- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
And how one is gonna do that, one is gonna become not you. You're gonna become somebody else—specifically, you're gonna become a fully enlightened tantric deity, right? And you, with a sense of what's called dignity or pride, right, the, the... "lha’i nga rgyal," the "pride of being the deity."
for - Buddhism - TIbetan - Clear light meditation - purpose of - deity visualization - become the deity to practice giving up your ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
So what's the first thing to do? It's to stop being ordinary. So they say, "tha mal gyi rtog shes spang ba," "abandon ordinary thoughts and ordinary attitudes," ordinary experience.
for - Buddhism - TIbetan - clear light meditation - practice - how to practice simulation of Tukdam while still alive? - Stop ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
- Buddhism - TIbetan - clear light meditation - practice - how to practice simulation of Tukdam while still alive? - Stop ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
- Buddhism - TIbetan - Clear light meditation - purpose of - deity visualization - become the deity to practice giving up your ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
apnews.com apnews.com
“Thoughts and prior authorizations!” wrote another user.
- Oct 2024
books.openbookpublishers.com books.openbookpublishers.com
the digital detox movement
I have heard of this. It may also go by a more general name "dopamine detox." The goal is to reset your dopamine receptors through an either brief or extended recess from digital media, and I believe it does have merit in certain contexts, especially if you notice your concentration levels are significantly warped.
Being media literate is but one fundamental aspect of life in a time of complex planetary existence.
100% agree. Media is never going to go away, so we need to work with it, rather than go against it.
However, the book does not need to be read by starting at the beginning.
I LOVE this! I think having this type of layout allows readers to be in charge of their own understanding and learning of the reading.
In fact, it was my investigation as to what was happening to me while taking a museum selfie that drove me to realize that I needed a new approach that did not seem to exist. An approach that would help me understand all of the influencing relations that were acting upon one another during my experience taking museum selfies.
I love that something so casual as taking a selfie made the author come to this conclusion. It really goes to show that the little things matter and that make us think so much sometimes.
Words are limited in their ability to faithfully represent the intended meaning behind them. In addition, words cut and separate; they are often thought of as individual carriers of meaning.
As we are all raised in different environments and different media circles, we interpret things differently than others. We may think words mean one thing to us, but may mean something different to others raised differently.
Looking around at people, especially when they are in a forced pause—waiting for a doctor’s visit, for a train, etc. (see Fig. 1.1)—often they are looking down at some technology rather than looking around and engaging with their immediate environment. They are immersed in technology that virtually transports them elsewhere.
This is 100% true. I am guilty of this, as I am sure we all are. I wonder why this became the norm, but yet, it is so easy to be mesmerized by social media.
In order to help guide an investigation into the various relations, the approach developed leverages the concept of intrasubjective mediation, which is the idea that we are—and continue to be—mediated by the constituting aspects of all of our relations.
We are results of our media and environments. We take it in and it becomes part of us.
As we focus on the effects of media on the subject, it is important to identify which human subject is being discussed.
I agree with this. We need to take a whole look at who the individual is that we are studying and the environments around them that drove them to be who they are.
He often explained it through the figure/ground analogy where one’s usual focus is on the figure (in this case the media’s content) and the ground (in this case the medium) goes unnoticed.
I find this to be very interesting and very accurate. Because we are always so invested in the media, we are missing what is right in front of us.
Media questions are important, then, but they only seem to me to be really significant if they are set in a far wider frame, rather than focusing just on media technologies themselves’ (684).
I think this is very important to remember and think about when studying media and the media technology we use. We need to remember why we are using it and who is using it.
- Sep 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Without users having to think about it
DISSENT Surely, the point of humanising text is that humans actually THINK about it rather than THOUGHTS put in by others?
hypothes.is hypothes.is
What is your profit in this? Think about it.
www-cambridge-org.libproxy.temple.edu www-cambridge-org.libproxy.temple.eduDiscipline10
Foucault attempts to engage with politics and ethics and to create a framework by which we might conceive of forms of power that do not operate through domination and normalization.
Did he successfully created that framework ? if yes does the power in society functions according to his framework ?<br /> In my opinion power is an authority to control you that you give to others and believing that the other person won't use it.
