91 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming, which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter.

      for - quote - exceeding 2 Deg C may result in a billion deaths - Joshua Pearce

      quote - exceeding 2 Deg C may result in a billion deaths - Joshua Pearce - (see below) - If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, - mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans - through anthropogenic global warming, - which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter.

    1. “deathsof despair.”

      for - definition - deaths of despair

      definition - deaths of despair - Deaths of white working class due to massive loss of livelihood caused by offshoring. - These deaths are characterized by drug overdoes, liver failure, smoking related cancers, etc - author: Case and Deaton

  2. May 2024
    1. Der europäische Klimaservice Copernicus und die Weltwetterorganisation WMO weisen in einem gemeinsamen Bericht darauf hin, dass die Zahl der Hitzetoten in Europa in 20 Jahren um 30% gestiegen ist. Der Bericht stellt 2023 detailliert als Jahr der Hitzerekorde da. https://taz.de/Folgen-der-Klimakrise/!6005690/

      Bericht: https://climate.copernicus.eu/esotc/2023

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Eine extreme Hitzewelle hat in der Sahelzone Hunderte, wahrscheinlich Tausende Menschenleben gefordert. World Weather Attribution zufolge ist die Höhe der Temperaturen eindeutig auf die globale Erhitzung durch Treibhausgase zurückzuführen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/18/lethal-heatwave-in-sahel-worsened-by-fossil-fuel-burning-study-finds

      Zur Studie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/extreme-sahel-heatwave-that-hit-highly-vulnerable-population-at-the-end-of-ramadan-would-not-have-occurred-without-climate-change/

    1. In the last decade, there has been >2,300% increase in the loss of human life from heat waves as a result of about 1°C heating
    2. Heat-related deaths of people older than 65 have increased by 85% since the 1990s
    3. Because of heat stress, under a 2°C warming scenario, 525 million additional people will experience food insecurity by midcentury, compared to the period 1995–2014, and the number of heat-related deaths each year will increase by 370%.
    4. day, 1 in 3 people are exposed to deadly heat stress. This number is projected to increase up to 75% by the end of the century
  4. Feb 2024
  5. Jan 2024
  6. Dec 2023
    1. Einer Greenpeace-Studie zufolge werden die Treibhausgasemissionen von 9 großen europäischen Fossilkonzernen (darunter auch die OMV) im Jahr 2022 zu mindestens 360.000 vorzeitigen Todesfällen allein aufgrund von Extremtemperaturen führen. Dabei gehen die Autor:innen aufgrund einer Übersichtsstudie davon aus, dass 9.318 Tonnen CO<sub>2</sub> im Jahr 2020 statistisch gesehen zu einem zusätzlichen Todesfall bis 2100 führen werden. https://taz.de/Studie-zu-Fossilkonzernen/!5978273/

      Studie: https://www.greenpeace.org/nl/todaysemissionstomorrowsdeaths/

  7. Nov 2023
  8. Sep 2023
  9. Aug 2023
      • key finding
        • global temp of 2 Deg C could theoretically result in a billion human deaths
      • title: Quantifying Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Human Deaths to Guide Energy Policy
      • authors: Joshua Pearce, Richard Pamcutt
      • date: aug. 19, 2023
  10. Jul 2023
    1. Im Verhältnis zur Bevölkerungszahl starben im letzten Jahr in Italien die meisten Menschen an den Folgen der Hitze. Aus den in Nature Medicine publizierten Zahlen zu den Hitzetoten in Europa.geht hervor, dass 2022 auf eine Million Einwohner 295Todesfääe durch Hitze kamen. In Italien war es 2022 im Durchschnitt 2,28° wärmer als im historischen Mittel.


  11. Jun 2023
  12. May 2023
    1. Auch die Repubblica berichtet über die Studie der Universität Bristol zu zukünftigen extremen Hitzewellen und ihren Folgen. Zwischen 1998 und 2017 sind mehr als 166.000 Menschen an diesen Extremereignissen gestorben. Die Publikation verwendet statistische Methoden der Erforschung extrem unwahrscheinlicher Ergeignisse, um die es sich bei 31% der untersuchten Hitzewellen zwischen 1959 und 2021 gehandelt hat. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/05/12/news/ondate_di_calore_europa_regioni_a_rischio-399709172/

      Studie: The most at-risk regions in the world for high-impact heatwaves https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37554-1

  13. Mar 2023
  14. Feb 2023
  15. Dec 2022
  16. Nov 2022
  17. Oct 2022
    1. Since Anatole France’s description in Penguin Island of the scholar drowned by an avalanche of his own index cards, it has been hard to take them seriously.

      In Penguin Island, Anatole France describes a scholar drowned by an avalanche of their own index cards!

  18. Aug 2022
  19. Jul 2022
    1. But online information has a very weak link to memory.

      Why is memory for online pieces weaker for most?

      Is it the lack of sense of "physical" location for helping to store it? What about the seemingly ephemeral character of online data?

  20. May 2022
    1. I like how Dr. Pacheco-Vega outlines some of his research process here.

      Sharing it on Twitter is great, and so is storing a copy on his website. I do worry that it looks like the tweets are embedded via a simple URL method and not done individually, which means that if Twitter goes down or disappears, so does all of his work. Better would be to do a full blockquote embed method, so that if Twitter disappears he's got the text at least. Images would also need to be saved separately.

    1. It's the feedback that's motivating A-list bloggers like Digg founder Kevin Rose to shut down their blogs and redirect traffic to their Google+ profiles. I have found the same to be true.

      This didn't work out too well for them did it?

