247 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
    1. Queen-Dowager of Persian dames deep-veiled, Mother of Xerxes and Darius' wife, Spouse of a god, and not less justly hailed

      When speaking of the Queen of Persia, the author speaks of her as the "spouse of a god". The use of language here is to show that Persians, especially the rulers of Persia, are powerful enough to be, and be with, the gods. They think themselves as gods, and therefore, how could they not come out of this war victorious.

      Zach Long CC BY-NC-ND

    2. No! Persia's matchless millions⁠No human power can quell, Such native valour arms her sons,⁠Such might incomparable!

      This section here shows how highly the Persians think of themselves. It equates them to being incomparable, as having no equal in military might. This is quite interesting considering they have been defeated by the same foe only a few years prior at the battle of Marathon, thus the Persians clearly have equals, or perhaps even superiors in these terms. They do have more numbers than they had on their previous march to fight the Athenians, Spartans, etc. than when they lost at Marathon. It's similar in irony to the Titanic being an "unsinkable" ship, only to sink on its maiden voyage. Here the Persians are saying the same thing, that they are incomparable in strength, and yet we find out later that they are in fact not incomparable.

      Zach Long CC BY-NC-ND

    1. for at least seven

      CDC recomienda cuarentena de 7d para infectados. Estan locos! y vuelta a trabajo si han sido asintomaticos por 72h (esto ultimo podria ser, salvo que los sintomas de fatiga, dolores y desorden neurologico no desaparecen hasta uno 30d-90d post infeccion.

  2. Apr 2020
    1. The appeal of the first of these options is that it has a clear rationale and an end-point when the virus has passed and life can return to normal.

      But what is "normal"?

    1. COVID-19 Reklamlarınızın Fişini Çekmesin Ülkemiz ve dünyamız koronavirüsün yayılmasıyla karşı karşıya kaldıkça, sizinki gibi işletmeler umutsuzca gemilerini daha sonra nereye yönlendireceklerini bulmaya çalışıyorlar. Yükünüzü azaltmak için bir şeylerden vazgeçmeyi düşünüyorsanız, reklamlarınız bunlardan biri olmamalı. Koronavirüs sırasında pazarlama her endüstri için uygun olmasa da dijital pazarlama , COVID-19 sırasında hayatta kalan işinizin kritik bir parçası olabilir.
    1. COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Google Güncellemeleri Koronavirüs gündemi sürerken Google da bu süreçte bazı güncellemeler ve iyileştirmeler yapıyor. Bu güncellemeler arasında Google arama ve Google Haritalarda hangi restoranların teslimat ve paket servis sunduğu, duyurular yapmanın yeni yolları, Google Haberler'de COVID-19 gündemi, Topluluk Hareketliliği Raporlarının oluşturulması ve reklam içerik politikasındaki değişiklikler gibi veriler var.
    1. COVID-19'un Dijital Pazarlamaya Etkisine Nasıl Yanıt Verilir? Covid-19 salgınının ortaya çıkmasıyla beraber işletmelerin dijital ortamda var olmaları her zamankinden daha önemli bir hale geldi ve dijital stratejilerinin gözden geçirilmesi gereksinimi bugünlerde daha da arttı. Covid-19'un dijital pazarlamaya etkisi neler? Siz ve işletmeniz bu ortamda nasıl bir strateji izlemelisiniz? Gelin birlikte cevaplayalım.
    1. Относно имунологичен тест за SARS CoV2 Чрез тази система регистрирани лаборатории в България могат да въвеждат данните от резултатите от бързите тестовете за антитела, които правят. Освен броят тестове, те въвеждат и резултатите за Имуноглобулин G (IgG / ИгГ) и за Имуноглобулин М (IgM). В системата ще могат да се въвеждат и тестове за антиген (PCR тестове). Благодарение на въведените данни ще може да се локализира разпространението на вируса по градове и региони, както и конкретни лаборатории със завишен брой положителни тестове.

      The photo shows a "One Step Rapid Test" pack and two cartridges with test results.

    1. Резултати от тестове за Антитела: Общо тествани хора с тест за антитела: 1751 Хора с положителни проби за антитела IgМ и IgG: 8 Хора с положителни проби за антитела IgМ: 35 Хора с положителни проби за антитела IgG: 49

      From 2020-04-06 to 2020-04-16.

    2. Резултати от PCR тестове: Общо тествани хора с PCR тест: 77 Хора с положителни проби: 3 Хора с отрицателни проби: 74

      Until 2020-04-16.