If power is “ever-present,” then, it is only because each individual carries the effects of discipline within themselves, even before the possibility of consent exists.
Disciplinary power in an organization is with consent and still an individual doesn't like it. That's why there's an concept of oppressor and oppressed and only the society can decides who is who.
Foucault, the process is a type of control without punishment (“penality”), because individual pupils are rewarded only after an examination, and those who fail to comply with the norm will be shamed for noncompliance and retrained.
This is an old approach of doing things in an organisation, this should be change, todays social standards are far more devasted with fear of failure and hence the self disciple is important than the societal disciple.
discipline becomes the machinery for adding up and capitalizing time, and time itself becomes an aspect of the norm and normative judgment, a means for measuring the extent to which individuals are dominated by discipline.
Capitalizing one's time is very important for an individual but it is very hard to say capitalizing for whom for personal gain or for someone's else. which is better? that's why there's a saying of life and work balance. Time could be utilized as a tool of personal happiness or community happiness.
Those who comply with the norm are rewarded and given a higher status within the hierarchy, whereas those who do not receive further training and discipline.
It is true for any military service of the world, many of the given thoughts of the Foucault's seems very similar with the Sun Tzu's Art of War. which is practiced by many of the worlds great military powers of today
“time, activity, behavior, speech, body, attitude, and sexuality”
So does its means common sense evolves over time ? Some norms of the past wont apply today and some norms of today wont be applicable in the future. means there is no correct norm which could be called absolute ethical.
Sovereign power is both visible and external, and the monarch invokes public spectacle to demonstrate his absolute domination
This shows the difference between sovereign and disciplinary power in Foucault’s work and focuses on the transition from visible, violent displays of authority to the more hidden, internalized forms of control seen in disciplinary power. Disciplinary powers seems very ethical in modern era whereas as the sovereign powers seems tyrannical.
The techniques of disciplinary power operate through meticulous control of the body and its very minute functioning.
yes true, to have control of the body , we must have control on our thoughts first.
it is a more intense and insidious form of power,
Yes it can transform an individual into a saint or more destructive form of force from inside. Strong mind needs strong control over one's thought.
Foucault’s essential point is that disciplinary power operates primarily by facilitating an individual’s acceptance of the norm and the state’s authority rather than through confrontational force and public spectacle.
Why is it important for some people to exert power as they please ? sometimes even we feels like a slave to the discipline. maybe the authority needs disciple to execute the higher productivity of the organisation but it does not benefits any individual personally other than making him a loyal service provider. In my opinion disciple in one's personal thought is more important, other aspects are just the byproduct of the practice of discipline such as meditation.
- Jan 2024
Local file Local file
taking random (and un-filed) notes
"unfiled notes" as "fleeting notes" which aren't expanded upon and turned into "permanent notes"
how are these related to his "fringe thoughts"
" f r i n g e - t h o u g h t s "
C. Wright Mills' idea of "fringe-thoughts" is similar to Ahrens framing of "fleeting notes".
- Sep 2023
worrydream.com worrydream.com
Our screen sharing, on the other hand, is a bolted-on hack
Not to mention highly inefficient , slow and unresponsive. The biggest thing that we've settled to see this as normal and consider a 10% speed increase as an innovation , think of what would happened if we had a better protocol for sharing information that followed the original design.
I'm particularly concerned with the adoption curve of technology when we disregard optimization it serves indirectly as a way to discriminate against people that can't afford the fastest connection the latest hardware. I wonder if we're at the point with AI assisted coding that we can optimize these systems and the cost of doing so would justify "doing it properly" , yet if we don't know about this principles we're completely on the blind.
- Apr 2023
He even offeredgrim warnings about children’s bowel movements, stressing the absolute needfor regularity. Regularity should not be achieved, however, at the expense ofdensity or compactness in the, ahem, product, for ‘People that are very loosehave seldom strong thoughts or strong bodies’ (p. 22, original emphasis).
Locke stressed the need for regular bowel movements in children in his book Some Thoughts Concerning Education and presupposed a link between the looseness of one's stool and the weakness of their bodies. This seemed to be a moralism rather than a question of general health and eating habits which continued into even my own childhood.
