23 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. establishing instructor social presence in online courses is find-ing ways to establish one’s personality—or what Dennen (2007) termed persona.


    1. Aunque Brysk (2013) se pregunta si las redes sociales puedenser utilizadas como una herramienta performativa (o como unamáscara) para reclamar derechos –ya que estas pueden generaruna respuesta emocional, aun cuando ese momento de cuidadopuede evaporarse rápidamente sin tener un efecto duradero–,propongo que la performance de ser persona –en su carácter de más-cara que permite reclamar derechos– no es el único acto de hablaa través del cual afirmar la propia humanidad.

      Debemos considerar tanto las limitaciones como las posibilidades de las redes sociales en la afirmación de nuestra humanidad. No debemos depender únicamente de la “performance” en línea; hay múltiples formas de expresar nuestra existencia y lucha. La afirmación clave. La “performance de ser persona” se refiere a cómo nos presentamos en línea para reclamar derechos y reconocimiento. Sin embargo, hay otros actos de habla que también afirman nuestra humanidad, como la resistencia, la solidaridad y la narración de experiencias. Brysk plantea una pregunta interesante. Las redes sociales pueden ser una plataforma para expresar nuestras identidades y luchas, pero también pueden convertirse en una “máscara” detrás de la cual ocultamos nuestra verdadera realidad. Las redes sociales pueden generar respuestas emocionales inmediatas, pero estas pueden desvanecerse rápidamente. A veces, la atención momentánea no se traduce en cambios duraderos.

    2. El pensamiento occidental concibe,en general, lo humano a partir de la cualidad de ser persona, lo que enúltima instancia es una máscara social históricamente reservadapara hombres blancos propietarios.

      Nos invita a considerar cómo las categorías de “persona” y “humano” han sido moldeadas por estructuras sociales y prejuicios. Nos desafía a ampliar nuestra comprensión de la humanidad más allá de estas limitaciones históricas.



  2. Feb 2024
  3. Nov 2023
  4. Sep 2023
    1. The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Personas as a basis for Context and Trust (A primer on key aspects of Identity 3.0)

    1. In psychology and sociology, masking is the process in which an individual camouflages their natural personality or behavior to conform to social pressures, abuse, or harassment.

      Masking as camouflaging real self

      Also see persona

    1. 1:41 identifying with a persona, consequence of society/expectations on oneself, & compromising the self

      Persona is fine, as long as you don’t “identify” with it

  5. Jan 2023
    1. Ai Ebihara is the kind of character that you expect to hate from the get-go, but her struggle surprisingly becomes one of the better links in the game. Ai is pretty and rich, and she knows it – something that makes her insufferable at the start. She is always stroking her own ego, keeping up appearances, and spends her time being generally self-centered. But it takes a form of rejection to show Ai is dealing with some heavy feelings, even suicidal thoughts. What I loved so much about Ai’s social link is that it’s unpredictable – a rollercoaster of uncertainty. Every time you think you know where you stand with the girl and make progress, you get slapped in the face with an unsettling event or revelation. The question the link poses: Is there a redeeming quality about her? Can a kind soul be all it takes to save someone? Watching it all unfold is beautiful.  

      "The question the link poses: Is there a redeeming quality about [Ai Ebihara]? Can a kind soul be all it takes to save someone?"

      This is a beautiful write-up of the Ai Ebihara social link in Persona 4. I would be curious what the author thinks the answers are to the two questions presented. In my view, Ai's redeeming quality -- that is the quality she uses to redeem her character in the end -- is the same quality that drove her unpleasant personality early in the arc -- introspection. The player "saves" Ai by giving Ai the courage to save herself. Part of the beauty of the link is that the rest is for Ai to figure out as she goes forward.

  6. Apr 2022
    1. This opening paragraph doesn't sound like a typical research paper. It shows me that the author is addressing a more casual audience--maybe college students rather than their professors.

  7. Sep 2021
    1. Stop Reset Go

      How do we engage in bottom-up whole system change? Perhaps we need a model for understanding who we are serving that transcends the bias and limitations of personas as they are used in user experience design (UX).

      What is a more holistic model for understanding human perceptions, motivations, and behaviours?

