1,641 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. Bild 73


      26.09. Martha, Burchard Vogel

    2. Bild 53


      17.08. Maria, Burhard Vogel

    3. Bild 67


      24.02. Margreta, Burkhard Vogel

    4. Bild 79


      17.10. Martin, Martin Adam

    1. Bild 416


      23.10. Martinus, Georg Zscheile

      03.11. Martinus, Lorenz Zscheile

    2. Bild 428


      01.10. Elisabeth, Peter Ehliger

    3. Bild 240


      19.03. Georgus, Peter Glatwitz

    4. Bild 350


      25.11. Martinus, Peter Pitsch

    5. Bild 225


      19.02. Martha, Peter Glatwitz

    6. Bild 392


      08.10. Martha, Jacob Fickler, allhier

    7. Bild 378


      14.11. Martin, Hans Tegel

    8. Bild 335


      18.03. Anna, Martin Mahn, Cossebaude

    9. Bild 286


      15.06. Hans, Georg Faust, Cossebaude

    1. Bild 191


      13.10. Johann Georg, Martin Pietzsch

    2. Bild 177


      07.09. Johann Christian, Martin Pietzsch

    3. Bild 409


      06.10. Anna Maria, Benjamin Heinrich Klotzsche, Elisabeth geb. Jähn aus Rohrsdorf bei Königsbrück

    4. Bild 486


      27.07. Anna Rosina, Benjamin Heinrich Klotzsche, Anna Marian geb. Freund

    1. Bild 135


      13.06. Anna Maria, Andreas Kürsten

    1. Bild 94


      02.11. Martha, Andreas Kießling

    2. Bild 90


      17.05. Johannes, Martin Berner

  2. Mar 2021
  3. Feb 2021
  4. Oct 2020
  5. Aug 2020
  6. Nov 2019
    1. This makes me think shrines to birth sites should also be possible, and would also mark the boundary between life and death.

  7. Jul 2019
    1. Unplanned pregnancies are a significant problem in the United States. According to a 2012 Brookings Institution report, more than 90 percent of abortions occur due to unintended pregnancy.

      This is crucial to realize the importance of this statistic. Up to 90 percent of abortions that occur could be prevented, if we could help lower unintended pregnancies. After doing a lot of research I found that the, about 90 percent of abortions are unintended statistic, is quite accurate and average across America.

  8. Jun 2019
    1. istorH111infinehalth&spirit

      Same Hall as before with childbirth complications?

    2. Mrs.Hall,afterachildbedconnnement,hadaseverentofsicknessinconsequenceofanimposthumatedbreast.Shehasnowsofarrecoveredastoenjoycomfortablehealth,thoughshehasnotfullyregainedherstrength

      Mrs. Hall was bed-ridden after a birth complication of an "imposthumated breast". She had a "severe fit of sickness" because of it, but returned to comfortable health, although not strength.



  9. Sep 2018
    1. In 2007, the pharmaceutical company Bayer gave up on a male contraceptive “that involved an annual implant and a quarterly injection,” as my colleague Olga Khazan reported in 2015. The company, she wrote, “concluded that men would consider the regimen—in the words of a spokesperson—‘not as convenient as a woman taking a pill once a day.’”


    2. College enrollment has historically been higher among women who have access to the pill, and “birth control has been estimated to account for more than 30 percent of the increase in the proportion of women in skilled careers from 1970 to 1990,” the report reads.

      But how has their academic performance been [negatively] impacted by bad side effects?

    3. he might have mood swings.

      Greater aggression? --> more frequent violence toward women?

    4. most men wanted to continue using the injectable birth control—more than 80 percent of them said they would choose to use it.*


    5. “It was believed women would tolerate side effects better than men, who demanded a better quality of life,”


  10. Mar 2017
  11. Jan 2017
    1. The combination of the Sun's high circulation and the newsboys meant that everyone throughout the city, spanning all social classes, heard about the lunar discoveries at the same time. They experienced it as a shared social event in a way that was entirely new.

      Birth of the Shared Event

      One of the new features of the moon hoax was that is was a shared event, experienced by everyone more or less at the same time, due to both new technologies and new systems of distribution. In some ways the haox was the polar opposite of the fragmentation we see today in Facebook hoaxes -- which are often known among only certain subgroups, and build ingroup identity not a universal experience.

  12. Oct 2013
    1. et him who is convinced of this truth, bestow, as soon as he becomes a parent, the most vigilant possible care on cherishing the hopes of a future orator.

      Teaching must begin at birth.

    2. ut dull and unteachable persons are no more produced in the course of nature than are persons marked by monstrosity and deformities, such are certainly but few. It will be a proof of this assertion that among boys, good promise is shown in the far greater number; and if it passes off in the progress of time, it is manifest that it was not natural ability, but care, that was wanting.

      nature vs. nuture?

  13. Sep 2013
    1. Now good birth in a race or a state means that its members are indigenous or ancient: that its earliest leaders were distinguished men, and that from them have sprung many who were distinguished for qualities that we admire.

      Does this still apply today?