Not only does Locke providean intellectual foundation for Rousseau’s view of the child as an experimenter,we can also see the seeds of Rousseau’s notions of the plasticity of the child’smind
John Locke provides some intellectual foundation in his Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693) for Rousseau's Émile (1762) progressive and empiricist perspectives of teaching and learning.
- Feb 2023
blay.se blay.se
You are presented with traces of your past thoughts, each Zettel bringing something back to life within you, lighting up some parts of your brain that start to remember those trains of thoughts the memory had sorted away.
traces of your past thoughts feels closely related to Vannevar Bush's associative trails
- Dec 2022
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
some satisfaction in considering with what self-denying, generous friendship she had always wished and promoted the match
This is Emma's self congratulating thoughts
- Nov 2022
akkartik.name akkartik.name
something something Redbean and Justine Tunney
- Sep 2022
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
it wasn’t until the 1960s that authors would begin addressing themes of human-caused environmental degradation in their works of fiction. Climate change wouldn’t enter the scene for another few decades.
The idea that Earth’s environment might be different in the future predates understanding of modern human impacts. H.G. Wells was already dreaming up future Earth environments by the time he wrote The Time Machine in 1895.
- Mar 2022
www.proquest.com www.proquest.com
But Utah health officials have said about half of the state’s adults are at elevated risk of serious illness from the coronavirus.
This tells me that many doesn't even know they have comorbidities.
“Does the face of #chronicIllness look different than you thought?”
A different way of saying "You don't look sick" as a statement about herself - "I don't look sick, but guess what". kind of thing.
- Feb 2022
utcc.utoronto.ca utcc.utoronto.ca
The problem almost certainly starts with the conception of what we're doing as "building websites".
When we do so, we mindset of working on systems
If your systems work compromises the artifacts then it's not good work
This is part of a broader phenomenon, which is that when computers are involved with absolutely anything people seem to lose their minds good sensibilities just go out the window
low expectations from everyone everyone is so used to excusing bad work
sui generis medium
violates the principle of least power
what we should be doing when grappling with the online publishing problem—which is what this is; that's all it is—is, instead of thinking in terms of working on systems, thinking about this stuff in such a way that we never lose sight of the basics; the thing that we aspire to do when we want to put together a website is to deal in
documents and their issuing authority
That is, a piece of content and its name (the name is a qualified name that we recognize as valid only when the publisher has the relevant authority for that name, determined by its prefix; URLs)
that's it that's all a Web site is
anything else is auxiliary
really not a lot different from what goes on when you publish a book take a manuscript through final revisions for publication and then get an ISBN issued for it
so the problem comes from the industry
people "building websites" like politicians doing bad work and then their constituents not holding them accountable because that's not how politics works you don't get held accountable for doing bad work
so the thing to do is to recognize that if we're thinking about "websites" from any other position things that technical people try to steer us in the direction of like selecting a particular system and then propping it up and how to interact with a given system to convince it to do the thing we want it to do— then we're doing it wrong
we're creating content and then giving it a name
- Mar 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the Guardian. ‘How Modelling Covid Has Changed the Way We Think about Epidemics | Adam Kucharrski’, 4 January 2021. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jan/04/covid-model-epidemic-collaboration-experiment.
- Feb 2021
educationinnovation.pressbooks.com educationinnovation.pressbooks.com
and that designers be viewed as sojourners who engage in this unique task of exploration through maintenance and innovative learning
Highlight: Putting it all together in conclusion. Telling of the journey that instrucitonal designers are on and tying back to the two types learning; innovative and maintenance.
Great way to end the Chapter!
- Aug 2020
- Oct 2019
outline.com outline.com
t's possible to lower an individual's hedonic set-point by inflicting prolonged uncontrolled stress;
like a eustress that empowers and individual
- Sep 2019
outline.com outline.com
primary school classroom
Although the author is keeping with the theme of Foucault and using school as an example of this power and control machine, and although they are right and that power is absolutely there its so rash and not progressive thinking tbh....bc though Foucault set out to exhaling power in a non-cloudy ungrounded philosophical way, rooting power in a genealogical history is still deconstruction to a degree rather than material/natural
But while the gamification of the classroom through educational software is clearly less physically violent than corporal punishment,
I hate this fear mongering, depressive side to the conversation of new technology, its like maybe if we focused on understanding it and learning about it instead og looking at all the bad "effects" we believe it to have we wouldn't be controlled!!! or maybe this is the false narrative in order to trick us into being controlled even more. To Foucults point this power, especially in story, narrative, words and how their used can have a drastic effect on what we decide to do with this new tech and how we can learn from is naturally, organically.
even hope to record and understand how students think and feel.
