- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Nishant says: 2x Output for 1x input...
His formula for mastery: 1. Learn (input -- focus, singletasking) 2. Reflect (output, pause... what is the main takeaway, how to use?) 3. Implement (output, apply) 4. Share (output, teach the material)
These principles are great... Obviously they are not comprehensive as they do not necessarily reflect higher order learning. See Bloom's and Solo's, nor take foundation of Cognitive Load Theory for example... It's understandable though since you can't mention everything in a 20 minute talk XD.
The argument I'd make is that the 3 subsequent steps are a part of learning. So the first step should not be called learn but rather encode, since that is literally the process of forming the initial cognitive schemas and putting them into long-term memory...
- Jun 2023
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Actually, as Davidson argues, multitasking helps us see more and do more, and experience texts and tasks in different ways. There’s no evidence that anyone ever was deeply reading for hours on end with no interruptions. All we have are claims from Plato saying that writing is going to kill our ability to memorize. Our minds have always been wandering; we’ve always been distractible. We’ve always been doodling on the sides of pages, or thinking about our lunch, or stopping to converse with someone. Now we just have distraction that’s more readily available and purposefully attuned to distracting us — like popup ads, notifications; things that quite literally fly across your screen to distract you. But the fact that we have students who have grown up with those and have trained themselves to deal with those in such interesting ways is something that I think we should bring into the classroom and be talking about and critically thinking about
1) the point that multitasking can offer different experiences with texts and tasks is interesting to me. initially, the comparison between multitasking and single-tasking seems like a clear distinction between what is beneficial (focus) and what is detrimental (distraction)
2) taking a bold stance, i would venture to say that there exists a significant number of individuals who engage in deep work, which is perhaps one of the most profound pursuits throughout human history. after all, most of us have experienced a state of flow at least once, to some extent, and our brains subconsciously crave this state of heightened focus and productivity
3) this observation all the more underscores the rarity of deep work in a world that is perpetually plagued by distractions
here is one of my notes from deep work by cal newport:
the connection between depth and meaning in human experience is undeniable. whether approached from the perspectives of neuroscience, psychology, or philosophy, there appears to be a profound correlation between engaging in deep, meaningful activities and a sense of fulfillment. this suggests that our species may have evolved to thrive in the realm of deep work and purposeful engagement
- Nov 2022
For micro-tasks, single-tasking is a far more effective way to complete projects, boost creativity, and even reduce stress levels
What is the recommendation for macro-tasks (AKA projects)?
Focusing on one task can, surprisingly, boost creativity. Whereas multitasking creates a constant stream of distraction, the tedium of focusing on a single task gives your brain the space it needs to explore new paths that you might otherwise not have considered
This contrasts in a certain way with the results in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2017.01.005 (cited in [[@madore2019]]):
For example, recent data suggest that there are certain domains––like creative problem solving––that may benefit from task switching by reducing fixation on a problem. Weighing the costs and benefits of multitasking is important.
While micro-level multitasking, such as responding to an online work chat while producing a report, will lead to lost efficiency, it’s important to note that macro-level multitasking can be achieved when you are balancing several projects at once.
There is a difference between multitasking on a task level and on a project level.
Furthermore, it is worrying that those who multitask often inaccurately consider their efforts to be effective, as studies have demonstrated that multitasking leads to an over-inflated belief in one’s own ability to do so. Not only are we bad at multitasking, but we can’t seem to be able to see it.
We think we are better than we actually are. Just like walking in a straight line when you're drunk.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
For example, one study at the Carnegie Mellon University’s human computer interaction lab took 136 students and got them to sit a test. Some of them had to have their phones switched off, and others had their phones on and received intermittent text messages. The students who received messages performed, on average, 20% worse. It seems to me that almost all of us are currently losing that 20% of our brainpower, almost all the time. Miller told me that as a result we now live in “a perfect storm of cognitive degradation”.
20% performance loss due to context switching. I would love to study the original research on this…
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
The slip-box provides not only a clear structure to work in, but also forces usto shift our attention consciously as we can complete tasks inreasonable time before moving on to the next one.
Ahrens provides a quick overview of some research on distraction, attention, and multi-tasking to make the point that:
The simple structure and design of the zettelkasten forces one's focus and attention on small individual tasks that cumulatively build into better thinking and writing.
(Summary of Section 9.2)
- Jan 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Thread from neuroscientist refutation of portions of this article:
- Oct 2021
slate.com slate.com
the work of researchers like Clifford Nass of Stanford University. “Human cognition is ill-suited both for attending to multiple input streams and for simultaneously performing multiple tasks,” Nass has written.
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Szumowska, E., Czarnek, G., Dragon, P., & Keersmaecker, J. D. (2021). Multitasking and correction of false information. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/w5v4z
- Feb 2019
community.canvaslms.com community.canvaslms.com
And, brace yourselves, taking notes during a lecture is also multitasking. A pen and notebook might not seem like the dangerous distractors
I doodled in the margins while listening to lectures all the time. Still do when I am in long meetings.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
streaming Netflix on a laptop and using headphones to listen to her smartphone
not multitasking, but off-tasking
diminish multitasking that is distracting
Students aren't multi-tasking; they are off-tasking.
- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
While some of this research has been aimed at building technologies to better support multi-tasking, other research has been critical, pointing out the negative consequences of distraction and task-switching [29]. A parallel line of thinking, called ‘presence bleed’ [16], articulates the way that multi-tasking and extended temporal boundaries blur individuals’ professional and personal identities as work bleeds into and throughout multiple spheres
Maladapative/problematic studies of time include: multitasking, time-switching, presence bleed (work-life convergence), morality, agency and power, individual vs organizational choices, 24/7 availability, etc.
- Jan 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Students need two skills to succeed as lawyers and as professionals: listening and communicating. We must listen with care, which requires patience, focus, eye contact and managing moments of ennui productively — perhaps by double-checking one’s notes instead of a friend’s latest Instagram. Multitasking and the mediation of screens kill empathy.
- May 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“Almost any experience is improved by paying full attention to it,” Ms. McGonigal said. “Attention is one way your brain decides, ‘Is this interesting? Is this worthwhile? Is this fun?’ ”It’s the reason television shows we tweet through feel tiresome and books we pick up and put down and pick up again never seem to end. The more we allow ourselves to be distracted from a particular activity, the more we feel the need to be distracted. Paying attention pays dividends