- Oct 2024
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
This new way of seeing the world should place humanity’s emergence as a planetary species at its centre. That reveals the biggest information gap of all: the inability to see that we are in the midst of a great transformation that could entail the dawn of a whole new life cycle for humanity on a planetary scale.
for - whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle
- Sep 2024
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
This time, let’s listen
I think this article was a very good article. The two women are very similar, and different in their own way. I love how hard they fought and how important their jobs and information is, and as soon as something happens they do not like, it wouldn't push them down it would make them want to achieve more to prove everyone wrong.
This whole article teaches about the fundamentals of ChatGPT's language and how to generates to make perfect answers. While people think the transform method is easy, it comes in handy when wanting to use ChatGPT to find answers or are just curious how everything seems to always be correct on ChatGPT.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
I think the big picture of the article is implying that with the prediction and language of AI start to get more complicated and complex, it gives it abilities that match humans. While people argue for this, people also argue against the idea and imply that AI is just mimicking human reasoning and pattern.
- Aug 2024
r-leyshon.github.io r-leyshon.github.io
This is a Quarto website.
- Jan 2024
engineering.invoca.com engineering.invoca.com
It prevents duplicate work as the DRI has a complete picture of the entire project.
- Dec 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
A "piece of code" is worth a thousand words. All the verbosity in the previous answers didn't light the bulb in my head the way this piece of code did. And now that that verbosity makes absolutely perfect sense :)
pocoaching.fi pocoaching.fi
Make some changes
- Nov 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I'm going to call these "Topic Notes" for the rest of the post.Tiago Forte's decomposition of systemsIf you look at the Gardener style products (Zettlekasten software) they are aimed at deep understanding and analysis of a topic.
Embedded picture in quoted stuff. Check how it seems in Hypothesis.
theinformed.life theinformed.life
[[Jorge Arango]] interviews Veronica Erb on Annotating Books
Anecdotal evidence that dyslexia has an overlap with creating links to see a "bigger picture"
- Jul 2023
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
html <meta http-equiv="Accept-CH" content="DPR, Viewport-Width, Width"> ... <picture> <!-- serve WebP to Chrome and Opera --> <source media="(min-width: 50em)" sizes="50vw" srcset="/image/thing-200.webp 200w, /image/thing-400.webp 400w, /image/thing-800.webp 800w, /image/thing-1200.webp 1200w, /image/thing-1600.webp 1600w, /image/thing-2000.webp 2000w" type="image/webp"> <source sizes="(min-width: 30em) 100vw" srcset="/image/thing-crop-200.webp 200w, /image/thing-crop-400.webp 400w, /image/thing-crop-800.webp 800w, /image/thing-crop-1200.webp 1200w, /image/thing-crop-1600.webp 1600w, /image/thing-crop-2000.webp 2000w" type="image/webp"> <!-- serve JPEGXR to Edge --> <source media="(min-width: 50em)" sizes="50vw" srcset="/image/thing-200.jpgxr 200w, /image/thing-400.jpgxr 400w, /image/thing-800.jpgxr 800w, /image/thing-1200.jpgxr 1200w, /image/thing-1600.jpgxr 1600w, /image/thing-2000.jpgxr 2000w" type="image/vnd.ms-photo"> <source sizes="(min-width: 30em) 100vw" srcset="/image/thing-crop-200.jpgxr 200w, /image/thing-crop-400.jpgxr 400w, /image/thing-crop-800.jpgxr 800w, /image/thing-crop-1200.jpgxr 1200w, /image/thing-crop-1600.jpgxr 1600w, /image/thing-crop-2000.jpgxr 2000w" type="image/vnd.ms-photo"> <!-- serve JPEG to others --> <source media="(min-width: 50em)" sizes="50vw" srcset="/image/thing-200.jpg 200w, /image/thing-400.jpg 400w, /image/thing-800.jpg 800w, /image/thing-1200.jpg 1200w, /image/thing-1600.jpg 1600w, /image/thing-2000.jpg 2000w"> <source sizes="(min-width: 30em) 100vw" srcset="/image/thing-crop-200.jpg 200w, /image/thing-crop-400.jpg 400w, /image/thing-crop-800.jpg 800w, /image/thing-crop-1200.jpg 1200w, /image/thing-crop-1600.jpg 1600w, /image/thing-crop-2000.jpg 2000w"> <!-- fallback for browsers that don't support picture --> <img src="/image/thing.jpg" width="50%"> </picture>
- May 2023
chiselapp.com chiselapp.com
Estas gráficas deben ser enlazadas como gráficas externas, usando el snippet
, que provee GToolkit para ello.
- Mar 2023
www.history.com www.history.com
pictures of early 1900 child labor in the United States
- Feb 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Rookie question: Part of my knowledge database is based on the Zettelkasten method, i.e. I have concept-oriented, atomic notes that are linked to each other. I don't, however, however use IDs and neither the Folgezettel method.