Hivemind. would only make use more together, equal and free because what would be controlling us was our true nature, and our understanding of ourselves will have come out of our technological advances.
new digital tools
New tools, exactly. Stop forcing contingionsouies on them, this is why advancement is so hard because we keep harpooning our old fears and preconceptions of what is nature...when we've already straid so far from it.
This shows both the short and long-term effect that intrusion into our private lives can have on perfectly legal activities.
omnipresent power, constantly controlling our lives even if they Aren't there...but how its so deeply ingrained like Foucalts analyst on the Panopticon
- Mar 2019
docs.wixstatic.com docs.wixstatic.com
gender stereotypes, or thebeliefs and expectations people holdabout the typical characteristics, preferences,and behaviors of men and women. Aperson’s gender identity refers to theirpsychological sense of being male orfemale.
I think in today's society a lot of people struggle with gender stereotypes and their identity. Society is set up to believe that the man is masculine and the women is feminine, and that if those traits are switched, then it's wrong. It's hard teaching a child about gender stereotypes because you don't want your child to feel as though he or she can not do certain things, but it happens which "may or may not" cause a crisis with their gender identity. You want the child to explore their options but in this case a lot of parents may not agree because they don't want to cause confusion. According to the article gender stereotypes, or the beliefs and expectations people hold about the typical characteristics, preferences,and behaviors of men and women. A person’s gender identity refers to their psychological sense of being male or female.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
He that has complex ideas, without particular names for them, would be in no better case than a bookseller, who had in his warehouse volumes that lay there unbound, and without titles, which he could therefore make known to others only by showing the loose sheets, and communicate them only by tale.
Part of demonstrating knowledge has to do with the organization of thoughts. What good does it do if one's thoughts remain undeveloped and in disarray? The goal should be to not only generate knowledge, but to translate this knowledge in an organized and accessible form.
- Oct 2017
www.allsides.com www.allsides.com
Trump noticeably avoided talking about gun control when he was asked about it, saying that he would speak on the matter with the police as a general assembly. In 2000, trump had different standpoint on gun control, saying that he wanted a ban on assault guns. Personally I think background checks should be placed on people with accounts of a 1 or more felonies. And that weapons with a lethality higher than a pistol's should be restricted during a person's review as a pistol is enough for self defense.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
One of the most common fallacies in the at-tempt to determine the intrinsic is the equating of the intrinsic with the unique.
Not everything intrinsic is unique - hell, it's probably quite the opposite. Commonality is more likely than the wholly separate.
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
o close is the connex-ion between thoughts, and the words in which they arc clothed.
The distinct, even though here tightly connected, between words and things.
- Aug 2016
Local file Local file
This prologue can be summarized best and memorably this way: . Why? Allow me to explain...
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
You likewise possibly now can understand how in your Dream you became more and moreengrossed in and attached to this false Earth state, through first eating of this fruit and learning toknow Good and Evil, and after learning of the new and enticing world thus opened up to you,dying to the knowledge of the Reality back of it all; and how and why it was You learned thatYou were naked -- both the thinking and the feeling parts of You; and also why you grew afraidand tried to hide from Me, thus creating in your consciousness the sense of separation from Me
I, the Creator, AM the Original THINKER, the One and Only THINKER.First know that.As previously stated, man does not think. It is I Who think through his organism. Man believeshe thinks, but before he has awakened to a realization of Me within he only takes the thoughts Iattract to or inspire in his mind, and, mistaking their real meaning and purpose, places a personalconstruction upon them and, through the selfish desires thus aroused, creates for himself all histroubles and brings upon himself all his woes.These apparent mistakes, misconstructions and interferences of man are in reality only theobstacles in his way to be overcome, that he may, through the overcoming, finally develop abody and mind strong and clean and capable enough to express perfectly and consciously thisIdea of Mine eternally working within his Soul.
