- Sep 2023
bha.colorado.gov bha.colorado.gov
Kendra Dunn Strengthening Families Director State - OEC
Dennis Desparrois Placement Services Unit Manager-State - DCW
Kit Thompson Family &, Children Services Division Director-Boulder County Housing and Human Services
Alison Young Family Law Program Manager-State Court Administrator's Office
Andrew Gabor Director of Child and Adolescent Services-State - OBH
Kari Daggett Deputy Director Division of Child Welfare - DCW
Colorado Family First Implementation Team was the Services Continuum workgroup
The Court Improvement Program (CIP) is working collaboratively with CDHS, the Colorado County Attorney Association, the Office of Respondent Parents Counsel, and the Office of the Child’s Representative to maintain alignment and consistent messaging with Family First requirements
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TASK FORCEIn April 2019, Colorado Governor Jared Polis directed CDHS to spearhead the Governor’s Behavioral Health Task Force. The Task Force was charged with authoring a statewide strategic plan to transform Colorado’s behavioral health system with the goal of enabling every Coloradan with a behavioral health condition or in crisis to receive the services and support they need to live safe, productive lives in their own communities.
elivery of Child Welfare Services Task Force.
In May 2018, Colorado’s General Assembly showed significant support for Family First with the passage of the Child Welfare Reform Bill, which created the Delivery of Child Welfare Services Task Force.
The CDHS Division of Child Welfare (DCW)’s Training Unit was recently renamed the Learning and Development (L&D) team.
Child Welfare Prevention Task Group (“Prevention Task Group”) was created in Summer 2021. The purpose of the Prevention Task Group is to act as the child welfare prevention practice advisory group,
Best Practice Court Team (BPCT)
CDHS hired a Family First-dedicated Training & Development Specialist.
ASSURANCE ON PREVENTION PROGRAM REPORTINGSee the Attachment for assurance that CDHS will report to the Secretary such information and data as the Secretary may require with respect to the Title IV-E prevention program, including information and data necessary to determine the performance measures
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Megan KearsleyFamily UnitCourt Improvement Program CoordinatorState Court Administrator’s Officemegan.kearsley@judicial.state.co.usCristina Ritchie Cooper, Esq.Senior AttorneyABA Center on Children and the Lawcristina.cooper@americanbar.orgJennifer Mullenbach, Esq.Deputy County AttorneyCounty Attorney's Officejmullenb@co.jefferson.co.usAshley Chase, Esq.Staff Attorney & Legislative LiaisonOffice of the Child’s Representativeashleychase@coloradochildrep.orgAlison Butler, Esq.Carrie Ann Lucas Disability Advocacy DirectorOffice of Respondent Parents Counselabutler@coloradoorpc.org
docdrop.org docdrop.orgview1
Administrative Review Division (ARD)
The Administrative Review Division (ARD) The ARD manages the qualitative case review portion of Colorado's child welfare quality assurance system. The ARD's vision is to create a safe and promising future for children and at-risk adults, by strengthening the communities, families, and systems that work to make that future possible. ARD is a neutral third party that facilitates case reviews, gathers, and analyzes data, publish research, and provides training and technical assistance to affect change in practice,
In addition to these specific areas, the ARD's qualitative case review instrument has
sets designed to measure the quality of case practice in the following areas:
Mental health
Substance abuse Educational stability and progress
Frequency and quality of contacts with the child/youth and parents
Engagement of the child/youth and parents in case planning Adequacy of visitation between the child/youth and their siblings and parer
Timeliness of Title IV-E eligibility
co4kids.org co4kids.org
Rules governing QRTPS are still pending, so guidance available now may be revised in the future. Email pauline.hoekstra@state.co.us with questions about licensing.
www.wspapsych.org www.wspapsych.org
Leslie M. Drozd, Ph.D.leslie@lesliedrozdphd.com
co4kids.org co4kids.org
Andrew Gabor at andrew.gabor@state.co.us.
The information in this section was developed by the Colorado Department of Human Services and the Colorado Human Services Directors Association for Colorado's Family First Implementation Guide for County Directors.
coloradocwts.com coloradocwts.com
Prudence Beidler Carr, prudence.beidlercarr@americanbar.org Cristina Ritchie Cooper, Cristina.Cooper@americanbar.org
www.blueprintsprograms.org www.blueprintsprograms.orgW2-A.pdf2
For more information, contact:Susan CaskeyIMPACT Executive Directorscaskey@bouldercounty.org303-441-1511
Dave Bonaiuto, Manager – Assessment, Quality Assurance, &Process Improvement, Boulder County IMPACT Lane Volpe, Ph.D., Vice President, The Implementation Group Susan Caskey, Executive Director, Boulder County IMPACT
Caskey is now BCDHHS Director
bouldercounty.gov bouldercounty.gov
Child Protection Review Teams -- CPRT The final CPRT meeting has taken place. No additional reviews will be scheduled. Recent legislation, Concerning the Optional Creation of a Child Protection Team by a County, http://statebillinfo.com/bills/bills/17/2017A_016_signed.pdf was enacted to address the evolution of the child welfare system and to recognize the multiple layers of review that now exist across child welfare systems.