    1. the decentralised and open source nature of these systems, where anyone can host an instance, may protect their communities from the kinds of losses experienced by users of the many commercial platforms that have gone out of business over the last decades (e.g. Geocities, Wikispaces or Google + to name just a few).

      https://indieweb.org/site-deaths names a large number of others

    1. https://www.robinsloan.com/lab/lost-thread/

      Twitter may have felt like the dial tone of the internet for several years, but I'm starting to feel like the tide has changed. Twitter has started a decline and ideas and energy are now slowly flowing to new growth on the internet. It may take a while, but unless Twitter does something drastic and amazing, they're going to slowly bleed out and die.

    2. Arguing about the future of Twit­ter is a loser’s game; a dead end. The plat­form’s only con­clu­sion can be abandonment: an over­due MySpace-ification.

      I love the verbifification of MySpace here. Its one of the earliest and most popular social media platforms which is now primarily known for its spectacular collapse and death as a social platform.

  21. Apr 2022
    1. Kaiser Health News. (2021, December 1). The number of U.S. deaths from COVID-19 has surpassed 775K. But left behind are tens of thousands of children—Some orphaned entirely—After their parents or a grandparent who cared for them died. [Tweet]. @KHNews. https://twitter.com/KHNews/status/1465861952270331905

    1. (((Howard Forman))). (2022, January 27). New York Update Cases down 44% in one week. Positive rate now 7.3% Hospital census down 24% to level of December 31. Admits down 30%. Deaths appear to be declining. Great progress! Https://t.co/4a087WyejY [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1486797266618830853

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: "RT @tylerblack32: Ghouls BEFORE COVID: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 ‘Only 0.2% of cancer deaths occur in children! <0.003% will die of cancer! Only about 0.16%…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 7 February 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1490254426719899655

  22. Feb 2022
  23. Jan 2022
    1. COVID-19 constituted 29% of deaths from June 2020 to July 2021. This corresponds to 32 lakh deaths, of which 27 lakh occurred in April–July 2021.
    2. India was the highest (5.8 times) and only Chile (5.7 times) came close.
    3. Excess deaths analyses based on deaths registered in the Civil Registration System (CRS) have shown that they have been as high as six times the official death toll for just 11 States and Union Territories (Maharashtra, Punjab, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh) for which such data was available.
      • =>
    4. Kerala which reported 49,300 deaths has received 27,274 compensation claims and has processed 23,652 of them.
  24. Dec 2021
  25. Nov 2021
  26. Oct 2021
  27. Aug 2021
  28. Jun 2021
    1. Edouard Mathieu. (2021, May 31). The government of Peru just announced a huge reevaluation of the cumulative number of COVID-19 deaths in the country, from 69,000 to 180,000. This is by far the largest mortality correction in the pandemic until now. [Tweet]. @redouad. https://twitter.com/redouad/status/1399442649623535619

  29. May 2021
    1. Phil Magness. (2021, April 18). Fixed version: Here’s how the Imperial College model of Neil Ferguson performed over 1 year. I used their most conservative R0 assumption, so this is actually generous to them. Https://t.co/vVJJ629jO0 [Tweet]. @PhilWMagness. https://twitter.com/PhilWMagness/status/1383870801309360135

    1. Nuzzel has been one of the few apps I've truly loved. It's been great for discovery. It's one of the very few I use every day and it's one of only three apps that I allow to give me notifications on my phone.

      I'm devastated....

  30. Mar 2021
    1. Tim Colbourn. ‘7-Day Moving Average for #CovidUK Deaths Is Now 200 Deaths per Day. That’s 1400 Deaths in the Last Week. In Sep When CSA Vallance Said We Need to Stop Increase to Avoid “200 Deaths per Day in Nov” Many Doubted/Mocked Him as a “Scaremonger”. Deaths Still Rising & Not in Nov Yet..’ Tweet. @timcolbourn (blog), 28 October 2020. https://twitter.com/timcolbourn/status/1321231842121494530.

    1. A re-analysis of published data from the Israeli Health Ministry by Dr. Hervé Seligmann, a member of the faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Aix-Marseille University, and engineer Haim Yativ reveal, in short, that the mRNA experimental vaccine from Pfizer killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period. Among the younger class, these numbers are compounded to death rates at 260 times what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.

      Effects of vaccine on elderly and young appear to cause more deaths than Covid19.

  31. Feb 2021
  32. Dec 2020
  33. Oct 2020
    1. Screenshots are disposable, but highlights are forever.

      Highlighting this sentence on the Highly blog (on Medium) ironically using Hypothes.is. I'm syndicating a copy over to my own website because I know that most social services are not long for this world. The only highlights that live forever are the ones you keep on your own website or another location that you own and control.

      RIP Highly. Viva IndieWeb!

    1. we are ending the HuffPost contributor platform

      Just another site-death...

      Ben Walsh of the LA Times Data Desk has created a simple web interface at www.SaveMy.News that journalists can use to archive their stories to The Internet Archive and WebCite. One can log into the service via Twitter and later download a .csv file with a running list of all their works with links to the archived copies.

  34. Aug 2020
  35. Jul 2020
  36. Jun 2020
  37. Jul 2018
    1. Researchers have found time and time again that more guns mean more deaths. And Americans have a lot of guns, and easy access to them. Americans own almost half of the 650 million civilian-owned guns there are in the entire world, and gun homicide rates in the US are 25 times higher than in other high-income countries. States and developed countries with more guns have more gun deaths.
  38. Dec 2017
  39. Apr 2017
    1. Three of the victims were of Turkish origin,[38] two victims were from German Sinti families and one from a Kosovan Roma family.

      About 50 people of various ethnic backgrounds gathered at a Munich sports hall early Saturday to await official word on the fate of missing loved ones (Washington Post, 2016).