472 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2016
    1. damages


    2. For some loci even the used tissues can differ in terms of strainand developmental stage between the qRT-PCRand bisulfite sequencing.

      German sentence structure: splitting the predicate (differ ... between). Not done in English. very awkward to read.

    3. from

      determined using

    4. Assuming the


    5. of

      for the

    6. directs

      based on direct

    7. , compromised

      resulted in

    8. different

      the different

    9. arose from


    10. potential


    11. Odds-Ratio

      the odds ratio

    12. Welch’s

      the Welch

    13. ligation

      the ligation

    14. from


    15. Direct

      The direct

    16. in a


    17. in a


    18. amount

      the amount

    19. Endogenous

      The endogenous

    20. of


    21. threshold

      the threshold

    22. Input

      The input

    23. SuperScript

      The SuperScript

    24. appropriate

      an appropriate

    25. RNase

      the RNase

    26. RNeasy

      the RNAeasy

    27. in consideration of

      see above

    28. in consideration of

      with consideration to

    29. strand

      strand of

    30. statistical

      the statistical

    31. On


    32. with


    33. Genome

      The genome

    34. UCSC

      The UCSC

    35. Further requirements were

      A further requirement was

    36. for


    37. of


    38. Pearson

      The Pearson

    39. mouse

      the mouse

    40. list

      a list

    41. maternal and paternal allele

      the maternal and paternal alleles

    42. TSS


    43. for

      is for

    44. of


    45. a


    46. ExceptforCGI2,where a simultaneousenrichment of H3K4me2 (chromatin mark associated with active transcription) and H3K27me3(silencing chromatin modification) has beendetectedin all somatic tissues, which resultsin bivalent chromatin. In brain,no enrichment of the chromatin marks wasfound.

      ungrammatical and hence, unclear

    47. due

      due to



  2. Jul 2016
  3. Jun 2016
  4. screen.oxfordjournals.org screen.oxfordjournals.org
    1. ight object that thisphenomenon only applies to novels or poetry, to a context of 'quasi-discourse', but, in fact, all discourse that supports this 'author-function' is characterized by the plurality of egos. In a

      There you go: he means that grammar changes in all texts that support the "author-function". Somehow he distinguishes this from simply "poetic texts," but I'm not sure why or how.

    2. ave a different bearing on texts with an author and 23on those without one. In the latter, these 'shifters' refer to a realspeaker and to an actual deictic situation, with certain exceptionssuch as the case of indirect speech in the first person. When dis-course is linked to an author, however, the role of 'shifters' is morecomplex and variable. It is well known that in a novel narrated inthe first person, neither the first person pronoun, the presentindicative tense, nor, for that matter, its signs of localization referdirectly to the %vriter, either to the time when he wrote, or to thespecific act of writing; rather, they stand for a 'second self whosesimilarity to the author is never fixed and undergoes considerablealteration within the course of a single book. It

      Grammar has different meaning with fictional author and non-author texts: in the second case (not fiction), the grammar is deictic; in the former, it is literary.

      This is a really interesting point, by I think MF is confusing terms a little. the issue has to do with the deictic nature of the text rather than the availability of an author-attribution (unless he means "literary author of the kind I've been discussing as an author-function").

  5. Feb 2016
    1. wildlife whic

      consider adding a comma, like so:

      "... wildlife, which is..."

    2. (link)

      Two considerations:

      1. This seems to me to break in style from your previously-established convention for links & citations (i.e., a consistency error); and
      2. Should it be before or after the period? (unsure of what conventions say).

      Consider changing from "(link") to some other options? Two that come to my mind (neither of them quite ideal) could be moving it to "support for climate change denial" and/or changing it to "(An excellent read/article/essay by Vice magazine delves into this [issue/topic] [, here].")

      NB: I include optional phrasing in square brackets [ _ ].

    3. ‘It’s impossible’‘It’s possible, but it’s not worth doing’‘I said it was a good idea all along.’

      source? not necessary, but (for my mind, at least) helps its appearance.

      also re: Style: I have no idea what the style recommendations / conventions are: I see you started with a big icon of an open-quote. Q: Is it customary (e.g. in magazines, the New Yorker, etc.) to include an identically large-icon-sized close-quote?