    1. Имаме 20 000 PCR теста, очакваме още доставки и дарения. Това е пътят, по който ще вървим - масово тестване, обяви Ананиев. И то вече се извършва, уточнява премиерът Борисов.

      Promise to do "mass testing" with only 20000 PCR tests available (2020-04-15).

    2. В Ивайловград, където вземането на проби започна във вторник, всичките 35 резултата са отрицателни, но и в нито един жител не са открити антитела. До вчера в Банско 28 от общо 334 изследвани дадоха положителни проби, трима са с активна инфекция. По-рано при 186 теста 8 бяха с антитела. В Дългопол на първия ден от пробите съотношението бе 90:1. Това означава, че все още е рано за постигане на колективен имунитет.

      Some testing results. Blood samples, testing for antibodies.

    1. Soweit ich das nach den verfügbaren Berichten angeben kann, gab es den ganzen Januar hindurch und in einigen Fällen bis in den Februar hinein fortwährend direkte Linienflüge von Wuhan nach London, Paris, Rom, New York und San Francisco. Nun, da Covid-19 sich weltweit ausbreitet, haben Sie keine Zeit verloren und den internationalen Verkehr nach China eingeschränkt; Ihr Ansatz war auffallend anders, als Sie die Krankheit zu uns exportiert haben.
    1. It is free

      Hypothesis offers and will continue to offer free annotation capabilities for people to use across the web.

      To sustain our project, Hypothesis arranges paid partnerships with institutions looking to use annotation at scale and with integration into their learning management systems for single sign-on, automatic private groups, dedicated support, service -level agreements, dashboards on usage at the class and institutional levels, participation in the AnnotatED community, and more.

      In response to the current COVID-19 crisis, Hypothesis has waived all institutional costs for at least 2020.

  3. Mar 2020
    1. En materia de políticas tecnológicas en educación la situación actual parece caracterizarse por una mezcla de desencanto y de letargo. Ello está motivado en parte por la conciencia entre los políticos de que las inversiones realizadas no han dado lugar a mejoras generales en términos de calidad de los procesos y resultados de los aprendizajes escolares, como tampoco a un nivel de uso real que sea verdaderamente apreciable

      Lo que no lograrón los gobiernos en 20 años de promoción de las TIC en educación, lo esta logrando la pandemia generada por el COVID19

    1. This must be achieved by sequencing and archiving huge numbers of microbial genomes, both from clinical cases and known environmental reservoirs, on a continual basis.

      Even without reference genomes, mining metagenomes for coronavirus sequences has become particularly topical in 2020. See the Pangolin 2019-nCoV-like coronavirus example https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.08.939660

    2. swine flu

      Jennifer Gardy discusses the groundbreaking H1N1 crowdsourcing efforts in her TEDx talk here (with lots of lessons for the coronavirus outbreak a decade later) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmAugMSJ1-Y

    1. MERS coronavirus

      Mining metagenomes for coronavirus sequences has become particularly topical in 2020 (see the Pangolin 2019-nCoV-like coronavirus example https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.08.939660)

    2. RNA viruses

      As this works with RNA viruses it has been made part of the "Free access to OUP resources on coronavirus and related topics" collection on the Oxford University Press website https://academic.oup.com/journals/pages/coronavirus

    1. direct RNA sequencing. Despite the scientific relevance of VACV, no LRS data have been generated for the viral transcriptome to date.

      This approach of using Oxford Nanopore direct-RNA sequencing for viruses has now been carried out on the SARSCov2/COVID19 causing coronavirus. See https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.05.976167

    1. It is vital to remind students to TEST THESE TECHNOLOGIES before the conference. They need to make they're logged on, volume is up, etc, before they're appointed time. Otherwise, they may run into problems and spend the entire conference time trying to log on.

      Sara Webb-Sunderhaus @webbsusa https://twitter.com/webbsusa/status/1237197494410457089

      It is vital to remind students to TEST THESE TECHNOLOGIES before the conference. They need to make they're logged on, volume is up, etc, before their appointed time. Otherwise, they may run into problems and spend the entire conference time trying to log on.

    2. Of course, email is an important communication medium, but I put boundaries around it. I only answer email 9-5, Monday-Friday. No email on weekends or breaks. The students get used to it and learn to respect those boundaries. That cuts down on feeling like I am always "on."
    1. Social

      Given the spread of the novel corona virus and COVID-19 as this report is published and it's already demonstrable effects on education (eg, instructional continuity), we might add a health dimension to this list of social trends.