- Jun 2023
comedycenter.org comedycenter.org
In 1978, she became one of the first women ever to write and direct a comedy feature–Rabbit Test, a cult classic about a man (Billy Crystal) becoming pregnant.
For reference, Octavia Bulter's Blood Child was first published in 1984 (and as part of a book in 1985).
- Aug 2022
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Jackie Parchem, MD [@jackie_parchem]. (2021, July 29). @MeadowGood @ACOGPregnancy Some of the docs who stepped up and got vaccinated early when we didn’t have the data we do now. What we all knew: Protecting moms protects babies! All have had their babies by now! @IlanaKrumm @anushkachelliah @gumbo_amando @emergjenncy @JuliaNEM33 https://t.co/h9UJo6h3fQ [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/jackie_parchem/status/1420785474499645442
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Eric Topol. (2021, October 19). Just published @ScienceTM With blunting of the immune response, why it is so important for pregnant women to get a Covid vaccine https://science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.abm2070 w/ @ScienceVisuals https://t.co/aCY6LP4Taa [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1450475410328850435
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Joshua P. Cohen. (2021, December 12). @thehowie Indeed, this is a tragedy. International studies demonstrate a causal link between unvaccinated pregnant women infected with coronavirus and stillbirths. Vaccination is imperative. Https://t.co/vm7Qe5mRCT [Tweet]. @JoshuaPCohen1. https://twitter.com/JoshuaPCohen1/status/1469819822016012288
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What do we know about the AstraZeneca vaccine in pregnancy? (15:49:53+00:00). Full Fact. https://fullfact.org/pregnant-then-screwed/AZ-vaccine-pregnancy/
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Campbell, D. (2021, October 10). One in six most critically ill NHS Covid patients are unvaccinated pregnant women. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/11/one-in-six-most-critically-ill-patients-are-unvaccinated-pregnant-women-with-covid
- pregnancy
- vaccination
- lang:en
- COVID-19
- United Kingdom
- life-saving care
- unvaccinated
- is:news
- woman
- pregnant
- hospitalization
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- vaccination
- infant
- COVID-19
- v-safe after vaccination health checker
- preliminary
- research
- maternal
- medicine
- is:article
- women
- pain
- neonatal
- pregnant
- safety
- fever
- preterm
- birth
- v-safe pregnancy registry
- myalgia
- abortion
- lang:en
- chills
- mRNA
- headache
- injection
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- data
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- Dec 2019
www.dw.com www.dw.com
"Actual" violence?? As if the violence that is committed when tired and understaffed isn't real violence??