- Jul 2023
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Tom Schaul, John Quan, Ioannis Antonoglou and David Silver. "PRIORITIZED EXPERIENCE REPLAY", ICLR, 2016.
- Nov 2022
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Extractive summarization may be regarded as acontextual bandit as follows. Each document is acontext, and each ordered subset of a document’ssentences is a different action
We can represent extractive summarization as a bandit problem by treating the document as the context and possible reorderings of sentences as actions an agent could take
andit is a decision-making formal-ization in which an agent repeatedly chooses oneof several actions, and receives a reward based onthis choice.
Definition for contextual bandit: an agent that repeatedly choses one of several actions and receives a reward based on this choice.
aclanthology.org aclanthology.org
BanditSum a hierarchical bi-LSTM
Banditsum uses bi-directional LSTM encoding. It generates sentence-level representations
- May 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Another piece to the "what can we do with eligibility traces" puzzle for Deep RL.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Question: What happened to Eligibility Traces in the Deep RL era? This paper highlights some of the reasons they are not used widely and proposes a way they could still be effective.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Question: What happened to Eligibility Traces in the Deep RL era? This paper highlights some of the reasons they are not used widely and proposes a way they could still be effective.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Hypothesis page to discuss this high level description of DeepMind's new Gato framework.
- Apr 2022
future.a16z.com future.a16z.com
Ongoing maintenance and continued development could be similarly incentivized, with digital asset-based incentives being awarded automatically based on performance metrics established by the DAO. One example of this in DeFi is Liquity Protocol
I welcome you to read the full piece below; read the more comprehensive paper that this piece is based on
www.oreilly.com www.oreilly.com
Recommended follow-up: Read Designing Distributed Systems (book) Read Distributed Systems Observability (report) Watch Distributed Systems in One Lesson (video) Read Distributed Tracing in Practice (book) Take Design Patterns for Distributed Systems (live online training course with Priyank Gupta)
Recommended follow-up:
- Read Designing Distributed Systems (book)
- Read Distributed Systems Observability (report)
- Watch Distributed Systems in One Lesson (video)
- Read Distributed Tracing in Practice (book)
- Take Design Patterns for Distributed Systems (live online training course with Priyank Gupta)
- Aug 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Read: Why your to-do list never ends
Burkeman’s book, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals.
goteleport.com goteleport.com
To learn more, read this article, How to SSH Properly.
- Mar 2021
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
sspai.com sspai.com
For additional emphasis, use bold font. Read up on the BLUF (bottom line up front) method for additional insight on putting your best idea forward.
Read Gretchen McCulloch’s “We Learned to Write the Way We Talk” for insight on how flexible language can be the key to both connection.
Check out Harvard Business Review’s “Bizspeak Blacklist” for the most common offenders including words and phrases like “synergy”, “value-add”, and “operationalize”.
Help your team write for an async-first style, using our guides on Writing Tips for Remote Workers (And Everyone Else), and How to Create Healthy Group Norms for Team Communication.
It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried and David Hennemeier Hansen of Basecamp
www.inc.com www.inc.com
They're adapted from my free e-book, Improving Emotional Intelligence 2021. (You can download the preview edition here.)
tauri.studio tauri.studio
The following links have tutorials on reducing the size of your installers
- Feb 2021
Reading Daniel Pink’s book, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, was one of those eureka moments.
software.rajivprab.com software.rajivprab.com
credit end-to-end tests for much of their success.
martinheinz.dev martinheinz.dev
One such image - or rather set of images - is Distroless made by Google.
we should not allow Docker to run with root user, but rather use so-called rootless mode. There's whole guide on how one can set that up in Docker docs
blog.acolyer.org blog.acolyer.org
Tim Harford is interviewing David Sumpter about his recent book, ‘The ten equations that rule the world.’
sspai.com sspai.com
在 Rationally Speaking 的一期节目里,主持人盖勒芙与桑德尔就这个问题有过一场精彩的讨论。
copyconstruct.medium.com copyconstruct.medium.com
Another tool in this space is GitHub’s scientist.
Diffy is a Scala based tool open sourced by Twitter in 2015. The blog post titled Testing without Writing Tests is probably the best resource to understand how tap compare works in practice.
engineering.fb.com engineering.fb.com
we borrowed an idea from the data mining community — sequential pattern mining — to help track the order that events appear in traces.
we leveraged the PrefixSpan algorithm, which is well known for being highly efficient at sequential pattern mining.
More technical information is available in our paper “Scalable statistical root cause analysis on app telemetry.”
codeascraft.com codeascraft.com
Ilya Grigorik’s “Breaking the 1000ms Time to Glass Mobile Barrier”
the blog series “Coding for SSDs” series is a an excellent resource
Facebook’s paper on their Gorilla TSDB describes a similar chunk-based approach and introduces a compression format that reduces 16 byte samples to an average of 1.37 bytes.
software.rajivprab.com software.rajivprab.com
Also, you really should be using far more sophisticated testing techniques (discussed here), in order to enhance your test coverage in a concise manner.
paper COVID-19, lockdowns and well-being: Evidence from Google Trends in the Journal of Public Economics.
