9 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. anti-constitutional coup

      The Ink by Anand Giridharadas

      The handing over of the keys to the American Republic by a mendacious president to a megalomaniacal oligarch. Elon Musk is a wealthy private citizen who, relatively late in the game, happened to become a Trump supporter when he saw which way the wind was blowing. Now he has burrowed his way into the bowels of the federal government and is waging what can only be called an anti-constitutional coup.

    1. an anti-constitutional coup by billionare oligarchs

      The Ink by Anand Giridharadas

      The handing over of the keys to the American Republic by a mendacious president to a megalomaniacal oligarch. Elon Musk is a wealthy private citizen who, relatively late in the game, happened to become a Trump supporter when he saw which way the wind was blowing. Now he has burrowed his way into the bowels of the federal government and is waging what can only be called an anti-constitutional coup.

  2. Jan 2025
    1. On the path we were on, the sludge had been thickening even under Democratic administrations. There were fundamental systemic flaws that remained unaddressed. Inequalities have continued to widen. Corruption and bribery have worsened. We were on the way to losing our democracy without even knowing it. But, as a friend put it, authoritarian forces have been building for years, “like the pus in an ugly boil,” she said. The only way we work up enough outrage to lance it is for the boil to get so big and ugly that it disgusts all of us.

      for - metaphor - Trump second term - blatant oligarchy - lancing the boil - SOURCE - Youtube - Hope in Spite of Trump - Robert Reich - 2025, Jan 20

  3. Dec 2024
    1. that is the strategy of the oligarchy

      for - quote - YouTube - Meidastouch - governance - US - Trump government strategy - is oligarchy strategy

      governance - US - Trump 2nd term strategy

      • Great short description of Trump's strategy
      • I wonder why Wall Street looks at this and goes
        • wait a minute things may be Grim
          • but then why is it that they're saying all these things and trying to pump it up?
      • because
        • they want to pump it
        • they want to dump it
        • they want to tax shelter it
        • they want their tax cuts and
        • they want to keep us in this Loop:
          • have a democratic Administration fix it but then
            • blame the Democratic Administration that fix it
            • blame the firefighter for putting out the fire
            • bring back in the arsonist
        • plunder pillage rinse repeat
          • that is the strategy of the oligarchy
  4. Jun 2021
    1. It posits that the problem with our current system isn’t the ideal of meritocracy itself but our collective failure to live up to that ideal. If only we could replace the forces of aristocracy, oligarchy, and corruption with a genuine meritocracy, then we would have a just and equal society.

      A definition of the aspirational critique of meritocracy.

  5. Mar 2019
    1. Webb also foresees a future of stifling individual privacy where our personal information is locked in the operating systems of these tech giants, now functioning oligopolies, fueling a “digital caste system,” mimicking a familiar authoritarian system in China.

      This is not only likely, but a plethora of companies are looking into implementing this by oligarchic means.

  6. Jan 2017
    1. The American theorist Bernard Harcourt points out in Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age (2015) that ‘surveillance state’ hardly fits the bill any more. He prefers to talk of a ‘tentacular oligarchy’, to include corporations now spying on us from numerous vantage points. To this we must add our audience followers, from colleagues and acquaintances to the public at large.
  7. Oct 2013
    1. The forms of government are four -- democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy, monarchy. The supreme right to judge and decide always rests, therefore, with either a part or the whole of one or other of these governing powers.

      Four forms of government. Judgement lies with government.