-incubator.github.io
When running on Windows using Git Bash and Anaconda, the previous code will not work. Multiline strings containing multiple shell commands are not executed correctly. The simplest workaround is to add &&\ to the end of all lines except the last inside the multiline shell command:
pythonspeed.com pythonspeed.com
on an Intel/AMD PC or Mac, docker pull will pull the linux/amd64 image. On a newer Mac using M1/M2/Silicon chips, docker pull will the pull the linux/arm64/v8 image.
Reason of all the M1 Docker issues
In order to meet its build-once-run-everywhere promise, Docker typically runs on Linux. Since macOS is not Linux, on macOS this is done by running a virtual machine in the background, and then the Docker images run inside the virtual machine. So whether you’re on a Mac, Linux, or Windows, typically you’ll be running linux Docker images.
drew.shoes drew.shoessup1
net send * MESSAGE
Command sending a
to each computer in the network
- Dec 2022
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance win32_POINTINGDEVICE | select hardwaretype
Command for getting hardware type of mouse via Windows PowerShell.
dvps.highrez.co.uk dvps.highrez.co.uk
I came here after reading a couple articles (one on Super User & one on MS's help forums) recommending X-Mouse Button Control as a general way to disable back buttons on mice.
Note: this doesn't seem to work on Windows 11 for Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Optical.
www.msys2.org www.msys2.orgMSYS21
MSYS2 is a collection of tools and libraries providing you with an easy-to-use environment for building, installing and running native Windows software.
The C/C++ extension does not include a C++ compiler or debugger. You will need to install these tools or use those already installed on your computer.
- Nov 2022
w3codemasters.in w3codemasters.in
I came to this page looking for a way to disable news stories in Windows 11 Widgets. I attempted one of the solutions (Disable Interests From Widgets To Turn Off News Feeds) but News recommendations still appeared.
Since I mainly wanted the Widget enabled for a calendar view, I decided against using Widgets altogether and settled for using the calendar in the notifications bar.
Another alternative I considered was to have 4 static Widgets pinned to obscure any news articles in the feed. However, unless one uses the insider Windows 11 build 25211 or later, Widget display will pop up from mouse hovering.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet with the -Recurse switch: Get-ChildItem -Path V:\Myfolder -Filter CopyForbuild.bat -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
Useful PowerShell command to do recursive file search in Windows through PowerShell.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
anditails · 1 yr. agoDell Pro Support Engineer (3rd party)You don't need Support Assist on Windows 11. Enable the "Optional Updates" and it'll do all the drivers through Windows Update.It's fast, too. Far quicker than Support Assist!
Someone recommending to avoid using Dell SupportAssist on Windows 11. I came across this because I was trying to see if there was a way to update SA in order to ensure the driver iqvw64e.sys was removed. Related to the problem here. Uninstalling SupportAssist resolved the aforementioned problem since recursive file search through C drive failed to find driver iqvw64e.sys
Based on other comments in this thread, seems like it's best to let Windows Update handle the drivers. Will no longer use Dell SA and will utilize "Optional Updates" to handle drivers
Currently, the only perceived benefit from SA is automating support tickets submissions if product is under warranty. Last IT support experience with Dell was positive (they did the best they could), but they didn't know much about sys admin stuff on Windows (weren't very helpful in resolving issue without losing all files and installed software).
answers.microsoft.com answers.microsoft.com
The correct answer here is to uninstall the intel network driver completely because it is not supported anymore. Support Information for Intel® PROSet and Intel® Advanced...Let Kernel isolation on. saying home users should not care about safety is just a stupid way of thinking. installing bad drivers is a way to spread malware with ease. This should be the "marked solution" to this thread.And I would also add a link to the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (Intel® DSA) to easily install the latest official driver. Thank you BjornVermeulen for pointing out the support info from Intel.
I came here looking for a way to resolve an error "A driver cannot load on this device" for the driver "iqvw64e.sys". This error popped up after I enabled "memory integrity" in Windows 11.
Note that "some malware camouflages itself as iqvw64e.sys" source.
This driver is associated with Intel network connections software, and gets removed by uninstalling the software per this reddit comment in r/sysadmin. This error is probably because Intel won't support Intel PROSet & Intel Advanced Network Services on Windows 11. The driver is likely a holdover from my Windows 10 OS before I upgraded it to Windows 11. The driver is probably unneeded since other Intel drivers are available .