It is God that actually thinks..God inspires, yet I mistake their meaning, put a personal meaning to them........... if I let this go fully I will "develop a body mind strong and clean and capable enough to express perfectly and consciously this Idea of Mine eternally working within his Soul."
finally how to control and utilizeyour desires so that they will always serve YOU, instead of your being a slave to them.You have within you all possibilities. For I AM there. My Idea must express, and It must expressthrough you. It will express itself perfectly --- if you but let it; if you will only still your humanmind, put aside all personal ideas, beliefs and opinions, and let if flow forth. All you need to dois to turn within to Me, and let Me direct your thinking and your desires, let Me express whateverI will, you personally accepting and doing what I desire you to do. Then will your desires cometrue, your life become one grand harmony, your world a heaven and your self one with My Self.When you have begun to realize this and have glimpsed somewhat of its inner meaning, then youwill be ready to grasp the real import of what follo
I also need to learn how to use desire so it will serve the True Self.
I need to go within, put aside all personal thoughts and beliefs and allow the True Self to flow, express
When you can once realize this and can know that I AM Consciousness within you is one withthe consciousness of all animate and inanimate matter, and that Its will is one with your will,which is My Will, and that all your desires are My Desires, then will you begin to know and feelMe within, and will acknowledge the Power and Glory of My Idea, which is eternally expressingItself Impersonally through you.But it is first wholly necessary that you learn HOW to think, how to know Your thoughts, thosedirected by Me, from the thoughts of others;
I need to learn HOW to think in the context it is meant here........ how to discern the Idea/inspiration, (to fully receive them) and the misperceptions that arise in the human mind.......
This is the plan and process of all true thinking, and therefore of all Creation.Listen! You have now and always have had, through this power of thinking, dominion over allthe kingdoms of the Earth. If you but know it. You have now, this moment, only to Think andSPEAK THE WORD, -- realizing your power, and that I, God, your Omniscient, Omnipresent,Omnipotent Self, will bring about the results, -- and the waiting consciousness of the invisiblecells of all matter upon which your will and attention become focused, -- which waitingconsciousness is My consciousness, remember, -- will begin immediately to obey and do exactlyaccording to the image or plans you have prepared by you thinking.For all things are made by the Word, and without the Word was not anything made that wasmade.
To allow the inspiration to be expressed brings it into manifestation.........
There is always first the Idea, not considering at this moment the necessity or occasion for Itsappearance. It matters not whence the Idea comes, from within or without; for it is always I whoinspire It or cause It to impress your consciousness at the particular moment it does.Then, just to the extent that you grow quiet and focus your attention upon that Idea, stilling allthe activities of your mind and eliminating all other ideas and thoughts from your consciousness,so that Idea can have full sway, do I illumine your mind and cause to unfold before your mentalgaze the various phases and possibilities contained within that Idea.This takes place, however, up to this point, without any volition on your part, other than focusingor concentrating your attention upon the Idea.
Inspiration arises............ it is always from Source no matter how it arrives.
I need to grow quiet and focus on the inspiration, the Idea and let go all arising through about it..... only then can I receive more deeply and my mind be illuminated......... all I need do is focus my attention on the inspiration/Idea.......... there is nothing for the little me, the personal self to figure out.....
For who is the master? -- Your body, your mind, or You, the I AM within?Then why not show You are master, by thinking the true things the I AM of you within wishesyou to think?It is only by your thinking these other things, by allowing these inharmonious thoughts to enteryour mind and by so doing giving them the power so to affect or disturb you, that they have anysuch influence over you. When you stop thinking into them this power, and turn within to Meand allow Me to direct your thinking, they will at once disappear from your consciousness, anddissolve into the nothingness from which you created them by your thinking.When you are willing to do this, then and then only are you ready to receive Truth, and, byproper conscious thinking, directed by Me, to create the true and permanent things I within wishyou to create.Then, when you can thus distinguish the true from the false, the real from the seeming, yourconscious thinking will be as potent to create all things you desire, as has been yourunconsciousness thinking in the past in creating those things you once desired but now findobnoxious
My True Self is the real master of the mind..........