  8. Jul 2020
    1. A digital identity is made up of the sum total of digital traces relating to an individual or a community

      I tend to think of my digital identities (plural) as something closer to personae - the personalities I wish to expose or highlight or preserve on particular platforms or with particular groups. Interesting challenge to think about the integrative, single identity.

    1. It took only a couple decades for the internet to transform from a weird underground hobby to an entirely new medium for the self. One of the earliest draws of internet society was the invitation to become someone else — to obscure the dull strains of your real life behind a veil of mysterious text or behind an avatar, the image or persona you create to represent you online. In those days, it often seemed like people had collectively assented to participate in some degree of fiction about one another. The person on your forum or in your channel who loved to say inflammatory things was just some troll; you could even assume that he wasn’t like that in real life. That these were only mechanisms specific to the character he lived as online.

      May be useful as comparison.

  9. May 2020
  10. Feb 2020
    1. Brand Persona- Build an Amazing Brand Persona for Your BusinessPosted by jennytarga on February 25th, 2020One of the essential tasks a business has to do is communicating with people. Establishing a communication channel is essential for any business to put the business name out there.A brand persona is a way you communicate with your audience. The tonality and personality your brand voice has. There are a lot of ways to communicate with your audience visually, via social media, written articles, posts, video and much more.Communicating an amazing message that converts that audience into your life long customers helps your business grow. In this article, we answer all your questions on the brand persona and how you can build an amazing brand persona for your business, but, before that let’s find out what is a brand persona-What is Brand Persona?A brand persona is a personality trait that your brand expresses with your audience. Having defined personality traits helps your business in connecting with your clients easily on a personal level. Brand persona has a huge impact, either positive or negative, on the brand's experience, as people only buy from those who have a similar persona.Think of a brand as a living being who has a personality, voice and certain characteristics that makes it different from others. There are different types of brand persona that a business can use in building a brand name in the market.Types of Brand Personality for your Business There are different types of brand personalities that you can use for your brand which are as follows-SincereSincere, trustworthy, caring, empathetic, etc. are a few of the key characteristics you’ll notice in the business of having this persona.EnergizedAdventurous, excited, free-spirited, enthusiastic, etc. are a few of the key characteristics you’ll notice in the business of having this persona.SophisticationPremium, quality, elegance, stylish, etc. are a few of the key characteristics you’ll notice in the business of having this persona.CompetenceLeadership, impactful, result-oriented, professionals, etc. are a few of the key characteristics you’ll notice in the business of having this persona.RuggedAthletic, rough, tough, etc. are a few of the key characteristics you’ll notice in the business of having this persona.How to Build an Amazing Brand Persona?There are many layers when it comes to brand personality. Each layer constitutes equal importance when it comes to brand persona. For example- when you want to display your personality visually you have to use color psychology to display your brand persona. This is just a small example to display your brand persona using different elements.In order to build an amazing brand persona, you would need the vision to place your brand in the market. The following are tips that you can use to build your brand persona-Humanize Brand Using Brand PersonaBy humanizing, it means to create a personality of your brand such as it connects with your audience. When your business connects with your clients you will experience much more growth than your competitors.Effectively Display your Brand Persona on Every Brand MaterialThere are a lot of brand materials that you use to promote your brand like a business card, logo, stationery materials, etc. all this comes under visual branding for your business. When you display your brand personality using promotional material, it can deliver your brand message and persona effectively.Use Brand Persona GuidelinesIt is easy for your team members to go sidelines from the brand persona you would want to display. This is where a guideline comes into action, guidelines help you and your team in keeping your persona consistent thought.ConclusionA good brand persona can lift the business and carry the business for the long term. It creates an amazing relationship between your customers and your business also not to forget, your customer  would love to be part of your business. With these tips, you can connect with your customers better and for a longer-term.

      Find out what Brand Persona is and build an Amazing Brand Persona for your business using these tips.

  11. May 2019
    1. Persona ¿Qué es? Utilizamos la herramienta Persona para crear un modelo de usuario de nuestro objetivo. De esta manera tenemos una visión más profunda y personal a la hora de analizar las motivaciones y empatizar con nuestro usuario en la fase de ideación.
  12. Jan 2019
  13. Feb 2017
    1. Willard was a dynamic platform speaker, not flamboyant but utterly sincere and able to convince her hear· crs that she cared deeply about them even when the audience was large

      I think we see here how she was thoughtful and successful in creating her public persona, just as Douglass was.