The accepted answer in this Microsoft Q&A forum seems silly (just disable memory integrity), so I kept reading and found the highlighted response which quoted a more sensible answer (get rid of bad drivers). Later in the replies, someone asks what's the most efficient way to remove the driver and someone else states
I found the solution to this problem. After digging for the source of this file, I came across this article. File.net description of iqvw64e.sys. According to the article, this driver can be removed by uninstalling "Intel(R) Network Connections". Sure enough, I went to Control Panel, uninstalled the recommended app, rebooted, and voila! No more error. As for the value of that application, I have no idea. I am however happy to be rid of this error.
This didn't work for my case since "Intel(R) Network Connections" wasn't installed. Couldn't find iqvw64e.sys in the expected location of C:\Windows\System32\drivers. May have been removed after memory integrity enabled?
Presently looks like non-issue and can disregard warning in the future
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I came to this page looking for a way to add Xournal++ to the official winget repository. The accepted answer seems like it might do this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64367435/6457597
Need to open issue on GH repo about creating manifest file for Xournal++
www.miclog.com www.miclog.com
Info Select was on this list of DEVONthink Windows alternatives. Looks like "personal information management" preceded the boom of "personal knowledge management"
discourse.devontechnologies.com discourse.devontechnologies.com
Holy mackerel, when I saw the subject line of this topic I thought about Zoot – which I have not thought about in many months, and not for many years before that. Zoot was my introduction to this sort of “everything bucket” app. I also tried Info Select – which is also on Windows and may be an answer to @Claude’s question, assuming it’s still updated – and then to DevonThink and Evernote. My introduction to Zoot was an article by journalist James Fallows, of all people. He is the former editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, and reports mainly on public policy and politics. I wonder if he is still using Zoot? Three more probable options: Microsoft OneNote will be the most accessible to most Windows users. It doesn’t get you the search and “see also” of DevonThink. Obsidian and Roam Research take a different approach to the content-organization problems than DevonThink/OneNote/Evernote do. They rely on links and backlinks, like a personal Wikipedia. But they achieve the same goal of organizing information. They have search. AFAIK there’s nothing comparable to “see also,” but users report the same kind of serendipitous connections just by following the links they themselves made in the past. Another liability of Roam and Obsidian compared with DT: DT supports pretty much any kind of document that your computer can read, whereas Obsidian only supports Markdown, PDF, and images. I’m not as familiar with Roam, but I believe it has the same limitations. P.S. Partial answer to my own question: Fallows comes up in this forum as a person who advocated DT in a 2005 NYTimes article about “everything bucket” apps.
From a discussion on DEVONthink alternatives for Windows users.
I work primarily on Windows, but I support my kids who primarily use Mac for their college education. I have used DT on Mac, IPOS, IOS for about a year. On Windows, I have been using Kinook’s UltraRecall (UR) for the past 15 years. It is both a knowledge outliner and document manager. Built on top of a sql lite database. You can use just life DT and way way more. Of course, there is no mobile companion for UR. The MS Windows echo system in this regard is at least 12 years behind.
Reference for UltraRecall (UR) being the most DEVONthink like Windows alternative. No mobile companion for UR. Look into this being paired with Obsidian
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Louis Burki 6 months ago (edited) I have make some changes to make it work, because I had a similar error. First, I have add a ":" before the "=" in the Text variable at the beginning of the script. Now it looks like that: "Text:=". Then I have put double quotes around (**your snippets**) so now it looks like this "(***your snippets***)". Then, I also changed the sort line to make it look that: Text:= sort(Text). And now it works as intended. Also, be careful not to remove the pipe symbol in your snippets.