"It is only by your thinking these other things, by allowing these inharmonious thoughts to enter your mind and by so doing giving them the power so to affect or disturb you, that they have any such influence over you." So succinct and clear.
"When you stop thinking into them this power, and turn within to Me and allow Me to direct your thinking, they will at once disappear from your consciousness, and dissolve into the nothingness from which you created them by your thinking." Again simple clear instruction.
When I am ready to do this, when I am ready to turn within to the True Self then I am ready to receive Truth and by Conscious thinking directed by the True Self, "create the true and permanent things I within wish you to create."
Therefore you can change them by the same process, if they do not please you; you can makethem whatever you will, by thinking them so. Can you not?But how can one do real thinking, conscious thinking, so as to bring about this change? You ask.First know that I, your Real Self, purposely brought to your attention these things which now aredispleasing and which cause you to think them as being what they now seem to be to you. I, andI alone, AM thus preparing your human mind so that, when you turn within to Me in abidingFaith and Trust, I can enable you to see and bring into outer manifestation the Reality of thesethings which now seem so unsatisfactory.For I bring to you everything that, by its outer seeming, can attract or lure your human mindonward in its Earthly search, in order to teach you of the illusoriness of all outer appearance ofmaterial things to the human mind, and of the fallibility of all human understanding; so that youwill turn finally within to Me and My Wisdom, as the One and Only Interpreter and Guide.When you have turned thus within to Me, I will open your eyes and cause you to see that theonly way you can ever bring about this change in thinking, is by first changing your attitudetoward all these things you now think are not what they ought to be.That is, if they are unsatisfactory or obnoxious to you and affect you so as to cause youdiscomfort of body or disturbance of mind, --why, stop thinking that they can so affect or disturbyou
If I become conscious, change my thinking my experience will be different.
The first step is to be conscious my my Real/True Self...
"I, and I alone, AM thus preparing your human mind so that, when you turn within to Me in abiding Faith and Trust, I can enable you to see and bring into outer manifestation the Reality of these things which now seem so unsatisfactory".
"For I bring to you everything that, by its outer seeming, can attract or lure your human mind onward in its Earthly search, in order to teach you of the illusoriness of all outer appearance of material things to the human mind, and of the fallibility of all human understanding; so that you will turn finally within to Me and My Wisdom, as the One and Only Interpreter and Guide."
And when I do turn to my True Self/God and learn that the only way I can change my thinking is by first changing my attitude towards all things....
If something disturbs me than stop thinking they have the power to do so...
For it was by your unconscious thinking, or thinking unconscious of the control your desiresexercised over your creative power, that your world and your life are now what you sometime inthe past desired them to be.
Very clear, cause and effect.
They are -- to you, for all things are to man's mortal consciousness what he thinks or believesthey are.I have likewise caused them to appear to man to be what he thinks they are. This also is to suitMy purpose, and to fulfill the law of creating.Let us see if this is not true.If you believe a thing is so, is not that thing really so -- to you?Is it not true that a thing seems real to you, like some sin or evil, so-called, some sorrow, troubleor worry, only because your thinking or believing it so makes it such? Others might see thatthing entirely differently and might think your view of it foolish. Might they not?If this is true, then your body, your personality, your character, your environment, your world,are what they appear to be to you, because you have thought them into their present statu
It is being pointed out that if I think something and believe it, it seems true, yet to others who think differently they will not appear the same way..... and this is also a part of Divine purpose, to fulfil the law of creating...........
For I, within him, do all that he does; but I necessarily do it through his organism, through hispersonality, his body, mind and soul.I will point out how this can be.First, try to realize that I made you in My Image and Likeness, and that I have My Being withinyou. Even if you do not know this now and believe that I, God, AM somewhere without, and thatwe are separated, try for the time being to imagine I AM within you.Next, realize that which you do when you think is not real thinking, because it is not consciousthinking; for you are unconscious of Me, the Inspirer and Director of every idea and thought thatenters your mind.Next, realize because I AM within you, and you are My Image and Likeness, and thereforepossess all of My Faculties, you have the power of thinking; but not being conscious thatthinking is creating and that it is one of My Divine Powers you are using you have indeed allyour life been thinking, but it has all been mis-thinking, or what you would call error-thinking.And this error-thinking, this not knowing it is My Power you have been thus misusing, has beenseparating you in consciousness farther and farther from Me; but all the time fulfilling MyPurpose, which later on will be made manifest to you.The proof of this is, you think you are separated from Me, that you are living in a materialWorld, that your body of Flesh engenders and harbors pleasure and pain, and that an evilinfluence, called the Devil, is manifesting in the world, opposing My Will.Yes, you think all these things are so.
