735 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2022
    1. Own your data, all of it. Apps that let you control your data.


      • an app in which your data stays with you
      • you control where the data is stored
      • no spam, no captcha, no sign up, no passwords, bring your own identity
      • using open protocols for flexibility and interoperability
      • do what you want with your data at any time
      • your data is accessible forever even if the app stops working
    1. Abstract : Current tag modelling does not fully take into account the rich and diverse nature tags, as signs, can take on. We propose an ontology of tags in which tags are modelled as named graphs. These named graphs are made of a resource linked to a “sign” which can be any resource reachable on the Web (an ontology concept, an image, etc.). The purpose of our model is to be able to describe tags in a very general manner, and as an immediate conse- quence, to describe tags as modelled by other tag models (SCOT, CommonTag, etc.).
    1. {
       "@context": {
        "doap": "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#",
        "url": "@id",
        "name": "doap:name",
        "description": "doap:description",
        "author": "doap:maintainter",
        "license": "doap:license", // can we map values to https://spdx.org/licenses/ ?
        "homepage": {"@id": "doap:homepage", "@type": "@id"}
    1. This document contains information about embedding metadata in W3C Technical Reports (TR) using RDFa.
    1. Here is what a base WebAPI type schema could look like:

        "@context": "http://schema.org",
        "@type": "WebAPI",
        "name": "Google Knowledge Graph Search API",
        "description": "The Knowledge Graph Search API lets you find entities in the Google Knowledge Graph. The API uses standard schema.org types and is compliant with the JSON-LD specification.",
        "documentation": "https://developers.google.com/knowledge-graph/",
        "termsOfService": "https://developers.google.com/knowledge-graph/terms"
    1. The below illustrates a Dataset Site pointing to feeds consisting of ScheduledSessions, SessionSeries, and Events. As the presence of the webAPI attribute indicates, data items from these feeds are bookable.

      <script type="application/ld+json`/">
         "name":"Example Sessions and Events",
         "description":"Near real-time availability and rich descriptions relating to sessions and events available from Example.com",
            "Physical Activity",
            "description":"Example.com makes it easy to get active!",
            "legalName":"Example Ltd",
               "encodingFormat":"application/vnd.openactive.rpde+json; version=1",
               "totalItems": 1852
               "encodingFormat":"application/vnd.openactive.rpde+json; version=1",
               "totalItems": 361
               "encodingFormat":"application/vnd.openactive.rpde+json; version=1",
               "totalItems": 1906
            "name":"Open Booking API",
            "description":"The Open Booking API lets you to book OpenActive Opportunities. The API uses standard schema.org types and is compliant with the JSON-LD specification.",
            "provider": {
              "@type": "Organization",
              "description":"examplebooking.com makes it easy to get booking!",
            "bookingService": {
              "@type": "SoftwareApplication",
              "name": "nyExampleBookingPlatform",
              "softwareVersion": "1.2",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/myExampleBookingPlatform",
              "featureList": "https://www.example.com"
    1. <figure> <caption>Figure 1: An RDF Graph Describing Eric Miller</caption> </figure>
  2. Dec 2021
    1. dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions.
    1. Transparent data access

      JavaScript Proxies enable LDflex processors to translate path expressions to SPARQL queries and resolve them through a query engine (e.g. Comunica)

      await [https://julianrojas.org/#me].name
      SELECT ?name WHERE {
        <https://julianrojas.org/#me> <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name> ?name.
    2. Support for data writing

      LDflex allows for writing/updating knowledge graphs that support SPARQL UPDATE operations such as SPARQL endpoints and Solid pods.

      For example this expression:

      await [https://julianrojas.solid.org/profile/#me].add('foaf:givenName' , 'Julian');

      Will be translated to this SPARQL UPDATE query:

          <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/givenName> "Julian".
    3. How does it work? Thanks to JSON-LD contexts and JavaScript Proxies we can treat Linked Data graphs as local objects The await keyword allows waiting for remote HTTP requests
    4. Traverse Linked Data as JS objects

      await [https://julianrojas.org/#me].name // "Julián Rojas"
      await [https://julianrojas.org/#me].friends.name // ["Ruben Verborgh", "Ruben Taelman", ...]
  3. Nov 2021
  4. Oct 2021
  5. Oct 2020
  6. Sep 2020
    1. The RDF model encodes data in the form ofsubject,predicate,objecttriples. The subjectand object of a triple are both URIs that each identify a resource, or a URI and a stringliteral respectively. The predicate specifies how the subject and object are related, and isalso represented by a URI.

      Basic description of Resource Description Framework

  7. Jul 2020
  8. Jun 2020
  9. Apr 2020
    1. edges represent the named link between two resources

      The "triple"

    2. This graph view is the easiest possible mental model for RDF and is often used in easy-to-understand visual explanations
  10. Nov 2019
  11. Dec 2018
  12. Nov 2018
  13. Oct 2018
    1. This document describes a vocabulary for annotating descriptions of vocabularies with examples and usage notes.
    1. Components.js is a dependency injection framework for JavaScript applications. Instead of hard-wiring software components together, Components.js allows these components to be instantiated and wired together declaratively using semantic configuration files. The advantage of these semantic configuration files is that software components can be uniquely and globally identified using URIs. Configurations can be written in any RDF serialization, such as JSON-LD. This software is aimed for developers who want to build modular and easily configurable and rewireable JavaScript applications.
    1. Welcome to the DOAP wiki. DOAP is a project to create an XML/RDF vocabulary to describe software projects, and in particular open source projects.
    1. If you want to make the Semantic Web a reality, stop making the case for it and spend your time doing something more useful, like actually making machines smarter or helping people publish data in a way that’s useful to them.

      Soooo true !

    1. The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP) is a protocol for controlling, monitoring and diagnosing coffee pots over a network. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general-purpose language for representing information in the Web. This document defines HTCPCP Vocabulary in RDF in order to allow HTCPCP headers that have been exchanged between a client (in other words, a coffee addict) and a server (a networked device that can brew, store and deliver heated coffee beverages) to be recorded in RDF format. The objective of this vocabulary is to support quality assurance testing, and to serve as a machine-readable component in conformance claims and in reporting languages such as the Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) [EARL Schema].
    1. The Linked General Transit Feed Specification (Linked GTFS) is a mapping of the GTFS in CSV reference towards RDF.
  14. Sep 2018
    1. RDF Translator is a multi-format conversion tool for structured markup. It provides translations between data formats ranging from RDF/XML to RDFa or Microdata. The service allows for conversions triggered either by URI or by direct text input. Furthermore it comes with a straightforward REST API for developers.
  15. Mar 2018
  16. Feb 2017
  17. Apr 2015
    1. Outside the triple, information is lost and a literal is just data without any meaning.

      That does seem to be a problem.

    2. hey can not be subjects in RDF triples – they are always the objects used to describe a resource.
    3. Literals are nodes in an RDF graph, used to identify values such as numbers and dates by means of a lexical representation.

      Yeah! At last a definition I can understand!