68 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Apr 2024
    1. mindful of your alcohol and caffeine

      for - sleep hygiene - 5 - mindful of alcohol and caffeine

      advice - sleep hygiene - 5 - mindful of alcohol and caffeine - cut out 10 hours before bedtime. - so no afternoon coffee - only morning coffee

    2. Walk It Out

      for - sleep hygiene - 4 - walk it out

      advice - sleep hygiene - 4 - walk it out - try not to spend too much time in bed awake, - as your brain learns to associate the bed with waking - if you wake up in the night, walk it out for about half an hour

    3. temperature

      for - sleep hygiene - 3 - temperature

      advice - sleep hygiene - 3 - temperature - sleep cool - 18.5 Deg C is ideal

    4. second piece of advice is darkness

      for - sleep hygiene - 2 - darkness

      advice - sleep hygiene - 2 - darkness - one hour before sleeping, turn lights down to lowest level possible

    5. regularity

      for - sleep hygiene - 1 - regularity

      advice - sleep hygiene - 1 - regularity - try to make weekend sleep times same as weekday - don't deviate if possible

    6. five things that you can start doing tonight to try to improve your sleep

      for - wellness - physical - sleep - sleep hygiene - sleep hygiene - 5 aspects

  3. Dec 2023
  4. Feb 2023
  5. Apr 2022
    1. ECDC. (2021, March 8). We have cross-checked all the latest research on #FaceMasks use during the pandemic. Our position has not changed. Wear it to help slow down the spread of #COVID19! Combine it with #HandHygiene, #CoughEtiquette & #PhysicalDistancing. Be smart. Stay safe. Care about others. Https://t.co/t4AZcJVzld [Tweet]. @ECDC_EU. https://twitter.com/ECDC_EU/status/1368989564321341444

  6. Mar 2022
  7. Jan 2022
  8. Dec 2021
    1. Note also that testators left cloth as bequests during the epidemic. Apparently they were not as concerned with clothes retaining miasma as were anti-plague ordinances of the government.

      I did not know what the word miasma meant, after searching it up I learned that it was a "highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell". I wanted to learn more about what personal hygiene was like and how it changed during the time of the plague. I learned that it was a very unsanitary time and this helped to spread the plague. The doctors were unsure where the plague could spread from some, the community continued on with their everyday routine in little sense of where the disease came from which made the plague spread more.

  9. Oct 2021
  10. Sep 2021
  11. Jun 2021
  12. May 2021
  13. Apr 2021
  14. Mar 2021
  15. Oct 2020
  16. Sep 2020
  17. Aug 2020
  18. Jul 2020
  19. Jun 2020
  20. May 2020
    1. à l’ordre public, ce qui exclut toute violence à l’égard des élèves et toute incitation à la violence, mais ce qui exige également des conditions de sécurité des locaux et d’hygiène minimale.
    2. l’article L. 241-4 du code de l’éducation prévoit que « l’inspection des établissements d’enseignement privés porte sur la moralité, l’hygiène, la salubrité (…)
  21. Apr 2020
    1. l’expression de valeurs sociales

      et l'hygiène numérique?

      bon nombre de personnes s’en lavent les mains, croyant faussement à une «bonne» hygiène numérique sans savoir de quoi il en retourne, sans comprendre le phénomène numérique (ex. utiliser Facebook/Instagram/Google tous les jours – bon nombre d'utilisateurs croient qu'une «bonne hygiène» consiste à ne pas rendre «public» des photos ou des statuts personnels, alors que Facebook est tout aussi content, puisqu'il aspire toujours (plus!) de données personnelles – le vrai problème!)

  22. Jun 2018
  23. May 2017
  24. www.newspapers.com www.newspapers.com
    1. Air Hygiene Foundation

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

  25. www.sciencenews.org www.sciencenews.org
    1. Air Hygiene Foundation

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

  26. www.transworldnews.com www.transworldnews.com
    1. Air Hygiene Foundation

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

  27. www.sourcewatch.org www.sourcewatch.org
    1. Air Hygiene Foundation

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Hygiene Foundation

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

  28. Jun 2016