I am made in the image of God..... the Essence of my Being is God............. even my thoughts come from this source yet I have been unconscious of this. This mis-thinking and misuse of Gods power within me has been separating me further from the Truth, yet there still is a purpose in this.
I have said that man does not think; that it is I, within him, Who do his thinking.I have also said man thinks he thinks.As this is an apparent contradiction, I must show you that man ordinarily does not think, anymore than he does anything else he supposes he does
Here it brings out what may appear to be a contradiction.
You were also told that when man was thus possessed of My Breath he was given dominion overall the kingdoms of the Earth. Which means he was made lord of the Earth, the sea, the air andthe ethers, and all beings living in all these kingdoms paid him homage and were subject to hiswill.This naturally was so, for I, within man's consciousness and within all consciousness, AMalways manifesting My Will; and I, the lord and ruler of man's organism, AM likewise the lordand ruler of all organisms in which consciousness dwells. As all consciousness is MyConsciousness and It dwells wherever there is life , and as there is no substance in which there isnot life, then My Consciousness must be in everything, -- in Earth, water, air and fire, andtherefore must fill all space. In fact it is space, or that which man calls space.Then My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Thereforeman's will, which is but a focalization of My Will, must likewise reach everywhere; hence theconsciousness of all organisms, including his own, is subject to man's direction and control.All it needs is for him consciously to realize this, realize that I, the Impersonal Self within him,AM constantly directing, controlling and using the consciousness of all organisms every momentof every day of his life.I AM doing this by and through his thinking.I AM doing this with and through man's organism. Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I ofhim, who thinks through his organism. Through this thinking and his spoken word I accomplishall that man does, and make man and his world all that they are.It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose.But, if I do all the thinking, man does not and cannot think, I hear you say.Yes, here seems a mystery, but it will be revealed to you, if you note carefully what follows:For I AM going to teach you -- man -- HOW to think
"My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Therefore man's will, which is but a focalization of My Will."
"Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I of him, who thinks through his organism." Yet this is not the 'thinking' I am familiar with in my human mind and I need to learn how to 'think'.
"It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose."
I first give you the Key that will unlock every mystery that now hides from you the secret of MyBeing.This Key, when you once know how to use it, will open the door to all Wisdom and all Power inheaven and Earth. Yea, it will open the door to the Kingdom of Heaven, and then you have but toenter in to become consciously One with Me.This Key is"To THINK is to CREATE", or"As you THINK in your HEART, so is it with you."Stop and meditate on this that it may get firmly fixed in your mind.A Thinker is a Creator.A Thinker lives in a world of his own conscious creation.When you once know how "to think," you can create at will anything you wish, -- whether it be anew personality, a new environment, or a new world.
"This Key is"To THINK is to CREATE", or"As you THINK in your HEART, so is it with you".
The word that really stands out here is 'heart'. It doesn't say as I think in my mind. And it continues to on with "When you once know how "to think," you can create at will anything you wish." This suggests there is something for me to learn about 'thinking' in the context that is is used here.
- Expression
- Thoughts
- ImpersonalSelf
- Feelings
- Create
- Trust
- BodyMind
- HolyTruth
- Creation
- Harmony
- Power
- Word
- Manifestation
- BeStill
- HolyWisdom
- Key
- Reality
- DivinePurpose
- Practice
- Inspiration
- Unconscious
- Humanity
- HolyStrength
- Belief
- CauseEffect
- God
- Definition
- Wisdom
- Guide
- Breath
- Desire
- ConsciousBeing
- Willingness
- Personality
- Heart
- TheDream
- HolyWill
- Seperation
- HolyFaith
- TrueSelf
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
I will tell you that it will be important for you not to think too much, because your thinking is habitual. I mean by that, it is unoriginal. It is caught in the past. It substantiates old concepts and fears, which, because of their great familiarity, can distract you for a time, and thus delay your coming into your right Mind.