slack.engineering slack.engineering
see Ryan Katkov’s article All Hands on Deck for more about how we manage incidents
blog.twitter.com blog.twitter.com
A large SSD-based archival index serving all public Tweets ever
For SuperRoot, we chose the Power of Two Choices (P2C) + Peak EWMA load balancing algorithm
queue.acm.org queue.acm.org
3. Function block diagram; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_block_diagram.
4. Gregg, B. 2009. 7410 hardware update, and analyzing the HyperTransport; dtrace.org/blogs/brendan/2009/09/22/7410-hardware-update-and-analyzing-thehypertransport/.
www.weave.works www.weave.works
I’ve already written a blog post on how we instrument our services in Weave Cloud
Google calls it their “The Four Golden Signals”.
www.anl.gov www.anl.gov
A paper on the simulation, titled “The Last Journey. I. An extreme-scale simulation on the Mira supercomputer,” was published on Jan. 27
slack.engineering slack.engineering
FEMA’s Incident Response guidelines
www.reseau-canope.fr www.reseau-canope.fr
Nous allons montrer par une courte analyse de quelques études l’impact du travail éducatif informatisé dans l’apprentissage de la communication sociale chez des enfants atteints d’autisme.
Présentation des trois études qui feront office d'arguments
thenewinquiry.com thenewinquiry.com
As the first battleground of the Cold War, Korea was a laboratory for new military technologies, and strategies of counterinsurgency and regime installation crucial to the development of modern interventionist wars.
Washington’s insistence that denuclearization be a precondition to further negotiations puts the D.P.R.K. in the position of accepting military vulnerability with no guarantee of successful talks.
disarmament and permanent military occupation
R.O.K.-D.P.R.K. Panmunjom Declaration and U.S.-D.P.R.K. Singapore Summit of 2018 represented significant progress
Korean Armistice Agreement
In the absence of a peace treaty, an unresolved state of war persists.
incomplete conquest sustained by the U.S.’ geopolitical investment in the ongoing state of division, war, and occupation
U.S. experience with napalm in Korea preceded and informed its use in the First and Second Indochina Wars, the Algerian Revolution, the First and Second Gulf Wars, and the U.S. War in Afghanistan.
U.S. military frequently ordered soldiers to shoot internal refugees, leading to hundreds of massacres.
By 1953, 5 million people were dead, more than half of them civilians
resulting delays and shortfalls affecting U.N. health programs alone resulted in 3,968 deaths in 2018
bans on items containing metal by the U.S. and U.N. have deprived the D.P.R.K.’s agricultural and medical sectors (along with all other sectors) of basic supplies and funds, and stymied efforts to deliver aid to the more than 15 million people living in poverty
escalating sanctions regime critically refurbished by the Obama administration
ongoing war
R.O.K. police officers were deployed to the remote village of Soseong-ri to escort the delivery of replacement interception missiles for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, a U.S.-installed and U.S.-operated missile shield.
ongoing militarization of the peninsula
- Jan 2021
www-cairn-info.accesdistant.bu.univ-paris8.fr www-cairn-info.accesdistant.bu.univ-paris8.fr
Les interactions sociales, qu’elles soient ou non médiatées par des technologies de l’information et de la communication, peuvent être appréhendées comme des allers-retours incessants entre une scène (en l’occurrence les réseaux numériques, espaces de la monstration de soi) et des coulisses (lieux en principe inaccessibles au public, où l’acteur peut ne pas être ce qu’il dit être quand il est sur la scène).
Je rejoins tout à fait ce point de vue. Pour moi, les adolescentes qui se connectent sur ce site ne racontent pas tout de ce qu'elles vivent notamment au niveau de leur cellule familiale. Il y a effectivement ce qui est montré et ce qui se vit derrière la scène notamment au domicile.
Évidemment, la question de l’image du corps se pose avec une insistance toute particulière
Je pense que nous parlons effectivement ici du corps social, de toutes les images de minceur dont les médias peuvent faire l'apologie ainsi que le web. Notons que la question du corps social, du corps médiatique est à prendre en compte. Cependant, il n'est pas, pour moi, la cause de l'anorexie. Il reste pour certaines personnes, même des personnes non malades, un idéal à atteindre.
- Aug 2020
bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
DOI: 10.1111/bph.15099
Resource: IMSR_ORNL:C57BL/Rl
Curator: @ethanbadger
SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_ORNL:C57BL/Rl
- May 2019
cost function
But what if the cost function (reward function) is not available? Or it is usually available for many cases of interest?
- Nov 2018
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
Applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning in Communications and Networking: A Survey
review 一篇。。。。
- Oct 2018
advances.sciencemag.org advances.sciencemag.org
levelup.gitconnected.com levelup.gitconnected.com
- Sep 2018
course.fast.ai course.fast.ai
dev.to dev.to
codeburst.io codeburst.io
codeburst.io codeburst.io
codeburst.io codeburst.io
www.discoversdk.com www.discoversdk.com
github.com github.com
alligator.io alligator.io
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
atomicdesign.bradfrost.com atomicdesign.bradfrost.com
Atomic Design details all that goes into creating and maintaining robust design systems, allowing you to roll out higher quality, more consistent UIs faster than ever before. This book introduces a methodology for thinking of our UIs as thoughtful hierarchies, discusses the qualities of effective pattern libraries, and showcases techniques to transform your team's design and development workflow.
This is a transcript of a talk given at ElixirDaze and CodeBEAMSF conferences in March of 2018, dealing with supervision trees and with the unexpected.
blog.cloudflare.com blog.cloudflare.com