- Jan 2025
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
2024Mexico and nearby areas faced extreme heat; at least 125 people have died in Mexico
At least 1,170 pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia during an intense heat wave with temperatures reaching over 50 C
Heavy rainfall in Bangladesh caused landslides that killed at least nine people and floods that left nearly 2 million people stranded.
Devastating wildfires burned roughly 440,000 hectares in the Brazilian Pantanal wetlands, threatening economic activities and killing many wild animals.
- Dec 2024
On June 12, 1672, Charles II issued a proclamation to “Restrain the Spreading of False News, and Licentious Talking of Matters of State and Government,”
for - trivia - coffee houses - London - ban on talking about politics in coffee houses - 1672, June 12 - King Charles II tried closing coffee houses - but it only lasted 11 days - secretary of state sent spies into coffee houses in 1675
- Oct 2024
www.carnegie.org www.carnegie.org
That this talent for organization and management is rare among men is proved by the fact that it invariably secures for its possessor enormous rewards, no matter where or under what laws or conditions.
for - critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - This is invalidated today by large successful cooperatives such as Mondragon
to - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - https://hyp.is/QAxx-o14Ee-_HvN5y8aMiQ/www.csmonitor.com/Business/2024/0513/income-inequality-capitalism-mondragon-corporation
- critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample
- to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
- Jan 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Positive Meldungen zu Klima und Umwelt 2023: Rekordzuwachs bei den Erneuerbaren, deutliche Verlangsamung der Entwaldung am Amazonas, Abschluss des High Seas Treaty, Erfolg beim Kampf gegen das Ozonloch und weitgehende Wiederherstellung der französischen Grundwasservorräte durch massive Niederschläge. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/boom-des-energies-renouvelables-repit-pour-lamazonie-nappes-phreatiques-gonflees-a-bloc-retour-sur-les-quelques-bonnes-nouvelles-environnementales-de-2023-20231230_ADVIREAXPJFJ7DI766HR6GCBJ4/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
2023 werden, einen Bericht der International Energy Association zufolge, die erneuerbaren Energien ein Rekordwachstum verzeichnen. Der Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen wird 2024 in etwa den Stromverbrauch von China und den USA zusammen entsprechen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/tirees-par-le-solaire-les-energies-renouvelables-progressent-dans-le-monde-20230601_GW6M2JM73RFTXL72LUC2ZD5TPE/
- Dec 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Fluxus was an international, interdisciplinary community of artists, composers, designers and poets during the 1960s and 1970s who engaged in experimental art performances which emphasized the artistic process over the finished product.[1][2] Fluxus is known for experimental contributions to different artistic media and disciplines and for generating new art forms.
- Jun 2022
lx.uts.edu.au lx.uts.edu.au
UDL is not just a premixed alcopop in a can, though perhaps the association with bad undergrad hangovers is why it has yet to take hold at Australian universities?
Ha ha! This is a very niche joke!
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. ‘RT @CAUSALab: Interested in #causalinference? Learn from Top Experts in the Field. Summer Courses Offered at the Harvard T.H. Chan Schoo…’. Tweet. Twitter, 20 December 2021. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1483138177837715464.
- Aug 2021
firstdraftnews.org firstdraftnews.org
Vaccine Misinformation Insights Report: June. (n.d.). First Draft. Retrieved 4 August 2021, from https://firstdraftnews.org:443/long-form-article/vaccine-misinformation-insights-report-june/
- Jun 2021
eoinhiggins.substack.com eoinhiggins.substack.com
Higgins, E. (n.d.). Fresh Off Twitter Ban, Naomi Wolf To Headline Anti-Vax ‘Juneteenth’ Event. Retrieved 18 June 2021, from https://eoinhiggins.substack.com/p/fresh-off-twitter-ban-naomi-wolf
Mahase, E. (2021). Covid-19: Is it safe to lift all restrictions in England from 21 June? BMJ, 373, n1399. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1399
- May 2021
jreinschmidt.github.io jreinschmidt.github.io
June Mathis
Mathis was the first woman executive at MGM and the highest paid executive at age 35. She was voted the third most influential woman in Hollywood after Mary Pickford and Norma Talmadge in 1926, only a few years after this production.
Mathis worked with Nazimova on four films before Camille, their final collaboration. She was also part of Nazimova's lesbian social circle "the 8080 club" also known as the "sewing circle" a few years later.
- Jun 2020
www.houstonchronicle.com www.houstonchronicle.com
Blackman, J., & Goldenstein, T. (2020, May 21). Using cellphone data, national study predicts huge June spike in Houston coronavirus cases. HoustonChronicle.Com. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Using-cellphone-data-national-study-predicts-15286096.php
- May 2020
1 June “too soon” to open schools, say top scientists. (n.d.). Tes. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from https://www.tes.com/news/coronavirus-1-june-too-soon-open-schools-say-top-scientists