Someone giving a troubleshooting solution to using Joe Glines' Auto Hotkey script that inserts text from a list of the user's choosing. The problem another user had was including it in their main script file, but this was resolved with Louis Burki's answer
github.com github.com
Another Authotkey user here! 😃 On my machine, Mehul's solution with the 1ms delay takes noticeably longer to actually insert some text. I found the following solution which inserts it in a less "chunky" manner. Adjust the 1ms till it works for your setup :) ; This worked ::dx::{Sleep 1}DevExpress ; For longer hotstrings, I needed more ::azerty::{Sleep 60}DevExpress With 250ms pretty much any length of hotstring expanded correctly. I answered this Stackoverflow question with details from this issue. The same bug might have been present in an earlier version of VSCode: microsoft/vscode#1934 They make mention of this commit fixing it. Unfortunately it's a rather large commit :( microsoft/vscode@a1bd50f Commit msg: "Fixes #1168: Read synchronously from textarea" The problem has to do with the backspace remapping. Take the following autohotkey hotstring: ::tada::🎉 This will make typing "tada" followed by one of the "EndingChars" (space, tab, comma, dot, ...) expand to the 🎉 emoji. What you see visually happening on the screen is that Autohotkey does this by first sending a backspace to the editor 4 times (length of hotstring "tada") and then inserts the replacement text (🎉) What happens when this (pretty fantastic) extension is active is that the first x characters get deleted then the replacement text gets inserted and then the remaining (hotstring length - x) characters get deleted. But because the cursor is now at the end of the replacement text... which gets chewed on 😃 I'll have to learn how to debug the IDE itself or always add a {Sleep 250} to my hotstrings...
Solution to AutoHotkey text replacement bug. Just add sleep parameter. Adding
{Sleep 250}
should generally work
www.webnots.com www.webnots.com
A brief tutorial on PowerToys Run that has some handy tricks listed
winstall.app winstall.app
Winstall is a way to bulk install WIndows apps quickly with Windows Package Manager (winget)
hub.docker.com hub.docker.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
However after doing a bit of testing I see that this character is not used to represent missing glyphs on either my Windows 7 computer or the Android phone I've tested with (Motorola Atrix).
- Oct 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Aug 2022
www.runoob.com www.runoob.com
taskkill /T /F /PID 9088
techcommunity.microsoft.com techcommunity.microsoft.com
Well I would like to express my huge concern regarding the withdrawal of support for the SMB 1.0 network protocol in Windows 11, and future versions of the Microsoft OS, as there are many, many users who need to make use of this communication protocol, especially users households, since there are hundreds of thousands of products that use the embedded Linux operating system on devices that still use the SMB 1.0 protocol, and many devices, such as media players and NAS, that have been discontinued and companies no longer update their firmware.
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
docker cp c:\path\to\local\file container_name:/path/to/target/dir/
- Jul 2022
catamphetamine.github.io catamphetamine.github.io
Windows 10 currently (01.01.2020) doesn't support Unicode country flags, and displays two-letter country codes instead of emoji flag images.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
For example I use docker on windows, using docker-toolbox (OG) so that it has less conflicts with the rest of my setup and I don't need HyperV.
www.windowscentral.com www.windowscentral.com
people inside the company dubbing it “Next Valley” in conversations
twitter.com twitter.com
You’re blocked
I wonder what I questioned that he couldn't defend.
Pretty impressive for a "Senior Editor" to be so incapable of defending his positions.
- Jun 2022
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
The perpetrator in question was completing an internship and committed code into the Windows 3.1 code base that was a little prank for the test team: Under a very specific error condition, it changed the index finger pointer to a middle finger.
Funny/rude prank in Windows 3.1
- May 2022
cbea.ms cbea.ms
Commit messages with bodies are not so easy to write with the -m option. You’re better off writing the message in a proper text editor.
I've tested it on Windows, and in PowerShell or Git Bash it is as simple as:
```console git commit -m "Subject line<ENTER>
body line 1 body line 2"<ENTER> ```
However, it does not work in CMD.exe (pressing [ENTER] will not move to the next line)
- Apr 2022
ling123labs.com ling123labs.com
To access your Linux files in Windows, open the Ubuntu terminal and type explorer.exe . (include the punctuation mark). This will open the linux directory in Windows Explorer, with the WSL prefix “\wsl$\Ubuntu-18.04\home\your-username”.Now, you’ll notice that Windows treats your Linux environment as a second network.
- Accessing WSL files from Windows in the WSL terminal: explorer.exe .
- Accessing Windows files from WSL terminal: cd /mnt
www.chimerical.ca www.chimerical.ca
Finally, to make our terminal really pretty, we need to customize the prompt. There's lots of options out there for this, but the most popular one seems to be ohmyzsh for Bash and oh-my-posh for PowerShell. I'm not a huge fan of these because in my experience they slow down the terminal to a point which makes me frustrated to use them, and since they are separate solutions for each environment they must be configured separately.