For further information or questions, contact Terrie Ryan-Thomas, tryan-thomas@bouldercounty.org .
co4kids.org co4kids.org
Colorado Community Response (CCR) is a voluntary prevention program working with familiesthat have been screened out or assessed and closed without child welfare services. The program wasdeveloped around the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework to strengthen families andprevent child maltreatment. Program components include strength-based case management, family-driven goal setting, education, and support to improve financial well-being, flex funding, and resourcereferrals to support goal attainment. The program is awarded through a competitive solicitation. Awardshave been granted for the next five-year funding cycle (FFY 2022-2027), which began in July 2021. Thenext solicitation will be released in 2026. Reach out to Aaron Miller (aaronc.miller@state.co.us) for moreinformation.
bouldercounty.gov bouldercounty.gov
Citizen Review Panel What is The Citizen Review Panel? The Citizen Review Panel (CRP) is an independent group of Boulder County citizens who review complaints regarding unresponsiveness or unprofessional conduct by Boulder County Housing and Human Services’ Family and Children Services employees. Panel members are appointed by Boulder County Commissioners. No employees of the Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services or the Colorado Department of Human Services are on the panel
bouldercounty.gov bouldercounty.govHHSAC1
Housing & Human Services Advisory Committee
cdhs.colorado.gov cdhs.colorado.gov
Executive-level organizational chart
SNAP Director (which is under Div of Economic Security) karla.maraccini@state.co.us
leg.colorado.gov leg.colorado.gov
Senator Stephen FenbergSenate District 18E-mail: stephen.fenberg.senate@coleg.govWebpage: Stephen FenbergRepresentative Judy AmabileHouse District 49E-mail: judy.amabile.house@coleg.govWebpage: Judy Amabile
Boulder, Colorado; State Senator and Rep: Senator Stephen Fenberg
Senate District 18 E-mail: stephen.fenberg.senate@coleg.gov Webpage: Stephen Fenberg Representative Judy Amabile
House District 49 E-mail: judy.amabile.house@coleg.gov Webpage: Judy Amabile
bouldercounty.gov bouldercounty.gov
Boulder County Commissioners Appoint Susan Caskey as Director of Housing & Human Services Boulder County, Colo. -- On Tuesday (August 23),
bouldercounty.gov bouldercounty.gov
Division Director, Susan Grutzmacher This division administer benefits eligibility and renewals for basic needs programs including
Boulder County benefits eligibility division
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Adam Kucharski. (2021, April 12). UK goes into next reopening stage with relatively low case rates, so there are reasons for optimism, as vaccination will gradually pull down transmission further (as well as protecting individuals)—But also caution, as we’ve seen globally how quickly COVID situation can change. Https://t.co/AVKEeY7Yo8 [Tweet]. @AdamJKucharski. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1381499501429547009
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ReconfigBehSci. (2021, March 5). RT @theAliceRoberts: A new study predicts the effect of fully reopening schools—Pushing R up from 0.8 to between 1.1-1.5. R is very abst… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1369569328920727553
- Jul 2021
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Prunas, Ottavia, Joshua L. Warren, Forrest W. Crawford, Sivan Gazit, Tal Patalon, Daniel M. Weinberger, and Virginia E. Pitzer. “Vaccination with BNT162b2 Reduces Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to Household Contacts in Israel.” MedRxiv, July 16, 2021, 2021.07.13.21260393. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.13.21260393.
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www.lshtm.ac.uk www.lshtm.ac.uk
The impact of reopening schools on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in England. (n.d.). LSHTM. Retrieved 10 March 2021, from https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/newsevents/news/2021/impact-reopening-schools-sars-cov-2-transmission-england
twitter.com twitter.com
Kevin McConway. ‘Media: Worst Ever Week for Test & Trace; They Only Reached 59.9% of Identified Contacts. But the % Reached Went up This Week for Contacts Managed by Local Health Protection Teams AND for Contacts Not Managed by Them (What Used to Be Called “complex” and “Non-Complex” Cases.) How?’ Tweet. @kjm2 (blog), 5 November 2020. https://twitter.com/kjm2/status/1324417367477264386.
- Apr 2020
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
- Sep 2018
tools.ietf.org tools.ietf.org
This specification defines the WebFinger protocol, which can be used to discover information about people or other entities on the Internet using standard HTTP methods. WebFinger discovers information for a URI that might not be usable as a locator otherwise, such as account or email URIs.