51 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Nov 2024
  3. Oct 2024
  4. Aug 2024
    1. for - climate change impacts - marine life - citizen-science - potential project - climate departure - ocean heating impacts - marine life - marine migration - migrating species face collapse - migration to escape warming oceans - population collapse

      main research findings - Study involved 146 species of temperate or subpolar fish and 2,572 time series - Extremely fast moving species (17km/year) showed large declines in population while - fish that did not shift showed negligible decline - Those on the northernmost edge experienced the largest declines - There is speculation that the fastest moving ones are the also the one's with the least evolutionary adaptations for new environments

  5. May 2024
  6. Apr 2024
  7. Feb 2024
  8. Jan 2024
  9. Nov 2023
  10. Aug 2023
    1. The hottest days of the 2021 heatwave coincided with very low, early afternoon low tides throughout most of the Salish Sea (the inland waters of BC and Washington State). As a result, surface temperatures in excess of 50 °C were observed in the intertidal zone (Fig. 6a, b), particularly on gently sloping south and west-facing surfaces that received the most direct solar radiation.
      • for: intertidal zones, Canary in the mineshaft, Pacific Northwest heatwave, marine heatwave
      • paraphrase
        • Rocky intertidal shores are some of the most physically stressful habitats on Earth, and
          • many of the species that occupy them often live very close to their physiological tolerance limits.
        • Intertidal ecosystems are therefore often used as bellwethers for the ecological effects of
          • climate change and
          • extreme weather events.
        • Plants and animals that live in the intertidal zone are especially susceptible to extremely high temperatures during daytime low tides,
          • when solar radiation can raise organismal body temperatures well above air temperature.
        • The hottest days of the 2021 heatwave coincided with
          • very low, early afternoon low tides throughout most of the Salish Sea (the inland waters of BC and Washington State).
        • As a result, surface temperatures in excess of 50 °C were observed in the intertidal zone,
          • particularly on gently sloping south and west-facing surfaces that received the most direct solar radiation.
      • for: marine heat wave, fish dieoff, fish kill, extinction, climate departure, climate change - impacts
      • title: The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021
      • date: Feb. 9, 2023
    1. Auf Z. Hausfather gestützt, wird festgestellt, dass sich die Temperaturerhöhung des Nordatlantik nicht durch die Ursachen wie weniger Saharastaub und Schiffs-Aerosole allein erklären lässt, sondern sie auf den anthropogenen Klimawandel zurückzuführen ist. Infografiken:<br /> - Temperaturanomalie Ozeanoberflächen, - Durchschnittstemperatur der Ozeanoberfläche, - Prognosen Temperaturentwicklung der Ozeane vs. beobachteten Werten - Energieaufnahme der Ozeane.


  11. Jul 2023
    1. Im Meer bei Florida wurde eine Oberflächentemperatur von 38,43°C gemessen – möglicherweise ein neuer globaler Rekord. Der Bericht des Guardian geht auf andere marine Hitzewellen und Studien über ihre Zunahme ein. Nach Daten der amerikanischen Wetterbehörde NOAA wurden in diesem Jahr schon im April, Mai und Juni Rekorde bei der Oberflächentemperatur der Ozeane gebrochen. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/25/florida-ocean-temperatures-hot-tub-extreme-weather

    1. Auch das westliche Mittelmeerbecken ist wieder von einer Hitzewelle betroffen. In der Nähe der Straße von Gibraltar liegen die Temperaturen 4° über dem langjährigen Durchschnitt, an den spanischen Küsten insgesamt im Durchschnitt um 2.2°.So hohe Temperaturen wurden dort bisher nie gemessen. An der französischen Küste und in der Adrial beträt die Temperatur-Anomalie bis zu 4°. Die immer intensiven Hitzewellen zerstören komplette Ökosysteme. Dabei stellte die Hitzewell von 2021 einen Wendepunkt dar, der die marinen Ökosysteme radikal veränderte. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/biodiversite/canicule-marine-dans-la-mediterranee-la-biodiversite-brule-a-petit-feu-20230719_SEECAPX7NRHFFCCZXEBYVKNLJQ/?redirected=1

    1. In einem - leider kostenpflichtigen, aber über Blende zugänglichen - Interview äußert sich die britische Klimaforscherin Helen Hewitt zu den Rekordtemperaturen, die in den letzten Monaten in den Weltmeeren gemessen worden, und zum Rückgang des antarktischen Meereises. Sie weist darauf hin, dass noch unverstanden ist, wie es genau zu den großen Anomalien gekommen ist. Die obersten zwei Meter der Ozeane nehmen 90% der zusätzlichen Energie auf, die durch die von Menschen imitierten Treibhausgase im Erdsystem bleibt.