I agree. After using oh-my-posh in almost every Windows console, I have finally decided to make a switch to Starship
duncanlock.net duncanlock.net
I tried PuTTY, which I’d heard was the good SSH thing on Windows, but it’s… not good, at all. PowerShell does come with an SSH client, so once you have this working with a reasonable terminal, you can use SSH as normal.
SSH that comes with Windows/PowerShell over PuTTY
I sometimes wondered why the VS Code team put so much effort into the built-in terminal inside the editor. I tried it once on Linux and never touched it again, because the terminal window I had right next to my editor was just massively better in every way. Having used Windows terminals for a while, I now fully understand why it’s there.
VS Code terminal is not as efficient on Linux
Scoop seems to be the best of the bunch, so far?
Scoop seems to be the best package manager
They just automate the process of going to the website, downloading an installer and then running it - which is slightly better than doing it yourself.
Windows package managers are unlike Linux ones
It’s got less useful stuff in it than most Linux distro “app stores” and is utterly miniscule compared to the Debian repositories, which have ~60,000 packages in, or Arch’s AUR, with 73,000 (these counts include the whole Linux OS, though, with is installed using the same package manager).
Windows Store
if you want to add persistent environment variables to your currently running shell, you should put a setx command in your $profile file and then reload it: . $profile - or maybe run myvar="value" && setx %myvar% "value", or something similar.
Storing persisent environment variables on Windows
PowerShell does have a ~ alias for your home folder, and cd ~ works!
You can get Windows versions of most of the standard *nix userland utils, which seem to work OK with PowerShell
scoop install coreutils
Desktop Linux is often criticized for this, but Windows is much worse, somehow! It’s really inconsistent. Half of it is “new” UI and half of it is old Win32/GDI type UI - just as bad as KDE/GTK - except worse, because you can’t configure them to use the same theme. Also, when you install a Linux distribution, it’ll start off either all KDE or all GTK, or whatever - but with Windows you’re stuck with a random mix of both right from the start.
Windows is a mess...
- Dec 2021
howtodiscuss.com howtodiscuss.com
3. Using the game bar Another way to capture the screenshot is by the game bar if you want to capture some scene from the game you are playing. Windows 10 offer the flexibility to use the game bar for a screenshot. Start the game either by Xbox for video games 2 or start the menu For expressing game bar overlay during the game, press the Windows + G. After this, click the camera icon to take the screenshot. Another way to capture screenshot is the keyboard shortcut (windows + alt + print screen) That screenshot you will find in videos with the name of captures.
www.dobreprogramy.pl www.dobreprogramy.pl
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 (tak brzmi pełna, poprawna nazwa wersji 21H2 LTSC) będzie otrzymywał aktualizacje do stycznia 2032.
Windows 10 LTSC
Doświadczeni użytkownicy wiedzieli jednak, że należy czekać na Server. W przypadku Windows 11, wydaje się że należy czekać na wersję LTSC.
You may want to wait for Windows 11 LTSC before updating from Windows 10 which gets LTSC first
- Aug 2021
woodzwolfy.medium.com woodzwolfy.medium.comMedium1
Tips to fix HP Printer Error State Windows 10
64k.space 64k.space
And, although it's tough pill to swallow for many of us in the open source world, a Windows machine with WSL2 is very much a viable alternative to a Linux machine with any desktop environment.
the mass dead-end society can never escape from.
this article tries to convincingly gas-light us into thinking Windows is an alternative or that it will ever have useful meaning or value. it's a dead-end. we spent a decade building alternate shells for windows. they all died too. there is no creative soul left here. windows is industrialization taking over culture, like a blob, that comes into your town, then sets, solidifies, never to be alterable again. time freezes. it is Windows forever.
- Jul 2021
github.com github.com
PicGo: 一个用于快速上传图片并获取图片 URL 链接的工具
Related: uPic for macOS and iOS
All platforms. Professional features. Beautiful UI. Totally free. FontBase is the font manager of the new generation, built by designers, for designers.
- Jun 2021
Typing cmd in the Run Prompt and pressing Shift + Alt + Enter to open an elevated Command Prompt
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
What is the equivalent of unbuffer program on Windows?
github.com github.com
This repository contains the source code for:
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
How is a pseudoconsole different from a pseudoterminal ?