  6. Jan 2016
    1. in the exciting period

      I recommend starting this as a new sentence.

      "...spanned 5,000 glorious years. In this exciting period, when all..."

      Note the other grammar/punctuation edits in that quote.

  7. Dec 2015
    1. The goal of “Making the world work for everyone” is vague and can be in-terpreted in many ways. I believe that is it’s power.
      • consider whether or not to lower-case the M in "Making." (I should probably ask an experienced copywriter or professional editor, actually... There is probably a "one right answer" in this instance, although I'm not certain.)

      • Change it's to its (that is, remove the apostrophe)

      The possessive form of "it" is an irregular form of possessive in lacking an apostrophe, probably to avoid confusion with the contraction of "it is."

      (This is yet another grammar rule I memorized in public schools. :p)

  8. Nov 2015
    1. In a delightful book, Founding Grammars: How Early America’s War Over Words Shaped Today’s Language (St Martin’s Press, 309 pages, $27.99), Rosemarie Ostler traces an arc that keeps repeating itself: A writer offers advice about language, his followers and schoolteachers convert the advice into dogma, and the public plumps for easy-to-follow rules, however bogus, over nuances and judgments.
    1. only for a 2,000calorie daily diet

      Shouln't there be a space between "2,000", and "calorie"?

  9. Jul 2015
  10. May 2015
  11. Mar 2015
  12. Dec 2014
    1. his grammar feud

      Yeah, grammar marmism is rampant in our worlds. Some people mistake language for a machine when it is really a joshua tree or a redwood or some kind of fungus. The only disease that would kill language would be the evolution of telepathy and I don't think that would do it. To adapt Johnny Paycheck: take your rules Mr. Heller and shove 'em.

  13. Apr 2014
    1. (spelling

      (e.g., spelling

    2. conduct their own research: annotating and organizing source material, saving links back to original context, enabling searches through this material and facilitating private discussions with other collaborators in those locations.

      odd grammatical construction/transition

  14. Nov 2013
    1. In the third chapter rhetoric is separated into five parts: invention, arrangement, style, mem-ory, delivery. I am now not at all surprised that Quintilian is so bereft of dialectic in this division, for he was unable to recognize that here he h is confused dialectic itself with rhetoric, since in-vention, arrangement, and memory belong to di-alectic and only style and delivery to rhetoric. Indeed, Quintilian's reason for dividing rhetoric into these five parts derived from the same single source of error as did the causes of the previous confusion. The orator, says Quintilian, cannot be perfected without virtue, without grammar, with-out mathematics, and without philosophy. There-fore, one must define the nature of the orator from all these subjects. The grammarian, the same man says, cannot be complete without mu-sic, astrology, philosophy, rhetoric, and history. Consequently there are two parts of grammar, methodology and literary interpretation. As a re-sult Quintilian now finally reasons that rhetoric cannot exist unless the subject matter is first of all discovered, next arranged, then embellished ' and finally committed to memory and delivered. Thus these are the five parts of rhetoric.

      Grammar may be necessary to use in rhetoric and virtue may be an important part of a good orator, but rhetoric is not about grammar or virtue. Rhetoric is about style and delivery.

  15. Oct 2013
    1. Nor is it sufficient to have read the poets only; every class of writers must be studied, not simply for matter, but for words, which often receive their authority from writers. Nor can grammar be complete without a knowledge of music, since the grammarian has to speak of meter and rhythm; nor, if he is ignorant of astronomy, can he understand the poets, who, to say nothing of other matters, so often allude to the rising and setting of the stars in marking the seasons; nor must he be unacquainted with philosophy, both on account of numbers of passages, in almost all poems, drawn from the most abstruse subtleties of physical investigation, and also on account of Empedocles among the Greeks, and Varro and Lucretius among the Latins, who have committed the precepts of philosophy to verse

      Many subjects interwoven into grammar

    2. into two parts, the art of speaking correctly, and the illustration of the poets

      Grammars two parts. This seems to be how our schools now develop skills with English