7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. for - Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan - adjacency - Deep Humanity - sensory bubble - social norm of producer-consumer split and alienation - spread by Industrial Revolution - hyperobjects - source - Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan

      // - comment - An insightful documentary that examines the social norm amplified by the Industrial Revolution, - the producer-consumer split and resulting alienation - Globalization has further exasperated this as global supply chains are hyperobjects which no individual can truly sense the scale of

  2. Dec 2022
    1. . We also find evidence of “falsehood echo chambers”, where users that are more often exposed to misinformation are more likely to follow a similar set of accounts and share from a similar set of domains. These results are interesting in the context of evidence that political echo chambers are not prevalent, as typically imagined
  3. Jul 2021
  4. Feb 2021
  5. Sep 2020
  6. Feb 2015
    1. The researchers examined social media patterns for 1.2 million Facebook users and found that nearly 92 percent of those who engage with Italian conspiracy theory pages interact almost exclusively with conspiracy theory pages.

      Oh, no. No. Noooooo.