I'm guessing that's just a Microsoftism to make it easier to search/find things that are specifically about Microsoft's flavor of pseudoterminal.
I see they don't use the word "pseudoterminal" at all, but they do mention
ConPTY, or the Windows PTY
where PTY is another synonym/name for pseudoterminal. So I think we're safe in saying that this is talking about a pseudoterminal.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Windows Subsystem for Linux, also known as WSL, is a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables natively on Windows 10 using a Linux image
- Mar 2021
www.pcmag.com www.pcmag.com
This could be fun and useful. I wonder if it will allow focusing on certain sub-portions of the screen?
- Feb 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
considering PopOS is trying to tackle Ubuntu they really need their dual-boot setup to be a lot less tedious
If would recommend you create a bootable Windows 10 USB from the MS website and reinstall the PC with a clean Windows installation so you have the same Windows installation as shown in the video. Also, you'll be a lot happier with all the bloatware removed.
The part where you want to add 2 EFI partitions is not advisable. It seems that Windows doesn't really like this, of you are dual booting multiple Linux installs it might work. But it is always recommended to use only 1 EFI partition per disk. Hope this helps. :)
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
Press Shift+F10 while installing Windows to open a Command Prompt window.
pop-planet.info pop-planet.info
You don't necessarily have to resize Windows' EFI partition. You can have multiple EFI partitions.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Make a 512MB fat32 partition during manual/custom PopOS install.Select its role as: "/boot/efi" in the PopOS installer.When the OS is installed, type sudo apt install refind and then it should automatically start the installer else type sudo refind-install. This will install rEFInd to your /boot/efi path.
support.system76.com support.system76.com
Windows and Linux store their time in the BIOS differently, this will cause your clock to be desynchronized when you switch from one OS to the other. The easiest solution for it is to fix it in Linux, forcing it to work the same way as Windows. You can do this through the terminal:
Note that Windows updates may occasionally turn this setting back on without asking, so if you are unable to boot into Pop!_OS, check this setting first. (If the checkbox for ‘Turn on fast startup’ is grayed out, you can enable it by click ‘Change settings that are currently unavailable’ near the top of the power buttons settings page)
making it harder to do something preventing from shooting self in foot
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Windows 自带 OOBE 功能:sysprep.exe
- Dec 2020
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
You can create symbolic links using the mklink command in a Command Prompt window as Administrator. To open one, locate the “Command Prompt” shortcut in your Start menu, right-click it, and select “Run as Administrator”.
Use mklink to create symlinks on Windows
github.com github.com
- Jul 2020
www.tenforums.com www.tenforums.com
how to run wsl2 together with virtualbox . .. switching with boot profile
www.veeble.org www.veeble.org
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- May 2020
www.digitalcitizen.life www.digitalcitizen.life
How to automatically dial a broadband PPPoE connection in Windows 10
Destul de complicat procesul, dar din păcate altă variantă nu există.
- Feb 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Dual boot a mac to windows.
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
(The exception is Bash on Windows, which uses native Bash.)
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
- Oct 2019
- Jul 2019
techcommunity.microsoft.com techcommunity.microsoft.com
Windows Sandbox: an isolated, temporary, desktop environment where you can run untrusted software without the fear of lasting impact to your PC. Any software installed in Windows Sandbox stays only in the sandbox and cannot affect your host. Once Windows Sandbox is closed, all the software with all its files and state are permanently deleted.
- May 2019
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
we will include an in-house custom-built Linux kernel to underpin the newest version of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- Apr 2019
answers.microsoft.com answers.microsoft.com
Yup, three years later, I have the exact same problem still with my otherwise great Surface Book 1. This has made me distrust Microsoft hardware, and yes, windows machines as a whole. Especially as my previous Dell laptop was also unreliable in this regard. Such a shame, because otherwise it's a fantastic piece of kit.
- Jul 2018
drmemory.org drmemory.org
the Dr. Memory directory inside your profile directory
%APPDATA%\Dr. Memory
- Dec 2017
www.penwatch.net www.penwatch.net
The PowerShell equivalent to the Unix which command is called get-command.
Also try the command
in Windows command prompt. It does not only run in PowerShell.
- Nov 2017
kb.vmware.com kb.vmware.com
Go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > Turn Windows features on or off to turn off Hyper-V.
This step was sufficient on my computer.