Thinking is habitual, unoriginal and v\caught in the past...... old concepts and fears. Because they are familiar they can distract me and delay me coming into right Mind....
The reminder here to be aware of the thinking mind and the choice for right Mindedness.
christmind.info christmind.infoAbout2
Now, this is good. Throughout the conversation, you have at times, experienced doubts, a certain quizzicalness, but you have not energized them, and have set them aside because, indeed, if you energize your doubts, you cannot be present to experience your Knowing. Remember that.
This is a good reminder to let thoughts come and let them go as passing clouds...
We are simply bringing these elements forward for you to see, so that this shift of emphasis from thinking to Knowing can occur without your being hooked by preconditioning and old ego habits.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
I recognize fully from my own experience that this is not an easy step to make, because it is not a head trip. Rather, it is a matter of being willing to be—without conscious thought processes being used for any purpose other than relating or describing what your Being is being.
"it is a matter of being willing to be—without conscious thought processes being used for any purpose other than relating or describing what your Being is being."
Wow, nothing I can say except just to really let this sink in....
Until you are willing to let go of this concept—that you must in some way be able to control your environment and your life experience with your thought—you will seem to suffer from the unfoldment of your Being.
Gosh I sure have tried this one. So the importance of learning that yes in our psychology, in our human experience, we learn that we feel and act according to our thoughts... yet for peace and harmony our thoughts need to come into alignment with our Being....
Today we need to deeply consider the orderliness of things—the orderliness of Life in Its infinite manifestations. We need to remember that all of Life, infinitely speaking, is unfolding Itself at every moment, and not just an isolated part of that infinity. It is essential for you to realize that your thinking processes do not in any way have any effect, whatsoever, on this infinitely detailed, yet harmonious unfolding of Being. This does not mean you have nothing to do with it, but it simply means that you have no three-dimensional control over it.
Our thoughts in 3d do not have an effect on the unfolding on our Being. So... I hear that even though in this human experience our thoughts and beliefs create how we feel and act, this ultimately does not affect the harmonious unfolding in the cosmos of which we are a part..
christmind.info christmind.info
The need here is to let go of the thought process, which you are already rather proficient at, as well as the misidentification of your self as that thought process. You are that Mind which functions perfectly and infinitely without thinking a thought in order to do so. This Mind has, as one of Its capacities, the ability to formulate verbalizations of Its infinite Self-action. Yet, It is never in Its verbalizations, and never mistakes Itself as being the “thought process” by which means the verbalizations are developed.
You are that Mind which functions perfectly and infinitely without thinking a thought in order to do so.
You are having difficulty because you are trying to bring your “thought processes,” which you have mistakenly identified as “your self,” into that Place where your Self is already being Itself infinitely and perfectly. In this Place, there is no thought process whatsoever.
So Raj shares here what is creating the difficulty..
Nothing has ever happened as a result of your thought. You must get used to the idea that your thinking mind is there to give words to the unfolding meanings which your Being is manifesting as Its infinite identification. It is not something which can be used to cause that infinite manifestation of Its identification.
Our thinking mind is 'there to give words to the unfolding meanings which your Being is manifesting as Its Infinite identification."
- Jun 2015
www.cga.ct.gov www.cga.ct.gov
Sec. 22a-41. Factors for consideration of commissioner. Finding of no feasible and prudent alternative. Wetlands or watercourses. Habitats. Jurisdiction of municipal inland wetlands agencies. (a) In carrying out the purposes and policies of sections 22a-36 to 22a-45a, inclusive, including matters relating to regulating, licensing and enforcing of the provisions thereof, the commissioner shall take into consideration all relevant facts and circumstances, including but not limited to:
What to consider when an application/action is considered.
- Nov 2013
wiki.shuttleworthfoundation.org wiki.shuttleworthfoundation.org
I'm optimistic about the decreasing digital divide / access to tech. Pessimistic about censorship and surveillance.