- Jun 2017
China noted that discussions under item 4 should be held in line with the principles of objectivity, constructive dialogue and cooperation. Unfortunately, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany attacked other countries, staining the Council’s work. Their own human rights records did not look good, with xenophobia and violence against refugees and migrants increasing. They turned a blind eye to their own problems while criticizing others.
hina would not allow for any possibility to challenge the basic political system of the State. China reiterated its call to stop the politicization of human rights issues by some Member States of the Council.
- May 2017
paleozonenutrition.com paleozonenutrition.com
'The China Study' and 'Forks over Knives', links to critiques
Part of an enormous discourse on diets; this one attempting to discredit Campbell's book The China Study
- Apr 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Once upon a time, the seas teemed with mackerel, squid and sardines, and life was good. But now, on opposite sides of the globe, sun-creased fishermen lament as they reel in their nearly empty nets.
This should be sounding loud warning bells!
Taiwanese identity grew more distinct from Mainland China
Taiwan and its attempts to legitimise itself as a sovereign state seperate from china -
"Trump infuriated China’s leadership when he spoke to Tsai on the phone and later made separate comments questioning the longstanding “one China” policy, under which the US notionally accepts Beijing’s view that Taiwan is part of China. The US does not officially host Taiwanese leaders. Taiwan has been self-governing and de facto independent since the end of China’s civil war. Beijing regards it as a renegade province".
female president
Tsai Ing-wen
- Mar 2017
blog.outsider.ne.kr blog.outsider.ne.kr
텐센트를 모바일 왕좌에 앉힌 주역 '쟝샤오룽' : 텐센트에서 위챗을 만든 쟝샤오룽에 대한 글이다. 이전에 폭스메일을 만들어서 매각하고 텐센트에서 QQ 메일을 만들면서 위챗을 만들어서 성공하기까지의 과정이 나와 있다. 중국 서비스의 흐름은 잘 모르는 터라 재미있게 읽었다.(한국어)
- Jan 2017
www.eetimes.com www.eetimes.com
Obama to Urge Protection for Chip Industry
Finally, the free traders are beginning to understand how China has been using a pretense of "free trade" in its effort to dominate the world. It is almost certain that China will become more powerful than America. The only questions is whether America and western democracies can remain relatively strong enough to resist Communist China's domination. And to do this we have to prevent China from dominating electronics, computing, cyber, and artificial intelligence.
- Nov 2016
www.elmundo.es www.elmundo.es
En el plano internacional, la incertidumbre sería absoluta, lo único que se podría esperar sería que los asesores presidenciales le disuadiesen de tomar decisiones impulsivas, como iniciar una guerra comercial con China o cambiar alianzas estratégicas que desembocasen en un acercamiento a la Rusia de Putin y un alejamiento de sus aliados tradicionales y las políticas de la OTAN.
China dominates table tennis like no country in any other Olympic sport
- Oct 2016
school.bighistoryproject.com school.bighistoryproject.com
Within this yin and yang was Pan Gu
pan gu was the creator of china
- Jun 2016
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
The respondents also de- scribed a creative person as one who has a collectivistic orientation, such as one who "inspires people," "has contribution to the progress of society" and "is appreciated by others." These descriptions, found in this sample of Chinese people, did not occur in U.S. investigations (Rudowicz et al., 1995
Chinese conceptions of creativity include collectivistic aspects of inspiration.
Authors indicate these did not come up in U.S. studies, but these could be artefacts of design method.
- Apr 2016
www.smh.com.au www.smh.com.au
In my fifth-grade language instruction class in 2002, we would read aloud, in unison, phrases such as "Comrade, stone them!"
Mo discusses this in her spot on This American Life: "The Poetry of Propaganda: Party On!"
www.collectorsweekly.com www.collectorsweekly.com
“dead malls,” and you’ll find photo after photo of tiled walkways littered with debris, untended planters near the darkened rest areas for bored dads, and empty indoor storefronts—the discolored shadows of their missing lighted signs lingering like ghosts.
Here is an interesting mega-mall i have found in china that is now deserted because of online shopping. The plans have even started taking back its land.
- Dec 2015
www.donaldjtrump.com www.donaldjtrump.com
gives Chinese exporters a huge advantage
"Some economists, such as Paul Krugman, argue that Chinese currency devaluation helps China by boosting its exports, and hurts the United States by widening its trade deficit. ... Krugman has suggested that the United States should impose tariffs on Chinese goods"
"Greg Mankiw, on the other hand, asserts that U.S. protectionism via tariffs will hurt the U.S. economy far more than Chinese devaluation. Similarly, others have stated that the undervalued yuan has actually hurt China more in the long run insofar that the undervalued yuan doesn’t subsidize the Chinese exporter, but subsidizes the American importer."
[Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_intervention#Chinese_Yuan Retrieved December 9, 2015]