  12. Jun 2023
    1. Die Oberfläche des Nordatlantik ist 23,9°, die der Weltmeere insgesamt 20,9° warm. Diese Temperaturrekorde übertreffen auch die bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Prognosen deutlich. Sie werden dramatische Folgen für die Biodiversität, Extremwetter-Ereignisse und das Abschmelzen des Meereises haben. Ausführlicher Bericht der Libération zur Erwärmung der Ozeane und zu marinen Hitzewellen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/pendant-que-locean-se-consume-20230623_M2PIQOI535BPRCGPITA6THMD44/

    1. The chart below shows observed changes in the ocean between 1925-2016: warming rate (top), climate velocity – the speed and direction that a given point on a map would need to move to maintain its current climate state – (middle) and the change in total number of marine heatwave days, calculated as the difference between the time periods 1925-54 and 1987-2016 (bottom). Darker colours show stronger positive (red) and negative (blue) effects.
  13. Feb 2023
  14. Aug 2022
    1. Australian Institute of Marine Science’s annual long-term monitoring report says the fast-growing corals that have driven coral cover upwards are also those most at risk from marine heatwaves, storms and the voracious crown-of-thorns (COTS) starfish

      Gehört auch zum Thema Hitzewellen

    1. A good layperson's overview of one effort to increase cloud albedo to counteract climate change. I think that lowering insolation is somehow missing the point of combatting climate change, but it's a legitimate approach that still needs a lot of research.

      What's particularly good about this article is how it manages to demonstrate how complex the problem is without smothering the reader in technobabble.

  15. Apr 2021
  16. Nov 2019
  17. Dec 2018
    1. Scientists say they believe that the reptiles may reabsorb parts of their skeleton in order to decrease their size and increase their chances of survival on a smaller diet.

      This is one of the strangest things I have come across! It is thought to be the only adult vertebrate able to do this. More at this site.

    2. marine iguanas, the only lizard that scours the ocean for food.

      This four minute BBB Video about marine iguanas is crazy--they cliff dive, then go down thirty feet, and stay there for ten minutes grazing on algae! https://youtu.be/tO_9zm9tsCs

    1. The iguanas are hugely affected as a result, but quite remarkably the iguana’s body reacts by shrinking in size until food sources increase, as smaller bodies require less energy. There is no other known case in the world in which an adult vertebrate is able to shrink, particularly in which it does so repeatedly. Scientists believe that the iguana actually consumes its bones to stay alive, resulting in a reduced skeleton.

      A strange and wonderful adaptation!

  18. Sep 2017
    1. One of the main spots the large rays frequent is around a set of stairs that descend into the ocean. It’s where local fishermen toss back any unwanted fish and so the area has become a harbor hot spot where many sea creatures stop by hoping to find an easy meal.


  19. Aug 2017
    1. Deep in the Pacific Ocean, scientists may have discovered a ghostly new species of snailfish. Snailfish are the deepest dwelling vertebrates on Earth. Some live over 5 miles below the surface. This one was observed at a depth of 1.5 miles, in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. It’s possible this is the first time it’s ever been observed by humans.


  20. Apr 2017
    1. Once upon a time, the seas teemed with mackerel, squid and sardines, and life was good. But now, on opposite sides of the globe, sun-creased fishermen lament as they reel in their nearly empty nets.

      This should be sounding loud warning bells!

  21. Mar 2017
    1. Beaufort Sea Project

      The Beaufort Sea Project for Climate Change began as a research project in Canada in 2002. The project was started by Magdalena A.K. Muir and Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists with support from the Fisheries and Joint Management Committee and governmental organizations. The focus of the project from 2002 to 2007 was to study the effects of climate change on marine mammals and fish in the Beaufort Sea. In conjunction, the research studied the effects of using, managing, and allocating marine resources. After 2008, the research has focused on identifying species of marine wildlife that could be at risk in the future due to overfishing and climate change related effects. This research continues to study the effects of climate change on the health of marine species and management of marine resources. The management of these resources includes gaining species knowledge, setting limits on the number of marine mammals and fish that are allowed to be captured and killed per year, and enforcing legislature about managing marine resources. Specifically, researchers are studying the effects of climate change in marine mammal migrations patterns. The specific environmental effects are changes in the fresh water Mackenzie River inputs, sea and land ice, and water circulation. Researchers plan to use these changes to catalogue direct effects of climate change on migration. Sea and land ice changes will be detrimental to ice dependent animals. This research will provide information for scientists, researchers, organizations, charities, and government officials so that appropriate laws and regulations can be established (Muir n.d.).


      Muir, Magdalena A.K. "Beaufort Sea Project for Climate Change." Arctic Institute of North America. Accessed March 05, 2017. http://arctic.ucalgary.ca/beaufort-sea-project-climate-change.

  22. Jan 2017
    1. to show how the design changes depending on the depth. The nearer to the surface you get, the more protection—armour—you need to withstand potential disturbances from shipping.

      Hahaha! This is a bit counter-intuitive, is it not? One would think you would need ”bigger” cables as the depth increases, because of the pressure.