Example of someone (u/HerrRey) who defines zettelkasten as "concept oriented, atomic notes that are linked to each other", but who doesn't use or exclude "IDs or the folgezettel method". Interestingly they feel like they're not getting the "big picture" of their work.
Is there an affordance in these missing pieces that prevents them from seeing the big picture because of what they're missing? Is it just neurodiversity? Are they not creating outputs which connect the small to the big, and thus missing it that way?
- Aug 2022
www.penguinrandomhouse.ca www.penguinrandomhouse.ca
Caulfield, T. (2017, October 24). The Vaccination Picture by Timothy Caulfield. Penguin Random House Canada. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/565776/the-vaccination-picture-by-timothy-caulfield/9780735234994
- Jul 2022
kpu.pressbooks.pub kpu.pressbooks.pub
- Jun 2022
www.kcet.org www.kcet.org
Lois Weber<br /> - First woman accepted to Motion Picture Director's Association, precursor of Director's Guild<br /> - First directors committee of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences<br /> - Mayor of Universal City<br /> - One of the highest paid and most influential directors in Hollywood of her day<br /> - one of first directors to form her own production company
See also: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lois_Weber
- Apr 2022
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
lthough the individual organisms may do things that keep their bodies slightly below or above the environmental temperature. This can include burrowing underground on a hot day or resting in the sunlight on a cold day.
Picture I (Johan Barron) made to show different thermoregulations, captioned with, if image cannot be found, use this website I uploaded it to https://gyazo.com/c8c85c489c5eb900d10192b558849df7 or https://utoronto-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/johan_barron_mail_utoronto_ca/ETtDG01bl1tJmAv70a3Uf7wB1fyrcd2oFgr-GxPJig7xQw?e=CurpFX
Figure 1.1 Differences in thermoregulation between an Endotherm (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and an Ectotherm (Lacertilia) during hot temperatures.
www.hollywoodreporter.com www.hollywoodreporter.com
- Mar 2022
gesture isimpressionistic and holistic, conveying an immediate sense of how things lookand feel and move.
Gestures provide a powerful and immediate sense of how things look, feel, and move and provide facilities that can't be matched by spoken communication.
Link this to the idea of dance being used in oral cultures to communicate the movement of animals, particularly in preparation for hunting. cross reference: Songlines and Knowledge and Power by Lynne Kelly
Link to [[a picture is worth a thousand words]]
- Aug 2021
hcommons.org hcommons.org
To the people of 1833 it was new to have a photography museum today we have selfie museums what was new in 1833 is not new to us in 2021
- Jun 2021
dba.stackexchange.com dba.stackexchange.com
For a «zoom out» view of my current data, here is a table-free working test :
SQL: experimenting with table-free data
- May 2021
webdesign.tutsplus.com webdesign.tutsplus.com
twitter.com twitter.com
Arieh Kovler on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 22 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/ariehkovler/status/1363171631703687171
- Feb 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Catherine Rampell. (2020, December 4). The jobs hole remains very, very deep. Today, the U.S. economy still has a greater jobs deficit than was the case at the very worst point of every previous postwar recession, including the Great Recession https://t.co/jYH1AUqBsV [Tweet]. @crampell. https://twitter.com/crampell/status/1334856009207189507
twitter.com twitter.com
Maryanne Garry 🐑🇳🇿. (2020, December 12). A person with the virus who, say, has lunch with friends is a witness to an event in which the virus was possibly transmitted, and a suspect who might have transmitted it to others. Our new paper in PoPS @lorraine_hope @rachelz @drayeshaverrall and Jamie Robertson https://t.co/FoOlx78HB2 [Tweet]. @drlambchop. https://twitter.com/drlambchop/status/1337676716936896512
- Oct 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Felicity Hayes-McCoy on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://twitter.com/fhayesmccoy/status/1318307988168445954
- Sep 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Daniël Lakens on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved September 23, 2020, from https://twitter.com/lakens/status/1308115862247952386
twitter.com twitter.com
PhD Diaries is on Discord 💬 on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from https://twitter.com/thoughtsofaphd/status/1307356715868921858
twitter.com twitter.com
Sophie Garrett on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved September 7, 2020, from https://twitter.com/sophigarrett/status/1302391188461322242
- May 2020
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Smelter, T. J., & Calvillo, D. P. (2020). Pictures and repeated exposure increase perceived accuracy of news headlines. Applied Cognitive Psychology, acp.3684. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3684
courses.lumenlearning.com courses.lumenlearning.com
Objectives: Motivations students have for college. Identify personal motivations as pathways to goals.
- Jan 2017
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
My chest, legs, and shoulders have gotten so big that I’ve outgrown all my suits.
His legs don't fit into his old blue jeans anymore
- Dec 2016
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
you'll look like a Greek statue.
- IG (Instant Gratification)
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- Nov 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
New Orleans Saints
- Oct 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
olin Kaepernick rem
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