- Sep 2017
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Multiple Boot Systems Time Conflicts
www.raymond.cc www.raymond.cc
4 Tools to Test and Detect Fake or Counterfeit USB Flash Drives
for Windows
- Feb 2017
www.pioneerwindows.ca www.pioneerwindows.ca
Windows and Doors Toronto
Windows and doors Toronto – Replacement and Installation
www.pioneerwindows.ca www.pioneerwindows.ca
Vinyl Windows Toronto
Vinyl Windows in Toronto - Pioneer Windows Inc
www.pioneerwindows.ca www.pioneerwindows.ca
Windows and Doors Brampton
Custom Windows and Doors in Brampton - Pioneer Windows Inc
www.pioneerwindows.ca www.pioneerwindows.ca
Mississauga Windows and Doors
Windows and Doors in Mississauga - Pioneer Windows Inc
- Feb 2016
programminghistorian.org programminghistorian.org
This is confusing for Windows users following the tutorial. Does
help pwd
bring up the same options as in OS X/Linux? What abouthelp ls
, which didn't work using GitBash on Windows, ratherls --help
brought up the manual options similar toman ls
in OS X/Linux.
- Jan 2016
www.linux.org.ru www.linux.org.ru
не все нелегалы пираты. помнишь, я выше уже писал про истекшие лицензии?
Сравни с пруф номер 1. M$ фактически создали ситуацию, при которой системы без обновлений ждали, когда их превратят в зомби. В конце 2008-2009 получили конфикер и огроменные ботнеты.
Microsoft много чего финансирует, это же не какое-нибудь нищее FSFну, нищий, это скорее всего ты, а FSF - некоммерческая организация. и тем не менее это не противоречит тому, что я написал выше.
Даа, правильно, большое количество пиратских инсталов. А почему их так много? Потому что microsoft не хочется терять рынок и фактически смотрит на пиратство сквозь пальцы. Сюда же нужно добавить политику апдейтов, которая не позволяла ставить апдейты на пиракт в то время. Ситуация ими же и создана.
я отлично помню OpenOffice 1.1, который крешился просто постоянно на типовых документах (в формате doc, который M$ старательно засекречивал), да еще и медленный. а active X и все прочее - это уже вторая часть....--- тогда позиция майкрософт была: посмотрите, какое говно этот линукс (и это имело основания, т.к. майкрософт всячески помогал линуксу быть говном).а сейчас позиция майкрософт: мы любим линукс! мы сами почти опенсорс! давайте запустим его софт у нас, на винде!и народу, которая вылупилась в эпоху виндовс 10, конечно, кажется фанатизмом, что кто-то не любит такую белую и пушистую компанию M$.
основные проблемы всегда связаны именно с проприетарными особенностями. Я говорил именно о том, что выбирая в качестве фундаментов проприетарные кактусы нелогично жаловаться на проблемы с портированием впоследствии. Лучше изначально выбирать те станадарты, которые присутствуют везде.
Если бы он не был нестандартной проприетарщиной, то никто бы не придумывал такие форматы как ODF. Новые форматы разрабатывают и внедряют тогда, когда есть проблемы с уже существующими, и, как правило, как следствие их проприетарности и закрытости. Даже у разных версий Microsoft Office разные представления о формате DOC. Как следствие, документ, созданный в одной версии софтины, криво открывается в другой. А уж заставить нормально его поддерживать другие офисные пакеты можно и не мечтать - форматирование всё равно будет разъезжаться. Поэтому его и стали закапывать внедрением ODF.
аа, так правильно ли я тебя понял, что формат .doc, который используется на предприятии, ты назвал «нестандартная, некроссплатформенная проприетарщина»?
«странное» == «нестандартная, некроссплатформенная проприетарщина». «на каждом углу» != «львиная доля». Открытые стандарты кроссплатформенны. Все проблемы портирования в первую очередь связаны именно с нестандартными проприетарными реализациями (которые и упомянуты выше: макросы офиса, active X,...). И только во вторую с некоторыми особенностями конкретных непроприетарных реализаций.
Твоя логика тоже прекрасна. Если какая-то компания приобрела монополию в масштабах страны или даже мира, то это норма, законно и так все и должно оставаться. Создание и использование альтернатив - наивно (я удивлен, что ты не сказал противозаконно).так вот это в корне не верно.